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  1. #1
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Things that people say about bodybuilding that piss you off!

    Well i will start with mine, but the list is never ending.

    1) "I dont want to get too big" ok, you are gonna become Jay cutler over night.. This one annoys me the most.

    2) "steroids !" this one dude i know whenever bb is mentioned he screams "steroids". Like all you need to do is pin a needle in your a** and your gonna be huge. Btw, he is a merely 120 pounds at 6".

    3) "i dont have time to workout". You dont have time to workout but for some reason everyday in the office you summarize every play from last nights foot ball game.

  2. #2
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Steroids make your dick shrink.

    Dont get too big, you'll look silly.

    Why do you want to get big?

    Are you an angrier person now that you work out?

    This actually comes more from women then it does men.

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    "gym people are such arrogant assholes"

    "people who are into BB'ing are to vain/self conscious"

    "you are only looking to get injured" (as though being fat and out of shape is safer)

    " why train so hard, are you trying to compete?".. and then add on to that statement with ... "do you actually think you could win"

    "its all just for showing off"

    "Everyone at the gym is on steroids "

    I think the one that really bothers me from women and kind of stems from Rippeds #1 is women tell me they dont work out cause they dont want to look "butch"... yah, cause going to the gym 3-5 times per week is going to make a woman look like the williams sisters

  4. #4
    BrownGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove View Post
    Well i will start with mine, but the list is never ending.

    1) "I dont want to get too big" ok, you are gonna become Jay cutler over night.. This one annoys me the most.

    2) "steroids !" this one dude i know whenever bb is mentioned he screams "steroids". Like all you need to do is pin a needle in your a** and your gonna be huge. Btw, he is a merely 120 pounds at 6".

    3) "i dont have time to workout". You dont have time to workout but for some reason everyday in the office you summarize every play from last nights foot ball game.

    I hate people that say they don't have time to workout. It's a BS excuse. I want to tell them to wake their lazy a**es up a bit earlier then.

  5. #5
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownGirl

    I hate people that say they don't have time to workout. It's a BS excuse. I want to tell them to wake their lazy a**es up a bit earlier then.
    I agree. but not everyone has motivation thay we have.. But no excuse for ignorance..

  6. #6
    Standby's Avatar
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    i dont know why but it seems everyone normal person that talks to me about working out tells me to eat a lot of peanut butter. its actually weird

  7. #7
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    "gym people are such arrogant assholes"

    "people who are into BB'ing are to vain/self conscious"

    "you are only looking to get injured" (as though being fat and out of shape is safer)

    " why train so hard, are you trying to compete?".. and then add on to that statement with ... "do you actually think you could win"

    "its all just for showing off"

    "Everyone at the gym is on steroids "

    I think the one that really bothers me from women and kind of stems from Rippeds #1 is women tell me they dont work out cause they dont want to look "butch"... yah, cause going to the gym 3-5 times per week is going to make a woman look like the williams sisters
    You know wgats worse than "do you think you are going to win?" .. "you will never make it."

  8. #8
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove View Post
    Well i will start with mine, but the list is never ending.

    1) "I dont want to get too big" ok, you are gonna become Jay cutler over night.. This one annoys me the most.

    2) "steroids !" this one dude i know whenever bb is mentioned he screams "steroids". Like all you need to do is pin a needle in your a** and your gonna be huge. Btw, he is a merely 120 pounds at 6".

    3) "i dont have time to workout". You dont have time to workout but for some reason everyday in the office you summarize every play from last nights foot ball game.

    Number 1! Def. Pisses me off royally. There's a handful of similar comments from jealous guys who dont want to put in the time and effort to look decent.

    Another one is the guys who claim they are only interested in "functional fitness" so they trash bodybuilding programs. ERRRR this thread set me on fire.

  9. #9
    slfmade's Avatar
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    I've got the best one.

    1. A BB'ers Diet is Unhealthy!
    2. Everybody personally knows a BB'er with a tragic story.

    Just yesterday a long term advertising rep of mine came into my store. I was eating my lunch and she complimented me on my transformation and ask me what diet I was on. My response was it's a type of BB'ing diet recommended to me from some really smart guys on a forum I'm a member of. She then says to me "You've gotta be real careful because those BB'ing diets are sooooo bad for you...really unhealthy". I flat out told her that she was clueless and not to believe the media. She of course responded with a personal story of how she knew 2 BB'ers that almost died because of how unhealthy their diets were. All of this coming from an overweight woman that just came off 6 week 500cal a day HCG diet. Then gained it all back. There are truly some moronic people in this world that give what we do a bad name.

