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    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Got caught in a lie - freaking out need help

    I accepted a new job and have put in my 2 weeks. On my resume I have probably 10 jobs listed. My recruiter called me and said he can't verify my employment at one of the jobs. He can't verify because I never worked there. Its a small family owned restaurant. He called just now and asked if he could have pay stubs. I said it was under the table. He said he needs to talk to someone who can verify I worked there since no one at the business knew of me when he called.

    I'm a bit freaked here. I have a friend who is friends with everyone who works there and knows the ins and outs of the place. I really need this job baaad.

    I need help/suggestions. Heres what I have come up with.

    #1 Pay said friend to pretend hes part owner and pretend I worked there.
    #2 Pay said friend to bribe a member of the staff (he knows them pretty well) to pretend I worked there.

    Will either of these work or do you guys have any idea what I should do? I really need this job. I never would have expected this because the restaurant job I made up is just for filler - I have a degree with jobs listed related to my job.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    or use photoshop and make fake pay stubs or tax return
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  3. #3
    JAB1's Avatar
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    Yeah I think your best bet is to get someone there to vouch for you. Thats all it is, they call to verify. My company will only verify if you worked, and if you are eligible for rehire. I believe privacy laws prevent further information from being given, so they dont expect more info than that.

  4. #4
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Hahaha, you're probably going to have to pay an employee of this place a nice sum to vouch for you!

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    Vandelay industries....

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    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Hahaha, you're probably going to have to pay an employee of this place a nice sum to vouch for you!
    Yeah I was thinking $100 bucks plus nudes of one of Cal's girlfriends

  8. #8
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Just a question: What kinda job are you trying to get?

  9. #9
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Yeah I was thinking $100 bucks plus nudes of one of Cal's girlfriends
    yeah this

    I wouldnt get somebody to impersonate the co owner, it could easily be found out

    it aint a big deal, $100 to answer a fone and say ''yes im the manager and he was a great employee''

    im suprised they checked your previous employment, how long ago was the job meant to be? usually places just check last 1-2 depending on how long you had the job for, do they outsource checking the cv's? sounds a little OTT
    Last edited by DanB; 06-13-2012 at 12:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I've never "made up" a job on my resume before. But i have omitted a job before.

    Here's how it will probably work. the recruiter will call the phone number given, and ask for an HR depertment. there probably is none at a family owned resturant, so she will ask to talk to the owner or manager. How are you going to cover this? it sounds like this is what the recruiter already has done, and the owner denied knowing/hiring you.

    saying the job was under the table is good cover, so no W-2 or paystubbs.

    you could say the owner will not verify employment for those working under the table. if you can con the recruiter into believing / "going along with this", then you can have a buddy dressed up as a supervisor call from the resturant (many recruiters will say can I call you right back, so he needs to be at the business) and say you did work there, although the family will deny it since under the table.

    Pretty dicey CDP. why would you lie on a resume? shit like this will always trip you up!

  11. #11
    warchild's Avatar
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    i heard employment checks can only ask a few question such as time there, pay and position. The reason behind this is the fear a lawsuit for slander and defamation of character. I know my work only asks those question when they do a background check.

  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    This is what you can ask if you are in large company HR:

    Dates of Employment
    Last position held
    And - Are they eligible for rehire(means if you got shit canned)

  13. #13
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I've never "made up" a job on my resume before. But i have omitted a job before.

    Here's how it will probably work. the recruiter will call the phone number given, and ask for an HR depertment. there probably is none at a family owned resturant, so she will ask to talk to the owner or manager. How are you going to cover this? it sounds like this is what the recruiter already has done, and the owner denied knowing/hiring you.

    saying the job was under the table is good cover, so no W-2 or paystubbs.

    you could say the owner will not verify employment for those working under the table. if you can con the recruiter into believing / "going along with this", then you can have a buddy dressed up as a supervisor call from the resturant (many recruiters will say can I call you right back, so he needs to be at the business) and say you did work there, although the family will deny it since under the table.

    Pretty dicey CDP. why would you lie on a resume? shit like this will always trip you up!
    i am with you on this one.

