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    >Acute<'s Avatar
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    Unhappy Most Depressing Bodybuilding Article

    Time to have a serious discussion.. It's somewhat of a heavy subject especially to people who are totally 100% dedicated to this sport of bodybuilding. So be warned:

    I was reading Martin Berkhan's blog (the guy who popularized Intermittent Fasting recently ) and I stumbled upon this article "The Secret Benefit of Being Lean". I wasn't prepared at all to read something like this. Not now, not today. I only wish I had read it after going to the gym, because I was so depressed by the end of this article, I didn't feel like going to the gym at all today. Instead, I went for a long walk contemplating the wretched condition of humankind... ya, I know. You wouldn't expect this from the title of the article. And neither did I..

    It's not so much the article itself, but the thought process it triggers (at least in me). To give you an idea, in this article Martin Berkhan discusses how he felt when he finally achieved his ultimate fitness goals and was pretty much at the best shape of his life. He was at his all-time "peak condition"... here's how he felt shortly after that:

    "But the experience was disappointing in many ways. Is this it? It left me with a sense of a void inside myself. After all, I had invested a fair amount of energy in this over the years. Mental energy first and foremost. Having had to master thoughts of doubt. Spending time thinking about how to tackle social events without affecting progress negatively. At times having to exert restraint when cravings came."

    "But that void needs to be filled with something. You will suddenly rediscover new interests and hobbies - I did. Don't fill the void with more training. Fill it with reading, family, friends or whatever you like."

    Now how depressing is this? I honestly didn't feel like going to the gym after reading his article. Here's a person who's been through the entire journey of bodybuilding and at the end finds it simply lacking. The whole journey leads no where. You follow your desires with dedication, commitment and passion but in the end nothing is ever achieved.

    It got me thinking: Is this really what bodybuilding is in the end all about? Just a promise that never delivers? Am I gonna find myself in the same spot some years down the road? Is this why people take anabolics and from there cocaine and other drugs? Is frustration inevitable? Really Martin Berkhan, read a book and spend time with family? That's your answer!?

    What's YOUR answer??

  2. #2
    .45Caliber's Avatar
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    Can you post a link to the article for us?

    After he met his goal, he wasnt satisfied with everything it took to get to that point. So, hes saying to open doors and do more in your life, learn other things too, etc... People may end up doing rec drugs, because they dont want to learn and do other more productive things, etc...

    Remember, he had an option to set a new goal, but from what you posted, he didnt.

    Thats my take on it.

  3. #3
    >Acute<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by .45Caliber View Post
    Can you post a link to the article for us?

    After he met his goal, he wasnt satisfied with everything it took to get to that point. So, hes saying to open doors and do more in your life, learn other things too, etc... People may end up doing rec drugs, because they dont want to learn and do other more productive things, etc...

    Remember, he had an option to set a new goal, but from what you posted, he didnt.

    Thats my take on it.

    But that's the thing. He was natty. When he reached his limit, he had no where else to go. He had to accept it. But if you're using AAS, things will be a bit different. You have the option to keep going and you just might keep your foot on the gas until you run out of road. You can easily end up destroying yourself.

  4. #4
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Bodybuilding isn't for everyone! Its a lifestyle that takes a lot of up keep. I think the dude is missing something in his life if he can work his a$$ off to achieve a great physique and is not happy...Maybe to achieve this he shut off everything family friends etc... Don't let it get you down..His journey is nothing like yours. Don't quit, never be satisfied, respect what you have done! Live life, keep those dear to you close, and get big! That sounds like a great idea to me. If I could go to the gym right now I would...but I'm at work..looks like ill be doing pull ups in the back room!

  5. #5
    >Acute<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    Bodybuilding isn't for everyone! Its a lifestyle that takes a lot of up keep. I think the dude is missing something in his life if he can work his a$$ off to achieve a great physique and is not happy...Maybe to achieve this he shut off everything family friends etc... Don't let it get you down..His journey is nothing like yours. Don't quit, never be satisfied, respect what you have done! Live life, keep those dear to you close, and get big! That sounds like a great idea to me. If I could go to the gym right now I would...but I'm at work..looks like ill be doing pull ups in the back room!

    That's the thing man.. being 21, most people around you are complete hedonists. Instant gratification is their life. You look at them, they SEEM to be having a lot of fun, but you think to yourself "No. I'm in this journey which is gonna bring me SOMETHING much more worthwhile in the end"... and then you read something like this...

  6. #6
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Hmm interesting. I believe every man should be able to marvel at his own body at least once in his life. As close as he can get to perfection.

    However for me I love to work out but at 34 its the only sport my body can handle anymore. I cant play ball like I used to. I cant play soccer anymore. Pretty much anything that requires constant running is out the window bc of no cartilidge left in my knees. I am not ready to stop being active and will never be the golfing type. However my brain needs to be stimulated more then just from working out.

