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  1. #41
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Hes the gay stripper right? lol still makes me laugh

  2. #42
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Hes the gay stripper right? lol still makes me laugh
    he took so much abuse..only the strong would reappear...nothing but RESPECT...he's got balls so too speak!

  3. #43
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    he took so much abuse..only the strong would reappear...nothing but RESPECT...he's got balls so too speak!
    I guess. It takes alot to shame me. You would have to depantse me infront of 30 hot cheeleaders on a cold day so that my 5.5 would be like a,
    no, i still wouldn't care.

  4. #44
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    First,..lemme rant... why isn't some of the interview with WOMEN Because not to flame you dear, but YOU.... hypocritical. (Thats why you still haven't answered my PM, cuz it shut you down, aw yeah)Women do shady crap all the time, its not just the men. But no you had to go with just the men. A better question would be "Male Members: How many married women have you slept with. My answer would be 16+1(i counted 16, but I KNOW there was another one i just can't remember her name or the exact situation,...she was probably ugly) *rant finished*

    Ok, that being said the reason PEOPLE cheat, is not because the marriage is bad but because..............dun du du du dun dunnnnnnnn: Other people are hot to us! What you think cuz you get a ring around you finger that other attractive people magically stop being attractive?! What you think its a magical ring? Theres no magical rings this is real life not The Hobbit. Why is this question asked over AND over again in these stupid magazines and stuff..we all know the answer. Cuz we're horny, duh.
    Does having a bad marriage and bad sex increase the chance or hasten the process? You bet! But it would probably happen anyway. Also, ALOT more people would cheat if the "perfect situation" were handed to them on a silver platter. The sliver platter includes: 1.Realistic logistical opportunity,2.Attractiveness to the other person, 3.comfort/safety with that person, and 4.) no CONSEQUENCES(Low chance of anyone finding out)
    #3 is more of a factor in women IMO.
    Half the women that cheated with me had no specific problem with their hubby, and they still loved him. Those ones i felt somewhat torn on nailing.....but i did it anyway. The other ones had husbands that were superdork losers and overall lousy partners, and most of the time i felt almost completely ok with nailing them.
    On the flip side, i was never married but have been in some monogomous realtionships. I cheated half the time, even when in love because im horny and like sex, and justified it as "it's just sex" I stopped cheating on monogomous partners after i was cheated on.
    IMHO....The anatomy of a non-cheater does not necesarrily have to do with virtue, but with percieved sexual opportunity in life. Against common belief, it is not the people who have "game" and (can get themselves laid, have many sexual partners, have a high comfort level with engaging the opposite sex or same sex, and comfortable with dating and first dates especially), that are more likely to cheat in a monogmous/exclusive relationship. People with decent "game" have an inner "abundance mentality" and know that opportunites for sexual gratification will always be there. Without that solid belief, someone in an exclusive relationship will have a HELLUVA hard time passing up an opportunity when it finally does become available, because sexual opportunity is not as "common place"...which makes it much more alluring. My male friends who sit around and drink beer and dont work out, and who refuse to take chances, can't get laid worth a damn and go months/years without sex. They couldn't pick up a napkin, let alone chicks. These men who occasionally manage to get a girlfriend, will almost always take an opportity to cheat or sneak to a strip clubs against their partners wishes. That is because every sexual opportunity for them is like a cactus in the desert with water inside. They HAVE to take it..because who knows when the next one will come. They thirst. When i'm monogomous(if she's worthy) I can avoid situations that put me in temptations way, I can turn down sexual opportunities, and i have no problem telling the guys "I'm not going to strip clubs right now"...even for bachelor parties. But is it really "integrity" that allows me to do this? it that i'm just so horny and perverted that i've done much more to make myself attractive to the opposite sex, that i now have enough "abundance mentality" to do the right thing. But if i didn't have abundance.......i'd probably cheat.
    Hope that makes sense.
    AB. I hate to tell you this. Some of us have this thing called.... duh da da duuuh.....


    jjust because a woman is hot is NO green light for me to get in bed with her.

    Self control is what seperates people from animals.

    If you have no self control, then you have no business getting married....

    ...not sure why this is such a difficult concept for some to grasp?

  5. #45
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    AB. I hate to tell you this. Some of us have this thing called.... duh da da duuuh.....


    jjust because a woman is hot is NO green light for me to get in bed with her.

    Self control is what seperates people from animals.

    If you have no self control, then you have no business getting married....

    ...not sure why this is such a difficult concept for some to grasp?
    and you better master this BEFORE you decide to run some serious test...haha

  6. #46
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Last edited by SEOINAGE; 10-08-2012 at 01:42 PM.

