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  1. #41
    Rida5d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    To know the truth you need to speak to the victims, i do.
    Come on bass.. U make me sound like I'm saying that there are no victims nor terrorists .. I am sure there are victims and I am sure terrorists exists.. That's why I'm here at the first place..

    And I've spoken to lots of victims to terrorists , Syrians and Iraqis ..even some Jordanians ..

    Jordan is a very safe country , that's why we have lots of refugees here. Those people run away for their lives and the future of their kids..

    Don't u see we say the same thing me and you?
    We both hate radicals ..
    We both know people who got hurt by terrorists
    We both distinguish between radicals and moderate people.
    And we both like steroids ..
    Have u ever seen any terrorist on gear?

  2. #42
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I would take the nuke them or turn the place into a parking lot comments with a grain of sand so to speak. I dont think they really mean it. Ive said similar but would not want that done, killing the innocent.

  3. #43
    Venom's Avatar
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    I think people take the nuke em' all approach simply because they view terrorism and radicals as something that is contagious so to speak. Similar to how we feared communism. At first, these problems seemed contained to the Middle East and now they are happening all over the world.

    The hard part to this "war" on terrorism and radicals is the fact that they are not in uniform or in plain site. You can talk to someone by day and by night come to find they are a radical or terrorist. I think that frustrates people and which is why people use that expression, not realizing all the innocent lives that would be lost.

    I'm not saying those are my views, I simply trying to understand the expression. I wish for peace and happiness amongst everyone.

  4. #44
    Rida5d's Avatar
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    @ bass check this out

    Iraqis in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I ll quote from Wikipedia :


    The majority of refugees are Sunni Muslims accounting for 60 percent of the Iraqi community in Jordan while, 18 percent are Shia Muslims, and 15 percent are Christian.[15] Most Iraqis residing in Amman, originally come from war torn Baghdad.[15] The majority of the Iraqis who fled to Jordan are the wealthy and well educated, but only 22 per cent of Iraqi adults work legally.[15]
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Paris Terror Attack-image.jpg  

  5. #45
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    Looking back at my statement and also understanding that the media lies and distorts information. I have never served in our armed forces, nor fought and lived in the Middle East.

    You hear of women and children being killed in the Middle East by American troops and the usual reasons are that the soldiers could not tell if they were terrorist or not. You also hear stories about troops that will go into town to speak with members of the town and have conversations with people who end up being terrorist themselves.

    I'm just curious, is there any truth to those statements? Does our military know who are terrorist and who are ordinary civilians? I'm amusing most terrorist groups wear some sort of symbol and patch representing their organization.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Sorry to offend anyone but the whole middle east should just be blown up IMO would solve so many problems
    x2. The whole middle east could fall off the planet tomorrow and the only thing we'd miss about them is their oil...
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rida5d View Post
    How would u feel If I said the same about u, ur family and friends? And starting by saying sorry if I offended anyone doesn't make it sound any better..

    I live in the Middle East and let me know in which way I hurt you or anyone you know?

    It's retarded people like you who attracts radicals , to get more silly people to do such ugly nasty stuff..

    let me open your eyes for some facts , and i hope u take them with an open mind

    do u realize that middle eastern heads are getting cut by those mother ****ers more than American heads, a lot more?
    take a look at what happened in my city back in 2005
    2005 Amman bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    do u need more statistics?? i have thousands

    Do u realise we are in open war with radicals just like you?
    Few weeks ago an f16 MUSLIM Jordanian pilot had his plane shot down , u know what he was doing? He was on a raid on ISIS..and now u wanna blow his home
    For first time, ISIS downs and captures coalition pilot -- a Jordanian -

    i am ,a middle eastern,and I dont evaluate people looking at their passports or religion.. i am nothing like u .. if i was, i ll be thinking that each american is like one of those guys at abu garib prison who used to torture prisoners , or like those guys who were blowing civilians with the song loud at the back ground : the roof is on fire

