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  1. #1
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Thumbs down Idiots on the ballot for President & their political parties

    So I vote by mail, since its much more convenient for me....I'm going to list some of the clowns who are on the ballot, and the political parties they belong to. Always funny each election cycle to see how many crazies are on here, see my commentary in (...).

    Pete Lindsay&Yari Osorio
    "Socialism and Liberation" (isnt that kind of an oxymoron?)

    Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson& Luis J. Rodriguez (Me thinks that the coalition of La Raza sponsored this one)
    "NJ Justice Party"

    James Harris& Maura DeLuca
    "Socialist Workers Party" (At least they're honest about their intentions, unlike someeeeee presidents I know, lol)

    Merlin Miller&Harry Bertram
    "American Third Position" (I suppose they're platform is doing the nasty in the 'third' position?)

    Jeff Boss&Bob Pasternak
    "NSA Did 911" (Shit, they certainly aren't subtle there, they dont mince words now do they? Dont even need to read the rest of their platform to know they're crazy...Me thinks Alex Jones sponsored this party and the Reptillians are going to institute the New World Order anyday now **extreme sarcasm**)

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    LOL, that's just crazy. How do some of these things get on a ballot? I swear some of it is put there just to confuse people and convince them not to vote.

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