    I took Italian in high school and recently bought rosetta stone and started learning Italian. My goal is to be able to hold conversations when I go there for my honey moon one day. My point is people should always try and better themselves in many different ways in order to keep growing. Once you get to that perfection in something you still have something else.

    For me body building is something i put alot of time into however I will never eat perfectly clean all year round. I love food too much. I am going for 12% this summer but thats it and after that I dont care if I dont have abs anymore. Life is about balance

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Hmm interesting. I believe every man should be able to marvel at his own body at least once in his life. As close as he can get to perfection.

    However for me I love to work out but at 34 its the only sport my body can handle anymore. I cant play ball like I used to. I cant play soccer anymore. Pretty much anything that requires constant running is out the window bc of no cartilidge left in my knees. I am not ready to stop being active and will never be the golfing type. However my brain needs to be stimulated more then just from working out.

    I took Italian in high school and recently bought rosetta stone and started learning Italian. My goal is to be able to hold conversations when I go there for my honey moon one day. My point is people should always try and better themselves in many different ways in order to keep growing. Once you get to that perfection in something you still have something else.

    For me body building is something i put alot of time into however I will never eat perfectly clean all year round. I love food too much. I am going for 12% this summer but thats it and after that I dont care if I dont have abs anymore. Life is about balance
    I agree, BBing seems like the only thing were people feel like they need to sacrifice everything to do it. You cant cheat on meals, cant got out to dinner, can have a drink with friends. unless your pro or clearly on your way its a hobby.

    No hobby is worth friends, family or a relationship. You never know what can happen to you. Your can devote everything to your hobby blow off everyone to get to your "perfection" and get injured and have nothing.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    >Acute<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Hmm interesting. I believe every man should be able to marvel at his own body at least once in his life. As close as he can get to perfection.

    However for me I love to work out but at 34 its the only sport my body can handle anymore. I cant play ball like I used to. I cant play soccer anymore. Pretty much anything that requires constant running is out the window bc of no cartilidge left in my knees. I am not ready to stop being active and will never be the golfing type. However my brain needs to be stimulated more then just from working out.

    I took Italian in high school and recently bought rosetta stone and started learning Italian. My goal is to be able to hold conversations when I go there for my honey moon one day. My point is people should always try and better themselves in many different ways in order to keep growing. Once you get to that perfection in something you still have something else.

    For me body building is something i put alot of time into however I will never eat perfectly clean all year round. I love food too much. I am going for 12% this summer but thats it and after that I dont care if I dont have abs anymore. Life is about balance
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I agree, BBing seems like the only thing were people feel like they need to sacrifice everything to do it. You cant cheat on meals, cant got out to dinner, can have a drink with friends. unless your pro or clearly on your way its a hobby.

    No hobby is worth friends, family or a relationship. You never know what can happen to you. Your can devote everything to your hobby blow off everyone to get to your "perfection" and get injured and have nothing.
    I look at it more than just a hobby. It's a passion. And yes, I have sacrificed many things at the alter of bodybuilding, because if I don't I just feel like a lazy average slob and I lose all respect for myself.

    @ Rwy, I did mention that this will be most relevant if you're 100% dedicated to bodybuilding. Just as a musician is dedicated to his music or an artists to his paintings. If you don't care if you ever see your abs again, then it's probably just a hobby for you and not a big deal in the end.

  9. #9
    canesfan804's Avatar
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    Dont let someone else's story get you down Acute. Just keep on hittin the weights and building the body you want. Like Rwy said life is about balance tho, dont lose track of the important things like family and (if you believe) God. Because at the end of the day when the body is broken and beaten they are all that matters. Now if becoming a pro body builder is your goal there will be lots of sacrifices you will have to make along the way. Trust me the parties and things you may miss out on are not really even worth it. Also is that you in your avi?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Acute< View Post
    I look at it more than just a hobby. It's a passion. And yes, I have sacrificed many things at the alter of bodybuilding, because if I don't I just feel like a lazy average slob and I lose all respect for myself.

    @ Rwy, I did mention that this will be most relevant if you're 100% dedicated to bodybuilding. Just as a musician is dedicated to his music or an artists to his paintings. If you don't care if you ever see your abs again, then it's probably just a hobby for you and not a big deal in the end.
    all im saying is if bbing isnt paying your bills or its not going to in the future its a hobby. Call it what ever you want but its hobby.
    And evently you sacrifice enough people they may not always be there for you later. A there are no promises bb will be there either.

    i also see your 21 and thats why you think this way too. I cut classes at college to make sure i trained. When your older and get more mature you will see what the real priorities are in life
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    For me the end game is Death. Working out and changing my body is a never ending hobby.

