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  1. #81
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadBob
    Yeah, my wife is the coolest chick in the WORLD! that last one was the best. Took the wife to a strip club in Philly{not very far from us). She came up and stood between my wife an me an was talkin to my wife. She stuck her ass out an was rubbin it against my arm so I slid my finger in her *****. Next thing I know I see my wife lean back with her mouth open an eyes closed. We ask the chick if she wanted to come home with us an party. She says let me get my shit an meet me out side. As we were finishin our drinks I tell my wife I had my fingers in her an my wife tells me the girl was fingering her too. We were waitin in the car an when the girl comes out my wife jumped in the back with her an they start makin out before we were out of the parkin lot. By the time I got on the highway they were eatin each other . I was doin like 90 an lookin in the mirror. They keep tellin me to slow down or we'll crash I was like **** that!
    We all ****ed till daylight. As I was ****ing one the other would stick their fingers in her with my dick or lick her clit. The first time the chick stuck her fingers in with my dick I was like wat the ****? an I looked an said cool!
    Like I said the chick fell in love wit us she tells me, I really like you a lot but I love your wife. I said, that works for me. She came over the next night same thing all over. She an my wife are makin plans for her to come for the weekend as soon as my wife finishes this semester in a couple of weeks. Gonna have to step up my dose of gear.
    West Philly chicks rock!
    Great work!

  2. #82
    BigBadBob is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by travaldavas_taz View Post
    That makes me wanna do that... O.O
    Your so ****ing lucky To have a wild wife like that!
    Thanks i know ,i am lucky. Git told that all the time by guys an girls, sometimes if i interduce her to someone for the first time they just can't help goin on an on about how beautiful she is , how cool she is. I couldn't have built a better one from scrap. It ain't that hard really most girls are curious anyway ,just make em laugh an come right out an ask em if they tried it without bein pushy. Don't waste time with ones that don't seem eager, there's plenty out there. Lucky for me though they come up to us an I know what they want an ain't afraid to get to the point. If I'm out alone if a girl aproches me I tell them, you'll love my wife an as soon as i start tellin them shit i can tell their gettin wet right there.

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