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    Joe Paterno dies twice? RIP Joe Pa

    Longtime Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, who was fired amid a child sex abuse scandal that scarred his reputation as the winningest coach in collee football history, died Sunday. He was 85.

    His family released a statement Sunday morning to announce his death.

    "He died as he lived," the statement said. "He fought hard until the end, stayed positive, thought only of others and constantly reminded everyone of how blessed his life had been. His ambitions were far reaching, but he never believed he had to leave this Happy Valley to achieve them. He was a man devoted to his family, his university, his players and his community."

    Paterno built his program on the credo "Success with Honor," and he found both. The man known as "JoePa" won 409 games and took the Nittany Lions to 37 bowl games and two national championships. More than 250 of the players he coached went on to the NFL.

    "He will go down as the greatest football coach in the history of the game," Ohio State coach Urban Meyer said after his former team, the Florida Gators, beat Penn State 37-24 in the 2011 Outback Bowl.

    Paterno's son Scott said on Nov. 18 that his father was being treated for lung cancer. The cancer was diagnosed during a follow-up visit for a bronchial illness. A few weeks after that revelation, Paterno also broke his pelvis after a fall but did not need surgery.

    Paterno had been in the hospital since Jan. 13 for observation for what his family had called minor complications from his cancer treatments. Not long before that, he conducted his only interview since losing his job, with The Washington Post. Paterno was described as frail then, speaking mostly in a whisper and wearing a wig. The second half of the two-day interview was conducted at his bedside.

    CBS Sports on Saturday apologized for reporting earlier that that evening that Paterno had died, saying it had fallen "well short" of its own journalistic standards. Paterno's family had quickly denied the report, but not before it was tweeted or reported by a slew of other media outlets, all of which raced to update their initial reports after the denial.

    Apologizing to the Paterno family and the Penn State community, managing editor Mark Swanson said CBS Sports had relied on "an unsubstantiated report" and failed to verify it.

    " holds itself to high journalistic standards, and in this circumstance tonight, we fell well short of those expectations," he wrote late Saturday.

    After the Paterno family disputed its death story, CBS replaced it with one saying it had based its report on the reporting of a Penn State student website, Onward State. The managing editor of the student site resigned Saturday night, saying he never expected its reporting to be picked up by the national media and adding, "I sincerely wish it never had been." (His full statement is below.)

    The New York Times and CNN were among the first to get a denial from a Paterno family spokesman that the 85-year-old, battling lung cancer, had died. By then several news outlets and reporters, including TheWrap, The Huffington Post, CNN's Anderson Cooper and Howard Kurtz, the host of the journalism standards show "Reliable Sources," had written about the death, all after the CBS report. Even the group Poynter, a champion of accurate journalism, tweeted that Paterno had died.

    All the reporters and organizations quickly changed their stories as the CBS account came into doubt. So began an ugly game of finger pointing in a media hall of mirrors, where primary sources were initially hard to come by.

    The blame fell on CBS, which tried to pass it to the small student site. But it also lay with those who cited CBS's story without confirming it independently. (The Wrap cited the CBS death story and linked to it in the second paragraph of an earlier version of this story, without first contacting a Paterno spokesman. We regret this error.)

    The situation was a rare one in which major news outlets were in disagreement over whether someone was alive or dead. Paterno's sons promptly took to Twitter to say he was alive.

    "I appreciate the support & prayers. Joe is continuing to fight," son Jay Paterno tweeted.

    "CBS report is wrong - Dad is alive but in serious condition. We continue to ask for your prayers and privacy during this time," tweeted his brother, Scott Paterno.

    Penn State added in another tweet: "Paterno family spokesman told media outlets at 9 p.m. Joe has not passed, is in serious condition."

    The initial death report came after several outlets reported earlier Saturday that Paterno was in serious condition. So when the CBS report came, it was not out of the blue.

    Cooper tweeted that Paterno had died, but soon updated with another tweet: "His family denies this to cnn."