    Their is no "end" for me. I am motivated to continue each time i change my body composition. But for me that doesn't mean i am getting bigger and bigger and bigger. It could mean that im losing BF and gaining LBM. Or im gaining weight and mucsle, but look forward to cutting too. Its like a Rubik's cube. So many different combinations of body composition.

    Its extremely difficult to maintain the "perfect" body. This is why most of us AAS hobbyists seem to be always trying to better ourselves. And for me that will be forever..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Acute< View Post
    I look at it more than just a hobby. It's a passion. And yes, I have sacrificed many things at the alter of bodybuilding, because if I don't I just feel like a lazy average slob and I lose all respect for myself.

    @ Rwy, I did mention that this will be most relevant if you're 100% dedicated to bodybuilding. Just as a musician is dedicated to his music or an artists to his paintings. If you don't care if you ever see your abs again, then it's probably just a hobby for you and not a big deal in the end.
    I have 13 years on you. If you still care about your abs at 34 year round I would say you are def taking this way too serious. I am not trying to be combative but I honestly think people who are able to keep 10% body fat year round for long peroids of time usually have body issues. Life has a lot more to offer then abs and I hope by time you get older you will see that but hey thats just my opinion.

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    I have had so many different passions at different stages in my life. To think back and to only allow myself one would be to deprive myself of living.

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    Quote Originally Posted by >Acute< View Post
    I look at it more than just a hobby. It's a passion. And yes, I have sacrificed many things at the alter of bodybuilding, because if I don't I just feel like a lazy average slob and I lose all respect for myself.

    @ Rwy, I did mention that this will be most relevant if you're 100% dedicated to bodybuilding. Just as a musician is dedicated to his music or an artists to his paintings. If you don't care if you ever see your abs again, then it's probably just a hobby for you and not a big deal in the end.
    You can be passionate about your hobbies and it's good that you are, but it's still just a hobby. Your life and the lives of your family don't depend on how you look.

    What Gixxer was saying is that enjoying an occasional good enjoyable meal, having a few beers with your friends, etc are important parts to living and what is the payoff for sacrificing those things? If you're not posing on stage, being in movies/modeling or anything else that depends on your looks, how much of a difference is it going to make?

    I think it's great that Berkhan found interests to fill his void. What is depressing about hearing that a guy felt empty and then discovered what mattered to himself and found his interests? It's actually kind of a feel-good story.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You can be passionate about your hobbies and it's good that you are, but it's still just a hobby. Your life and the lives of your family don't depend on how you look.

    What Gixxer was saying is that enjoying an occasional good enjoyable meal, having a few beers with your friends, etc are important parts to living and what is the payoff for sacrificing those things? If you're not posing on stage, being in movies/modeling or anything else that depends on your looks, how much of a difference is it going to make?

    I think it's great that Berkhan found interests to fill his void. What is depressing about hearing that a guy felt empty and then discovered what mattered to himself and found his interests? It's actually kind of a feel-good story.
    Well said. I agree, it's not for everyone and glad to hear he found what made him feel good. I'm like most here, it's not life consuming and I do it for fun and to feel/look better but I still like to think it's part of my lifestyle and is not just a passing fad/hobby although hobbies can be life long also. What happened to the days when I/we were kids and had several hobbies and still time in the day to do other things?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    What happened to the days when I/we were kids and had several hobbies and still time in the day to do other things?
    Wife, kids, and bills filled the place of the old hobbies so now you only have time for maybe 1.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by canesfan804 View Post
    Wife, kids, and bills filled the place of the old hobbies so now you only have time for maybe 1.
    Oh yeah, the wife. I dont deal will bills much. Everything for the most part is auto pay. Funny how the wife/women are always responsible for sucking the life out of us. lol Life was so much more fun, fulfilling rewarding and we had so much more of it until we discovered girls. No offense to women, just another guy rant.

    That being said, it seems most kids dont have time for doing much/hobbies anymore either. I use to build model balsa wood U control airplanes from scratch and fly them, make candles creating my own molds and still had time to go outside and play with friends. Really seems time is running faster and faster.

  18. #18
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    I honestly didn't expect this thread to be anything like this. I decided to read this because I was just curious. This thread is a great example of how much you can learn from community, not only about AAS, training, but also learn about YOU. I have taken a lot from this, and I have to say that many of you out there really care.
    Just my thoughts.

  19. #19
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    So I still ended up going to the gym last night

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    I was talking to an older friend I know about this and he said something that really made me pause and rethink what this is all about. He said: It's about the journey, not the end.. If you don't like lifting in and by itself, why would you even want to look like you do??

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    This is why I have backed off my training. The gym will always be there but my niece will only grows up once. Priorities.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Oh yeah, the wife. I dont deal will bills much. Everything for the most part is auto pay. Funny how the wife/women are always responsible for sucking the life out of us. lol Life was so much more fun, fulfilling rewarding and we had so much more of it until we discovered girls. No offense to women, just another guy rant.