    But it will be silly to think all Americans are the same as we both know, i have american friends who stayed at my home, and i have more coming to my home and i assure u , they ll find more hospitality in my home than what they ll find in urs. be sure of that..

    let me end this post by saying human life is valuable , and yes.. terrorists deserve punishment.. but look where u shoot..
    please .. dont act in a way , that could attract more into being a terrorist .. we both dont want this in our lives although we live in 2 different worlds.

    political correctness at it's finest... I probably should have said that i don't care if anyones offended, because i don't. I wouldn't want to give you the false impression that i gave a shit.

    on the flip side, when COUNTRIES AS A WHOLE are known for their negative reputation, and have been fighting civil wars for the longest time and can't control their own government, YOU "good" people become the ones that are out of the norm and therefor the opposite question is asked: "If you're surrounded by shit, who gives a **** if you sweep up a penny in the shit as long as you get rid of it?"

    I don't attract any radicals don't categorize me as well because your country didn't benefit from what someone you're subliminally mad at did. Truman ended the war, and saved millions of live with his atomic bomb. There is no JUST GOOD or JUST BAD No good deed goes unpunished.. If a bomb was dropped on the middle east.. It would wreck 5 things and fix 100..

    If you searched on liveleek, the NYC or any of the other extreme websites you'll see plenty more allah snackbar beheadings done by different people everytime.. People like you use irrelevant citizen compassion to fuel your arguments against people and even if someone agrees with them they can't say anything in public because it isn't politically correct to do so..

    Just remember next time you get on a plane..Just because not everyone says that they think you have a bomb, doesn't mean they don't all think it. I'll end this post by saying good day and hope you don't come into contact with any supposed "terrorists" you speak of if you ever visit America.

    Also realize that America is the #1 oil producer now and that will make opposing producers lose profit considerably... Thought i'd add that in there as well.

    You feel so entitled like you can just say that just because you're a good person in your opinion that i'm somehow a villain because i said it doesn't matter, because the middle east sucks as a whole? Even though it does?
    Last edited by davidtheman100; 01-08-2015 at 03:44 PM.
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venom View Post
    I think people take the nuke em' all approach simply because they view terrorism and radicals as something that is contagious so to speak. Similar to how we feared communism. At first, these problems seemed contained to the Middle East and now they are happening all over the world.

    The hard part to this "war" on terrorism and radicals is the fact that they are not in uniform or in plain site. You can talk to someone by day and by night come to find they are a radical or terrorist. I think that frustrates people and which is why people use that expression, not realizing all the innocent lives that would be lost.

    I'm not saying those are my views, I simply trying to understand the expression. I wish for peace and happiness amongst everyone.
    That's all because to much politics involved. If we let the generals and commanders take care of 'll the war stuff; with guidelines of course, then it would go more smoothly, efficiently and quicker.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rida5d View Post
    @ bass check this out

    Iraqis in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I ll quote from Wikipedia :


    The majority of refugees are Sunni Muslims accounting for 60 percent of the Iraqi community in Jordan while, 18 percent are Shia Muslims, and 15 percent are Christian.[15] Most Iraqis residing in Amman, originally come from war torn Baghdad.[15] The majority of the Iraqis who fled to Jordan are the wealthy and well educated, but only 22 per cent of Iraqi adults work legally.[15]

    I agree with you, most of the victims by far are the good decent Muslims who do not agree with the radicals. let me go further, it was the majority of moderate Muslims in Iraq that let Christians and others live in piece, basically they protected the minorities. believe it or not Sadam was one of the Christian protectors, not because he cared, but was more political, in other words he didn't care either way as long as he was getting the upper hand. we also had Muslim friends in Iraq that could not stand Islam, and jokingly mocked and cussed at profit Muhammad, some wanted to convert to Christianity but were afraid of getting killed.

  10. #50
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    x2. The whole middle east could fall off the planet tomorrow and the only thing we'd miss about them is their oil...

    They got some good food too

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Bingo.......France among other Countries have allowed Sharia Law in certain parts. Can you imagine if they tried pulling that shit in the states. I dont care how ****ed up our country is right now. It would never happen.

