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Thread: Dating someone who uses steroids

  1. #1
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    Dating someone who uses steroids

    Good Morning!
    This is my first post, I just wanted a little insight from you all. I met this guy and he is awesome, so nice and funny, and we can talk on the phone for hours and hours. He is very respectful and just a good guy. He told me last night that he uses steroids . I am a serious worrier, so I of course googled the effects of steroids . I saw body acne, the testicle shrinkage, the sensitive nipples/growth of breasts etc... I also saw that it is possible to get HIV or hepatitis from needle usage. I asked him about how he got needles and he said he can buy them at a store. Any advice? Another big thing I worry about (and I know I am thinking very far ahead) but I want babies one day, I know the steroids can cause infertility and impotence which means no babies! I just need a little reassurance, I like him, he seems to like me. It has bit been an easy task to find someone I click with so I feel happy and lucky and I want to see where it goes. Help me!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    He's not very smart for telling you about steroid use . But to each their own.

    He is not buying steroids at a 'store'. Not a legitimate one anyway. And yes, there are plenty of risks. Most people have no clue what they're doing and end up with some sort of damage.
    lovbyts and MuscleInk like this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    No he buys the needles that he uses at a store (he told me that when I asked about the whole HIV hepatitis thing). I didn't ask where he gets the steroids . He sounds like he may know what he is doing? I don't know a lot about it, it sounds like he is used to it. Like maybe he has done it a while. :/ I'm freaking out a little sorry.
    Last edited by AllAmericanGirl; 07-28-2014 at 06:11 AM.

  4. #4
    diesel101's Avatar
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    I would not worry about the HIV or other disease's I would suspect that he is buying sterile needles. I wouldn't think there are to many people that would share needles when using AAS.
    Austinite is correct there are always risks.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllAmericanGirl View Post
    No he buys the needles that he uses at a store (he told me that when I asked about the whole HIV hepatitis thing). I didn't ask where he gets the steroids. He sounds like he may know what he is doing? I don't know a lot about it, it sounds like he is used to it. Like maybe he has done it a while. :/ I'm freaking out a little sorry.
    Does he look like he is on steroids ?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    I apologize in advance because this is going to sound stupid. He looks really buff like his neck is thick and his shoulders. His upper body is huge, his arms are huge. I honestly just want him to be safe. I don't want anything to happen to him you know? It scares me.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllAmericanGirl View Post
    I apologize in advance because this is going to sound stupid. He looks really buff like his neck is thick and his shoulders. His upper body is huge, his arms are huge. I honestly just want him to be safe. I don't want anything to happen to him you know? It scares me.
    Huge with muscle or is he flat?

    Lady, there are risks. You're too much of a worrier to be in a relationship that isn't exactly straight laced.You'll drive yourself crazy and there isn't anyone that can provide you with any reassurance. Most certainly not on the internet.

    Good luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    Huge with muscle.

    Well thanks anyways.

  9. #9
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllAmericanGirl View Post
    I apologize in advance because this is going to sound stupid. He looks really buff like his neck is thick and his shoulders. His upper body is huge, his arms are huge. I honestly just want him to be safe. I don't want anything to happen to him you know? It scares me.
    Yeah? Stats? Lol...

    Like Austinite said you may not be able to handle this relationship but I can tell you he does care enough about you to tell you.

  10. #10
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Yeah? Stats? Lol...

    Like Austinite said you may not be able to handle this relationship but I can tell you he does care enough about you to tell you.
    And that is so sweet and kind. I mean I can at least try right? He is a good guy and we all have our vices I don't want to judge him. If/when we really start dating we can talk more about it.

    I don't know any stats, sorry, we literally just started going out recently like a few weeks

  11. #11
    zempey's Avatar
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    There are risks with everything, if he drank everyday there would be risks, if he ate fast food everyday there would be risks. If you like him go for it, steroids don't make you a bad person, if done improperly or abused there will be consequences, but that is with everything in life.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Well it's good at least you are looking into in and not just listening or believing all the TV hype.

