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    scaredycat is offline Junior Member
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    Hunting season about to start.

    Who is pumped for hunting season? It is two weeks away here in Kentucky.

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
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    I've always viewed people that hunt for sport as pussies. Shooting something that doesn't even try to fight you (and has no chance if it did) is such a cowardly thing to do imo. I'd rather box people bigger than me. The exception is if you hunt for your food and you actually eat it. None of this Dick Cheney shit.

  3. #3
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    Oh hell I am excited! Just shot myself 2 doe. Love huntin!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I've always viewed people that hunt for sport as pussies. Shooting something that doesn't even try to fight you (and has no chance if it did) is such a cowardly thing to do imo. I'd rather box people bigger than me. The exception is if you hunt for your food and you actually eat it. None of this Dick Cheney shit.
    x2 I only know 2 people that actually find reverence in hunting and they really live off the land. Everyone else is just some douchebag wearing neon orange while hiding in a tree waiting for an animal to walk by so they can shoot it. Soft! WTF did that animal do to you? If you're looking to be "sporting" it with your hands.

  5. #5
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    Kentucky? Shit mate, last time I was there the only thing I was hunting was for a liquor store.... wazzup with that?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I've always viewed people that hunt for sport as pussies. Shooting something that doesn't even try to fight you (and has no chance if it did) is such a cowardly thing to do imo. I'd rather box people bigger than me. The exception is if you hunt for your food and you actually eat it. None of this Dick Cheney shit.
    why don't you come down south and hunt some alligators! then we will see who is a pvssy? how bout come hunt a wild hog with just a knife and a dog? everything i kill and or catch, i eat! i make my own sausage, cut my own steaks, and etc............

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    Who is pumped for hunting season? It is two weeks away here in Kentucky.
    epic fail, animals werent put on earth for sick sport

  8. #8
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    I only hunt the most dangerous game... MAN.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    why don't you come down south and hunt some alligators! then we will see who is a pvssy? how bout come hunt a wild hog with just a knife and a dog? everything i kill and or catch, i eat! i make my own sausage, cut my own steaks, and etc............
    Sorry bro I have been really close to alligators and can honestly say I wasn't scared of them. They just sit there... I can run really fast lol. If I had a gun I for sure would not be scared. Even a .22. I'm sure you guys use bigger guns too. Just nothing badass about it in any way. Good for you for eating it at least.

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    People that think hunting is soley about killing are crazy. Thats like saying fishing is only about catching fish or golf is only about a hole in one. If that was the case no one would ever do any of the above.
    I hunt. I eat what i kill - god knows i dont have too - thats what supermarkets are for. However i was taught if you are going to kill and animal you use it. I understand those who choose not to hunt , dont like others hunting, or dont understand it. Anymore i mostly archery hunt with some small game mixed in where i use a shotgun. The only exceptions are a few trips ive taken - whitetail in texas , caribou in alaska, and a couple others. On those i take a rifle and my bow.

    Let me tell what hunting is to me - its the best time i have ever spent with my father and grandfather in my entire life. I remember turning 12 and my grandfather, dad and i went hunting. He took me out of school for the week. They asked him to write a note - said he had to make it seem like an "educational" trip. His response: "Im taking him hunting. 20 years from now do you think he will remember one word of what he would have heard in school that week - but I kow he will remember the week with his grandfather and I. Educational enough?" This became an annual thing. Then my Grandfather passed and my Dad and I still hunted together - we had a tradition - every thanksgiving morning we went small game hunting. He stopped deer hunting etc and i had switch to primarily archery anyway, but we never missed Thanksgiving morning small game, We did that until my Dad was stricken with a severe case of Bell's Palsy - He cant go anymore.
    Yeah...hunting ....
    call me a pvssy if you like.....
    I dont see it that way...
    neither will my son ....
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 08-15-2011 at 10:21 PM.

  11. #11
    scaredycat is offline Junior Member
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    I was taught to be a survivor; so I was taught to hunt, fight, and make money. It is a very old tradition here in Kentucky. Me and the old timers who taught me to hunt are anything but pussies. I hunt for food, and I hunt because I enjoy it. I go out hunting and sneak into the woods before the animals are awake. I watch them wake up. No one enjoys nature like hunters do. I don't need the meat. I could buy it. I take it because God put it here for me. And for those who don't know, killing game creates adrenaline rush better than your first fight. Humans are programmed to like it. And for the record, the animal did nothing to me other than being made out of meat. Go ahead and try to act self righteous, I kill game more humanely than the stock yards where your protein comes from.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    People that think hunting is soley about killing are crazy. Thats like saying fishing is only about catching fish or golf is only about a hole in one. If that was the case no one would ever do any of the above.
    I hunt. I eat what i kill - god knows i dont have too - thats what supermarkets are for. However i was taught if you are going to kill and animal you use it. I understand those who choose not to hunt , dont like others hunting, or dont understand it. Anymore i mostly archery hunt with some small game mixed in where i use a shotgun. The only exceptions are a few trips ive taken - whitetail in texas , caribou in alaska, and a couple others. On those i take a rifle and my bow.

