Ex cheated on me about 4 months ago, some of you may remember.

That wasn't a big deal, got over it.

She was helping out with bills and groceries around the house, I had some savings.i had bought this house January 2013. Pretty much the dream house, great area, excellent school, huge beautiful house.

Since she been gone, I've been dipping in the savings to make the bills every month. Can't pick up overtime cause I'm a single dad. Dropped some of the extras, cable Internet, lowered insurance to the state minimum. . Stuff like that. Just ain't working any more. The savings are about to be depleted.

Looks like I'm going to be forced to sell my house. Only been here a little over a year and didn't put any $ down, I'm afraid I'm going to be stuck out of pocket in order to sell it.

Then there's the whole moving deal. And probably storage since I'll be moving in a smaller place.

F*ck dudes. I really hate life right now