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    burn the restaurant down. That way they cant call to confirm. Thank me later. Problem solved, thread over
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  15. #15
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    burn the restaurant down. That way they cant call to confirm. Thank me later. Problem solved, thread over
    Congratulations you're hired! For life imprisonment and regular buttraping ahh yeah

  16. #16
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Why would you add the stupid restaurant on the resume? What else did you put on it that is fake?

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    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    I would just give them the name of your "manager" so when they call they ask for your friend, easily done if they don't want to screw you over. Worse that can happen is you will never work for this company you are applying for again. Or you could just find out of there was a manager that used to work there, and use that name, so when they call they say he no longer works there...

  18. #18
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Why would you add the stupid restaurant on the resume? What else did you put on it that is fake?
    I had a one year gap in employment. I don't know what your resume looks like but no one will hire you under those circumstances.. unless you had cancer or something.

    Its not like I said I was the CEO of a high tech computer manufacturer or something. I just put some shit on there so I wouldn't get crossed off for consideration. It adds nothing other than to fill a gap.

  19. #19
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    eeeck maybe option #2

    or you could say you left on bad terms, but didnt expect they would pretend they did know you...

    i had an under the table job managing apartment buildings, found the owner growing pot in the sub basement confronted him (i had a toddler, and lived in the building so I was NOT pleased) he fired me, i moved but than he wouldnt aknowledge the several years I did his booking/ maintance/ contacts etc... so the first time i used him as a ref i had the HR call me back stating I didnt work there and so had no experiance...I told her what I did and what had happened and said i withheld the info cuz i didnt want to tarnish my prev employers image and offered to would work for free for 2days to display my skills ~ i was hired after the 1st day on the job

  20. #20
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Say you were travelling in future, nobody can hold that against you

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Say you were travelling in future, nobody can hold that against you
    Huh.. what like in a delorean. Yeah that one year gap in my employment was.. I was time traveling. Yep.

  22. #22
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    Say you were travelling in future, nobody can hold that against you
    This, traveling, unorthodox education methods, all kinds of things you could have done. You really think they are going to look year by year where you were at? Did you put exact months you finished and started at places? Maybe you were trying to do business on your own etc.

    I dunno, I'm not a pro job hunter or anything, but never knew if you had employment gaps you were unhireable. Plenty of people are out of work these days.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Huh.. what like in a delorean. Yeah that one year gap in my employment was.. I was time traveling. Yep.
    He means in future as in next time you fill out a resume.

  24. #24
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE
    He means in future as in next time you fill out a resume.
    Haha yeah sorry that's what I meant, alot of places view that as a positive thing, especially if employer has done it himself

    Life experience

    But your idea CDP about time travel could also work

  25. #25
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Remember that thread somebody made about the difference between men and women i.e. when a girl calls your boys asking why you didn't come home last night and where you were, they all claim you were with them?

    The guy called one of my friends.. lol kind of unrelated, I had just put him down as a generic reference. The guy goes into a story about how he owns a landscaping company and I worked for him for 2 years.. all bullshit, totally on the fly, funniest damn thing.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    eeeck maybe option #2

    or you could say you left on bad terms, but didnt expect they would pretend they did know you...

    i had an under the table job managing apartment buildings, found the owner growing pot in the sub basement confronted him (i had a toddler, and lived in the building so I was NOT pleased) he fired me, i moved but than he wouldnt aknowledge the several years I did his booking/ maintance/ contacts etc... so the first time i used him as a ref i had the HR call me back stating I didnt work there and so had no experiance...I told her what I did and what had happened and said i withheld the info cuz i didnt want to tarnish my prev employers image and offered to would work for free for 2days to display my skills ~ i was hired after the 1st day on the job
    Interesting story.. I might interweave some lie.. id rather not Im not big on lying I just do it when the net gain > moral loss. (Having a job and not sucking $ from my family > fibbing one dumb job on resume)

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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Huh.. what like in a delorean. Yeah that one year gap in my employment was.. I was time traveling. Yep.
    Lmao, I don't think that's quite what he meant. A delorean with a flux capacitor lol.

  28. #28
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    I say stick with the "they won't verify employment because you were paid under the table and they fear legal issues story"..

    If not, just say you went on a Sabatical. You backpacked around Europe to find your inner spiritual being... They can't fvck with religion..