    Let me tell what hunting is to me - its the best time i have ever spent with my father and grandfather in my entire life. I remember turning 12 and my grandfather, dad and i went hunting. He took me out of school for the week. They asked him to write a note - said he had to make it seem like an "educational" trip. His response: "Im taking him hunting. 20 years from now do you think he will remember one word of what he would have heard in school that week - but I kow he will remember the week with his grandfather and I. Educational enough?" This became an annual thing. Then my Grandfather passed and my Dad and I still hunted together - we had a tradition - every thanksgiving morning we went small game hunting. He stopped deer hunting etc and i had switch to primarily archery anyway, but we never missed Thanksgiving morning small game, We did that until my Dad was stricken with a severe case of Bell's Palsy - He cant go anymore.
    Yeah...hunting ....
    call me a pvssy if you like.....
    I dont see it that way...
    neither will my son ....
    It's great that you guys bonded, I'm glad you had that experience as it seems like it really made an impression. If you eat your meat then I have no problem with you killing it, you just have to eat it. I would prefer all animals to die in the wild instead of a slaughter house. That being said, your experience is irrelevant because you guys could bond doing a million other things that don't involve killing things that have no chance of survival.

    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    I was taught to be a survivor; so I was taught to hunt, fight, and make money. It is a very old tradition here in Kentucky. Me and the old timers who taught me to hunt are anything but pussies. I hunt for food, and I hunt because I enjoy it. I go out hunting and sneak into the woods before the animals are awake. I watch them wake up. No one enjoys nature like hunters do. I don't need the meat. I could buy it. I take it because God put it here for me. And for those who don't know, killing game creates adrenaline rush better than your first fight. Humans are programmed to like it. And for the record, the animal did nothing to me other than being made out of meat. Go ahead and try to act self righteous, I kill game more humanely than the stock yards where your protein comes from.
    Sorry but god did not put deer here for you to blow away with your automatic rifles. And I am not programmed to like killing animals, maybe that's why we don't see eye to eye on this one. Hunters and bird watchers are not the same thing, one enjoys nature, one shoots it. Like I've said, if you eat the meat then it's awesome.

    I have no problem with hunters, but don't go around acting like your badass in any way. Killing animals should be something that is done out of necessity, it's not something I feel someone should get "pumped up" for. I'm no tree hugger, so don't get that impression. I'd rather you go out and shoot some gang bangers, white trash, looters etc. I would feel great if you did this. I just feel that shooting something, from a distance, away from all danger, with a high powered projectile, while it isn't paying attention, is a cowardly thing to do. Hunt a bear with a knife and use what you kill and then you can brag about something.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    I was taught to be a survivor; so I was taught to hunt, fight, and make money. It is a very old tradition here in Kentucky. Me and the old timers who taught me to hunt are anything but pussies. I hunt for food, and I hunt because I enjoy it. I go out hunting and sneak into the woods before the animals are awake. I watch them wake up. No one enjoys nature like hunters do. I don't need the meat. I could buy it. I take it because God put it here for me. And for those who don't know, killing game creates adrenaline rush better than your first fight. Humans are programmed to like it. And for the record, the animal did nothing to me other than being made out of meat. Go ahead and try to act self righteous, I kill game more humanely than the stock yards where your protein comes from.
    nothing against hunting per se. Must eat, that's for sure.

    But I think there are some here that don't buy into divine province, and "all things on earth are for man to take". If we were to follow that line of reasoning to it's logical conclusion, we could do prettty much anything to the earth we want "because god put it here for me".

    I like a more balanced perspective.... if you take something, you have to put something back.