    Kurtz also tweeted that Paterno had died, even as the dispute raged over whether he had.

    "I say again, sad ending to a long career: Joe Paterno confirmed dead," he wrote, before tweeting again, several minutes later, "CORRECTION: No confirmation on Paterno death, though he's gravely ill. That's from a CBS Sports blog."

    Celebrity death hoaxes are exceedingly common in the era of Twitter, and news agencies sometimes accidentally post pre-written obituaries prematurely. But news outlets rarely report a death outright and are later found to be wrong.

    Paterno, the winningest coach in college football, was fired last year in the fallout from the Penn State child molestation scandal. He was accused of telling his superiors, but not police, when he learned that assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was accused of raping a boy. Sandusky has pleaded not guilty to sexual abuse charges. Paterno has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

    Read the retraction and resignation letter from the managing editor of Onward State:

    Earlier this evening, Onward State reported that Joe Paterno had passed away; however, the mountain of evidence stacked opposite that report became too much to ignore. At this time, I would like to issue an official retraction of our earlier tweets.

    I never, in a million years, would have thought that Onward State might be cited by the national media. Today, I sincerely wish it never had been. To all those who read and passed along our reports, I sincerely apologize for having mislead you. To the Penn State community and to the Paterno family, most of all, I could not be more sorry for the emotional anguish I am sure we at Onward State caused. There are no excuses for what we did. We all make mistakes, but it’s impossible to brush off one of this magnitude. Right now, we deserve all of the criticism headed our way.

    In this day and age, getting it first often conflicts with getting it right, but our intention was never to fall into that chasm. All I can do now is promise that in the future, we will exercise caution, restraint, and humility.

    I can only hope and pray that the outstanding work our writers and photographers do on a day-to-day basis is not overshadowed by the events of tonight. I understand that our reputation is in serious question, but I hope you will continue to stand by us as we do everything in our power to make amends.

    To begin that process, I will be stepping down from my post as Managing Editor, effective immediately. I take full responsibility for the events that transpired tonight, and for the black mark upon the organization that I have caused.

    I ask not for your forgiveness, but for your understanding. I am so very, very, sorry, and we at Onward State continue to pray for Coach Paterno.


    Devon Edwards

    By Tim Molloy at TheWrap
    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 01-22-2012 at 03:34 PM.

  2. #2
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    Died of a broken heart. He loved Penn State and gave her his all. Great man and will be missed by many.

  3. #3
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    If you looked up legacy in the dictionary you would find a picture of Joe Pa. His legacy is a once great man who failed to protect children against a sexual predator.

    I am happy to live in a world where a man isnt measure by his ability to move a peice of leather from one end of a field to another.

  4. #4
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    All the apologist for Joepa are out tonight...A legacy of greatness reduced to ashes because he chose to do the wrong thing regardless of the consequences to innocent boys. To say a 74 year old man "didn't quite understand" what was happening in the shower is so beyond the pale. Good lesson for us all, you only have one chance to do the right thing and if you choose wrong you may die with that disgrace as your obituary lead.

  5. #5
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    Im not apologizing for shit. You want to smack the man in death thats on you.

  6. #6
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    I do have to say when they put you in the ground I hope theres some little punk there pointing out the mistakes you made in your life. There are literally thousands and thousands of people joe affected in a good way. He was a great man....What have you done?

  7. #7
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    I do have to say when they put you in the ground I hope theres some little punk there pointing out the mistakes you made in your life. There are literally thousands and thousands of people joe affected in a good way. He was a great man....What have you done?
    I will tell you what I have not done. I didn't have second hand knowledge of a child being sodomized in my locker room and kept it quite.

  8. #8
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Please illuminate me with how you can overlook that?

  9. #9
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    " Well he did win a million games"

  10. #10
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    How did i know you were going to say that so predictable. It means you havent done shit. Joe didnt earn that much at the university and most of it he gave back. He pushed his players to be good human beings. He mentored thousands. Does an old mother ****er like joe understand a male being raped...prolly not honestly. He came from an era where gay meant happy. Im as pissed about that asshole sandusky as anyone. He needs to be shot. But dont blame it all on this guy who was a great man.