    That being said, it seems most kids dont have time for doing much/hobbies anymore either. I use to build model balsa wood U control airplanes from scratch and fly them, make candles creating my own molds and still had time to go outside and play with friends. Really seems time is running faster and faster.
    I was referring more to making the money for those bills. I think I am one of the few that actually write my bills out instead of online. Although I am slowly converting.

    It seems the more things we invent to save time the less time we have...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Acute< View Post
    So I still ended up going to the gym last night
    Good work!

  24. #24
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    I like to think about arnie everything the guy does he excels at. Went into body building boom best bber of all time. Went into acting and no one thought he would make it boom biggest actor of all time become governor of california everything the guy does he is the best at. Just think about that now thats a journey.

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    I think you are a very deep, well educated young man, and I can see you are very dedicated to everything you do............... but bro...........your just 21 years old !! You have only scratched the surface of life. If bodybuilding is your thing, go for it bro! you can achieve anything...............but dont forget to live while your at it........dont pass up that nite out drinkin with your best buds, because you will mess up your gains, dont pass up that piece of pie or cake your moms made you for Christmas or your birthday cause of the diet,

    Life is SHORT...............It can end in a blink of the eye............. I read the article, and this poor bastard in my humble opinion let his quest for perfection, take over his life.

    Tim McGraw wrote a song called "Live like you were dying" Its for his father "Tug McGraw" who died of cancer.........

    Sorry for the rant bro..............caught me on a high E2 day

  26. #26
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    I think anyone that wants to be a pro at anything has to make sacrifices. Most people that are "pro" athletes don't have much going on other than working. I have a few neighbors that play in the NHL and they live like a pro BB would; they just skate instead of go to the gym and work out. It comes down to your priorities in life I guess.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post

    I think you are a very deep, well educated young man, and I can see you are very dedicated to everything you do............... but bro...........your just 21 years old !! You have only scratched the surface of life. If bodybuilding is your thing, go for it bro! you can achieve anything...............but dont forget to live while your at it........dont pass up that nite out drinkin with your best buds, because you will mess up your gains, dont pass up that piece of pie or cake your moms made you for Christmas or your birthday cause of the diet,

    Life is SHORT...............It can end in a blink of the eye............. I read the article, and this poor bastard in my humble opinion let his quest for perfection, take over his life.

    Tim McGraw wrote a song called "Live like you were dying" Its for his father "Tug McGraw" who died of cancer.........

    Sorry for the rant bro..............caught me on a high E2 day

    Thanks PS! Good rant, I'm slowly coming to that conclusion too. Bodybuilding is something to enhance one's life, not take over it. But this is no excuse to slack off, I'm still gonna keep doing what I do with the same dedication/ intensity, but now with a different perspective.

  28. #28
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    Well this is an interesting thread here. and I agree with what Papa Smurf said. You are 21, I was contemplating the same things when I was that age. I am 26 now and if I would have foreseen where my life was going at 21 I would have done something about it. But what you said earlier, its not about the end, its about the journey.

    You are 21 years old and I can tell you right now that even in the next 5 years life is going to throw shit at you that you never knew was coming. All you can really do is be ready for it. I love lifting, but I know there is an endgame there, when that happens though I will try to find a way to move my body that gives me pleasure. I don’t have to be an athlete to be a man, but my body is a temple and I need to care for it, enjoy it, and use it to express myself.

    Life to me is simple. My family, my friends, reading, experiencing new people and places, giving back to others, laughing, making other people laugh, smiling, telling my GF i love her every day, always telling the truth (this one is important), finding a job/work that makes me happy, traveling across the globe, smoking a good cigar, drinking with friends, finding some sort of spirituality. Money and power use to be what I was about- they look good- but they did not fill my soul with the joy the way my family has.

    I try to live passionately, dream big and never back down. These are the things that matter to me, everything else is just background noise.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well said. I agree, it's not for everyone and glad to hear he found what made him feel good. I'm like most here, it's not life consuming and I do it for fun and to feel/look better but I still like to think it's part of my lifestyle and is not just a passing fad/hobby although hobbies can be life long also. What happened to the days when I/we were kids and had several hobbies and still time in the day to do other things?
    x2. This is how we become a well-rounded individuals. Sure you can be dedicated to something, but one must always strive to have a Plan-B or to investigate other options available to them. You achieve this through time spent on education, social interaction, family, work and/or making the effort to experience new & different things. My $0.02...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Acute< View Post
    Thanks PS! Good rant, I'm slowly coming to that conclusion too. Bodybuilding is something to enhance one's life, not take over it. But this is no excuse to slack off, I'm still gonna keep doing what I do with the same dedication/ intensity, but now with a different perspective.
    Well said

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