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Thread: explain Obama care

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    if you look at what's happening, there can be no other explanation except that the purpose of the ACA is not to fix the system, but to systemically crash it so it's unrecoverable. Insurance providers will gladly play along because they'll make obscene profits in the short term and get cushy, exorbitant government jobs in the long term when the government says, "Oh, whoops, it didn't work. Guess we'll just take it all over and move to fully socialized medicine. Get ready to stand in line, wait for treatment and be rationed out of qualifying for care." This is all exactly out of the playbook of the original community organizer whose network Obama came up in as a community organizer himself. That organizer was Saul Alinsky and he wrote a book, "Rules for Radicals". Everything President Obama is doing is a play right out of that playbook. You need to understand what these people are about. Many on the left sincerely care about people and want fairness and people to be taken care of. But the leadership pushing this through really doesn't care about people. At least not in the short term. They only care about class warfare. Seriously. Obama served in this network. You need to read the quotes. Then the problems with the ACA being implemented will all make sense." Marxism, the heart of Community Organization: Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Part 1 | 19:14
    Good link, thanks.

  2. #42
    Metalject's Avatar
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    The basics of Obama Care:

    1. Preexisting conditions covered by everyone.

    2. All plans include coverage that is mandated by the government and may include coverage for scenarios that are impossible for you, such as maternity for a man. And may possibly deny coverage for certain things that do apply to you, although the latter is still speculation and not proven yet.

    3. Those who are low income will get their healthcare for free or be subsidized significantly and pay very little.

    4. Those who are middle-class and above will enjoy an increase in deductibles, premiums and copays to cover those in the low income bracket.

    5. If your current healthcare plan doesn't meet Obama Care standards, meaning it does not cover everything that is mandated, even if you are happy with your plan you will lose your plan and be forced into the exchange.

    6. If you do not have health insurance or lose your insurance because it doesn't meet the mandate and you do not buy into the exchange, you will be fined.

    This seems to be the brunt of what the law entails, or at least a very brief (extremely brief) summary of a law that has more regulations than most laws in history and that only a handful ever read entirely before they voted for it. It does not appear that the president even read it.

    Anyway, that's my understanding of it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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  3. #43
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Whats the cost of the fine? Is it less then the cost of health care?

  4. #44
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    The basics of Obama Care:

    1. Preexisting conditions covered by everyone.

    2. All plans include coverage that is mandated by the government and may include coverage for scenarios that are impossible for you, such as maternity for a man. And may possibly deny coverage for certain things that do apply to you, although the latter is still speculation and not proven yet.

    3. Those who are low income will get their healthcare for free or be subsidized significantly and pay very little.

    4. Those who are middle-class and above will enjoy an increase in deductibles, premiums and copays to cover those in the low income bracket.

    5. If your current healthcare plan doesn't meet Obama Care standards, meaning it does not cover everything that is mandated, even if you are happy with your plan you will lose your plan and be forced into the exchange.

    6. If you do not have health insurance or lose your insurance because it doesn't meet the mandate and you do not buy into the exchange, you will be fined.

    This seems to be the brunt of what the law entails, or at least a very brief (extremely brief) summary of a law that has more regulations than most laws in history and that only a handful ever read entirely before they voted for it. It does not appear that the president even read it.

    Anyway, that's my understanding of it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    I'm not sure if the "maternity for men" thing is actually in the mandates. But if it is, it's probably because of female to male trannys. It's probably just a "cover your ass" type thing.

    I think if we're going to have state-mandated healthcare coverage, we shouldn't allow private companies to insure the public. You give an insurance company a way of raising their rates and throwing the blame on somebody else and they will. And that's what we have here. Health care administration should be ran by non-profits rather than for-profit business. But really when you get to it, it can't JUST be the administering of funding for healthcare that the government would have to run. Pharmaceuticals, hospitals and doctors would all have to be run by the government as well. Otherwise, it'd be prone to somebody fleecing the public somehow.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 11-07-2013 at 09:34 AM.

  5. #45
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    A report came out that says senators KNEW private insurance was going to goto hell. They were told to keep their mouth shut because it would never sell to the public if they knew their plans would cancel.

    Also..... Unions fired off at Obama because they were going to be affected. He's trying to give them a $600 million tax break. They gave him $400 million to get re-elected and now he's taking care of them. So where are we getting this lost $600 million?
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  6. #46
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    From the Wall Street journal

    November 6, 2013 7:34 PM
    Edie Sundby's Choice
    The ObamaCare lessons in a cancer patient's cancelled insurance.

