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  1. #1
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    Share your actual story of your first pin and beyond? How, when, why

    i'm not looking for sources, and actual names; i'm just interested in your story.

    how did you start?

    did AAS come to you, or did you seek them out?

    what were your experiences like?

    have you been screwed over?

    have many tried to stop you?

    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 07-29-2013 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    My high school was notorious for AAS in the classes 5-8 years ahead of me. I started when I was 18 (learned my lesson) for football. No regrets, no one tried to stop me, never was screwed over, but learned a ton in the process.

  3. #3
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    Cool, i didn't get into lifting until i was 25. i'm 30 now and i didn't start messing with anabolics until i was 27. i'm about to head off for a work-out at the GYM right now. when i was 25, this dude i made acquaintance with gave me some pre-workout that was spiked with superdrol, or some kind of oral. i didn't even realize it until years later. the aggression, the shut down, the aches, the sleeplessness. pretty fuked up. i wish he would have helped me. your experiences sound ten times better than mine. since 2009 i haven't known anybody to have helped me other than myself, but that's life isn't it. I need to lock my eating habits on. you should see this photo of me from 2009

  4. #4
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    um I'm not sure what you define as pin lol but for me it means a needle sticking into my body that isn't medically necessary :-) so if that's the case... My first 10 would be the melatonin. And although I had reservations about my man using different substances I did trust in his knowledge and although I was scared about repercussions I had faith in his ability. I was very intrigued about the perks of melatonin shot and I figured this maybe a nice way to be a part of his world thAt I'm comfortable with it. So I was on board with melatonin shot. I was really terrified and am still petrified of giving myself shots. So much so that I still to this day will not give myself a shot lol but I have a huge trust in his knowledge and ability and still have faith maybe he will do research and take precautions and do things correctly with me. So that was my first shot the melatonin :-)

  5. #5
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    yea it's really nice to have a golden glow. [i wish i was darker because i look better darker] i wouldn't pay for melatonin myself because i have other things to worry about, like getting jacked.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I was in my early/mid 20s. Got some from a friend. It cam in a 5cc syringe with a 16g needle. I was told to just use 1/4 of it a week. I chickened out due to the harpoon and I'm glad I did.

    2nd time was 25 years later starting HRT. 1st pin was by the doctor and I convinced him I could do the rest myself at home. Took me over 30 minutes to do it the 1st time. Not as long the following times and now no time but my methods have changed over the years. No more harpooning.

  7. #7
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    first vial of test in my sweaty palms, uncork the 18 guage and bend it in half trying to ram it through the tin lid!

  8. #8
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by keep fightin View Post
    first vial of test in my sweaty palms, uncork the 18 guage and bend it in half trying to ram it through the tin lid!
    ahhh hell yea. I love it

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I was in my early/mid 20s. Got some from a friend. It cam in a 5cc syringe with a 16g needle. I was told to just use 1/4 of it a week. I chickened out due to the harpoon and I'm glad I did.

    2nd time was 25 years later starting HRT. 1st pin was by the doctor and I convinced him I could do the rest myself at home. Took me over 30 minutes to do it the 1st time. Not as long the following times and now no time but my methods have changed over the years. No more harpooning.
    lol, haha I must be sick because i like getting shots from my doc. i'm in the military and they're always giving us some kind of vaccine, or flu shot.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEFYJOEBOO View Post

    lol, haha I must be sick because i like getting shots from my doc. i'm in the military and they're always giving us some kind of vaccine, or flu shot.
    Thats one thing that scares me about vaccines, do you really know what they are giving you, especially in the military? Lots of people get sick and even die from vaccines, they just dont publicize it. You know the guy in Afghanistan who shot all those civilians? (Robert Bales) He had just gotten a vaccination for anti-malaria drug that has been proven to cause severe psychiatric side effects.

  10. #10
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    2 yrs ago i was 33 at a plateau in my life watching everyone in the gym get jacked around me and seeing everyone in the gym always looking. I knew a few peeps that I trusted what they had ran TEST blend (andropen ) and finished with PRIMO. By week 4 I felt like a beast! Never looked back. i love the swagger it gave me huge confidence builder in everything around me. First pin had my boy do it for me in my butt cheek I was scared to do it lol! It didnt hurt but I hate needles so the first time I did my quad it took about 30 min for me to get the courage to do it, sweaty hands and all lol.
    Now my ol lady does it like a pro ha ha!

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  11. #11
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGGUNSWANTED View Post
    2 yrs ago i was 33 at a plateau in my life watching everyone in the gym get jacked around me and seeing everyone in the gym always looking. I knew a few peeps that I trusted what they had ran TEST blend (andropen ) and finished with PRIMO. By week 4 I felt like a beast! Never looked back. i love the swagger it gave me huge confidence builder in everything around me. First pin had my boy do it for me in my butt cheek I was scared to do it lol! It didnt hurt but I hate needles so the first time I did my quad it took about 30 min for me to get the courage to do it, sweaty hands and all lol.
    Now my ol lady does it like a pro ha ha!

