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  1. #1
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
    BlueWaffle21 is offline Senior Member
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    Pitbull shot twice and burried alive!

    This happened maybe 20-30 min form my place. I hope they kill htese guys if they ever find out who did it!

    The link above has a pic of the dog, so damn cute!!

    TAMPA — An anonymous caller told deputies that three shots were fired Oct. 29 on Deerfield Drive. In the yard of a vacant home, a patch of white fur and two sad brown eyes stuck out from the freshly turned dirt.

    The woefully underweight 2-year-old pit bull mix whimpered as Hillsborough County Animal Services Officer Rene Northrop dug with her hands, trying to unearth the pooch that had been buried alive up to her snout.

    Animal Services officials made a public plea Wednesday for help finding those who not only buried the dog, but shot her twice in the head.

    "This is sick," said Sgt. Pam Perry, investigations manager at Animal Services. "If they did this to a dog, they'll do it to another dog, a cat, a child or a person."

    It took 15 minutes to free the dog, but much longer to assess her injuries. Her head was bloody, her body was too thin, but still she was loving and friendly, immediately bonding with Northrop on the way to the vet, Perry said.

    At the emergency vet clinic, investigators discovered the dog — which they named Phoebe — had been shot twice in the head with a small-caliber weapon.

    One bullet entered Phoebe's forehead and exited through the back. The other went in under an eye and came out through her neck. No shell casings or bullet fragments were found at the scene, Perry said.

    The wounds were only to Phoebe's soft tissue — she suffered no brain damage. Still, it took four days in the emergency clinic to save the malnourished dog. Phoebe weighed only 30 pounds; she should be about 50 pounds. The $1,700 vet bill fell to taxpayers, which Perry called a hidden cost of animal abuse and abandonment.

    Perry wasn't sure if Phoebe's caretaker was simply being cruel or sending a message to Animal Services. Investigators rounded up eight dogs from three vacant homes in the Clair-Mel neighborhood east of Tampa in the days before Phoebe's discovery.

    "These dogs had dog-fighting wounds. They were hungry and they were inside these vacant homes," Perry said. "They didn't wander in there. Someone put them in there."

    Phoebe is the second dog this year to be found at 3221 Deerfield Drive. The first was abandoned and tied to the carport. Perry said the mistreatment of animals is endemic to the neighborhood, but stressed that there are families in the area who also want to see the abuse stopped.

    "There are citizens that live in this community who are just trying to survive in what some may call a war zone," she said. On Nov. 9, the Sheriff's Office arrested 25 people during a crime sweep in the neighborhood.

    Someone made the call alerting authorities to Phoebe, so Perry holds out hope that the community will help them find and punish the person who hurt the friendly, quiet, curious dog.

    "Was the call a message to us? Or was it a cry for help?" she said.

    Phoebe will be put up for adoption after she finishes recovering. Anyone with information about this case can contact Animal Services at (813) 744-5660.

  2. #2
    red_hulk's Avatar
    red_hulk is offline Member
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    That's disgusting I hope they catch them. They should do the same to them.

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Those dogs are made of f*cking steel and concrete. Tough as nails with amazing willpower. I am so happy the pup lived and hope it finds a good home.

    I do hope they catch the people that starved, shot and buried her. EDIT: looks like they didn't own the dog, they just shot her and buried her (but didn't starve her), not that makes it much better.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 11-16-2012 at 12:34 PM.

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That is sad. Such an innocent looking face.

  5. #5
    wh1spa's Avatar
    wh1spa is offline Senior Member
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    The people that did this should get nothing less than the exact same treatment IMO

  6. #6
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I wish our judicial system was more along the lines of "an eye for an eye"

  7. #7
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
    BlueWaffle21 is offline Senior Member
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    Breaks my heart to see these things! How pathetic of a human are you that you can look at that sweet face and shoot it? I just don't get it!!

  8. #8
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Shit makes me sick. My parents have a purebred APBT and he's the sweetest and most loyal dog I've never encountered in my life. I wish those scumbags would get treated the same way, itsept with a .45 ACP. So many ****ed up people in this world, I wish we could gather them up in masses and light them on fire.

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Some people need to be separated from society for the things they have done.

  10. #10
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I literally find it impossible to grasp how members of society can be that cruel.

    It makes me so sick and fvcking angry.

    Pure scum, 100%. They deserve to be burned alive.

  11. #11
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I literally find it impossible to grasp how members of society can be that cruel.

    It makes me so sick and fvcking angry.

    Pure scum, 100%. They deserve to be burned alive.

  12. #12
    wh1spa's Avatar
    wh1spa is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I literally find it impossible to grasp how members of society can be that cruel.

    It makes me so sick and fvcking angry.

    Pure scum, 100%. They deserve to be burned alive.
    x2 ^

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