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Thread: That Defining Moment

  1. #1
    hekki's Avatar
    hekki is offline Junior Member
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    That Defining Moment

    Do you remember when you had the turning point in your life. When going to the gym and busting your ass was no longer something you thought you had to do but rather something that propelled you into another state of mind. I do! 2 years ago I made a decision to completely change my physique. I weighed 165 lbs max at 6'3" for my entire adult life. Today I weigh 216 lbs at about 14% bf. I believe that continuing to push myself beyond my current limitations will help me to achieve anything I pursue. The dedication and discipline of going to the gym and leaving everything there has carried into every aspect of my life. The defining moment for me was when I looked in the mirror and made the decision to get to work. Now I can say that the gym, lifting weights, and working hard are now a way of life rather than a chore.

  2. #2
    DAAS's Avatar
    DAAS is offline Senior Member
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    I had a time when I got out of high school and I was skinny. I gained 30 lbs of muscle in one summer. I was a diabetic type one for 2 months and was severely underweight. When I got on insulin I blew up. When I realized the attention girls give guys with muscle I was the happiest person ever. All of a sudden these girls I was friends with came out and were all like "ive had a crush on you for a while". lol

    But the past 3-4 years I haven't focused on my future enough and my social life and body has suffered. I dont eat like I should and dont go out. I am in a rut for the past 6 months, and lifting just keeps me sane. Working on motivation and building the best me I can right now. slow process and depressing at times.

    Cant wait to reach my physical goals. I want to do that without steroids . IMO there is no 1 or 2 cycles. you either decide to take them or you decide to not.

  3. #3
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    you're lower than 14 if that's you. congrats btw, feels good doesn't it

  4. #4
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Looking good hekki.... nice work!

  5. #5
    hekki's Avatar
    hekki is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    you're lower than 14 if that's you. congrats btw, feels good doesn't it
    ya that's me bro. Been quite the undertaking but well worth it!
    Igifuno likes this.

  6. #6
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Amazing transform.

  7. #7
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    your at least 10% man judging by that pic, any future goals? Nevermind, 240 @10 I just read your post in TR's thread. If your 216 now considering what you have done its quite possible

  8. #8
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    Youre absolutely right op. What you've learned and achieved in the gym transfers into everything you do in life. You probably aren't the same person you once were. You have focus, mental acuity, confidence, command presence, etc. I'm guessing here because I don't know you but I know what it takes to do what you've done.

    Statistically, people who live this lifestyle also lead above average lives in business, relationships, happiness, etc.

    Btw I'd put you at around 10% bud, not 14. Nice work.
    Last edited by Java Man; 12-30-2013 at 01:58 AM.

  9. #9
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I had lifted for a few years and worked out but not to the point of being hardcore about the lifestyle. My wife and I went to Jamaica for vacation and we were sitting around the pool watching all of these overweight and out of shape 40-50 year olds walking around and that was the point that I decided no way was I going to continue down that path in life.
    After that vacation it was hardcore from that day on.

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