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Thread: No stopping it now..

  1. #81
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Literally almost had bile come up when I saw this. Someone knock that poor guy out!

  2. #82
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Oooooooooo.......empale his head as a warning to others. Strong message. I like it!!!! Maybe use his intestines as wrist straps? That would be an effective deterrent!!!

    Too much?

    ......back tmrw. Hopefully that ninny ain't there!
    Hell no! I love that idea!

  3. #83
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Something I learned a while back that has really helped me (I haven't always been as nice and patient) is to make excuses for people in my head. Like when I'm driving and someone cuts me off or is driving like an ass, I just think to myself, 'man that guy must be in a big hurry to get somewhere'. or something like that. I know its not true, but the alternative isn't realistic since I'm not usually in the mood to go to jail, and if I want to beat someones ass and can't it just pisses me off. So I try not to let sh*t bother me too much

  4. #84
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    Something I learned a while back that has really helped me (I haven't always been as nice and patient) is to make excuses for people in my head. Like when I'm driving and someone cuts me off or is driving like an ass, I just think to myself, 'man that guy must be in a big hurry to get somewhere'. or something like that. I know its not true, but the alternative isn't realistic since I'm not usually in the mood to go to jail, and if I want to beat someones ass and can't it just pisses me off. So I try not to let sh*t bother me too much
    I'll have to work on that some more. I tried that on Saturday with that kid and the only thing I kept coming up with was, "hmmmm, that kid must want me to pick him up and slam him to the floor". Lol

    Shouldn't have had the triple espresso before the work out.

  5. #85
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Something I learned a while back that has really helped me (I haven't always been as nice and patient) is to make excuses for people in my head. Like when I'm driving and someone cuts me off or is driving like an ass, I just think to myself, 'man that guy must be in a big hurry to get somewhere'. or something like that. I know its not true, but the alternative isn't realistic since I'm not usually in the mood to go to jail, and if I want to beat someones ass and can't it just pisses me off. So I try not to let sh*t bother me too much
    I hear you. I do the same thing. I wasn't always this nice and patient either

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