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  1. #1
    boxa06's Avatar
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    My girl is so moody! Help!

    Hey guys.

    Me and my girlfriend started dieting together 4 weeks ago for summer (summer is coming up in Australia) and she is so moody it's driving crazy! We live and train together so it's full on. She just flips out at me for the silliest things and it's hard trying to control myself from getting angry. But so far I haven't! The other day she threw a bottle at me because I moved the the washing from infront of the heater. Or last week at the gym we were doing supersets and because I didn't wait for her to finish her set before I started mine she decided to hit me and stop training. We have another 8 weeks of this what do you guys think I should do?

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    So seeing as its 12 weeks long I'm guessing a cycle? If so, deal with it or stop taking.

    If it's diet only then up her carbs. Women get pissy without carbs haha.

  3. #3
    boxa06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    So seeing as its 12 weeks long I'm guessing a cycle? If so, deal with it or stop taking.

    If it's diet only then up her carbs. Women get pissy without carbs haha.
    Not yet am gonna start a cycle in another 4 weeks. I tried to up her carbs but she won't eat em lol I think women need carbs to keep their violence under control!

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    So seeing as its 12 weeks long I'm guessing a cycle? If so, deal with it or stop taking.

    If it's diet only then up her carbs. Women get pissy without carbs haha.
    Women get pissy under the BEST of circumstances let alone lack of carbs or anything that may cause hormonal changes. LOL

    If she is throwing things at you and hitting you that is a big red flag. I would not put up with that sh*t any more than she would/should put up with it from you. Thats just disrespect and abuse looking to happen.

    You need to sit her down and tell her to stop this now before it tuns ugly and to grow up. Hitting and throwing things is for 2yr olds who dont know how to deal with feelings.

  5. #5
    boxa06's Avatar
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    I've spoken to her and she keeps blaming the diet. It's bs! Part of it is but I think she should have more self control. As you said.. She's not a 2 year old!

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Ask her if it's acceptable for you to use the diet excuse or whatever for yourself when/if you have any bad behavior or would she prefer you apologize and change what is wrong?

    Remind her of the old saying, excuses are like a$$holes, everyone has one.

  7. #7
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    Only one thing left to do.. beat her up ) Get on some tren , go all out tren-rage and blame it on the tren. Should give her a taste of her own medicine.

    Or when she gets all freaky again you could just smile to her and go kiss her. It works, trust me.

  8. #8
    boxa06's Avatar
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    I have been really nice up until now but next time I'll use some of the tips you guys gave me! I hope it gets better before I start my cycle or look out lol

  9. #9
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Kick her out and get a new one.. Domestic violence is domestic violence .. If the boot was on the other foot she sure she would kick you to touch .Or prob call he police on you .

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    Only one thing left to do.. beat her up ) Get on some tren , go all out tren-rage and blame it on the tren. Should give her a taste of her own medicine.

    Or when she gets all freaky again you could just smile to her and go kiss her. It works, trust me.
    Yes it works most of the time but you still have to put up with the hitting, name calling, being pissy until she settles down. Been there done that and there is NO way a girl would do that for a guy. Imagine telling her; Honey when I get in a bad mood and start being mean to you or you think I might start throwing things or getting voilent just give me a big hug/kiss or blow me and Ill settle down. LOL Yeah if a girl started to blow you when you were pissed of it would change things immediately but do you think that is going to happen? Not, or at least not without a little force.

  11. #11
    auslifta's Avatar
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    I think your seeing my ex.

  12. #12
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    baaaahahahaa sorry but this is soooo hilarious to me!
    your not alone, shes not a loony beatch , we all handle the stress (yes, diets are stressful for us) of dieting different, and there is not a flat universal way to respond to each of her mood swings, sorry buddy lol.

    I can tell you what would help if it was me, and that may help you.
    If she has an "episode" (<-this is what we call mood swings in my house lol) maintain your manly calmness as her rock of sanity and say your sorry shes feeling off (i wouldnt say irritable or pissy or anything cuz that may upset her more if thats not how she thinks she feels ) and you will give her space and you will be here for her when she wants you, than give her the space. She maybe in a sparring mood (lol) but dont get drawn in...a simple love you babe, I'll be over there when you need me...than walk away and dont pay mind to what shes saying, she doesnt mean the vomit she's dumping on you, its just her frustration/irritation coming out and your her rock/safe place so unfortunately for you she feels safest letting go around you. ....its a sign she trusts you and feels safe with you ~ you should feel great about that! lmao