    It all depends on what he is doing and how he is doing it. Since you already told you (I agree, foolish on his part this early) then be open with him and ask him if he belongs to this site or others. In all honesty and yes I'm bias this is the best site around because we do not promote steroid use but focus on the health issues more as in is a person really ready physically, emotionally and mentally to use them.

    There is very very very little to worry about in the way of Hep B or aids and if he is sharing a needle with someone to save $0.20 then there is really something wrong with this guy. lol

    Your not a singer are you? Dont ask, long story but everyone here will understand. lol
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  13. #13
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Dating a few weeks? Tell him to run. Sorry but I've seen this all before.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Dating a few weeks? Tell him to run. Sorry but I've seen this all before.
    You're sorry right? Lol
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  15. #15
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    Care to tell us how old he is?

  16. #16
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well it's good at least you are looking into in and not just listening or believing all the TV hype.

    It all depends on what he is doing and how he is doing it. Since you already told you (I agree, foolish on his part this early) then be open with him and ask him if he belongs to this site or others. In all honesty and yes I'm bias this is the best site around because we do not promote steroid use but focus on the health issues more as in is a person really ready physically, emotionally and mentally to use them.

    There is very very very little to worry about in the way of Hep B or aids and if he is sharing a needle with someone to save $0.20 then there is really something wrong with this guy. lol

    Your not a singer are you? Dont ask, long story but everyone here will understand. lol

    She said he was big. Lol not Red

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    he does care enough about you to tell you.
    lmfao! I needed that thanks.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  18. #18
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    Are u dating Redz??

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    lmfao! I needed that thanks.
    Gotta have some fun before the thread gets locked

  20. #20
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    I am not a singer lol (you mean an actual singer? or is that a codeword for something?). Also he is 33

  21. #21
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    I love these types of threads. They're about as legitimate as my mickey mouse club member card.. But, believe what you will...

  22. #22
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    Get rid of him. I am free I don't use steriods . I also have a bridge for sale.
    What till he come down your going to miss getting banged 3 times a day

  23. #23
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    I genuinely just found this forum on a google search. I don't know much about steroids besides what I learned in HS and from a google search last night. I am a worrier I can totally admit that. I am still going to get to know him better and see where it goes. I mean it is his life, I don't think he is bad and I don't think people who use any substances are bad people everyone has different motivation. I just know that I want to meet someone and fall in love and get married and have a family I don't want his usage to complicate that. Which is totally selfish of me. I understand. Also we haven't had sex so getting banged 3 times a day? That doesn't necessarily sound fun to me lol

  24. #24
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    as long as he is not abusing it, which could/will have future health risks if you guys are still together I don't see a problem with a one or two safe cycles a year.
    Remember as much as most of dont want admit it is a drug and just like anything else used with in reason and controlled should not be issue but abuse it could kill you.
    Remember there are risk with taken Tylenol or other meds like birth control.
    Relax enjoy life it's to short to worry.
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    She said he was big. Lol not Red
    My bad. You are 100% correct sir.

    Quote Originally Posted by AllAmericanGirl View Post
    I am not a singer lol (you mean an actual singer? or is that a codeword for something?). Also he is 33
    No code. It has to do with one of our members who recently started seeing someone and is in love again. 4th or 4th time this year. LoL
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-28-2014 at 09:39 AM.

  26. #26
    DontTaseMeBro is offline Member
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    The fact that he told you may mean that he's foolish; or may just indicate that he is a really upfront and honest guy that can't deal with a bunch of hiding and secrets. Most wouldn't choose the beginning of a relationship as the point they need to reveal every aspect of their lives; but to each his own.

    There is little chance of contracting any blood-borne disease. Anybody that can afford steroids has enough money (and hopefully enough common sense) not to share needles.

    Steroid use can pose numerous risks. These can be managed through responsible use and the appropriate use of other substances. There is a lot of information here about how one can use steroids responsibly. Steroid abuse, on the other hand, is extremely risky and almost always leads to physical damage in the long term. Impotence, sterility, heart problems and prostate issues are just the tip of the iceberg. Also be aware that some users claim to develop a very bad temper when using. There is some debate as to whether they are bad-tempered to begin with and just use the steroids as an excuse or whether the drugs make them that way.