    Not capping on you mate, but I've known some pretty disrespectful blokes that treat things around them poorly, saying what you just said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    It's great that you guys bonded, I'm glad you had that experience as it seems like it really made an impression. If you eat your meat then I have no problem with you killing it, you just have to eat it. I would prefer all animals to die in the wild instead of a slaughter house.IDK you were a vegtarian or only ate meat from animals that died of nstural causes *LOL* That being said, your experience is irrelevant because you guys could bond doing a million other things that don't involve killing things that have no chance of survival. It obviously isnt irrelavent to me - perhaps you meant my experience , in my mind , caannot be so ignorantly discounted. In my house there werent a million other things - there was this.
    Like I said i understand peopler who dont agree with hunting, its not for everyone - i dont agree with killing for the sake of killing. As i said i was taught you hunt safely , responsbily and eat what you kill. I dont see how anyone that eats animals in any way can have a problem with that. If the act of killing the animal isnt for you - dont do it. However i dont hink one should look down on others for doing it if its done as i said above.

  15. #15
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    Agree. If you hunt for food, then that's righteous. What makes me laugh are those that say they are against hunting and killing animals while they are wolfing down big bites of rib eye steak!

  16. #16
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    Hunting isnt about the kill.People who do that give us hunters a bad name.I have hunted and fished since I was a small kid.I was taught never shoot it if you aint going to eat it.Everyone in this world has a opinion.Which is fine until they violate my rights.People dont like to see hunters shoot deer.But they aint in the woods when late winter hits.And see deer die slow painful death.People complain there are to many deer.But they dont want you to hunt them.I look at it like this.I dont bad mouth your way of life.Dont stick your nose in mine.Hunting serves a purpose.

  17. #17
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    Hunting to eat is one thing, hunting for trophies is another. People mount the heads of animals they shot on their wall like "Look at this massive animal I defeated" dude, you shot it. Try killing the next one with your hands and see how that works out. People take trips to Africa to shoot big game lions and such...are you going to eat that lion? No. You just somehow convinced yourself that traveling across the world to shoot a lion makes you a tough guy. Fight the lion without the rifle and come out alive, then I'll call you a tough guy.

    Once I threw one of my retarded brothers friends out of my house because he was telling us a story about how he threw a giant rock on an alligator's head. He thought it was awesome. Disgusting.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Sorry bro I have been really close to alligators and can honestly say I wasn't scared of them. They just sit there... I can run really fast lol. If I had a gun I for sure would not be scared. Even a .22. I'm sure you guys use bigger guns too. Just nothing badass about it in any way. Good for you for eating it at least.
    i am not talking about alligators at the zoo! i am talking about the ones that are pissed off because they are on a line with a hook in their mouth. and by the way, the can reach speeds up to 30mph on land! alligator is a good meat, has both white and dark meat. i moved to Texas so won't be doing that for a while!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Hunting to eat is one thing, hunting for trophies is another. People mount the heads of animals they shot on their wall like "Look at this massive animal I defeated" dude, you shot it. Try killing the next one with your hands and see how that works out. People take trips to Africa to shoot big game lions and such...are you going to eat that lion? No. You just somehow convinced yourself that traveling across the world to shoot a lion makes you a tough guy. Fight the lion without the rifle and come out alive, then I'll call you a tough guy.

    Once I threw one of my retarded brothers friends out of my house because he was telling us a story about how he threw a giant rock on an alligator's head. He thought it was awesome. Disgusting.
    i do agree with what you said in the first part. i agree that what some people call hunting, is more like slaughtering. i do not have anything hanging on my walls. i agree, hunting a lion like primitive man did would be the way to go!

  20. #20
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    culling and vermin control are different, as is hunting to eat. but sorry, assholes who go out shooting 'trophy kills' like bobcats and the likes need skewered on a very long pole

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Like I said i understand peopler who dont agree with hunting, its not for everyone - i dont agree with killing for the sake of killing. As i said i was taught you hunt safely , responsbily and eat what you kill. I dont see how anyone that eats animals in any way can have a problem with that. If the act of killing the animal isnt for you - dont do it. However i dont hink one should look down on others for doing it if its done as i said above.
    ^^^^ this!!!!

  22. #22
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    I never stated that I was some sort of bad ass for hunting. I started this to chat with any hunters on the forum and got attacked.

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    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    I never stated that I was some sort of bad ass for hunting. I started this to chat with any hunters on the forum and got attacked.
    you posted 'who is pumped up for hunting season'? now, what picture do you reckon that statement paints? if you dont want 'attacked' re-word your trolling

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you posted 'who is pumped up for hunting season'? now, what picture do you reckon that statement paints? if you dont want 'attacked' re-word your trolling
    well actually, the thread is posted, Hunting season about to start. it is you who clicked on the thread an answered. if you do not like people who hunt, then why did you even bother opening up a thread that says that? and then you go and critique what the person posted in the thread. it looks as if you are the on who is trolling

