OK so here is the skinny... my awesome wife and i have separated for quite some time now.. lotsa reasons lol but the PRIMARY REASON is me.. and my role as a step father. I've never even had a puppy to take care of let alone a young human being. AND HOLY KRAP they require a lot more than just Food, Water, and a PuppyCrate... Anyways my wife suggested to me that i find Step fathers/fathers/n' the like and get some input and ideas from them on how to make parenting easier and better for a STEP FATHER and his Step Daughter.

My prob is i always try to Buy Love and Convenience i.e. "Oh Hey.. here lets get u this this and this.. so u can play these video games and these dolls n' leave me alone." lol but thats how i was raised.. my 3rd parent was a TV since both my true parents worked full time + and i was an only child so i had lotsa toys and vid games n' wat nots but not so much interaction.

ANYWAYS!!!! any and all INPUT will be GREATLY APPRECIATED.. for i am truly clueless in the parental aspect of life.. (i.e. im super selfish)

Thanks again Tai

p.s. C-Bino is a HOMO, Deca870717 is a boob, Barlow is a NEEDY BICH, DSM is actually Straight, Bryan2 is a Retailer for child labor products, and yet ODDLY enough FireGuy is actually legit.. Imagine that..