    Hopefully you are dating a stand-up guy that uses responsibly and just wanted you to know about it in the spirit of openness and honesty. Good luck.

  27. #27
    Kozmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    He's not very smart for telling you about steroid use . But to each their own.

    He is not buying steroids at a 'store'. Not a legitimate one anyway. And yes, there are plenty of risks. Most people have no clue what they're doing and end up with some sort of damage.
    Is it because he is probably getting roids black market or because the average persons knowledge of steroids consists of 90% wives tales

  28. #28
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Like most of the responses on this thread, he is not very smart for telling you about it. He either falls in love really quickly or is way too trusting. But what's done is done and I would not worry about the diseases. He is not sharing needles or he is really stupid.

  29. #29
    diesel101's Avatar
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    I can't believe anyone would be that quick to let someone know about their steroid use . He could be just talking about it to try and impress you.

  30. #30
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    Are u dating Redz?
    That would be jokes if one of my gf's posted on here. I have more updates but apparently no one wants to hear them so ill stick to educational posts.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    That would be jokes if one of my gf's posted on here. I have more updates but apparently no one wants to hear them so ill stick to educational posts.
    Lmao I knew you would make your way in here

  32. #32
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    I applaud you for trying to understand the short and long term risks associated with steroid use . There is probably more misinformation on the internet than correct information, but this forum is one of, if not THE best resources available. Many members here are well versed in the risks of steroid use.

    The way I see it, the decision to use steroids is his. I understand your concerns and those you specifically referenced, however, he is old enough to make the decision for himself. Steroids certainly carry some inherent risks, including severe cardiac risks but, not everyone is equally prone to the risks and some of the more severe risks are often associated with abusive patterns of use (long durations of use, less time between "cycles", using multiple compounds at once).

    To your specific concerns regarding erectile dysfunction and infertility, yes, ED is a common effect of steroid use and can occur for many different reasons. It is generally treatable and may be less of a concern when the user is properly educated on the risks of steroids and how to minimize said risks. With respect to infertility, yes, steroids can impact fertility, but again, not everyone is equally vulnerable. Some guys in fact, have gotten their girl friends or wives pregnant while they were using steroids as well as after steroid use. There are no guarantees when it comes to steroids and everyone responds differently. I guess the only guarantee is that if you abuse them, you significantly increase the risk of short and/or long term problems.

    The other comment I have is that it seems your relationship is in the early stages. Many of the concerns you have may never become issues you need to worry about. Men, unlike women, aren't thinking long term at the start of a relationship. We are pretty simple. We are thinking about hot women and fun in the bedroom. Women, while good looks may matter, are thinking longer term (especially more mature women) - having a partner you connect with, financial stability, intimacy, a considerate and caring husband, a role model to your children, etc. Men eventually come around, but for many of us, we aren't thinking long term at the beginning of the relationship. I think you may be worrying about some of these things prematurely. He may not be Mr. Right. He may only be Mr. Rightnow. I think it's a little early to say, but that's just my personal opinion based on the limited details and history you provide.

    Ultimately, you need to decide if you are comfortable with his steroid use. Let him make his own decisions, but if its something you think you cannot deal with, it will make it impossible to have a meaningful relationship.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 07-28-2014 at 12:31 PM.
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  33. #33
    AllAmericanGirl is offline New Member
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    Thanks everyone

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    diesel101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I applaud you for trying to understand the short and long term risks associated with steroid use . There is probably more misinformation on the internet than correct information, but this forum is one of, if not THE best resources available. Many members here are well versed in the risks of steroid use.

    The way I see it, the decision to use steroids is his. I understand your concerns and those you specifically referenced, however, he is old enough to make the decision for himself. Steroids certainly carry some inherent risks, including severe cardiac risks but, not everyone is equally prone to the risks and some of the more severe risks are often associated with abusive patterns of use (long durations of use, less time between "cycles", using multiple compounds at once).