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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    well actually, the thread is posted, Hunting season about to start. it is you who clicked on the thread an answered. if you do not like people who hunt, then why did you even bother opening up a thread that says that? and then you go and critique what the person posted in the thread. it looks as if you are the on who is trolling
    so everyone on here who spoke out about hunting is a troll? im well known enough around here to dispute your theory, noob. i'll look at and comment on what i want and i said he 'posted' not thread. another redneck with a gun permit, woop!
    Last edited by dec11; 08-16-2011 at 02:21 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    so everyone on here who spoke out about hunting is a troll? im well known enough around here to dispute your theory, noob. i'll look at and comment on what i want and i said he 'posted' not thread. another redneck with a gun permit, woop!
    i just said that to trigger a response! hahaha. i respect you dec11, just poking some fun at ya! no redneck here, straight coonass

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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    i just said that to trigger a response! hahaha. i respect you dec11, just poking some fun at ya! no redneck here, straight coonass

    and for the record, ive owned 3 firearms in my time and never shot anything for fun. ive shot crows as they were pecking the fookin silicon off the window joints and ive shot rats.

    i get easily upset when it comes to killing or mis-treating animals
    Last edited by dec11; 08-16-2011 at 02:53 PM.

  28. #28
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you posted 'who is pumped up for hunting season'? now, what picture do you reckon that statement paints? if you dont want 'attacked' re-word your trolling
    So wait when football season comes along you're not allowed to write "who's pumped for football?"

    WTF are you talking about bro only troll I see in this thread is you making up some type of secretive language that hunters must abide by otherwise they are all trolls according to you. Give me a break. Thats is lame. And hunting is legal for a reason GUESS WHAT you DON'T have to eat what you kill. Why don't you focus on the reasons WHY hunting is legal because to me you sound like you have no clue what you're talking about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    so everyone on here who spoke out about hunting is a troll? im well known enough around here to dispute your theory, noob. i'll look at and comment on what i want and i said he 'posted' not thread. another redneck with a gun permit, woop!
    I specifically saw him call you a troll don't make this about everyone else you slimey greezeball. People might recognize you because you've been here for the last 40 years or however long but that still doesn't change the fact that you don't know shit about hunting or why its done.

    "rar rar rar anyone who doesn't eat their kill is a troll!!!" Look how stupid that sounds. Oh so if someone shoots a bear to protect your kids from getting eaten but doesn't eat the bear themselves then they're a troll? You see how dumb and ignorant you sound? No, obviously not, thats why you opened your mouth in the first place. This is obviously not a thread for you if you're not a hunter I have no idea why you're even in it unless just to annoy people..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclez View Post
    I specifically saw him call you a troll don't make this about everyone else you slimey greezeball. People might recognize you because you've been here for the last 40 years or however long but that still doesn't change the fact that you don't know shit about hunting or why its done.

    "rar rar rar anyone who doesn't eat their kill is a troll!!!" Look how stupid that sounds. Oh so if someone shoots a bear to protect your kids from getting eaten but doesn't eat the bear themselves then they're a troll? You see how dumb and ignorant you sound? No, obviously not, thats why you opened your mouth in the first place. This is obviously not a thread for you if you're not a hunter I have no idea why you're even in it unless just to annoy people..

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    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    I never stated that I was some sort of bad ass for hunting. I started this to chat with any hunters on the forum and got attacked.
    Just so we're clear we all know that you don't think you're a badass and we also know the only person that thinks they're a badass in this thread is dec11. No need to explain yourself. Its like me not liking a sport so instead of not clicking into a thread I click into it just to make presumptions and annoy people. Looks like dec11 is the real badass here lmao.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    I reported you like 10 posts before that post dumbass. Ask me if I give a shit.
    You're the only sore thumb that sticks out in this thread not me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclez View Post
    I specifically saw him call you a troll don't make this about everyone else you slimey greezeball. People might recognize you because you've been here for the last 40 years or however long but that still doesn't change the fact that you don't know shit about hunting or why its done.

    "rar rar rar anyone who doesn't eat their kill is a troll!!!" Look how stupid that sounds. Oh so if someone shoots a bear to protect your kids from getting eaten but doesn't eat the bear themselves then they're a troll? You see how dumb and ignorant you sound? No, obviously not, thats why you opened your mouth in the first place. This is obviously not a thread for you if you're not a hunter I have no idea why you're even in it unless just to annoy people..
    try reading the thread correctly, thats if you have the intellect to do so, which i really doubt. and take a look at the OP's other outstanding threads, if you dont get it then dont come at me with your sub-standard brain waves

  34. #34
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    Anyway WTF is it about Americans and the need to kill anything that moves??

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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Anyway WTF is it about Americans and the need to kill anything that moves??

