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Thread: one reason our economy is failing

  1. #1
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    one reason our economy is failing

    found this little study. i have been saying it for years! Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants | National Review Online

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    there are a variety of reasons our economy is failing.

    part of the problems is the deterioration of our work ethic. I don't want to get political/cultural/racial, but this country was founded on the protestant work ethic. And for those of you that have no clue what that means, it means that work and success glorify god. And due to the huge influx of immigrants, the willingness of whole generations of folk to take recreational drugs, for example, has eroded this foundation work ethic into something we no longer recognize.

    We have whole work sectors in high tech positions that are being filled by immigrants with H1B Visas. And before you say it is because they are willing to work for less money, better back up the truck. You are not allowed to pay a H1B visa worker below market. So that aint it.

    We have NAFTA, which allows "free trade" (a great economic principle founded by Adam Smith, know who he is?) which also means the exportation of jobs.

    Our government has no concept of a budget, and spends freely and at will. We have crushing debt, and rely on third party countries, in part, to fund our debt.

    We spend billions, if not Trillions, doing global police work. Other rich countries, like China, Russia and Japan, do not.

    We encourage whole generations of people to not work. Instead, we encourage single family households and subsidize that with "gimme money" (welfare) and other benefits.

    The list goes on and on.

    Every world super power has it's day, and then fades.

    What we have now is the fading of America's power/wealth/influence.

    Better get used to it

    lovbyts likes this.

  3. #3
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    could not agree with you more on the work ethic comment!

  4. #4
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with TR!

    It is scary but true every world power comes to and end and most of them fail on their own.

  5. #5
    Rwy's Avatar
    Rwy is offline Productive Member
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    I would say americans think they are too good for low paying jobs more so then immigrants taking their work. You have a country who is so dependent on a system (Our Government) I some times wonder if this was down intentionally so that people can never rise up.....

    People are lazy plain and simple. Both of my brothers wives work shit jobs, while they commute to the city or work 12 hour days. They want nannies to help when they have kids. Its so funny. My mom raised four sons all a couple of years apart with no help. People just suck at life.....

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