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Thread: Proof there is a GOD (time to put the argument to rest)

  1. #81
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    ^^ people who dont understand this are just ignorant and unable to think objectively as well as live in reality IMO
    It's taken a few years but my eyes are open now
    I've seen some things and heard things come from people that you wouldn't expect and to be blunt its sickening
    I've witnessed bullying and hatred all my life and for some of the most pathetic reasons.
    Some people don't deserve to breath the same air as other
    Anyway sorry for jacking the thread

  2. #82
    basketballfan22's Avatar
    basketballfan22 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    sholva some very good points made man! most of em i agree with. the thing about christians and christianity, just like everything else, is it is run by PEOPLE. we screw everything UP! everything we touch we screw up! that is what we do man. ever since sin came into the world we started screwing stuff up..

    we will continue to screw stuff up until sin is removed!

    for the record speaking as a christian for the christian faith hating gay people is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! according to my faith and the bible homosexuality is a sin and homosexual lifestyle is a sinful lifestyle. BUT so is being a drunk, liar, thief, tax cheater, drug dealer, drug abuser, hypocrite, etc, etc, etc..

    we are all sinners. if i were to say: : "i hate all gay people" (which i do not) i would be a hypocrite as i am also guilty of sin.

    james 2:10 "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

    You are a breath of fresh air 405, but sadly not all religious people are like you. With the exception of homosexuality's being a sin, I agree with everything you said. If you can remain tolerant (or better yet accepting) of other cultures and groups of people, I wish you luck and strength in your religious beliefs. Clearly it has helped you in many ways my man.

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