    Edie Littlefield Sundby may not have thought she'd ignite a national debate when the stage-4 cancer survivor asked us to publish her Monday op-ed on losing her oncologist due to the Affordable Care Act. But she certainly has, and it's important to understand why. Mrs. Sundby and millions like her must be denied their medical choices if ObamaCare is going to work as its liberal planners intend.
    Mrs. Sundby's seven years of gallbladder cancer treatment have been underwritten by a policy known as preferred provider organization coverage, or a PPO, from UnitedHealthcare. She says she bought the product on the individual insurance market for herself and her family in large part because it offers more choice in medical care. PPOs cost more than health-maintenance organizations (HMOs), for example, but they offer access to more doctors and hospitals.

    This proved invaluable for Mrs. Sundby, who needed expert care from various providers after her diagnosis. Under her PPO, the San Diego resident could go to a local hospital for some treatments, but her main oncologist is at Stanford, and she could also seek counsel at M.D. Anderson, the renowned cancer center in Houston. The choices she has under her PPO have literally extended her life for seven years.
    But in July UnitedHealthcare announced that it is withdrawing from the California individual market, and Mrs. Sundby's policy will be cancelled on December 31. A UnitedHealth spokeswoman explained the decision to us this way: "Because of UnitedHealthcare of California's historically small presence in the individual market and the fact that individual consumers in the state are well served with many competitive product offerings, we will focus on our employer group insurance and Medicare business in California for 2014."
    The company covered only 8,000 or so customers in California, where the individual market is dominated by Kaiser, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California. Another competitor, Aetna, is also fleeing California, leaving about 50,000 policyholders in the lurch.
    Dan Pfeiffer, President Obama's chief political spinner, sent out a now infamous tweet on Monday linking to a left-wing website that blamed Mrs. Sundby's policy loss on UnitedHealthcare. The White House default is always to blame the insurers. But UnitedHealthcare only fled the state because ObamaCare's subsidized exchanges are meant to steal their customers. As more people are pulled into government coverage, policies like Mrs. Sundby's are harder to sustain economically, so insurers bail.
    Mr. Pfeiffer and other liberals suggest that UnitedHealthcare is profiteering, but that's an odd way to describe a company that has spent $1.2 million on Mrs. Sundby's cancer care. Liberals also claim the company could have moved Mrs. Sundby's policy to the Covered California exchange, but the company isn't participating precisely because the exchange rules are too restrictive. And none of the other insurers that are participating in the state exchange offer a PPO with Mrs. Sundby's current coverage. Thus she may lose her preferred doctor as well as her insurance.
    The reason goes to the political control that is the animating purpose of ObamaCare. No fewer than 33 insurers tried to join the California exchange, but state regulators would only approve 13. This is by design because ObamaCare's planners want to limit insurance choices to reduce costs and to equalize coverage. Having opted out on first call, UnitedHealthcare is now barred by a California "lock out" clause from selling individual insurance until 2017.
    President Obama praised this California exchange model in June for its "excellent results," adding on a trip to San Jose that "none of this is a surprise. This is the way that the law was designed to work." Precisely.
    To stem the uproar over cancelled insurance, Mr. Obama and the left are now insisting that the old policies were inferior and the new exchange policies are better. But tell that to Mrs. Sundby and millions of others who are willing to pay to have access to the hospital and doctor of their choice.
    The truth is that ObamaCare's insurance is by and large the inferior coverage, which is why insurers are calling it "Medicaid Plus." To keep costs low, ObamaCare has to stuff patients into policies with narrow doctor networks and fewer treatment choices. Liberals then fall back on the claim that everyone's coverage is guaranteed--unless, of course, you live in San Diego and want to get care at M.D. Anderson.
    As it imposes these policy cancellations, ObamaCare is also systematically destroying one of the best features of the current individual market, known as "guaranteed renewability at class-average rates." This meant that once an insurance policy was issued, people could renew their coverage year after year at the same rates as their peer group. So someone like Mrs. Sundby who got sick would not pay higher premiums than average and her insurer could not deny coverage--unless UnitedHealthcare quit the business. This guaranteed renewability is no longer a guarantee thanks to ObamaCare.
    Mrs. Sundby's crisis is one story among millions, but it illustrates Nietzsche's aphorism that convictions are more dangerous than lies. Critics are rightly noting that Mr. Obama sold reform with the falsehood that Americans could keep their policies if they liked them. But the scary part is that Mr. Obama and his health planners truly believe that everyone should receive the same medical care and pay for it the same way.
    The reason Edie Sundby had to lose her plan is because her needs, and her measure of her own well-being, are different from Mr. Obama's, and that is now unacceptable.
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  7. #47
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    So far 4.2 million American have lost their insurance policies. That number is projected to increase to 80% of everyone who had coverage before obamacare.

