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Thread: Death penalty

  1. #41
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    The only reason that I am against the death penalty at all (I am mostly for it) is the occasional person that is proven to be wrongfully convicted. Having said that, the technology and forensic tools that are freeing these innocent people are also making wrongful conviction less likely...therefore strengthening my support of the death penalty.

    I still think the major problem with the legal system is that at some point it becomes about winning and losing, not right and wrong. Prosecutors are mainly concerned with winning, and their conviction rate, not protecting citizens from criminals.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 11-30-2011 at 12:10 PM.

  2. #42
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    The only reason that I am against the death penalty at all (I am mostly for it) is the occasional person that is proven to be wrongfully convicted. Having said that, the technology and forensic tools that are freeing these innocent people are also making wrongful conviction less likely...therefore strengthening my support of the death penalty.

    I still think the major problem with the legal system is that at some point it becomes about winning and losing, not right and wrong. Prosecutors are mainly concerned with winning, and their conviction rate, not making protecting citizens from criminals.
    Now if there was only a way to punish theprosecutor for a wrongful conviction lol.....

    Like.... it's gotten reversed due to forensice evidence or w/e other reason..... his conviction rate to take a double hit backwards. Problem is..... you can't prove that they thought the accused was actually innocent/guilty.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  3. #43
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Now if there was only a way to punish theprosecutor for a wrongful conviction lol.....

    Like.... it's gotten reversed due to forensice evidence or w/e other reason..... his conviction rate to take a double hit backwards. Problem is..... you can't prove that they thought the accused was actually innocent/guilty.

    I guess they make up for it with double-digit million dollar wrongful imprisonment civil suits. Oops, sorry about that whole prison thing, here is a boatload of money to make up for the thirty years of your life that was lost due to an overly aggressive prosecution.

  4. #44
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    eye for an to others as done unto you..if they live by the sword die by the basically saying they should be killed in the exact same manner they did to their victims

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    paedophiles and rapists should have mandatory death penaltys I mean they fvck up dozens sometimes hundread people then get couple years then they out and ruin more lives and what about people who abuse/mistreat their kids?they just as bad in my book and should meet the same faith
    the persentages of rehabed criminals is very very low... 75 % of sex crime Fvck up and reoffend, tha is why we have that list from you local gov.

    kill em! sad part is these ppl dont get caught for years and years - so as it was said THEY RUIN OR DRASTICLY CHANGE KIDS LIVES, OR A WOMANS AFTER BEING RAPED. KILL THEM!

    it should also be addressed that jail for some is better then home... so the jails need to be a scary place, cold , damp, small poor food, and nothing as for entertainment... just time long, drawn out, board time to think of their bad deeds.

  6. #46
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    the persentages of rehabed criminals is very very low... 75 % of sex crime Fvck up and reoffend, tha is why we have that list from you local gov.

    kill em! sad part is these ppl dont get caught for years and years - so as it was said THEY RUIN OR DRASTICLY CHANGE KIDS LIVES, OR A WOMANS AFTER BEING RAPED. KILL THEM!

    it should also be addressed that jail for some is better then home... so the jails need to be a scary place, cold , damp, small poor food, and nothing as for entertainment... just time long, drawn out, board time to think of their bad deeds.

    That prison out in the midwest is EXACTLY what prison needs to be like..... the warden makes all prisoners wear pink..... they sleep in tents and it's always hot out there with no A/C. They should serve hard fvcking time..... forced to labor and pay back their debt.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  7. #47
    djdizzy is offline Associate Member
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    I think there should be an electric couch, no need to waste money doing 1 at a time.

  8. #48
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    I think there should be an electric couch, no need to waste money doing 1 at a time.
    surprised i never heard that one before


  9. #49
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Personally I would rather get the death penalty than spend my life in prison so part of me thinks the death penalty is too easy; however, I also don't won't my tax dollars paying their keep.

    Therefore; I say either make them work for their keep...teach them to pave roads or something that I'm already paying tax dollars for, or the U.S. needs to buy a deserted island somewhere and drop them off. Put that pederaste on the same island as a violent murder that just happens to sympathize with children.

  10. #50
    songdog's Avatar
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    Want to put a end to over crowding of our prisons? Just have the National guard go in the parts of these big cities with high crime rates.You know the ones where the police wont even go.Kill everything that moves then burn it to the ground then bulldose it.

  11. #51
    anabolic body is offline New Member
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    life sentence of hard labor with sheriff joe arpaio as warden

  12. #52
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    the persentages of rehabed criminals is very very low... 75 % of sex crime Fvck up and reoffend, tha is why we have that list from you local gov.

    kill em! sad part is these ppl dont get caught for years and years - so as it was said THEY RUIN OR DRASTICLY CHANGE KIDS LIVES, OR A WOMANS AFTER BEING RAPED. KILL THEM!

    it should also be addressed that jail for some is better then home... so the jails need to be a scary place, cold , damp, small poor food, and nothing as for entertainment... just time long, drawn out, board time to think of their bad deeds.
    So you don't support abortions because of the killing of a human life but you support the death penalty. Like i said, hypocrite.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

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