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  1. #121
    wh1spa's Avatar
    wh1spa is offline Senior Member
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    Reviving an old thread. Started on my second sleeve about two weeks ago. Needs to get some writing added yet but my artist has inserted some killer colors!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My Favorite Tattoo-forumrunner_20120823_193215.jpg  

  2. #122
    TheSpoonyBard is offline Junior Member
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    If you want to see good tattoos just look at anything that Jeff Gogue, Nick Baxter, Nikko Hurtado, Tom Strom, or Grime have done, there are many, many others as well but those names are a great start.

  3. #123
    SilverBuilt is offline Junior Member
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    Got to admit, those tatts are cool, but sadly it's not my heritage. I think it should still mean something to you personally.

  4. #124
    LiL P's Avatar
    LiL P is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I'll get my gf to snap some shots of my work later - when she finishes with her beauty sleep, lol.

    I took this one quick. My left sleeve is all Irish work. Where's me Irish braddas? Who can tell the good people what the

    Attachment 124818

    shamrock 32 means?
    the 32 represents a united Ireland or "Eire 32" Under Henry II, the English began settling in Ireland during the 12th century and basically invaded and burned villages and family homes and didnt allow Irish natives too practice any religion it was also illegal to speak gaelic you would be kill for doing either(this is why we dont speak gaelic much in Ireland today). In 1919 the IRA declared war on England, the IRA was basically a group of people who wanted Eire 32 back but they had no weapons or military training at this time so they had too use guerrilla war tactics too win the war, however they were unsuccessful in getting back 6 counties of Ireland they remain and are still under the ruling of the UK. The IRA are still fighting too gain the counties back but they are a terrorist group killing innocent English men and women in "revenge" for what happened too our country many years ago.

    Here are some of the riot footage that occurs during the yearly orange order march. Politically, the Orange Order is strongly linked to unionism. Critics have accused the Order of being sectarian. Catholics, and those whose close relatives are Catholic, are banned from becoming members, us Catholics find this highly disrespectful so we riot every year. Its not as violent now as it used too be when i was 16 although the use of guns and knives are very common now. oh also il add they march through our estates with the flags.. if you ask me their asking for what they get..

  5. #125
    red_hulk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiL P

    the 32 represents a united Ireland or "Eire 32" Under Henry II, the English began settling in Ireland during the 12th century and basically invaded and burned villages and family homes and didnt allow Irish natives too practice any religion it was also illegal to speak gaelic you would be kill for doing either(this is why we dont speak gaelic much in Ireland today). In 1919 the IRA declared war on England, the IRA was basically a group of people who wanted Eire 32 back but they had no weapons or military training at this time so they had too use guerrilla war tactics too win the war, however they were unsuccessful in getting back 6 counties of Ireland they remain and are still under the ruling of the UK. The IRA are still fighting too gain the counties back but they are a terrorist group killing innocent English men and women in "revenge" for what happened too our country many years ago.

    Here are some of the riot footage that occurs during the yearly orange order march. Politically, the Orange Order is strongly linked to unionism. Critics have accused the Order of being sectarian. Catholics, and those whose close relatives are Catholic, are banned from becoming members, us Catholics find this highly disrespectful so we riot every year. Its not as violent now as it used too be when i was 16 although the use of guns and knives are very common now. oh also il add they march through our estates with the flags.. if you ask me their asking for what they get..
    I strongly back the original ira movement, but like you said, has now became more of a terrorist organization. And you look like a terrorist sympathizer for saying anything positive. It's happened to me. I like the tat dude!

  6. #126
    wh1spa's Avatar
    wh1spa is offline Senior Member
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    Two new tattoos since, Will post in a minute.

  7. #127
    wh1spa's Avatar
    wh1spa is offline Senior Member
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    As below =)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My Favorite Tattoo-forumrunner_20121123_124904.jpg   My Favorite Tattoo-forumrunner_20121123_124918.jpg  

  8. #128
    LiL P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red_hulk View Post
    I strongly back the original ira movement, but like you said, has now became more of a terrorist organization. And you look like a terrorist sympathizer for saying anything positive. It's happened to me. I like the tat dude!
    Im most definitely a terrorist sympathizer, however i do believe in Eire 32 I have nothing against English people my father is from Birmingham and i have nothing against sectarianism my best friend is protestant. If i was pro terrorism id just join the IRA since its active in my area i even have family relatives involved in it. Personally i think they should sort it out in the International Court of justice..
    Last edited by LiL P; 11-22-2012 at 07:57 PM.

  9. #129
    Paul_Mc1989's Avatar
    Paul_Mc1989 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Cape you big teddy bear! Come here brother and I'll give you a hug!

    No, the riddle remains with shamrock 32. I figured Danny Boy (DanB) would solve it. I'll give you a hint:

    One meaning: think "counties"
    A second meaning: think IRA

    Working from home today. Arguing with pharmaceutical companies who think my employees should work for free. Negotiating several contracts while eating, pinning, and posting replies. Hopefully I don't get distracted and inject my food and eat my gear! Lol
    The 32 stands for the 32 counties of ireland.26 of which belong to Eire and the 6 to the british empire having them inside the shamrock symbolises your wish and mine to have all 32 counties belong to us one again....I
    Last edited by Paul_Mc1989; 11-23-2012 at 08:39 AM.

  10. #130
    Zodiac82's Avatar
    Zodiac82 is offline AR's Scrapple Lover
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    Attachment 129477

    this is the style I want to finish up my arm with

  11. #131
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Cool thread, I am having a full sleeve started on December 6th, its going to be my first tattoo!

    Im having it freehanded, but it is basically a Polynesian full sleeve + chest/shoulder with a Chinese Dragon climbing over the top. The dragon is going to spiral all the way down my arm, and its head is going to be on my chest. Ill post pictures once its started. 8 hours booked for my first session! /cry/

  12. #132
    Join Date
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    ^^^^That's some very good work krugeer.

    Keep us posted on progress.

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