    Their aim was to have all these plans cancel and steal the customers.

    Obamacare reps say they need 7 million people to sign up by April and 2.7 million of those NEED to be under the he of 30 in order to have enough money to fund the bill
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  8. #48
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    Some of the obamacare reps are spreading false information too. I was watching a news discussion where one of them said the average hip replacement device costs $15,000 to the hospital but only costs $500 to make. Then the hospital charges insurance $30-40,000.

    That's just fvcking wrong. That was my field..... I even handled billing for these devices after the surgery was finished. A hip costs $2500 to the hospital. I KNOW..... I SOLD THEM! The hospitals get vendors based on bidding. No hip replacement costs $15,000. This misinformation is intended to scare people and make the problem worse.
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  9. #49
    tmfsd is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Lol if you like the weights you have now you can keep them. Otherwise he will just make them more affordable for the people that need them.

    Hahahahahaha crack up

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Some of the obamacare reps are spreading false information too. I was watching a news discussion where one of them said the average hip replacement device costs $15,000 to the hospital but only costs $500 to make. Then the hospital charges insurance $30-40,000.

    That's just fvcking wrong. That was my field..... I even handled billing for these devices after the surgery was finished. A hip costs $2500 to the hospital. I KNOW..... I SOLD THEM! The hospitals get vendors based on bidding. No hip replacement costs $15,000. This misinformation is intended to scare people and make the problem worse.
    Its nice to have someone with real world experience to set the record straight. To bad the main stream media will never report this. Hype and scsre tactics sell news ratings, not common sense or logic.

  11. #51
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    Who is "Obama"?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Who is "Obama"?
    a fvckin liar..... and thats been proven in the last few days lol
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    a fvckin liar..... and thats been proven in the last few days lol
    Ok cool. Thanks man.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  14. #54
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    anytime im here to help
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  15. #55
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Who is "Obama"?
    Your Commander in chief. Hate the man respect the position!!!!!!!

  16. #56
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    a fvckin liar..... and thats been proven in the last few days lol

    All polies lie haz. The only man who was ever true to his word and stuck by what he believed in was ian smith prime minister of Rhodesia.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post

    Your Commander in chief. Hate the man respect the position!!!!!!!

  18. #58
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Thats just how it is. Shows respect i guess.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post

    Thats just how it is. Shows respect i guess.
    A position means nothing if the man that holds it is a disgrace. Both republican and democrates.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    All polies lie haz. The only man who was ever true to his word and stuck by what he believed in was ian smith prime minister of Rhodesia.
    well yea..... but they frequently lie to get elected. This man purposely deceived his citizens to get his way..... knowing that it was necessary to get what he wanted.

    People here are starting to ask questions..... it's going to get worse before it gets better. If he can't get this launched before december 1st he's in big trouble.
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  21. #61
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    A position means nothing if the man that holds it is a disgrace. Both republican and democrates.

    I would have to disagree. If you lose respect to the postion than everything is flawd and has failed. An example is my self. As a member of the australian republican party i hate a foriegn national as my head of state(the queen) if given the chance i would gladly take out the royal family if thats what it took. Even if it ment being charged with high treason. But as it stands curently she is still my head of state and i respect her for that. See what im getting at? Seperate the "man" from the position. Hate obama all you want but if you loose trust in the postion than all is lost.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    I would have to disagree. If you lose respect to the postion than everything is flawd and has failed. An example is my self. As a member of the australian republican party i hate a foriegn national as my head of state(the queen) if given the chance i would gladly take out the royal family if thats what it took. Even if it ment being charged with high treason. But as it stands curently she is still my head of state and i respect her for that. See what im getting at? Seperate the "man" from the position. Hate obama all you want but if you loose trust in the postion than all is lost.
    thats kind of an oxymoron lol

    If you respect the "queens position" you wouldnt take her out to not have a queen.
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  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    thats kind of an oxymoron lol

    If you respect the "queens position" you wouldnt take her out to not have a queen.
    I respect her as head of state of australia i just dont want a foriegn national as my head of state. If that makes sense

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    well yea..... but they frequently lie to get elected. This man purposely deceived his citizens to get his way..... knowing that it was necessary to get what he wanted.

    People here are starting to ask questions..... it's going to get worse before it gets better. If he can't get this launched before december 1st he's in big trouble.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    well yea..... but they frequently lie to get elected. This man purposely deceived his citizens to get his way..... knowing that it was necessary to get what he wanted.

    People here are starting to ask questions..... it's going to get worse before it gets better. If he can't get this launched before december 1st he's in big trouble.