  7. #47
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Wow great thread. The last part so true. The first part was also very good. There was some fluff in there in the middle. I don't know that I will ever be married. I am going through some dynamic relationship issues at present that you won't see people talk about in real life but this is an internet forum so why not. My woman uses toys, vibrators etc, often on her own. I myself use my hand. I feel this is damaging our relationship. In her case, it is very hard to get her off with just a hand because she is used to a toy that can move faster that a human is capable of. In my case, I do not want to feel subject to her whims so I will take care of me sometimes. Some people reading this will say it is normal. Let me tell you right now you are wrong. I have had sex with women who have never used toys or vibrators - it is a 100 times better. They are tighter, more turned on, etc and start cumming within a couple of minutes sometimes. There is no comparison to sex with a woman untouched by machines and sex with a woman who plays with a vibrator every other night.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper
    Wow great thread. The last part so true. The first part was also very good. There was some fluff in there in the middle. I don't know that I will ever be married. I am going through some dynamic relationship issues at present that you won't see people talk about in real life but this is an internet forum so why not. My woman uses toys, vibrators etc, often on her own. I myself use my hand. I feel this is damaging our relationship. In her case, it is very hard to get her off with just a hand because she is used to a toy that can move faster that a human is capable of. In my case, I do not want to feel subject to her whims so I will take care of me sometimes. Some people reading this will say it is normal. Let me tell you right now you are wrong. I have had sex with women who have never used toys or vibrators - it is a 100 times better. They are tighter, more turned on, etc and start cumming within a couple of minutes sometimes. There is no comparison to sex with a woman untouched by machines and sex with a woman who plays with a vibrator every other night.
    Sorry but yours will not last from what you just mentioned. Some people do it.together like the guys.does it for her. Which is better. But yes be careful with machines.
    And sorry bro

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Sorry but yours will not last from what you just mentioned. Some people do it.together like the guys.does it for her. Which is better. But yes be careful with machines.
    And sorry bro
    thanks gearbox i agree

  10. #50
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Wow great thread. The last part so true. The first part was also very good. There was some fluff in there in the middle. I don't know that I will ever be married. I am going through some dynamic relationship issues at present that you won't see people talk about in real life but this is an internet forum so why not. My woman uses toys, vibrators etc, often on her own. I myself use my hand. I feel this is damaging our relationship. In her case, it is very hard to get her off with just a hand because she is used to a toy that can move faster that a human is capable of. In my case, I do not want to feel subject to her whims so I will take care of me sometimes. Some people reading this will say it is normal. Let me tell you right now you are wrong. I have had sex with women who have never used toys or vibrators - it is a 100 times better. They are tighter, more turned on, etc and start cumming within a couple of minutes sometimes. There is no comparison to sex with a woman untouched by machines and sex with a woman who plays with a vibrator every other night.
    Another CDP post.

    Bottom line is this. Any time you OVERLY rely on a single thing for enjoyment, whether your womans vibrator OVER your cock, then there will be trouble.

    In my humble opinion, TOYS, like PORN, are OK. But they are to be used sparingly, so as not to overpower the original intent of having sex with a woman in the first place.

    Call Toys and Porn, call them spice. But you don't want them so strong so as to over power the flavor of the meat.

    Everything in moderation mate.....

    ....some day you will learn =(

  11. #51
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Another CDP post.

    Bottom line is this. Any time you OVERLY rely on a single thing for enjoyment, whether your womans vibrator OVER your cock, then there will be trouble.

    In my humble opinion, TOYS, like PORN, are OK. But they are to be used sparingly, so as not to overpower the original intent of having sex with a woman in the first place.

    Call Toys and Porn, call them spice. But you don't want them so strong so as to over power the flavor of the meat.

    Everything in moderation mate.....

    ....some day you will learn =(
    Boom! Truth bomb

    Toys are used to enhance great sex. If it isn't great to begin with then yeah toys will only be a distraction.

  12. #52
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    First,..lemme rant... why isn't some of the interview with WOMEN Because not to flame you dear, but YOU.... hypocritical. (Thats why you still haven't answered my PM, cuz it shut you down, aw yeah)Women do shady crap all the time, its not just the men. But no you had to go with just the men. A better question would be "Male Members: How many married women have you slept with. My answer would be 16+1(i counted 16, but I KNOW there was another one i just can't remember her name or the exact situation,...she was probably ugly) *rant finished*
    is this adessed to me? umm if it was ~and you find me hypicritical (im not sure how this post is hypicritical)i WOULD HAVE TO SAY ...sure i have moments that my thoughts lean one way or the other on a topic depending on each topics spacifics and how Im feeling at that moment..who doesnt? but my core beliefe remain solid

    as far as the PM you sent me some time ago ~ it took me a bit to recall what your talking about BUT I remember it was so rude crude and offensive that i showed my husband it in disbelief and deleted it with my MIDDLE FINGER, so i guess your rite ~it did shut me down, you win....feel better?

    noone is saying women are perfect and dont ever do shaddy stuff, it was just an article stating that men are faithful regradless of hearsay, oppertunity and technology, and than gave 3 men responses on how they maintain faithfulness etc...

  13. #53
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    I can't read in skittles

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    is this adessed to me? umm if it was ~and you find me hypicritical (im not sure how this post is hypicritical)i WOULD HAVE TO SAY ...sure i have moments that my thoughts lean one way or the other on a topic depending on each topics spacifics and how Im feeling at that moment..who doesnt? but my core beliefe remain solid

    as far as the PM you sent me some time ago ~ it took me a bit to recall what your talking about BUT I remember it was so rude crude and offensive that i showed my husband it in disbelief and deleted it with my MIDDLE FINGER, so i guess your rite ~it did shut me down, you win....feel better?

    noone is saying women are perfect and dont ever do shaddy stuff, it was just an article stating that men are faithful regradless of hearsay, oppertunity and technology, and than gave 3 men responses on how they maintain faithfulness etc...

    You were PM'ing Sexy offensive messages? Really? I'm not sure where you get off talking to women like that.

    Don't let it happen again, ok?


  15. #55
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman


    You were PM'ing Sexy offensive messages? Really? I'm not sure where you get off talking to women like that.

    Don't let it happen again, ok?

    X2...not cool

  16. #56
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    Do I care what a sexually confused stripper thinks about marriage?

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