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  1. #1
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Stop Feeding The "Trolls" Please!!!

    I just wanted to make an obvious thread, but the members here need to stop giving "trolls" even the time of day for a response. I know it is hard because they make such retarded comments that it takes a lot of self control from tearing them apart, but it is necessary to prevent them from making stupid threads and hopefully averting more "trolls" in the future. I realize "trolls" are always going to be a part of any forum on the Internet, but we can try and minimize the amount on this site. It is fine replying once to a suspected "troll"; but once he/she gives a ridiculous reply, it is the duty of everyone else to just avoid them altogether. This thread is motivated from an absurd thread that I just read. I was going to post this rant in that thread, but then I would just be a hypocrite and guilty of the very thing I am advocating against. I won't mention what thread specifically because it doesn't deserve any more attention. I am a "newbie," and even I am able to identify "trolls." Again, just ignore the "trolls" please! Let *Admin* or any other moderator deal with them. Thanks.

  2. #2
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    pretty good idea there bball.. only problem is everyone following suit. i have thought the same thing from time to time and have also been the guy compelled to say that one last thing to the moron! LOL

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Sometimes it's necessary to feed the troll to push them in the right direction lol....towards the cliff edge

  4. #4
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Yeah, I am one of the people that has a very difficult time not telling someone off; but I have realized they will never listen to sense and reason. I wish telling them off would stop them, but I have never seen a "troll" shut the hell up even after every person around them is telling them they are a damn idiot. I know how to tell people off pretty well, but on the Internet it is pointless.

  5. #5
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    Yeah, I am one of the people that has a very difficult time not telling someone off; but I have realized they will never listen to sense and reason. I wish telling them off would stop them, but I have never seen a "troll" shut the hell up even after every person around them is telling them they are a damn idiot. I know how to tell people off pretty well, but on the Internet it is pointless.
    yeh ur right and i have also realized this phenomena with my wife! not one time has my wife ever said: " you know what honey, what u just said makes absolute sense! i was completely wrong and dont know what i was thinking ever doubting or questioning you. i am going to revise my current position on the subject and immediately come over to your line of thinking.. i love you and thank you for enlightening me with your wisdom."


  6. #6
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    yeh ur right and i have also realized this phenomena with my wife! not one time has my wife ever said: " you know what honey, what u just said makes absolute sense! i was completely wrong and dont know what i was thinking ever doubting or questioning you. i am going to revise my current position on the subject and immediately come over to your line of thinking.. i love you and thank you for enlightening me with your wisdom."

    HAHAHAHA!!!! Hopefully your wife isn't as bad as some of these "trolls" though. That made me laugh.

  7. #7
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Where they take my ass
    Good thread dude. Definitely noticing a lot more D bags on this forum. Oh well. People with no lives are gonna do what they do

  8. #8
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Good in theory but its like a wet paint sign....

  9. #9
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    Good in theory but its like a wet paint sign....
    Yeah, I don't think this thread will be groundbreaking; but I had to make a compromise with myself and vent some place. Like I said earlier, I have a difficult time not saying anything to "trolls"; so this is my attempt to satisfy my urge at berating them.

  10. #10
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    What if the trolls already had his 1 meal for the day? He won't let us feed him then
    sorry couldn't resist

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
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    I never answer Lunks threads

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I never answer Lunks threads
    I may be the longest running troll here lol!

  13. #13
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    u know maybe one of these days ill become a troll on another website just to chek it out on the other side! LMAO... i bet its actually kinda fun! LOL pissing people off LOL..

  14. #14
    JWP806's Avatar
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    A lot of the times it's necessary to step in and call them out because there are a lot of people who might be first timers or just those who are inexperienced coming to the board and they might read something that a "troll" has posted and believe what they are reading. Unfortunately, I am sure that there are a few people last week who went around telling their friends that you could eat one meal a day and still gain or maintain.

    Sometimes they just have to be "fed."