    I would go so far as to say that BB'ers are the most healthy people out there.

  10. #10
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Lol... We will never be fully understood..

  11. #11
    warchild's Avatar
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    the ignorance of steroids and that the common belief of bigger guys is that they are dumb and arrogant.

  12. #12
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade
    I've got the best one.

    1. A BB'ers Diet is Unhealthy!
    2. Everybody personally knows a BB'er with a tragic story.

    Just yesterday a long term advertising rep of mine came into my store. I was eating my lunch and she complimented me on my transformation and ask me what diet I was on. My response was it's a type of BB'ing diet recommended to me from some really smart guys on a forum I'm a member of. She then says to me "You've gotta be real careful because those BB'ing diets are sooooo bad for you...really unhealthy". I flat out told her that she was clueless and not to believe the media. She of course responded with a personal story of how she knew 2 BB'ers that almost died because of how unhealthy their diets were. All of this coming from an overweight woman that just came off 6 week 500cal a day HCG diet. Then gained it all back. There are truly some moronic people in this world that give what we do a bad name.

    I would go so far as to say that BB'ers are the most healthy people out there.
    Ahaha... Things like thay are what stimulates rage in me.

  13. #13
    warchild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I've got the best one.

    1. A BB'ers Diet is Unhealthy!
    2. Everybody personally knows a BB'er with a tragic story.

    Just yesterday a long term advertising rep of mine came into my store. I was eating my lunch and she complimented me on my transformation and ask me what diet I was on. My response was it's a type of BB'ing diet recommended to me from some really smart guys on a forum I'm a member of. She then says to me "You've gotta be real careful because those BB'ing diets are sooooo bad for you...really unhealthy". I flat out told her that she was clueless and not to believe the media. She of course responded with a personal story of how she knew 2 BB'ers that almost died because of how unhealthy their diets were. All of this coming from an overweight woman that just came off 6 week 500cal a day HCG diet. Then gained it all back. There are truly some moronic people in this world that give what we do a bad name.

    I would go so far as to say that BB'ers are the most healthy people out there.
    im getting mad just reading that!

  14. #14
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild
    the ignorance of steroids and that the common belief of bigger guys is that they are dumb and arrogant.
    Do you know what this is a result of? Ignornce of some steroid users
    Try a symple google search "steroid stories". You got pll that never heard of pct or AI or even ones that cycling for two yeats straight....

  15. #15
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Yeah, it pissed me off enough I told her I wasn't gonna run in her magazine next month. I didn't tell her why...but that was the reason! Just makes me mad when people make assumptions...cause you know what that say about assumptions right....They make an ass out of U and umption! LOL

  16. #16
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade
    Yeah, it pissed me off enough I told her I wasn't gonna run in her magazine next month. I didn't tell her why...but that was the reason! Just makes me made when people make assumptions...cause you know what that say about assumptions right....They make an ass out of U and umption! LOL
    Lol... Was she overweight?

  17. #17
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Yeah. She just came off a 500 cal a day HCG diet, and gained it all right back!

  18. #18
    Razor is offline Banned
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    "BB's are not strong, its all show"
    "BB's cant walk up stairs without being out of breath"
    "I dont want to workout and get to big to fast"
    "Steroids shrink your dick"

  19. #19
    Razor is offline Banned
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    double post

  20. #20
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Someone once told me that BB'ers can't wipe their own ass because their lats are so big they can't reach behind them, so they have to wipe "back to front". This didn't piss me off....just made me lmao for about 10 mins.

  21. #21
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    "I wouldn't want to date a guy like that...too high maintenance."

    "Must be overcompensating for something"

    "Looks like someone has a small dick"

    You know, sometimes I hate getting out of my fast car when women are around because all the above statements get made about my car as well. I am not really big, but if I was I can't imagine the amount of small dick, overcompensation comments that would be made quietly when I showed up somewhere. At least don't drive a big truck.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 12-16-2011 at 09:04 PM.

  22. #22
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr.
    "BB's are not strong, its all show"
    "BB's cant walk up stairs without being out of breath"
    "I dont want to workout and get to big to fast"
    "Steroids shrink your dick"
    Typical mythss

  23. #23
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas
    "I wouldn't want to date a guy like that...too high maintenance."