  11. #11
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Thank you for my daily reminder that we are not all gifted with the same level on intellect or understanding of our surroundings.

  12. #12
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    Thats not why I like him

    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    " Well he did win a million games"

  13. #13
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    Im going to stop. You remember the man how you want to and I will do the same

  14. #14
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    How did i know you were going to say that so predictable. It means you havent done shit. Joe didnt earn that much at the university and most of it he gave back. He pushed his players to be good human beings. He mentored thousands. Does an old mother ****er like joe understand a male being raped...prolly not honestly. He came from an era where gay meant happy. Im as pissed about that asshole sandusky as anyone. He needs to be shot. But dont blame it all on this guy who was a great man.
    Not a male being raped. A 10 year old boy. Your position is that Joe Pa didn't understand. Amazing. You would have made a good attorney at nuremberg.

  15. #15
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    Im going to stop. You remember the man how you want to and I will do the same
    Deal. Come on tomorrow when your paps blue ribbon runs out and we can have a sober conversation.

  16. #16
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    I dont drink or argue with people whos IQ is under 50. Policy.

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    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Apology accepted.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    I will tell you what I have not done. I didn't have second hand knowledge of a child being sodomized in my locker room and kept it quite.
    If you want to bash Joe Paterno, that's fine, start your own thread. Until then, stay the fvck out of mine.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    If you want to bash Joe Paterno, that's fine, start your own thread. Until then, stay the fvck out of mine.
    Not your thread. When you start your own site then you can decide who posts where.

  20. #20
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    I can see this is about to get nasty!

  21. #21
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    Success without honor is an unseasoned dish, it will satisfy your hunger but it wont taste good. -Joepa

  22. #22
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    Actually, it is my thread and I could easily petition admin to delete your posts or have you banned for flaming. But I won't do that.

    Instead I will just post the quality of a person that you really are.

    I got laid off back in march. I get unemployment for 2 years. In the mean time I scored a job making more money under the table. My unemployment check covers rent, cable, heat, and some food. My under the table job covers the rest of my food, gym memberships, and cycles .
    Every person with a something other than a hedge of lettuce on their shoulders cuts corners. Do I feel bad about collecting from a program that I paid into for 13 years? H-LL NO! I guess I should call up and quit the under the table job so that im not taking advantage of our selfless government. That being said I respectfully ask you to take your haughty self righteousness and cram it.
    It makes me sick that you feel self-entitled to collect money from a program that you obviously know nothing about, if you did, then you would know that you have paid nothing into it and that you are nothing more than an over-judgemental parasite. It baffles me how you can judge anyone for any reason while living the life that you do.
    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 01-23-2012 at 03:54 PM.

  23. #23
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Haha. I collect unemployment- So I have no right to call out a pedophile protector. Its okay Sgt- I dont suffer fools easily.

  24. #24
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Lol promotion. Dont let your douchey tendencies go to your head.

  25. #25
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    In addition I would gladly accept a ban for calling you out on your nonsense about how great he was. Yes, he was a great coach, but what he allowed to continue is an absolute disgrace! People like you really do have their priorities all screwed up.

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    Holy Shit Xel...I forgot it was you that I had the heated unemployement debate with!

  27. #27
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    You should take out your rage on the right people

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    My rage is focused on the pedophiles and those that help cover up their crimes.

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    Apparently you havent read anything I wrote. Your not going to change anyones mind that loved Joe Paterno no matter what you say. You want to continue to what do you want to say now?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    In addition I would gladly accept a ban for calling you out on your nonsense about how great he was. Yes, he was a great coach, but what he allowed to continue is an absolute disgrace! People like you really do have their priorities all screwed up.
    I asked you to start your own thread if you wanted to continue to degrade Joe Paterno. He died today and it baffles me that now is the time you choose to hurl unsubstantiated insults at him. You know nothing more about this situation other than what you have seen on the news or read in the newspapers, which we all know is the whole story. I don't see how you're in a position to judge anyone, let alone Joe Paterno........