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    try reading the thread correctly, thats if you have the intellect to do so, which i really doubt. and take a look at the OP's other outstanding threads, if you dont get it then dont come at me with your sub-standard brain waves
    Ok no I get it perfectly now thanks, you have no life whatsoever. Can't imagine how many friends you must have to be that petty and judgemental over the fact that someone is a hunter FFS.

    His threads are about hunting, gun ownership and america going down the tubes. Your comment is about how all hunters think they are badasses and if they don't eat their kill well then their all just "pussies" lmao. Yet you don't make mention of the fact that hunting is legal for the purposes of population control and that a lot of people who do it are PREVENTING your children from getting eaten by wild animals. Instead you'd just rather call them pussies like a 5 yr old. Great, no need to explain yourself any further you've made it more than clear what type of person you are.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclez View Post
    Ok no I get it perfectly now thanks, you have no life whatsoever. Can't imagine how many friends you must have to be that petty and judgemental over the fact that someone is a hunter FFS.

    His threads are about hunting, gun ownership and america going down the tubes. Your comment is about how all hunters think they are badasses and if they don't eat their kill well then their all just "pussies" lmao. Yet you don't make mention of the fact that hunting is legal for the purposes of population control and that a lot of people who do it are PREVENTING your children from getting eaten by wild animals. Instead you'd just rather call them pussies like a 5 yr old. Great, no need to explain yourself any further you've made it more than clear what type of person you are.
    show me where i stated that? can you read?

    prevent children from being eaten? lmao, just showed your intelligence level there.

    and one more thing, if scaredycat is really that pissed at me he seems quite happy to ask my advice and talk to me in pm. point being, butt out of it if it doesnt concern you. you are only interested in a flaming match and you arent getting it. hopefully your outa here soon
    Last edited by dec11; 08-16-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  38. #38
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    We all agree that eating what you kill is not offensive. Some of us just get pissed at people who think they are badass because they shoot things with a gun. It's my fault for getting this thread off to a bad start. I just wanted my opinion known. I should have just gone out and said, "if you hunt to kill and not to eat you are a piece of shit ***** who should be stripped naked, released, and shot. Oh and if you fish and 'catch and release' then **** you too." I didn't, my bad. Hope we can all get along now...

    ps. I love fried alligator.

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    show me where i stated that? can you read?

    prevent children from being eaten? lmao, just showed your intelligence level there.

    and one more thing, if scaredycat is really that pissed at me he seems quite happy to ask my advice and talk to me in pm. point being, butt out of it if it doesnt concern you. you are only interested in a flaming match and you arent getting it. hopefully your outa here soon
    X2. Way to ruin the thread.

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    Look bro Jimmy already responded to the tone of posts like yours & it doesn't matter what you said verbatim it was your *attitude* that disgusted me . So you called them assholes instead not pussies big fvckn deal.

    But I could easily raise that arguement of "assholes" against a steroid user. Theres a person who kills an animal to put a trophy on his wall and there is a person that abuses steroids to get a trophy on his wall.
    You view your situation as a scenario where there are no victims but that is also just your perspective. Many steroid users suffer heart problems later in life and die prematurely from those conditions. How do you know that your mother or father won't be a "victim" of your decisions in life? You don't. So why do you feel so secure in your right to call a hunter an asshole? Just because the consequences of his decisions happen faster?

    Truth is you are so stuck in your own reality you couldn't even entertain that concept for 5 seconds. Instead you'll say "thats ludicrous, hunters ARE assholes, I use steroids in an educated manner so I will never die". You're entitled to your own closed minded beliefs, just keep them to yourself is the POINT. You didn't, so I said something. And if you think I'm trying to flamebait, then peace the fvck out. I have nothing left to say to you anyway.

  40. #40
    Cyclez is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post

    X2. Way to ruin the thread.
    Yeh because YOU are the one that called hunters "pussies". So you intutively realize I was talking to you just as much if not more than dec11. You think hunters are pussies cause they kill animals but you're too big of a pvssy to get jacked through a dedicated diet/sleep/workout regime. And godd please don't even tell me that you cycle. Thats just embarassing look at you lmao..

    edit: BWAHAHAAAA!!! "Ars Personal Trainer"!!!! ? You should have called yourself "Ars undetected brain anneurism". Cause thats what you must have been having when you wrote that nonsense. What you weighn in at big guy? 180lbs?! PLEASE tell me you are naddy I came to this forum with high expectations and if I find out that guys your size are juicin thats just sad.
    Last edited by Cyclez; 08-16-2011 at 09:52 PM.

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