    Fastest growing name in London.....Muhammad
    France is in fact staunchly traditional, recently banning the wearing of the burkha in public, as the powers that be feel it's incongruous with their culture. From this, coupled with the Hebdo debacle, they've long been a target for extremists, unfortunately.

  12. #52
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    political correctness at it's finest... I probably should have said that i don't care if anyones offended, because i don't. I wouldn't want to give you the false impression that i gave a shit.

    on the flip side, when COUNTRIES AS A WHOLE are known for their negative reputation, and have been fighting civil wars for the longest time and can't control their own government, YOU "good" people become the ones that are out of the norm and therefor the opposite question is asked: "If you're surrounded by shit, who gives a **** if you sweep up a penny in the shit as long as you get rid of it?"

    I don't attract any radicals don't categorize me as well because your country didn't benefit from what someone you're subliminally mad at did. Truman ended the war, and saved millions of live with his atomic bomb. There is no JUST GOOD or JUST BAD No good deed goes unpunished.. If a bomb was dropped on the middle east.. It would wreck 5 things and fix 100..

    If you searched on liveleek, the NYC or any of the other extreme websites you'll see plenty more allah snackbar beheadings done by different people everytime.. People like you use irrelevant citizen compassion to fuel your arguments against people and even if someone agrees with them they can't say anything in public because it isn't politically correct to do so..

    Just remember next time you get on a plane..Just because not everyone says that they think you have a bomb, doesn't mean they don't all think it. I'll end this post by saying good day and hope you don't come into contact with any supposed "terrorists" you speak of if you ever visit America.

    Also realize that America is the #1 oil producer now and that will make opposing producers lose profit considerably... Thought i'd add that in there as well.
    Would you care if someone dropped a bomb on your city? What if all your loved ones were killed? What if members of your family were missing legs/arms because of it?

    I also don't believe that I should have to be 'politically correct' in everything I say in order to not offend anyone. But this has nothing to do with political correctness; it has to due with killing innocent people. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you've never lived outside the Western world. I thought the same way you did before I left, only to figure out later in life how naive I was. And how would you feel if someone stereotyped you in such a way due to the actions of your government and some bad apples living in your country? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't give a sh*t.....unless of course someone came in and dropped a nuke on you; then I guarantee you that you'd give a sh*t.
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Would you care if someone dropped a bomb on your city? What if all your loved ones were killed? What if members of your family were missing legs/arms because of it?

    I also don't believe that I should have to be 'politically correct' in everything I say in order to not offend anyone. But this has nothing to do with political correctness; it has to due with killing innocent people. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you've never lived outside the Western world. I thought the same way you did before I left, only to figure out later in life how naive I was. And how would you feel if someone stereotyped you in such a way due to the actions of your government and some bad apples living in your country? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't give a sh*t.....unless of course someone came in and dropped a nuke on you; then I guarantee you that you'd give a sh*t.
    Never mind brother ..

    I really didn't bother to respond ..

    U know , it's impossible to convince everyone about a certain idea , but that's life..

    The good thing that this thread was a great place for people to share their thoughts , some people have their way in expressing themselves ..
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  14. #54
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    political correctness at it's finest... I probably should have said that i don't care if anyones offended, because i don't. I wouldn't want to give you the false impression that i gave a shit.

    on the flip side, when COUNTRIES AS A WHOLE are known for their negative reputation, and have been fighting civil wars for the longest time and can't control their own government, YOU "good" people become the ones that are out of the norm and therefor the opposite question is asked: "If you're surrounded by shit, who gives a **** if you sweep up a penny in the shit as long as you get rid of it?"

    I don't attract any radicals don't categorize me as well because your country didn't benefit from what someone you're subliminally mad at did. Truman ended the war, and saved millions of live with his atomic bomb. There is no JUST GOOD or JUST BAD No good deed goes unpunished.. If a bomb was dropped on the middle east.. It would wreck 5 things and fix 100..

