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Thread: Thoughts

  1. #41
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    It is a joke though mate
    We're a society where a pizza will come to your house quicker than the police

    Lol funny but not true in my case....

    My pissed neighbour ( who we had previously had some grief with) kicked my fence down in my garden.... So I went out to see WTF had happened.... Basically he tried to give it loads and was in my garden trying to open the back door..... To cut a long story short me and this guy were arguing, my GF was hysterical and called the police.... In the mean time I butted this guy with a baseball bat which scared him off for a few mins.... The police turned up less than 5 mins after the call was made....
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  2. #42
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9

    Lol funny but not true in my case....

    My pissed neighbour ( who we had previously had some grief with) kicked my fence down in my garden.... So I went out to see WTF had happened.... Basically he tried to give it loads and was in my garden trying to open the back door..... To cut a long story short me and this guy were arguing, my GF was hysterical and called the police.... In the mean time I butted this guy with a baseball bat which scared him off for a few mins.... The police turned up less than 5 mins after the call was made....
    That's a rare case surely

  3. #43
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Crazy video, as marcus and baseline were saying, this chap is known to the cops. As he states in the video he has complained before etc so he clearly has had run ins previously.

    If they really wanted to catch him out, they could hsve got him while driving and using a mobile phone
    You are correct the man is well known to the police, reason being is that he is a driving a nice car, he gets stopped several times a week for no other reason than he is driving the car he is.... For him this was like the final straw and he decided to fight back....

    Don't for one minuet think that our police are soft, for a start they have a bad habit of shooting and killing innocent people...
    Last edited by Matt; 04-24-2013 at 04:23 PM.
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #44
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    BTW the Chief of police is asking for a law that prohibits people filming them, he claims, " it interferes with their job"..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #45
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt
    BTW the Chief of police is asking for a law that prohibits people filming them, he claims, " it interferes with their job"..
    That's never going to be passed surely

  6. #46
    DCI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    You are correct the man is well known to the police, reason being is that he is a driving a nice car, he gets stopped several times a week for no other reason than he is driving the car he is.... For him this was like the final straw and he decided to fight back....

    Don't for one minuet think that our police are soft, for a start they have a bad habit of shooting and killing innocent people...
    The above happens everywere in the world. Personally I'd have dealt with it in another way as the he did was definetly going to cause more hassle than anything else.

    Normally you are treated in the way you treat others. I'd omagine this chap is an ignorant soul to anyone or anything that he disagrees with. Now was it wise for the cops to bring in nearly 10+ of them, that is debatable. But there is no reason to just shout down a person and to be fair he wasn't exactly rhe nicest of people with some of his comments.

    We all have been in that situatiokn were you meet a clown of a cop, doctor etc but there is no need to obnoxiously rude for the sake of being rude and then sneakily making derogarty statements when the wondows are half closed in the car.

    I personally have been at the recieving end of bullying cops etc but I do not tar them all with the same brush I speak to them normally ith respect and 9 times out of 10 I get a respectful response. Everyone gets profiled it is in human nature to do it, men do it to women by what they are wearing or how they look etc so the comment about the car etc is neither here nor there

  7. #47
    tigerspawn's Avatar
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    I can’t see someone getting away with acting that way towards police in the States. Police in the States have given people beat downs for far less.

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