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Thread: explain Obama care

  1. #121
    DAAS's Avatar
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    I had no idea what this thread had become. dear lord i have a lot of reading to do. like 95 replies worth

  2. #122
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    5%!? Who are you? Nancy pelosi? shes THE ONLY ONE on antional tv saying that it's going great so far.....

    Dude..... theres 4.8 million people who lost their plans so far and thats just the tip of the iceberg. The government wont even tell us how many people have signed up.

    Obama promised that premiums will go down..... so far they've exponentially gone up. Averaging a $2500 increase!

    If romney got in and got his "Romneycare" passed we would have been better off! Why? Because atleast romney wanted to put a cap on deductables. $2000 for individual and $4000 for a familly. Obamacare has no cap! This whole thing is fvcking bananas.
    Above in red, you are incorrect, 5 million people have not lost their plans. 5 million policies have been dropped. That's a lot more than 5 million people because the majority of policies have more than 1 person on them.

    For the sake of argument, let's figure conservatively, very conservatively.

    *5 million policies, half (2.5 million) have two people on the policy, a spouse. They have no kids. That's 5 million people who lose their coverage that they wanted to keep.

    *Of the 2.5 million policies left, let's assume half have a spouse and 2 kids. That's 1.25 million policies x4 (primary policy holder, spouse and 2 kids) that's 1.25 million x 4 = 5 million people

    *That leaves us with 1.25 million policies owned by single men or women or single parents with a kids. For the sake of argument, let's pretend none have kids. So that's 1.25 million people.

    Total people losing their policy, the one they wanted to keep: 11,125,000 and we're only a month+ into this thing. And those numbers are very conservative. Many single people do not have insurance and plenty of people have a spouse and more than 2 kids. Several estimates, bi-partisan, those from the right and even some from the left who are no longer defending the law estimate that the total amount of people who will lose their policy over the course of the next year before is well over 100 million.

  3. #123
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    Romneys plan included cross state line insured options so it promoted competition and prices would have gone down instead of up.

    It's estimated (conservatively) that there will be 4x as many uninsured people by mid January 2014 compared to before Obamacare.

    There will always be those who will blindly believe it's all for the greater good no mater who or how many are getting hurt.

    I wonder how much longer it will be before my company decided to drop our healthcare? I have seen BIG changes the last few years, several I predicted long time ago such as they started offering a $50 gift card to anyone who answered a few simple health questions such as Height, weight, body fat, blood pressure, cholesterol, eating habits/diet etc. I predicted and told several co workers that in a few years I bet instead of a gift card it was going to turn into a penalty if you dont answer. (intrusion of privacy?) I was right, 2 years ago instead of a gift card they came up with the policy if you don't answer the questioner it would cost you $50 additional EVERY month. Now they added on a smoking clause, if you are a smoker your health insurance cost you $50 a month more.

    There are those who will still say it's all for our own good. Really? I see it as just more government control and a way to take more money away. We need to be careful about what we accept as the norm or gifts from the government. There is always a bigger agenda and strings attached.

  4. #124
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    I don't appreciate being forced to do anything. Problem is, this isn't the first thing the government has pushed down our throats.
    You are forced to get insurance to drive a car. If it weren't a choice, those who wanted to act responsibly and get insured would have to pay a lot and you'd also end up paying for the uninsured (to make the analogy work.) That's absurd. Better if we were all insured because evetually we will all need the insurance.

    This law is a step in the right direction but it does suck.
    Last edited by Mike Dura; 11-12-2013 at 12:51 PM.
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  5. #125
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    Last edited by Mike Dura; 11-12-2013 at 12:44 PM.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    We're all ears oh wise one, please carry on with our enlightenment. It's your turn amigo tell us all about the benefits and what is good about it.

    BTW.... next time you are retaliating by insulting someones intelligence and capacity for "complicated" things...... at least try to spell "politics" correctly, it moots your entire point and nullifies any credibility you were trying for.
    Lol. You got me! I made a typo on the word politics. Good for you.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I read it. What they describe as socialized healthcare is a single payer system full controlled by the government. However, something can still be socialized based and not be to the full extreme. For example, bullet point one states: "Tax dollars collected from all citizens to pay for health care." Obama care does this. ""Every citizen has access to health care provided by the state." Obama care provides this. And while all facilities and health care providers are not government employees, they are mandated to function as if they were government employees. Slapping the "Government" label on them would just be symbolic. If you're performing the will of the government because you're told you have to, government employee or not the outcome is the same.

    The good things that are in Obama care, all of them could have been gained by single piece legislation without the need for government intervention or force. Dropping people when their health declines, one of the biggest complaints by supporters of the new law, make that against the law and the problem's solved. Another, preexisting conditions, legislate that insurance companies must offer plans for those with preexisting conditions. Problem solved. Yes, the argument is that it wouldn't work because this would force the premiums to go up, but preexisting conditions also force premiums to go up under Obama care unless you're one of the few receiving a full subsidy making it a moot argument.
    It's better to say that it's government regulated or that the law has consumer protections.

  8. #128
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    It is redistribution of wealth. Obama is a marxist.