    Thats just polies man. Winton Churchill said democracy is not perfect but it is the best system we have. Im para phrasing but it was something like that.

    Ill give you a example. Not to get into a debate im just stating a policy.
    The australian prime minister is always coping flak because he is against gay marriage. He said before the election he is against it and he has stuck to his policy. Even tho his own sister is a gay he has not gone back on his word. He is doing what he believes is right. So policy aside you have to respect the fact a man that does what he says he is going to do.

  25. #65
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    I think more and more Americans are losing respect for all positions in government.
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  26. #66
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    I think more and more Americans are losing respect for all positions in government.
    Well if thats true. All that is left is some sort of coup or government reform

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post

    Well if thats true. All that is left is some sort of coup
    Some want a coup. When enough people get stepped on something may happen. The government has a good grip on the people right now. A lot of people are starting to wake up. This is not about health care it's about control.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Some want a coup. When enough people get stepped on something may happen. The government has a good grip on the people right now. A lot of people are starting to wake up. This is not about health care it's about control.
    Well history proves most empires collapse in on there self. I could not imagine some sort of Government martial law. Rounding up its people. Maybe some of those crazy prepers are right?

  29. #69
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    If only the DPRK had a uprising. But i think those people are all week and tired to step up.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post

    Well history proves most empires collapse in on there self. I could not imagine some sort of Government martial law. Rounding up its people. Maybe some of those crazy prepers are right?
    The prepers are a bit extreme for me but better safe than sorry. Some food a few guns and good friends. I don't want the system to collapse I just want some honest people that care about others and not their own agendas. I don't think it is ever going to be like that though.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Who is "Obama"?
    He's that guy who played Steve Urkel on that tv show in the 90's.

  32. #72
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    He's that guy who played Steve Urkel on that tv show in the 90's.
    No that was Jaleel white

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    Can some one explain the bullshit that is Obama Care to me. Who does it benefit and how will it **** me?
    Nobody can explain it.

    it's authors don't understand it.
    Congress didn't bother to read it
    The vote was rushed through before the holiday recess
    Its administrators don't know how to implement it

    Nobody knows what is going to happen. Its a play by play unfolding in real time.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    The basics of Obama Care:

    1. Preexisting conditions covered by everyone.

    2. All plans include coverage that is mandated by the government and may include coverage for scenarios that are impossible for you, such as maternity for a man. And may possibly deny coverage for certain things that do apply to you, although the latter is still speculation and not proven yet.

    3. Those who are low income will get their healthcare for free or be subsidized significantly and pay very little.

    4. Those who are middle-class and above will enjoy an increase in deductibles, premiums and copays to cover those in the low income bracket.

    5. If your current healthcare plan doesn't meet Obama Care standards, meaning it does not cover everything that is mandated, even if you are happy with your plan you will lose your plan and be forced into the exchange.

    6. If you do not have health insurance or lose your insurance because it doesn't meet the mandate and you do not buy into the exchange, you will be fined.

    This seems to be the brunt of what the law entails, or at least a very brief (extremely brief) summary of a law that has more regulations than most laws in history and that only a handful ever read entirely before they voted for it. It does not appear that the president even read it.

    Anyway, that's my understanding of it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
    Good summary mj. That's my understanding too.
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  35. #75
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    I was reading some of the responses here. Not surprisingly, many are confused about AFA although some understand. It's not "goverment control of people" as someone above said. It's not "socialized medicine. " It's a law that provides some consumer protections. That's a good thing. Someone outlined the basics above. Much of the confusion about AFA is due to right wing public relations. Don't allow yourself to be exploited by Koch brother funded anti-Obamacare hype. U smarter than that.

  36. #76
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    If there's anything wrong with AFA it's that it doesn't go far enough. A single payer system would be the best bet. Medicare for everyone!

  37. #77
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    If there's anything wrong with AFA it's that it doesn't go far enough. A single payer system would be the best bet. Medicare for everyone!

  38. #78
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    I was reading some of the responses here. Not surprisingly, many are confused about AFA although some understand. It's not "goverment control of people" as someone above said. It's not "socialized medicine. " It's a law that provides some consumer protections. That's a good thing. Someone outlined the basics above. Much of the confusion about AFA is due to right wing public relations. Don't allow yourself to be exploited by Koch brother funded anti-Obamacare hype. U smarter than that.

  39. #79
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    oh christ.....

    Hilary is that you?
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  40. #80
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    Ironically, the ACA was originally a republican idea (the heritage foundation). It worked well in Massachussettes under Mitt Romney. Again, don't allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated about Obamacare.

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