Okay so a common reply to either a cutting or bulking question is that is comes down to diet.

Simple explanation while bulking is eat nutrient rich foods with a calorie surplus. Pin compounds such as test, with deca , or tren , maybe stack an oral with the theory is that the aas compounds allow your body to use more of the food you consume to grow muscle mass. Right?

What about when cutting? I'm pinning 500 mg /w test e, clen 2 weeks on 2 off, eating at a deficit of 500-800. (ramping it up another 200 cals for 4 weeks) and so far the results are killer. But I'm thinking ahead to next summer. I'm thinking of running something like test base (thinking 3/4 gram a week), tbol, primo or mast. How is your diet supposed to be if you're wanting to live lean and add mass? TDEE+ 500? Will you get the most out of your compounds with such a small amount of calorie surplus? I guess I'm not really wrapping my head around "hardening" compounds and the correlation with diet and growth. Is it possible to stay single digit bodyfat and grow muscle?

For me it's more important to be lean, then add mass. I'm not looking to "explode" in size if it compromises muscle definition.