    If you searched on liveleek, the NYC or any of the other extreme websites you'll see plenty more allah snackbar beheadings done by different people everytime.. People like you use irrelevant citizen compassion to fuel your arguments against people and even if someone agrees with them they can't say anything in public because it isn't politically correct to do so..

    Just remember next time you get on a plane..Just because not everyone says that they think you have a bomb, doesn't mean they don't all think it. I'll end this post by saying good day and hope you don't come into contact with any supposed "terrorists" you speak of if you ever visit America.

    Also realize that America is the #1 oil producer now and that will make opposing producers lose profit considerably... Thought i'd add that in there as well.

    You feel so entitled like you can just say that just because you're a good person in your opinion that i'm somehow a villain because i said it doesn't matter, because the middle east sucks as a whole? Even though it does?
    I wouldn't say a villain no. Idiot and brainwashed come to mind first
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  15. #55
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    In my opinion, the need for some to constantly say "not all muslims are bad" is a tired saying. No sane person thinks all muslims are bad any more than anyone thinks all white people are bad despite the existence of the KKK. The issue people like myself have is the progressive's refusal to call muslim terrorism muslim terrorism. There is a large problem in the muslim community and the only way it stands a chance at being corrected is admitting the root of the problem. And it does not help the situation when the non-violent muslims refuse to stand against their radical counterparts. Fine, some do but as a whole the muslim society is silent.

    Another thing that is extremely annoying are those that feel the need to say other religious bodies have committed horrific acts of violence throughout history. Great, thank you captain obvious, but that's not the issue. The issue is what's happening now. Christians, Jews, Hindus or enter the name of any other religious group you can think of, those groups are not going around killing people in droves in the name of god. Why it's a problem for so many to acknowledge this simple reality makes absolutely no sense.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Fine, some do but as a whole the muslim society is silent.
    Do u realize that many middle eastern countries are in direct war with ISIS ?
    What are we supposed to do beside supporting the war against those and putting our guys on the line of fire?

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    In my opinion, the need for some to constantly say "not all muslims are bad" is a tired saying. No sane person thinks all muslims are bad any more than anyone thinks all white people are bad despite the existence of the KKK. The issue people like myself have is the progressive's refusal to call muslim terrorism muslim terrorism. There is a large problem in the muslim community and the only way it stands a chance at being corrected is admitting the root of the problem. And it does not help the situation when the non-violent muslims refuse to stand against their radical counterparts. Fine, some do but as a whole the muslim society is silent.

    Another thing that is extremely annoying are those that feel the need to say other religious bodies have committed horrific acts of violence throughout history. Great, thank you captain obvious, but that's not the issue. The issue is what's happening now. Christians, Jews, Hindus or enter the name of any other religious group you can think of, those groups are not going around killing people in droves in the name of god. Why it's a problem for so many to acknowledge this simple reality makes absolutely no sense.
    they are silent because its their faith! to stand up means they have to condemn the quran!

    Muslim Leaders in Australia Say Banning Terrorism Will Ban Islam | FrontPage Magazine

  18. #58
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    Wow, there are some really mind boggling comments in here. It is easy to let yourself get wrapped up in the media frenzy that instigates the hatred towards all muslims as if they are all terrorists. If you can honestly say drop a nuke on the middle east, or have it drop of the face of the earth, than you are no better than the radicals that are terrorizing the rest of the planet. As long as the media keeps the tension high on both sides, this will never get better. I am all for fining the terrorists and killing every last one of those motherfukers, but enough innocent people have died, and a lot of it has to do with greed, not just religion.
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Wow, there are some really mind boggling comments in here. It is easy to let yourself get wrapped up in the media frenzy that instigates the hatred towards all muslims as if they are all terrorists. If you can honestly say drop a nuke on the middle east, or have it drop of the face of the earth, than you are no better than the radicals that are terrorizing the rest of the planet. As long as the media keeps the tension high on both sides, this will never get better. I am all for fining the terrorists and killing every last one of those motherfukers, but enough innocent people have died, and a lot of it has to do with greed, not just religion.
    nukes should only be used when we are threatened by nukes! the problem with terrorist they are everywhere! hard to target!

