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Thread: need some advice. ASAP

  1. #1
    blamp is offline New Member
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    need some advice. ASAP

    going to go to doctors tomorrow because i think i may have an infection from the injection on my steroid . im sore and redish pink on the top part of my thigh. what can i tell the doctor other than i injected myself with a steroid? or should i just tell him straight up. please let me know asap.

  2. #2
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    Say it was a vitamin B shot

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  3. #3
    blamp is offline New Member
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    and then what? just tell the doc i injected myself with vitamain b for my health?

  4. #4
    Rwy's Avatar
    Rwy is offline Productive Member
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    Doesnt mean its an infection. How long ago was the shot? Bad technique can def cause pain and redness

  5. #5
    blamp is offline New Member
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    and for anyone else who is willing to help me out who knows a lot about infections. i injected on sunday. just started noticing it may be an infection. will he just prescribe me an antibiotic?

  6. #6
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blamp View Post
    and then what? just tell the doc i injected myself with vitamain b for my health?
    I went to dr for same thing last year. I over reacted but its better safe then sorry. I told them it was my trt shot and yes she did complain a bit but got over it.

  7. #7
    blamp is offline New Member
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    RWY, my buddy did it for me. i am reading about it now. he did it in the center of my thigh. (now i know they should od it on the top corner) but its still some what swollen and the reddish/pink its on the my thigh, almost looking like it spread but that also might be from all the ice and heating ive been applying.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by blamp View Post
    and then what? just tell the doc i injected myself with vitamain b for my health?
    Yea or tell him it's none of his business why you injected vitamin b.

    Is the injection site hard to the touch or hot, or are you running a fever?

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  9. #9
    blamp is offline New Member
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    nah no fever. i feel fine. its just what it looks like that is bugging me the **** out. lol. its warm to the touch.

  10. #10
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blamp View Post
    RWY, my buddy did it for me. i am reading about it now. he did it in the center of my thigh. (now i know they should od it on the top corner) but its still some what swollen and the reddish/pink its on the my thigh, almost looking like it spread but that also might be from all the ice and heating ive been applying.
    sounds like your body isnt absorbing it not an infection.Might be your gear. Quads do hurt if this was your first injection

    There are some other things too but I will let a vet answer you can get better advice from them

  11. #11
    blamp is offline New Member
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    appreciate it buddy. yeah and hear this, i did my first shot..ever in the ass. my ass blew up. some say it was my virgin muscle. then next week i did it in the thigh. and now its have the signs of a infection. im just playing better safe than sorry. but i know im over reacting

  12. #12
    blamp is offline New Member
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    in this type of situation though, would you ice or put a heating pad on it? or both?

  13. #13
    motoxposse's Avatar
    motoxposse is offline Junior Member
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    Was this ur first injection of this type aas ? Possible u maybe allergic or sensative to this ester. Some people experience flu like symptoms when using sus for example this has been explained on some forums as an allergic reaction to the ester this would also cause a warm injection site.

  14. #14
    blamp is offline New Member
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    yeah, both times i have had a wierd reaction but this time its just pretty red and swollen.

  15. #15
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    At 20 you shouldnt be cycling.Maybe this is a Omen!
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  16. #16
    blamp is offline New Member
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    haha come on man! im smart about everything, i eat well. im 6'2 and 158 pounds. cant gain weight for shit so i decided to take the extra step. but yeah might be an omen. haha

  17. #17
    blamp is offline New Member
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    but just to make my story straight, what would be my reason to inject vitamin b in my thigh?

  18. #18
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    Say you saw it on a YouTube video lol

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  19. #19
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    You want to heat it not ice it. The heat will thin the oil and help it be absorbed by the muscle.

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  20. #20
    blamp is offline New Member
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    alright thanks man. anyone else who has some other observations or ideas why this is happening to my leg. feel free to comment. ill be here lol

  21. #21
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
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    Was your injection test prop or sust? Was it your first injection ever in that thigh? Is the affected area warm or hot when you touch it (ideally you'd ask someone else like your wife to judge that)? Is the area red (check first thing in the morning before you start with the icing and heating - btw stop icing it and just use warm compress as it works for irritation and infection)? Is it hard? Is it tender when you touch it? Is it swollen/inflamed? Are your symptoms getting better or worse? Sounds like this is happening with your first injection into each muscle, is that the case?
    Last edited by AnabolicDoc; 05-23-2013 at 11:08 PM.

  22. #22
    blamp is offline New Member
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    test prop. yeah my first injection in the thigh. it is warm when i touch it. (dont have a wife...or gf for that matter). my thigh is red, in a large portion. its a little harder than my other thigh but i think thats becuase of the swelling. not too tender when i touch it. only when i put pressure on it, it feels as if im pushing on a bruise. my knee cap is swollen but i assume thats just gravity and the oil going down my leg. i injected in the ass and it swell up a lot and couldnt even sit on ti for a couple days. but i feel like my leg should have cleared up by now. i injected sunday afternoon.

  23. #23
    blamp is offline New Member
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    my walking seems a bit better, not saying its 100%. the pain is some what going away but i am limping and uncomfortable to walk becuase the swelling around my knee

  24. #24
    blamp is offline New Member
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    and was very sterile about everything, newly exposed needle. alcohol swabs. swabbed the top of the bottle. swabbed my leg. but i flexed during the shot.