    To your specific concerns regarding erectile dysfunction and infertility, yes, ED is a common effect of steroid use and can occur for many different reasons. It is generally treatable and may be less of a concern when the user is properly educated on the risks of steroids and how to minimize said risks. With respect to infertility, yes, steroids can impact fertility, but again, not everyone is equally vulnerable. Some guys in fact, have gotten their girl friends or wives pregnant while they were using steroids as well as after steroid use. There are no guarantees when it comes to steroids and everyone responds differently. I guess the only guarantee is that if you abuse them, you significantly increase the risk of short and/or long term problems.

    The other comment I have is that it seems your relationship is in the early stages. Many of the concerns you have may never become issues you need to worry about. Men, unlike women, aren't thinking long term at the start of a relationship. We are pretty simple. We are thinking about hot women and fun in the bedroom. Women, while good looks may matter, are thinking longer term (especially more mature women) - having a partner you connect with, financial stability, intimacy, a considerate and caring husband, a role model to your children, etc. Men eventually come around, but for many of us, we aren't thinking long term at the beginning of the relationship. I think you may be worrying about some of these things prematurely. He may not be Mr. Right. He may only be Mr. Rightnow. I think it's a little early to say, but that's just my personal opinion based on the limited details and history you provide.

    Ultimately, you need to decide if you are comfortable with his steroid use. Let him make his own decisions, but if its something you think you cannot deal with, it will make it impossible to have a meaningful relationship.
    And then here comes MI to knock it out of the park again.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    And then here comes MI to knock it out of the park again.
    Just my $.02

  36. #36
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I applaud you for trying to understand the short and long term risks associated with steroid use . There is probably more misinformation on the internet than correct information, but this forum is one of, if not THE best resources available. Many members here are well versed in the risks of steroid use.

    The way I see it, the decision to use steroids is his. I understand your concerns and those you specifically referenced, however, he is old enough to make the decision for himself. Steroids certainly carry some inherent risks, including severe cardiac risks but, not everyone is equally prone to the risks and some of the more severe risks are often associated with abusive patterns of use (long durations of use, less time between "cycles", using multiple compounds at once).

    To your specific concerns regarding erectile dysfunction and infertility, yes, ED is a common effect of steroid use and can occur for many different reasons. It is generally treatable and may be less of a concern when the user is properly educated on the risks of steroids and how to minimize said risks. With respect to infertility, yes, steroids can impact fertility, but again, not everyone is equally vulnerable. Some guys in fact, have gotten their girl friends or wives pregnant while they were using steroids as well as after steroid use. There are no guarantees when it comes to steroids and everyone responds differently. I guess the only guarantee is that if you abuse them, you significantly increase the risk of short and/or long term problems.

    The other comment I have is that it seems your relationship is in the early stages. Many of the concerns you have may never become issues you need to worry about. Men, unlike women, aren't thinking long term at the start of a relationship. We are pretty simple. We are thinking about hot women and fun in the bedroom. Women, while good looks may matter, are thinking longer term (especially more mature women) - having a partner you connect with, financial stability, intimacy, a considerate and caring husband, a role model to your children, etc. Men eventually come around, but for many of us, we aren't thinking long term at the beginning of the relationship. I think you may be worrying about some of these things prematurely. He may not be Mr. Right. He may only be Mr. Rightnow. I think it's a little early to say, but that's just my personal opinion based on the limited details and history you provide.

    Ultimately, you need to decide if you are comfortable with his steroid use. Let him make his own decisions, but if its something you think you cannot deal with, it will make it impossible to have a meaningful relationship.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  37. #37
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllAmericanGirl
    Thanks everyone
    Hi!!! I would date a guy who uses steroids responsibly. You are worrying bc you have limited knowledge. AAS gets alot of bad press but you found an educational board. Welcome.

    Whatever u do, respect his confidentiality. He told you although I chose not to involve anyone in my experiments with chemicals, except with the good members of this forum.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Didn't read....or CAN'T read

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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Didn't read....or CAN'T read

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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    Extra points for honesty. lol

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