  29. #29
    PowerHouse1900 is offline Associate Member
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    Ive listened real jobs on resumes and put friends/families # as contact info before.

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    did you sign something that said the information u provided was accurate/truthful/something to that effect???? if u did and they called, u may not be hired. making a mistake is one thing...lying and being caught another thing... bribing to cover a lie yet another....all speaks to ethics????

    different angle....if you owned the company and you found out that a new employee had lied...would you want them in charge of your assets, your livelyhood.....

    BTW, gap in employment is nothing to be ashamed of and can easily be explained

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    did you sign something that said the information u provided was accurate/truthful/something to that effect???? if u did and they called, u may not be hired. making a mistake is one thing...lying and being caught another thing... bribing to cover a lie yet another....all speaks to ethics????

    different angle....if you owned the company and you found out that a new employee had lied...would you want them in charge of your assets, your livelyhood.....

    BTW, gap in employment is nothing to be ashamed of and can easily be explained
    heey, we ARE talking about CDP here....! =)

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by girlgymrat View Post
    BTW, gap in employment is nothing to be ashamed of and can easily be explained
    Explained how

    I'm open to lying (obviously) I just need a good one that doesn't get me in a world of shit like this one did.

    I think some of you who have jobs misunderstand what the market is like right now. Or maybe you have a skillset in high demand. Recently a friend of mine wanted to apply to a job posting at an airport. The posting was up for 45 minutes. At the end of the 45 minutes, they took the job down because they had received hundreds of applications. Its that bad right now. I have heard similar stories about even mundane jobs like the guy who picks up the road kill on the side of the interstate.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Explained how

    I'm open to lying (obviously) I just need a good one that doesn't get me in a world of shit like this one did.

    I think some of you who have jobs misunderstand what the market is like right now. Or maybe you have a skillset in high demand. Recently a friend of mine wanted to apply to a job posting at an airport. The posting was up for 45 minutes. At the end of the 45 minutes, they took the job down because they had received hundreds of applications. Its that bad right now. I have heard similar stories about even mundane jobs like the guy who picks up the road kill on the side of the interstate.
    I understand the job market right now. but i was very fortunate to have invested in myself and in an industry where there will always be a demand.

    I have employment gaps. what i've done is to change my resume. instead of mo/yr for start and finish dates, i go with "yr" only, so the gaps are not so obvious.

    ya gotta know how to polish the resume CDP, and not lie on there. HR will have your resume on file for years!! you get in a spat with HR, and all they have to do is dig up your resume and check for any inconsistencies. if they find any, they can fire you on the spot for application fraud. you obviously didn't think it through when you lied on your resume!

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    just liked this one..
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    someone there to lie that you did work there, they will have to answer the phone..

    what kind of job/recruiter are you using that needs to verify employment from when you worked at a restaurant.

    find another recruiter..

    one more..

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  37. #37
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Explained how

    I'm open to lying (obviously) I just need a good one that doesn't get me in a world of shit like this one did.

    I think some of you who have jobs misunderstand what the market is like right now. Or maybe you have a skillset in high demand. Recently a friend of mine wanted to apply to a job posting at an airport. The posting was up for 45 minutes. At the end of the 45 minutes, they took the job down because they had received hundreds of applications. Its that bad right now. I have heard similar stories about even mundane jobs like the guy who picks up the road kill on the side of the interstate.
    CDP - something to the you know, this industry is in a severe downturn and I got caught up in it!

    I am not sure that the longest paragraph is a compeling arguement for one to lie? too easy to eliminate a liar from the steep competition of today's market.

    The best advice I can give was given to me...the 3 S's. Be short, succinct, and shut up!

  38. #38
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I had a one year gap in employment. I don't know what your resume looks like but no one will hire you under those circumstances.. unless you had cancer or something.

    Its not like I said I was the CEO of a high tech computer manufacturer or something. I just put some shit on there so I wouldn't get crossed off for consideration. It adds nothing other than to fill a gap.
    Worked "freelance" as a personal trainer?
    Was a "fitness and health consultant"?
    I mean whatever your area of expertise is and / or a similar area to what you're applying to.

    Hell you could always list "Internet research consultant" as a job and all you really did was sit and browse the web in your PJs looking for work.

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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  40. #40
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    this sounds like a sienfeld episode...

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