    "Must be overcompensating for something"

    "Looks like someone has a small dick"

    You know, sometimes I hate getting out of my fast car when women are around because all the above statements get made about my car as well. I am not really big, but if I was I can't imagine the amount of small dick, overcompensation comments would be made quietly when I showed up somewhere.
    How much you weight?

  24. #24
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    My diet is really good...I drink like 7 shakes a day.

  25. #25
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    "I wouldn't want to date a guy like that...too high maintenance."

    "Must be overcompensating for something"

    "Looks like someone has a small dick"

    You know, sometimes I hate getting out of my fast car when women are around because all the above statements get made about my car as well. I am not really big, but if I was I can't imagine the amount of small dick, overcompensation comments would be made quietly when I showed up somewhere.
    That really bothers me.

  26. #26
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't date ex boyfriend juiced and he would flip out on me (Of course we never know the full story, she probably neglects to tell us that she fvkced six of his friends when she got blacked out drunk that one night)

  27. #27
    ddp2727's Avatar
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    "all I gotta do now is turn this fat into muscle and I'll be good" after they just spent 2 years stuffing their faces with pounds of sh!t and are gonna start "working out" because they got the size now.

  28. #28
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddp2727 View Post
    "all I gotta do now is turn this fat into muscle and I'll be good" after they just spent 2 years stuffing their faces with pounds of sh!t and are gonna start "working out" because they got the size now.
    Another great one.

  29. #29
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove View Post
    How much you weight?
    195 at 5' 10"

  30. #30
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    The only way to look good is to do steroids
    All steroid users have small penises
    All steroid users have anger issues
    All steroid users are stuck on themselves
    Only an idiot would use steroids
    (Unfortunately when I hear these I do have anger issues)
    And also people at the gym who always point out who they think is on steroids to their friends.

  31. #31
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I don't date ex boyfriend juiced and he would flip out on me (Of course we never know the full story, she probably neglects to tell us that she fvkced six of his friends when she got blacked out drunk that one night)
    they say that and then they are dropping their pants at the end of the night
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  32. #32
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I've got the best one.

    1. A BB'ers Diet is Unhealthy!
    dude i hate hearing this. usually its a girl that tells me, "your gonna starve yourself with that diet" lol I'm not the smartest or most knowledgeable, but i do know a lil bit bout the science and how to tweak to make sure macros are hit. if not ill ask my fellow board members.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpowell View Post
    dude i hate hearing this. usually its a girl that tells me, "your gonna starve yourself with that diet" lol I'm not the smartest or most knowledgeable, but i do know a lil bit bout the science and how to tweak to make sure macros are hit. if not ill ask my fellow board members.
    My mom recently told me my diet was very unhealthy. My only response was to say that it might be limited, but it isn't unhealthy. Plus, I told her I get me blood work done every six months and everything is good.

    Certainly she didn't think my diet was better when I was at 36% bodyfat? Pffft, yeah, she probably did.

  34. #34
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas

    195 at 5' 10"
    Thats good. Keep it up

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddp2727
    "all I gotta do now is turn this fat into muscle and I'll be good" after they just spent 2 years stuffing their faces with pounds of sh!t and are gonna start "working out" because they got the size now.
    Thats my favorite one... :-D

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    they say that and then they are dropping their pants at the end of the night
    Now if I can just get the guys I'm after to think along those lines.. I'll be gtg..

  37. #37
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rippedfromabove View Post
    Thats good. Keep it up
    I have been back in the gym (after a long injury) for exactly one year of hard work. It is going well so far.

  38. #38
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    How much did you loseż ive just been told i will have to go away for around 2 months and with barely any training where im going

  39. #39
    dec11's Avatar
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    working with a doorman tonight, he is speaking to another guy about some guy he worked with in a diff club,' yeah, X is starting to get really big, he def is on roids, he'll be sorry when he loses the plot and kills someone, he even jokes very aggressively now'.

    well fvck me, i had to bite my tongue!!

  40. #40
    rippedfromabove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11
    working with a doorman tonight, he is speaking to another guy about some guy he worked with in a diff club,' yeah, X is starting to get really big, he def is on roids, he'll be sorry when he loses the plot and kills someone, he even jokes very aggressively now'.

    well fvck me, i had to bite my tongue!!
    I swear you wonder where people get crap llike that from..

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