  20. #60
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    So many of the muslims just seem like there in the year 1000. its 2015 now people should be more civilized. And weak immigration polices are the devil. If you wont to immigrate to a different country people should forget your past and adapt/integrate to the host nation that had welcomed you. Renouncing ones past and a blood oath to the host nation should be a requirment for citizenship tests.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I wouldn't say a villain no. Idiot and brainwashed come to mind first
    I'm brainwashed? He's using an American way of thinking when he isn't entitled to that in his own damn country. HIS damn opinion means 0 in the world. Even if it's logical (which it is) that NOT ALL muslims are bad. THAT goes without saying. I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying it weighs heavily statistically in the favor of blowing up all of the middle east as a positive thing. If the decision were to be made, small mouths like his wouldn't be heard.

    They mean nothing. Nothing successful for a country in battle has ever ended without the blood of innocent people. American has become a world power in part to having the blood of millions of innocent people on their hands. He's prey and he doesn't even know it. Regardless of whether you self-entitled hypocrites want to believe so or not.

  22. #62
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    And it's the muslim's that are radicals?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Would you care if someone dropped a bomb on your city? What if all your loved ones were killed? What if members of your family were missing legs/arms because of it?

    I also don't believe that I should have to be 'politically correct' in everything I say in order to not offend anyone. But this has nothing to do with political correctness; it has to due with killing innocent people. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you've never lived outside the Western world. I thought the same way you did before I left, only to figure out later in life how naive I was. And how would you feel if someone stereotyped you in such a way due to the actions of your government and some bad apples living in your country? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't give a sh*t.....unless of course someone came in and dropped a nuke on you; then I guarantee you that you'd give a sh*t.

    I would care. But all you just used was pathos (Or an emotional appeal) to try to bring your point across. There is no emotional appeal in war. After a bloody battle that just killed millions. You will always see a calm man in America in a suit on the TV screen justifying what happened and dumbing it down for you uneducated buffoons.

    I realized all American history that i was taught is covering up all of the terror America has caused many parts of the world. Similar history lessons only taught in the UK, and NOWHERE else. Coincidence? I think not. I am still a proud American, but the word for me would NEVER be "brainwashed"

    I am an informed consumer when it comes to this stuff. The same politically correct bullshitters you guys swear by that are glorifying criminals in Missouri and preaching their feministic bullshit across the news and internet, are the ones not taking responsibility for the fact that their political decisions in part are indirectly slaughtering people in different countries.
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  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rida5d View Post
    Never mind brother ..

    I really didn't bother to respond ..

    U know , it's impossible to convince everyone about a certain idea , but that's life..

    The good thing that this thread was a great place for people to share their thoughts , some people have their way in expressing themselves ..
    Don't respond, and have your "brothers" stand at your side, FOR NOW. When they very well know that if the government dumbed everything down for them and told them they could have a free BMW (figuratively speaking, maybe not exactly a BMW but something relative) if they would just accept the fact that the middle east would be blown up, (for the lack of a more articulate way of saying it) YOU BETTER believe that the majority of this uninformed, selfish community would have you blown to bits in a second INCLUDING some of the people here that are supposedly on your side.

    I'm just telling you straight up that i would take the BMW.

    Honesty is the best policy

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rida5d View Post
    Do u realize that many middle eastern countries are in direct war with ISIS ?
    What are we supposed to do beside supporting the war against those and putting our guys on the line of fire?
    Syria fights ISIS because a tyrant doesn't want to lose his dictatorship role.
    Turkey, largely muslim, has pretty much sat on the sidelines. Sure, they have spoken out against ISIS but words are hollow.
    Iraq - that one I'll give you fully.
    Iran, will fight if it has to but only because it wishes to be the true big bad wolf.
    The rest of the middle-eastern governments, I don't see how they're helping or hurting, more or less just existing like Turkey.
    Pakistan - all terrorist welcome

    But the bigger issue is not countries/governments, it's the muslim people's lack of fighting against the terrorist. They allow safe-haven, often financial support, media outlets, etc. Sure, they may not be actively killing anyone but that's the only difference.

