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Thread: Back pain

  1. #41
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    Did you say you had scoliosis in a earlier post or was that someone else? i have a friend with it and theres ALOT he cant do, and he cant run for shit or jump for shit, then i got another friend who just has back pains but still can do most but i think in his case is a real weak core, abs and back. like today we were messing around with box jumps and him and i both hit a 42 inch box then my other friend with scoliosis cant even jump without his knees or back popping, poor guy. but with the conditioning i was doing alot of strongman stuff for conditioning, hill sprints, chain/sled drags etc and i feel great besides the little back injury im dealing with. Another question, do you have any tips on getting your pecs real warmed up? i cant seem to get mine warmed up good enough the last few weeks.
    Good memory. Actually, i have three things going on with my back. Sway or saddle back, scoliosis, and arthritas. The first two i've had my whole life. The first one is obvious to know, because when I was a kid and skinny, it was bowed and noticeable. The scoliosis I found out later in life with an MRI, which is when I also learned about the arthritas.

    It can be a bitch, I'll tell you. But it is also managable. I know if I let my weight get above 230 (which is where I'm at now), or if I don't stay on top of my routines, I can have some issues. Additionally, standing in line too long is painful, no matter what.

    I'm trying to hit 245 before I go home in January, AND i'm trying to do it without the back aches. I'm doing some low weight, low rep Good Mornings, and going crazy on the ab exercises. I was able to hit 250 about 10 years ago with only minimal issues with my back, so I'm trying to repeat that again.

    But you know what? No "Body" is perfect, generally speaking, and we all have issues. So I just deal with it as best i can and live my life. What else can i do?

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Personally I have always found push-ups are one of the best ways to warm up the pecs alternating from wide/narrow hand positions. Not to narrow or you are mostly working the triceps. Dips are also great for hitting the lower pecs.
    Quick hijack since we are talking about pushups. Know what a chinese pushup is? The version I was taught has you kneeling on the floor, then put your forearms on the ground, in front of you, elbow touching your knee. Now, keeping your hands the same distance from the knee, make a diamond with both hands: touch both thumbs and forefingers together, spread the space between until you have a diamond. Now, with legs straight and back bent, palms on the ground, place your nose on the ground, in the diamond space made by your hand. Now see how many you can do.

    I was in the army when i learned about this. Bet your mates they can't do it. and here is the real funny part. As their nose approaches the ground, they will find a certain "tipping point" where all of a sudden, there is an incredible amount of weight they hadn't anticipated, and in most cases, they will come crashing to the ground, nose first. It is even funnier when your mates are drinking, because even though they came crashing down to the ground nose first, and did some damage, they will want to try again. I've seen a guy pummel his nose on the ground three times, and the third time come up bloody.

    ....Now back to you OP! =)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Quick hijack since we are talking about pushups. Know what a chinese pushup is? The version I was taught has you kneeling on the floor, then put your forearms on the ground, in front of you, elbow touching your knee. Now, keeping your hands the same distance from the knee, make a diamond with both hands: touch both thumbs and forefingers together, spread the space between until you have a diamond. Now, with legs straight and back bent, palms on the ground, place your nose on the ground, in the diamond space made by your hand. Now see how many you can do.

    I was in the army when i learned about this. Bet your mates they can't do it. and here is the real funny part. As their nose approaches the ground, they will find a certain "tipping point" where all of a sudden, there is an incredible amount of weight they hadn't anticipated, and in most cases, they will come crashing to the ground, nose first. It is even funnier when your mates are drinking, because even though they came crashing down to the ground nose first, and did some damage, they will want to try again. I've seen a guy pummel his nose on the ground three times, and the third time come up bloody.

    ....Now back to you OP! =)
    That's funny, I just started doing those a few days ago but more as a stretching exercise for my shoulder/bicep tendon and it's helping??

    Actually the ones I'm doing are just a little different, my fingers are pointed back towards my feet instead of forward. It gives a better stretch. I cant do any push-ups that way.... YET.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-25-2011 at 05:34 AM.

  4. #44
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    the two hardest I've ever done are those chinese pushups and wall pushups. started doing wall pushups in a highschool gymnastics class. realized most can't do them, since, in essense, you are military pressing your own weight. I used to be able to do 15 or 20, but that was back when I weighed alot less.

    And the most extreme pushup of all time is the modified wall pushup. put a couple of milk crates up against the wall, head goes inbetween, hands on the crates, doing a headstand, and then push til extended. much more difficult than a standard wall pushup, since you have further to push. I think the most i've ever been able todo is 5 or so.... again, when i was much lighter.

    I don't like one handed pushups (think "Rocky") since it is real hard to have proper form, and instead, too much wiggling and wobbling.

  5. #45
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    Tp that's great how you deal with it, my friend(he's my homie) but he uses it as a crutch to not do a lot and just bitches and moans, I know its a serious back problem but you can either be strong and in little pain or weak and in a lot of pain the way I see it.

    Lovbyts the stretch you are talking about for your pec-bicep tendon that's EXACTLY what I need, that's what feels like wants to strain here lately, got any tips on that?

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    Tp that's great how you deal with it, my friend(he's my homie) but he uses it as a crutch to not do a lot and just bitches and moans, I know its a serious back problem but you can either be strong and in little pain or weak and in a lot of pain the way I see it.

    Lovbyts the stretch you are talking about for your pec-bicep tendon that's EXACTLY what I need, that's what feels like wants to strain here lately, got any tips on that?
    You hit the nail on the head.... if I workout all the time, then little pain. If i sit on my ass and do nothing, and get flabby, much pain. It's really not a hard decision when you look at it this way. Plus I've been working out since Iwas 13 off and on, so it's just something i do that gives me satisfaction.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    You hit the nail on the head.... if I workout all the time, then little pain. If i sit on my ass and do nothing, and get flabby, much pain. It's really not a hard decision when you look at it this way. Plus I've been working out since Iwas 13 off and on, so it's just something i do that gives me satisfaction.
    Bam! i must be the smartest 19 year old on the face of the planet right now i tell my dad that all the time, hes a bke amputee, but i really dont know what i would do if i didnt train? my life revolves around it

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by qal92 View Post
    Bam! i must be the smartest 19 year old on the face of the planet right now i tell my dad that all the time, hes a bke amputee, but i really dont know what i would do if i didnt train? my life revolves around it
    what's that? arm? leg? hand? foot?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    what's that? arm? leg? hand? foot?
    Its below the knee on both, prob about 7 inches below on both i would say

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