  31. #31
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    You were Right....

    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I can see this is about to get nasty!

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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I can see this is about to get nasty!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Lol promotion. Dont let your douchey tendencies go to your head.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

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    Great place to start researching !

  34. #34
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    In addition I would gladly accept a ban
    Careful what you ask for!

  35. #35
    rdcrdrvr is offline New Member
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    I thought an emotional Coach K summed it up pretty well on ESPN earlier today saying- "I wish that that would not have happened to this great
    man." I think a lot of Penn Staters feel the same way.

  36. #36
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    I think it is pretty disgusting what the media and Penn State did to Joe Paterno.

    He was doing fine before all of this. Immediately hospitalized, dies shortly after. Imagine you gave your entire life to something, and at the very end it betrays you.

    Pedophile protector?

    Did Joe Paterno tell his boss? The same as Mike McQueary told his boss?

    STFU McQueary kept his job, and McQueary was the one who walked in on Sandusky raping the kid.

    ...anyone one of us would have beat the f*ck out of Sandusky, and then called the police.

    For some reason Mike McQueary did not? Apparently he told Joe Paterno and Paterno told his boss.

    Difference between the two is that McQueary verified what he saw, Paterno went off what McQueary said.

    __________________________________________________ ____

    I feel bad for Joe Paterno, no man should have to be put through that. It is a sign of our times though. A sensational story made even more sensational as it involved one of the greatest coaches we have ever known. I am sure the media outlets made a lot of money off advertising during the coverage..and will keep on..

    oh yeah and to the guy that was being a prick who is on unemployment, go blow yourself brah

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by RA View Post
    Died of a broken heart. He loved Penn State and gave her his all. Great man and will be missed by many.

    i honestly cant believe any one will miss this sicko . He admitted that he knew what was goin on too these kids and never call cops , fbi etc. **** him and the world is much better w/out him .You can say what you want but if one of these kids were yours that got raped you would be saying the same ESP. if you knew the man could of stopped this sick shit **** you joe

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    Last edited by cyounger100; 01-23-2012 at 12:44 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by domeyeahaigh View Post
    I think it is pretty disgusting what the media and Penn State did to Joe Paterno.

    He was doing fine before all of this. Immediately hospitalized, dies shortly after. Imagine you gave your entire life to something, and at the very end it betrays you.

    Pedophile protector?

    Did Joe Paterno tell his boss? The same as Mike McQueary told his boss?

    STFU McQueary kept his job, and McQueary was the one who walked in on Sandusky raping the kid.

    ...anyone one of us would have beat the f*ck out of Sandusky, and then called the police.

    For some reason Mike McQueary did not? Apparently he told Joe Paterno and Paterno told his boss.

    Difference between the two is that McQueary verified what he saw, Paterno went off what McQueary said.

    __________________________________________________ ____

    I feel bad for Joe Paterno, no man should have to be put through that. It is a sign of our times though. A sensational story made even more sensational as it involved one of the greatest coaches we have ever known. I am sure the media outlets made a lot of money off advertising during the coverage..and will keep on..

    oh yeah and to the guy that was being a prick who is on unemployment, go blow yourself brah

    bottom line is this they were all wrong you dont tell your boss when kids are geting raped unless your boss is th ehead of fbi or something you kidding me tell his boss you call the fcking police immed. not tell your boss contact law enfor***ent so it can stop immed. wow

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    It's an open forum and anyone can post but do keep in mind we have a no flame policy. If you break the rules then you are out of here. Keep it clean.

    I am not crazy into football but the man has accomplished a lot in his life. In saying that I don't care what you have done we all have to admit he made a huge mistake in not reporting what he knew to the police.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 01-23-2012 at 02:32 PM.
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