  15. #15
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    A lot of the times it's necessary to step in and call them out because there are a lot of people who might be first timers or just those who are inexperienced coming to the board and they might read something that a "troll" has posted and believe what they are reading. Unfortunately, I am sure that there are a few people last week who went around telling their friends that you could eat one meal a day and still gain or maintain.

    Sometimes they just have to be "fed."
    I believe that was Lunk Sick Beard had him snowed.He was already changing his diet

  16. #16
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    What if the trolls already had his 1 meal for the day? He won't let us feed him then
    sorry couldn't resist
    Believe it or not, that was not the thread I am referring to. You guys are making it difficult for me to avoid temptation to call out and go off on the thread topic I read, haha.

  17. #17
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    u know maybe one of these days ill become a troll on another website just to chek it out on the other side! LMAO... i bet its actually kinda fun! LOL pissing people off LOL..
    Clearly that is the reason some people are "trolls"; but sadly, I think there are many "trolls" who genuinely believe in the shit they spew out of their mouths.

  18. #18
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    Believe it or not, that was not the thread I am referring to. You guys are making it difficult for me to avoid temptation to call out and go off on the thread topic I read, haha.
    my guess is it the one with the dude wanting to tell teenagers to do steroids .. that one got a ton of chatter and i had to just roll out of it as it was ridiculous

  19. #19
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    A lot of the times it's necessary to step in and call them out because there are a lot of people who might be first timers or just those who are inexperienced coming to the board and they might read something that a "troll" has posted and believe what they are reading. Unfortunately, I am sure that there are a few people last week who went around telling their friends that you could eat one meal a day and still gain or maintain.

    Sometimes they just have to be "fed."
    That is a good point, and I suppose I am different than some people. I don't like to take what has been said by one person (even if they are legit) as the gospel truth; but instead, I prefer taking the time to read what other credible information is out there before I make my own educated decisions and opinions. Perhaps this is where the one or two replies I suggested can come in handy. Once a knowledgable member reads something from a "troll," they can immediately reply with a different opinion based on LOGIC AND EXPERIENCE; therefore the "newbies" can immediately realize there is a conflict in opinion. After taking the 5 minutes to read other threads and realizing whom to believe, the "newbies" can then immediately throw out the junk thrown out by the "trolls."

  20. #20
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    That is a good point, and I suppose I am different than some people. I don't like to take what has been said by one person (even if they are legit) as the gospel truth; but instead, I prefer taking the time to read what other credible information is out there before I make my own educated decisions and opinions. Perhaps this is where the one or two replies I suggested can come in handy. Once a knowledgable member reads something from a "troll," they can immediately reply with a different opinion based on LOGIC AND EXPERIENCE; therefore the "newbies" can immediately realize there is a conflict in opinion. After taking the 5 minutes to read other threads and realizing whom to believe, the "newbies" can then immediately throw out the junk thrown out by the "trolls."
    I'm the same way. Unfortunately, there are some people who just take information and run with it.

  21. #21
    basketballfan22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    my guess is it the one with the dude wanting to tell teenagers to do steroids.. that one got a ton of chatter and i had to just roll out of it as it was ridiculous
    Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Mr. Ph.D. I am not going to go off on how absurd his thread is nor his (lack of) educational background though. I hope he was lying about being a Ph.D. student. If not, I hope the graduate school he attends miraculously sees his thread and is able to identify him that way they can immediately kick him out of the program; or better yet, keep taking his "$150,000" but never give him his degree.

    Damn it 405! Look at what you did! You made me a liar and a hypocrite, haha. Just kidding.

  22. #22
    007. is offline Banned
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    People love trolls gives this place drama and people love drama!

  23. #23
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    sorry buddy!

  24. #24
    007. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    sorry buddy!
    Watching that SB thread unfold was wildly interesting but sad at the same. First he was arguing a few members on his ban en he stopped,, then members started arguing with each other, then after that stopped they started accusing him of being a imposter or another banned member. And to top it off it was the leaders and senior members of the board doing most of the accusing and trash talk. Does not set a good example for others.