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    that's exactly what i want! straight to my fukin' head it shall g o ! i don't care if i'm the biggest A-hole on the planet. I feel puny in the gym because some guys are jusst sooo big. i don't like that disproportionate shit though -chicken legs and all bi no tri. it's ugly. i don't want to get all lumpy either! i don't have mature muscles and i feel like i'm having a hard time going past 225lb squat [can do that 10 times for three sets, barely] 185lb bench [can do that 10 repsm, barely first time then i have to go down to meet my 10-12 rep goal] yesterday i did 4 sets of 175lb for 5 reps each. i was also able to do three sets of 135lb military barbell press, while i was on my oral only cycle. i'll get there again. i'm just going to keep it up at the GYM and try and progress, but bet me i'll pass up an oportunity to juice. fuk. my oral only cycle, June, got my natural strength up, but i don't notice any growth, but of course i'm always checking myself out in the mirror...

  12. #12
    bdos's Avatar
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    Me and a mate both had our first shots together took us like 20mins to get it over and done with after i think we went and got subway and played ps3 for the rest of the day

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEFYJOEBOO View Post
    that's exactly what i want! straight to my fukin' head it shall g o ! i don't care if i'm the biggest A-hole on the planet. I feel puny in the gym because some guys are jusst sooo big. i don't like that disproportionate shit though -chicken legs and all bi no tri. it's ugly. i don't want to get all lumpy either! i don't have mature muscles and i feel like i'm having a hard time going past 225lb squat [can do that 10 times for three sets, barely] 185lb bench [can do that 10 repsm, barely first time then i have to go down to meet my 10-12 rep goal] yesterday i did 4 sets of 175lb for 5 reps each. i was also able to do three sets of 135lb military barbell press, while i was on my oral only cycle. i'll get there again. i'm just going to keep it up at the GYM and try and progress, but bet me i'll pass up an oportunity to juice. fuk. my oral only cycle, June, got my natural strength up, but i don't notice any growth, but of course i'm always checking myself out in the mirror...
    Sounds like you were really just looking for confirmation to go ahead with something you have probably been told not to or to wait a while longer but already had made up your mind to do it?

  14. #14
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    The first time I pinned myself, I remember holding the needle for a half hour in my hand before I had mustered up the courage to pin myself. I find it kind of funny how afraid I was of pinning myself since I have no fear of letting a doctor or nurse pin me.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts

    Thats one thing that scares me about vaccines, do you really know what they are giving you, especially in the military? Lots of people get sick and even die from vaccines, they just dont publicize it. You know the guy in Afghanistan who shot all those civilians? (Robert Bales) He had just gotten a vaccination for anti-malaria drug that has been proven to cause severe psychiatric side effects.
    Isn't he the same one they claim was on steroids as well? Might be a bit of roid rage . I think I posted that in the TRT section, when he was arrested. I thought, oh boy, here we go with the steroid rampage, media hype.

  16. #16
    C3RB3RUS is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Thats one thing that scares me about vaccines, do you really know what they are giving you, especially in the military? Lots of people get sick and even die from vaccines, they just dont publicize it. You know the guy in Afghanistan who shot all those civilians? (Robert Bales) He had just gotten a vaccination for anti-malaria drug that has been proven to cause severe psychiatric side effects.
    lol, i was just making like it was some top secret stuff. the military made of regular men. i know what's in all of my shots. it's all very standardized for everyone. ...oh, well i didn't know that. i'm a pretty healthy individual; i've done some crazy stuff and suffered through life a little too; and i'm alright. we'll just have to see if some injection in the future makes me totally loose my mind, lol. i've seen a lot of sad-mary's who can't hack it and get themselves thrown out. I like the military. actually i know this one guy a couple ranks above me that got radiation poisoning from some kind of isotope while he was doing a sweep through some abondoned buildings in Afghan with his team. i don't know what happened to him, but i had to drive somewhere once. he told me a couple things about his condition that were really strange. he pretty ****ed up. he told me he was dying.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Sounds like you were really just looking for confirmation to go ahead with something you have probably been told not to or to wait a while longer but already had made up your mind to do it?
    i'm actually 30. yes, i've been told not to juice, b y e v e r y o n e i know. i'm not actively looking for them just yet, i still want to make more natural gains. having an actual valid route to acquire AAS would be convenient and extremely hard to pass up. yes, my mind is made up. PCT and on cycle aids are king; to me loosing extra-possible gains is worth it, if i can curb sides on cycle, and make recovery a jiff.

    Quote Originally Posted by redhawk01 View Post
    Isn't he the same one they claim was on steroids as well? Might be a bit of roid rage. I think I posted that in the TRT section, when he was arrested. I thought, oh boy, here we go with the steroid rampage, media hype.
    i dont know about any of that. he sure was an idiot for doing what he did though. I hope he had fun because now he is spending the rest of his life in military prison.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    The first time I pinned myself, I remember holding the needle for a half hour in my hand before I had mustered up the courage to pin myself. I find it kind of funny how afraid I was of pinning myself since I have no fear of letting a doctor or nurse pin me.
    I think i'll be a little nervous to, but only because the stuff isn't coming from a certified doc.

    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    Me and a mate both had our first shots together took us like 20mins to get it over and done with after i think we went and got subway and played ps3 for the rest of the day
    lol, i hate when i loose motivation like that -I get all ready and then... <big fart noise.> nothin fukin' hapens. I get side tracked playing a fuking video game or something. I havent done some shit like that in a long time.
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 07-31-2013 at 09:51 PM.

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