    And the even larger issue, the one already stated yet continuously ignored - muslim terrorist are the ones causing havoc all over the world, not christian terrorist, not hindu or buddhist terrorist, not any other religious group. I think a lot of people would be more sympathetic to the muslim and middle-eastern plight if the people themselves would simply acknowledge both verbally and with action this problem. I know I would be far more sympathetic if that were the case.

    And I have to somewhat LOL at all the media comments in this thread. Yes, various media outlets are biased one way or another...I'm sure bias exist in midd-easter media outlets too. But the core problem doesn't require any bias. If a man walks into a building screaming "praise to Allah" while he kills everyone he can, that's a pretty easy call and takes no media involvement to understand.

    Lastly, the oil/money comments, I wish people would give this a rest. These comments are usually nothing more than what someone has read from some internet blog and normally come from blogs where people read them because they like the writers opinion. The U.S. does not desire instability in the middle-east. The U.S. did not go to the middle-east for oil in Iraq or Afghanistan and anyone who thinks that is an outright idiot.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    So many of the muslims just seem like there in the year 1000. its 2015 now people should be more civilized. And weak immigration polices are the devil. If you wont to immigrate to a different country people should forget your past and adapt/integrate to the host nation that had welcomed you. Renouncing ones past and a blood oath to the host nation should be a requirment for citizenship tests.
    I agree 100%. What happened in Paris yesterday is just as much France's fault as it is the men who did it. The French have all but begged for it.
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  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    I wouldn't say a villain no. Idiot and brainwashed come to mind first
    is he brainwashed like so many american's that are told by are mainstream liberal media that 99.99% of muslims are "peaceful" and all the police that put their life on the line for EVERY single citizen are nearly all racist? we know so many muslims are made to hate american's from the time they are knee high to a grasshopper and we also know that thug in Missouri did NOT have his hands in the air and HE attacked a police officer. why do so many people feel afraid to know and say the facts because they are afraid to hurt the feelings of people who frankly don't give a rats ass about them? don't walk on eggshells for people because they do not think your a great person because your "on their side". we all should be smart enough to know whats right and wrong.
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  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    And it's the muslim's that are radicals?
    take a listen to this, it may shed some light!

  29. #69
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    so, whats happening now? where are we up to with this? Have the caught the masked men yet? Or?

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    so, whats happening now? where are we up to with this? Have the caught the masked men yet? Or?
    One surrendered. mass man hunt turning cites upside down searching for other 2.

    Other 2 have been on US no fly and terror list for years.

  31. #71
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD View Post
    is he brainwashed like so many american's that are told by are mainstream liberal media that 99.99% of muslims are "peaceful" and all the police that put their life on the line for EVERY single citizen are nearly all racist? we know so many muslims are made to hate american's from the time they are knee high to a grasshopper and we also know that thug in Missouri did NOT have his hands in the air and HE attacked a police officer. why do so many people feel afraid to know and say the facts because they are afraid to hurt the feelings of people who frankly don't give a rats ass about them? don't walk on eggshells for people because they do not think your a great person because your "on their side". we all should be smart enough to know whats right and wrong.
    Who said anything about walking on eggshells? He posted his opinion without worrying about walking on eggshells and I responded with mine. It's pretty simple....

  32. #72
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    I'm brainwashed? He's using an American way of thinking when he isn't entitled to that in his own damn country. HIS damn opinion means 0 in the world. Even if it's logical (which it is) that NOT ALL muslims are bad. THAT goes without saying. I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying it weighs heavily statistically in the favor of blowing up all of the middle east as a positive thing. If the decision were to be made, small mouths like his wouldn't be heard.