    Think about the trickle down effect this is going to have on small businesses.

    This is their second attempt at eliminating the middle class. The housing bubble and recession did not acomplish what they meant it to. So this will likley do it..

    Wait until the IRS comes door to door to ask "why havent you signed up yet"

  9. #129
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    Last edited by JJ78; 11-12-2013 at 04:42 PM. Reason: double post

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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura View Post

    You are forced to get insurance to drive a car. If it weren't a choice, those who wanted to act responsibly and get insured would have to pay a lot and you'd also end up paying for the uninsured (to make the analogy work.) That's absurd. Better if we were all insured because evetually we will all need the insurance.

    This law is a step in the right direction but it does suck.
    Then why do I pay for uninsured and under insured motorist insurance?

    Its a state by state law not on a federal level.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 11-12-2013 at 09:28 PM.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura View Post
    You are forced to get insurance to drive a car. If it weren't a choice, those who wanted to act responsibly and get insured would have to pay a lot and you'd also end up paying for the uninsured (to make the analogy work.) That's absurd. Better if we were all insured because evetually we will all need the insurance.

    This law is a step in the right direction but it does suck.
    No one forces you to buy a car. If you want to drive one, state laws require you to have insurance. Big difference. Healthcare, the government forces you to drive the "car" buy the "car" insurance and pay for "car" insurance for those who don't have it even if they don't have a "car." And to make it more awesome, you're forced to have insurance that covers a race car, dump truck, 18 wheeler and a fleet of limos even if all you have is a 10yr old Prius.

  13. #133
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    Maybe government has to impose itself into our lives because most Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves.
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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Maybe government has to impose itself into our lives because most Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves.
    Or, Maybe government has to impose itself into our lives because most Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves.
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura View Post

    You are forced to get insurance to drive a car. If it weren't a choice, those who wanted to act responsibly and get insured would have to pay a lot and you'd also end up paying for the uninsured (to make the analogy work.) That's absurd. Better if we were all insured because evetually we will all need the insurance.

    This law is a step in the right direction but it does suck.
    My understanding is that if you drive uninsured it can directly affect someone else that's why we are required to have car insurance, your personal health can not except for some rare cases i'm sure.

  16. #136
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    As of today Only 106,185 people selected an Obamacare health insurance plan nationally in the first month of sales, federal officials announced Wednesday.

    And just 26,794 of those people went through the technologically troubled site, the federally run marketplace that is selling privately issued insurance to individuals in the 36 states not operating their own health exchanges. That means fewer than 1,000 people have signed up, on average, in each of the states where the federal government's Web site is handling enrollment.

  17. #137
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    Go figure.....

    Even bill Clinton came out and said this isn't the way it was supposed to work.
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  18. #138
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    1 million have lost insurance in Cali.

  19. #139
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    Obama is a effin idiot. He is a liar. He is a piece of schmit.

  20. #140
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by likelifting View Post
    Obama is a effin idiot. He is a liar. He is a piece of schmit.
    Politicians lie its in the job description. Only man who stuck by what he said he was going to do was the late IAN SMITH

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic

    Politicians lie its in the job description. Only man who stuck by what he said he was going to do was the late IAN SMITH
    Yea but this wasn't a white lie.... His whole policy..... The entire bill..... Is/was a lie.

    - u can keep the plan/doc you have
    That was a lie

    - it's going to cost $900 billion
    That was a lie

    - premiums will go down by $2500 per family per year
    That was a lie

    If it actually worked the way he intended...... Only 10% more of the population would actually be covered. So we overhaul healthcare and disrupt half of the population and what they had for only 10% more people.
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    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  22. #142
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    And it's not even working! They're already talking about the death spiral. This whole thing may fold up and fail
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    And it's not even working! They're already talking about the death spiral. This whole thing may fold up and fail
    The whole thing will fold up, not may but will.
    Last edited by Armykid93; 11-16-2013 at 12:08 PM.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    And it's not even working! They're already talking about the death spiral. This whole thing may fold up and fail
    And when that happens, and it will, then the real argument starts. The supporters of the bill will say we tried it this way but we really need to move towards a single payer system if it's going to work. And the American people will buy the idea or they'll reject it and the whole thing will end. Right now, I'm not sure which way that future scenario will play out. If the current legislation truly does implode and cause some serious damage, I'd like to think we as a country have enough sense to see how ridiculous this whole thing is but I'm not sure we do have the sense anymore.

  25. #145
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    The best is when republicans say this bill is horrible and will cause so much damage but when you ask them for an alternative they just shrug their shoulders. If you don't have a solution then STFU.
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  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    The best is when republicans say this bill is horrible and will cause so much damage but when you ask them for an alternative they just shrug their shoulders. If you don't have a solution then STFU.
    There have been plenty of republicans that have offered plenty of solutions. This idea that they haven't is a ridiculous lie reported by many in the media who don't like the alternative solutions because it's not the current legislation. This doesn't mean all the other solutions are good ones. I'm simply stating there have been plenty offered.

    All of the problems in the U.S. with healthcare, each and every single one can be fixed with individual legislation.
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