  25. #25
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blamp View Post
    test prop. yeah my first injection in the thigh. it is warm when i touch it. (dont have a wife...or gf for that matter). my thigh is red, in a large portion. its a little harder than my other thigh but i think thats becuase of the swelling. not too tender when i touch it. only when i put pressure on it, it feels as if im pushing on a bruise. my knee cap is swollen but i assume thats just gravity and the oil going down my leg. i injected in the ass and it swell up a lot and couldnt even sit on ti for a couple days. but i feel like my leg should have cleared up by now. i injected sunday afternoon.

    Your buddy didn't go deep enough in that area, so it leaked all the way down to your knee and gathered there, possibly crashed, too. You'll be fine but this will take longer to go away than the average PIP, and most likely will become painful.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  26. #26
    blamp is offline New Member
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    no pain no gain. as long as i dont have to go to the hospital. lol are you postive though? it doesnt sound like an infection? what would an infection feel/look like?

  27. #27
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blamp View Post
    no pain no gain. as long as i dont have to go to the hospital. lol are you postive though? it doesnt sound like an infection? what would an infection feel/look like?
    Well, infections are petty nasty. Problem is symptoms from beginning stages of infection AND simple muscle irritation can be very similar. Redness, hardening of the area and even warm to the touch. So I personally never assume it's one or the other in the beginning stages. But typically muscle irritation from an unsteady hand or injecting too fast goes away after 3 to 4 days. If your knee is swollen it's most likely that it travelled down there, and that can take time to heal.

    Am I positive? No, nothing is certain. But that's my assessment based on your symptoms.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  28. #28
    blamp is offline New Member
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    thank youuuu, from what you said, it sounds like you hit the nail on the head. im still going to the doc tomorrow but now that i some what know it isnt an infection, im relived lol. but from what you said, if he didnt go deep enough in my thigh, would that also explain the large portion of redness on my upper/somwhat inner thigh?

  29. #29
    AnabolicDoc's Avatar
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    I agree with austinite on all points. What concerns me about the knee joint swelling is that significant amounts of blood don't flow through joints, hence comprised immune system within joints. In the unlikely event that your thigh is infected and has spread to the joint, time is of the essence as your knee would need to be surgically opened and cleaned. But I suspect that the swelling you mention is above your knee and not the joint itself.- does the knee hurt with movement?

    I don't think you have an infection, especially if it's getting better, it's not tender, and you don't have a fever and this has been happening since Sunday. Best course of action would be to go to an outpatient urgent care center as they are less likely to ask many questions and it's quicker. You can always say that you dropped a knife while cooking, scissors while cutting, was doing repairs and and got stuck by a nail, sgt mentioned vit b shot, and someone else mentioned TRT shot - the list is endless. This is all precaution, however as again it's probably fine but without being able to see it in person and when I question the accuracy of your description (in regards to the knee involvement) I have to say go to the doc.

  30. #30
    blamp is offline New Member
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    no no, your right. its not the knee itself. its above my knee cap. and no when i move my knee, it does not hurt. i just cant bend my leg becuase im so still in my thih. my knee it self feels fine. just swollen above it.

  31. #31
    blamp is offline New Member
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    so stiff in my thigh***

  32. #32
    blamp is offline New Member
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    and if i say i dropped a knife or whatever event i did to my leg. the anti biotic that he will prescribe will work no matter what i tell him? doesnt really matter between a bad steroid injection to dropping a knife on my thigh?

  33. #33
    blummy is offline Junior Member
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    My Mate had the same thing in his ass tho, all the same sypmthoms your daying. he went to the doctor told him what he did and doc said it was fine and it went away soon after that. He had a hard lump and was red and warm. Looked bad. This was also test prop?

    Plus what is the worst that can happen doctors at least where i am from can't say anything. its a confidence issue if they do. He will probably give you a serve say it's bad and you just nod your head and say "yes sir i know this has scared me i wont be trying this again" then you just be on your way with your prescription

  34. #34
    blamp is offline New Member
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    yes sir.whole thigh is pretty red and warm but starting to think its not an infection with everyones info. just a bad shot.

  35. #35
    blamp is offline New Member
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    and yeah same here. doctors legally cant say anything. only thing is hes close with my family haha has some pros and cons but he's a real down to earth guy. as long as im not losing a leg or have to get rushed to the hospital, im a happpy dude

  36. #36
    blummy is offline Junior Member
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    If your worried about him being a family friend just drop in a see some other doctor.
    Maybe wait until your older also and get some real sound advice from some guys on this forum before you start jabbing yourself.
    Probably been told this a million times but seriously look into your diet and really work on that. There is no way that you can't gain weight. everyone can gain weight just some find it harder and i think there is even a sticky thread in the nutrition forum re-garding people like you who struggle to put on size/mass.

    If you read all the things that can happen i personally don't think it is worth it. Just think about it.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by blamp View Post
    and if i say i dropped a knife or whatever event i did to my leg. the anti biotic that he will prescribe will work no matter what i tell him? doesnt really matter between a bad steroid injection to dropping a knife on my thigh?
    Yep same antibiotic. But if you go with the nail or knife excuse you'll get a tetanus shot as well, which if you haven't had in a while isn't bad as you get a whopping cough booster in same shot which many ppl need.

  38. #38
    blamp is offline New Member
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    just got back from doc. not an infection. told them it was a b12 injection. just a improper shot. thank you EVERYONE for your input. definitely helped me a lot. appreciate the time.

  39. #39
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    Your buddy didn't go deep enough in that area, so it leaked all the way down to your knee

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  40. #40
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    ^ dirty boy.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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