    They mean nothing. Nothing successful for a country in battle has ever ended without the blood of innocent people. American has become a world power in part to having the blood of millions of innocent people on their hands. He's prey and he doesn't even know it. Regardless of whether you self-entitled hypocrites want to believe so or not.
    Yes, either brainwashed or an idiot. Pick whichever one suits your fancy more.
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  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Yes, either brainwashed or an idiot. Pick whichever one suits your fancy more.
    A puppet at it's finest ^
    Last edited by davidtheman100; 01-08-2015 at 08:38 PM.

  34. #74
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    I would care. But all you just used was pathos (Or an emotional appeal) to try to bring your point across. There is no emotional appeal in war. After a bloody battle that just killed millions. You will always see a calm man in America in a suit on the TV screen justifying what happened and dumbing it down for you uneducated buffoons. Then let me reiterate what I said in a previous so you can understand a logical reason why it would be a horrible decision to nuke the Middle East: There are Muslims all over the world now; not just the Middle East. What do you think happens when you take out their loved ones/relatives/ancestors overseas? How do you think they'll react? You've just started a new war, and this time it's on your own soil. The powers that be realize this; you obviously don't. Good thing you're not a politician in this country.

    I realized all American history that i was taught is covering up all of the terror America has caused many parts of the world. Similar history lessons only taught in the UK, and NOWHERE else. Coincidence? I think not. I am still a proud American, but the word for me would NEVER be "brainwashed" Do you think being taught biased American History it makes you intelligent on the matter? Please. Even if you realize that it covers up terror, you're still looking around with your eyes shut. Nothing beats real life experience. Since you didn't respond to the comment I made about you never living outside the US, I'm going to go ahead and assume you never have. I've lived and traveled to a number of places all over the world and, along the way, I've met many Muslims. Not one of them tried to kill me, say anything bad about my country, or treat me with any kind of disrespect. In fact, the majority of them were some of the most pleasant people I've ever met. My previous employer is Palestinean. He carried a 9mm with him everywhere he went (many people did in the country I lived in). I can personally vouch that if any Muslim radical threatened my life, he would have shot him dead. If I'm getting too "emotional" here, please refer to my above comment.

    I am an informed consumer when it comes to this stuff. No, you're not. Until you've lived outside the States, or at the very least, sat down and had a conversation with an Arab Muslim, it's YOUR opinion that doesn't matter. College doesn't buy brains, Mr. "D1"...real life experience does.The same politically correct bullshitters you guys swear by that are glorifying criminals in Missouri and preaching their feministic bullshit across the news and internet, are the ones not taking responsibility for the fact that their political decisions in part are indirectly slaughtering people in different countries. I don't swear by political correctness. In fact, I'm a person who says whatever he wants without caring about what anyone has to say about it, especially some kid who doesn't know anything about the world except what he's read in books and hears on TV. And since you brought up Missouri, I'll have you know that I side with the cop, and that kid got what was coming to him by resisting arrest. And you bring up slaughtering people in different countries, implying that you, at least somewhat, are concerned about it, Mr. "non-emotional". Well, if you're so concerned about it, then why do you condone sending nuclear warheads over to kill innocent people?
    Yes, you are brainwashed, and you have a lot of learning to do, puppet.

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  35. #75
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I agree 100%. What happened in Paris yesterday is just as much France's fault as it is the men who did it. The French have all but begged for it.
    Yup. Strong consertive governments are needed

  36. #76
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Yes, you are brainwashed, and you have a lot of learning to do, puppet.
    Thank you. You have the patience of a saint
    Rida5d likes this.

  37. #77
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    Suspects now in hostage situation now....

  38. #78
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  39. #79
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    Guys, this has turned out to be a very interesting and informative thread with a wide range of opinions. But please, lets keep the name calling and hostility out of it. Imagine how boring it would be if we all had the exact same opinions?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Yup. Strong consertive governments are needed
    Well, progressive governments sure aren't working, but plenty will still never be able to see it or accept it. Too many live in the magical world of make believe. And as far as conservative governments, personally I don't care what they are as long as they use common sense, which seems to be the primary factor missing in the world today.

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