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Thread: Cost for a cycle

  1. #1
    BIGTIMEPUSH's Avatar
    BIGTIMEPUSH is offline Associate Member
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    Cost for a cycle

    One of my buddies is/was doing a test e and winny cycle for the summer to cut down. Before I went on this forum I thought that was a good cycle. I didn't realize how much more is needed to safely and correctly complete a cycle. Meaning anti-estrogens before the start and all the different PCT meds. When I told him about these and that he should be on them he kinda agreed and went to look up how and where to get them. After looking them up he told me they would cost more than the actual steroids and said he looked it up and told me that was bulls*** that you need all that stuff. So we argued for a little bit and it ended on the note that I didn't know s*** and Since this was his second cycle he has done he knows way more than me... It really pissed me off and well now I'm really wanting to just copy and paste a ton of threads and continuously e-mail him just to be a d***! Sorry this is just me letting off some steam, and I wouldn't mind hearing all of your thoughts. Am I out of line here for being p*****? Thanks all for letting me rant!!

  2. #2
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    I wouldn't put so much energy into it but your friends an idiot.

    I don't know what he saw to make him think that support drugs aren't needed to cycle safely.

  3. #3
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    Your buddy sounds very ignorant. Tell him to spend 10 mins on here and just read the sticky's and then see what he has to say.....

  4. #4
    BIGTIMEPUSH's Avatar
    BIGTIMEPUSH is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimmReaper View Post
    Your buddy sounds very ignorant. Tell him to spend 10 mins on here and just read the sticky's and then see what he has to say.....
    Yeah thats kinda why I posted this just so I could show him all the comments agreeing with me...

  5. #5
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    The gear is the easy part, the shit that goes with it is hard! I understand why you are upset, if he is a good friend you dont wanna see him F himself up....and the other part is cause "Im right and you're wrong" lol all you can do is let him know and let him do what he wants and will most likely do anyway.
    Gear is like racing, you have a car (you) and you put high octane (gear) in it, when you do that you can go faster/harder, when you start doing that the chances of breaking or screwing stuff goes up a lot, so you buy/add pieces and parts to make sure that those things dont break and if they do you are able to minimize or control the damage. Not a great analogy but you get the point.
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  6. #6
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lstbred View Post
    The gear is the easy part, the shit that goes with it is hard! I understand why you are upset, if he is a good friend you dont wanna see him F himself up....and the other part is cause "Im right and you're wrong" lol all you can do is let him know and let him do what he wants and will most likely do anyway.
    Gear is like racing, you have a car (you) and you put high octane (gear) in it, when you do that you can go faster/harder, when you start doing that the chances of breaking or screwing stuff goes up a lot, so you buy/add pieces and parts to make sure that those things dont break and if they do you are able to minimize or control the damage. Not a great analogy but you get the point.
    the sh!t that goes along with it, to include FOOD. That's the one that'll nail ya.

  7. #7
    GrimmReaper's Avatar
    GrimmReaper is offline Senior Member
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    very true, the damn food is more expensive then the cycle by far

  8. #8
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    AGREED! nutrition is my biggest and hardest...wait, what? as far as a cycle goes is the biggest fight for me. Even working in a food environment, with everything I can do and thats at my disposal, it's still hard and expensive.
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  9. #9
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lstbred View Post
    AGREED! nutrition is my biggest and hardest...wait, what? as far as a cycle goes is the biggest fight for me. Even working in a food environment, with everything I can do and thats at my disposal, it's still hard and expensive.
    The diet IS the hardest part! People, take it from a flippin chef! ^^^

  10. #10
    BIGTIMEPUSH's Avatar
    BIGTIMEPUSH is offline Associate Member
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    That's true his diet isn't even close to what it should be, he just thinks the gear is going to shed all the weight and some how block all the fat and turn him into a pro BB. I just hate being told im wrong when I research and am more disciplined in every aspect. I should be on gear and he should be in a classroom before he even walks into a gym... Venting again lol

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