    "Researchers from Oxford University found that three weeks of calorie restriction depleted tryptophan levels in both sexes, but especially in women. Diets really do make women grumpier, stress, poor diet and a lack of exercise (and even a lack of sunlight) are all thought to deplete serotonin. Female-brains-wired-increased-anxiety-depression. This may explain why women tend to be greater chocoholics than men, especially before a period when oestrogen is low, or during perimenopause. They are self-medicating with carbohydrates to raise their serotonin to stave off the grumps." scientists from the Karolinksa Institute in Sweden

  13. #13
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    agree with lovbyts... violence isnt cool and if you dont address it, it prob wont stop and could escalate. She may not even realize how she is acting.
    IMO: When you guys are having a good moment and chilling, I would def let her know how she and how it makes you feel. She may get defensive or start justifying, let her just talk and say everything thats in her ..when she stops talking take a deep breath than pause than say you understand and that the situation doesnt change and the violence remains an unacceptable side effect.
    Than yall have to give her other tools to replace the violence, so ask her what she has for ideas to use when she feels like she is going to explode (if you give her ideas 1st or tell her what to do, it prob wont sit well with her or she may feel like your ordering her around or controlling her or she may resent you ~ let her find the tools she thinks suit her best). After she has an "episode" and is once again calm, point out to her calmly how she just behaved and ask her if she could feel it building up / if she remembered the tool she would use.

    Regardless of what you do or dont do, we all know relationships take work and the best part of having a spouse is to always know that there will be 1 person that is always there for you and loves you unconditionally.....the harder part is remembering that we also have to be 1 person that is always there and loving them unconditional

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    jam a chocolate bar down her throat

  15. #15
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    Dump her.

  16. #16
    boxa06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    baaaahahahaa sorry but this is soooo hilarious to me!
    your not alone, shes not a loony beatch , we all handle the stress (yes, diets are stressful for us) of dieting different, and there is not a flat universal way to respond to each of her mood swings, sorry buddy lol.

    I can tell you what would help if it was me, and that may help you.
    If she has an "episode" (<-this is what we call mood swings in my house lol) maintain your manly calmness as her rock of sanity and say your sorry shes feeling off (i wouldnt say irritable or pissy or anything cuz that may upset her more if thats not how she thinks she feels ) and you will give her space and you will be here for her when she wants you, than give her the space. She maybe in a sparring mood (lol) but dont get drawn in...a simple love you babe, I'll be over there when you need me...than walk away and dont pay mind to what shes saying, she doesnt mean the vomit she's dumping on you, its just her frustration/irritation coming out and your her rock/safe place so unfortunately for you she feels safest letting go around you. ....its a sign she trusts you and feels safe with you ~ you should feel great about that! lmao

    "Researchers from Oxford University found that three weeks of calorie restriction depleted tryptophan levels in both sexes, but especially in women. Diets really do make women grumpier, stress, poor diet and a lack of exercise (and even a lack of sunlight) are all thought to deplete serotonin. Female-brains-wired-increased-anxiety-depression. This may explain why women tend to be greater chocoholics than men, especially before a period when oestrogen is low, or during perimenopause. They are self-medicating with carbohydrates to raise their serotonin to stave off the grumps." scientists from the Karolinksa Institute in Sweden
    Some good advise and I'm always trying to maintain my manly calmness lol it's just so hard when I am also dieting. As I was just reading through your post I was thinking maybe it's because it's the first time she's dieted down. Maybe she just needs to get used to it and learn to control her temper.

    I like the study you added. She really does love chocolate! I think if she doesn't learn to control her anger on this diet I'll do what gixxerboy said and jam a chocolate bar down her throat haha

  17. #17
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    disregard your female, and acquire those aesthetics young padawan

  18. #18
    dec11's Avatar
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    kick her in the mush

  19. #19
    boxa06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    disregard your female, and acquire those aesthetics young padawan
    Yes master stevey haha

  20. #20
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ...if you intend to go any place near her mouth while she is on a diet ~and choclate is involved without her concent; I suggest for your saftey you do it while she sleeps buddy

  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    don't let your guard down or she will walk all over you. Stick it in her pooper and call it a night.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    ...if you intend to go any place near her mouth while she is on a diet ~and choclate is involved without her concent; I suggest for your saftey you do it while she sleeps buddy
    Ok good point! So new plan.. While she sleeps feed her chocolate! mwahahaha (evil laugh)

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Ok good point! So new plan.. While she sleeps feed her chocolate! mwahahaha (evil laugh)
    better yet use one of these

  25. #25
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Dump her and date a male body builder. Far less mood issues and he'll leave the toilet lid up for you.

  26. #26
    boxa06's Avatar
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    Gixxerboy you recon a 23g will fit on the end of one of them?

    Shol'va I don't even know what to say! Lol

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