    Then a whole other thread is created about the trolls perpetuating the drama from another thread, meaning this one. I mean people want it to stop but keep starting and stirring it up, even stuff that happened months ago always gets brought back up. If you want the troll to stop, stop talking to him, alert the admin and let him deal with it.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007. View Post
    Watching that SB thread unfold was wildly interesting but sad at the same. First he was arguing a few members on his ban en he stopped,, then members started arguing with each other, then after that stopped they started accusing him of being a imposter or another banned member. And to top it off it was the leaders and senior members of the board doing most of the accusing and trash talk. Does not set a good example for others.

    Then a whole other thread is created about the trolls perpetuating the drama from another thread, meaning this one. I mean people want it to stop but keep starting and stirring it up, even stuff that happened months ago always gets brought back up. If you want the troll to stop, stop talking to him, alert the admin and let him deal with it.
    Yeah, I was hoping I would not mention the specific thread; but I suppose I was setting myself up to do just that. I was essentially saying what you just did; however despite my doing what I was advising against, you are kind of guilty of the same thing. You shouldn't contribute to this thread because it helps keep this thread going which you suggested should never have been created in the first place.

  26. #26
    007. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    Yeah, I was hoping I would not mention the specific thread; but I suppose I was setting myself up to do just that. I was essentially saying what you just did; however despite my doing what I was advising against, you are kind of guilty of the same thing. You shouldn't contribute to this thread because it helps keep this thread going which you suggested should never have been created in the first place.
    So you make a thread about trolls then when someone voices an opinion on trolls and not perpetuating it you say Im guilty of the same thing? Didn't create the thread buddy Hell this thread is turning into the last one members arguing with each other about nonsense people trying to get a rise outa everyone else.


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007. View Post
    So you make a thread about trolls then when someone voices an opinion on trolls and not perpetuating it you say Im guilty of the same thing? Didn't create the thread buddy Hell this thread is turning into the last one members arguing with each other about nonsense people trying to get a rise outa everyone else.


  28. #28
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basketballfan22 View Post
    I just wanted to make an obvious thread, but the members here need to stop giving "trolls" even the time of day for a response. I know it is hard because they make such retarded comments that it takes a lot of self control from tearing them apart, but it is necessary to prevent them from making stupid threads and hopefully averting more "trolls" in the future. I realize "trolls" are always going to be a part of any forum on the Internet, but we can try and minimize the amount on this site. It is fine replying once to a suspected "troll"; but once he/she gives a ridiculous reply, it is the duty of everyone else to just avoid them altogether. This thread is motivated from an absurd thread that I just read. I was going to post this rant in that thread, but then I would just be a hypocrite and guilty of the very thing I am advocating against. I won't mention what thread specifically because it doesn't deserve any more attention. I am a "newbie," and even I am able to identify "trolls." Again, just ignore the "trolls" please! Let *Admin* or any other moderator deal with them. Thanks.

    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  29. #29
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Sometimes it's necessary to feed the troll to push them in the right direction lol....towards the cliff edge
    This, imo.

  30. #30
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    A lot of the times it's necessary to step in and call them out because there are a lot of people who might be first timers or just those who are inexperienced coming to the board and they might read something that a "troll" has posted and believe what they are reading. Unfortunately, I am sure that there are a few people last week who went around telling their friends that you could eat one meal a day and still gain or maintain.

    Sometimes they just have to be "fed."
    This, imo.

  31. #31
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Trolls will always be amongst us on the internet, and your right the best way to deal with them is to ignore tham all together, there is nothing more satisfying than a person trying to attempt to get kicks out of another perons rage, and failing miserably.

    But like most some never learn, cause there so called existence of a life revolves around typing up idiotic threads/comments to help boost there pity little self-esteem

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