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Thread: Is Racism still an issue in the United States?

  1. #1
    j3374's Avatar
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    Is Racism still an issue in the United States?

  2. #2
    ChrisG217's Avatar
    ChrisG217 is offline Junior Member
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    Absolutely it is. In the media, music industry, dominant non caucasian neighborhoods, caucasian neighborhoods, politics, etc etc. In particular whenever something tragic happens from a caucasian to an african american, that is the first thing out of a lot of peoples mouths. Way to show yourselves up Ferguson MO. I wonder what will happen the next time a white cop kills another african american in self defense.

  3. #3
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    Really, this again? I see this thread being closed before the end of the day.

  4. #4
    DOSA is offline Associate Member
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    OP must of had a bad night.

    I can see where he is from.....Sorry about the game.

  5. #5
    j3374's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Really, this again? I see this thread being closed before the end of the day.
    Is this thread topic too controversial for this forum?

    I'd be glad to take it down if you advise it. This is just a subject that is discussed (pros and cons) in Sociology and Ethnic Studies. If this has been overdone, I'll remove it.

    I try to do searches before starting a thread, but sometimes the demographics of the forum change, or the exact focus changes even within the same subject, and it's worth having more than one discussion.

    If this is the wrong place for it, I'll concede.
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  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Out of all things i like racism the least

    But, we're just people - that's never gonna change

    Yet, I do think in like 5k years there will be no white, black or anything else - we'll be all of the above
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  7. #7
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    I'm also starting to realize just how conservative the majority is here. Maybe I should stick to sports and jokes.

    Stand by. I'll delete this thread this evening, when I get back. I wouldn't want to challenge anyone's comfort level for fear we might become exposed to new possibilities and ideas.

  8. #8
    DOSA is offline Associate Member
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    has nothing to do with challenging anyone comfort level.

    this has been discussed before, never ends well.
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  9. #9
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Not just in the US but all over the word. But me it does not interest me you only get one shot at this so enjoy it. No need to be nasty to ppl just care about your own family.
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  10. #10
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    Not sure how to take undue this subject.

    I'll leave it to a moderator, if that's what's necessary.

    Mods, would any of you care to shut it down?

    Thank you.

    I agree that some subjects have to be discussed in very specific environments. I misjudged, apparently.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOSA View Post
    OP must of had a bad night.

    I can see where he is from.....Sorry about the game.
    Actually, I don't watch sports. This is an example of an assumption made on a person based on very little information. This is an example of profiling.

    Thanks for validating the thread subject
    Last edited by j3374; 01-13-2015 at 04:14 PM. Reason: To include a silly emoticon.

  12. #12
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    With Al Sharpton alive, and some of the dumbest, illiterate people on earth being global celebrities who everyone looks up to, i'd say yes it will always be around.
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  13. #13
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    If it wasn't for the Italian mob this country would have no Las Vegas.

  14. #14
    DOSA is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by j3374 View Post
    Actually, I don't watch sports. This is an example of an assumption made on a person based on very little information. This is an example of profiling.

    Thanks for validating the thread subject
    so profiling is racist?

    profiling has its place.

    not to mention u have oregon as your location, and u are probaly the only person in your area that didnt watch the game.

  15. #15
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    I don't care for Sharpton either.

    Is it only the dumb and illiterate people who think it's an issue? This belief makes me sad. I actually understand now why this subject was a bad idea. We're not going to even discuss empirical data, studies and anecdotal accounts from people who have actually been affected by this issue.

    I'm sad by the closed mindedness and lack of desire to understand the subject better. I'm sad that people (I'm guessing mostly caucasians) feel the need to cast blame at those who beg to differ and show hostility at the claim that all people, in varying degrees, experience some level of bias and discrimination. We're biologically programmed to. I forget that this is still debated.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOSA View Post
    so profiling is racist?

    profiling has its place.

    not to mention u have oregon as your location, and u are probaly the only person in your area that didnt watch the game.

    Profiling can be race based, but isn't necessarily. I agree that sometimes profiling is necessary. I just think that it's important to acknowledge that it's something that we all do in varying degrees and to take that into consideration.

    I think you're right about me being the only person here who didn't watch the game, also. Ducks fans don't relate to me either.

  17. #17
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Im going to say yes. I was a victim

    When i was in the usa for a holiday. I was walking down the street when some bloke who was a black just touched me on the shoulder and wanted me to buy what he called a "underground rap cd" i was like what the **** i don't want that garbage and started walking off. He was going off stuff about i didn't want his CD because his black this and that. I was like bloke i don't want your CD because the fact your standing around trying to sell it just shows how shitt it must be. And just walked off. And I'm not joking he said "your tripping white boy" i was walking upright i didn't trip over.
    I was just a tourist i wonder what harassment the locals receive?
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Im going to say yes. I was a victim

    When i was in the usa for a holiday. I was walking down the street when some bloke who was a black just touched me on the shoulder and wanted me to buy what he called a "underground rap cd" i was like what the **** i don't want that garbage and started walking off. He was going off stuff about i didn't want his CD because his black this and that. I was like bloke i don't want your CD because the fact your standing around trying to sell it just shows how shitt it must be. And just walked off. And I'm not joking he said "your tripping white boy" i was walking upright i didn't trip over.
    I was just a tourist i wonder what harassment the locals receive?

    LMAO. It does go both ways.

    You don't know what you missed. Underground rap could have been an authentic American urban experience for you.

  19. #19
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by j3374 View Post
    LMAO. It does go both ways.

    You don't know what you missed. Underground rap could have been an authentic American urban experience for you.

    Urban american?? ill stick with the four seasons and bruce Springsteen. They were from a urban centre in new jersey.

    The fact you said it goes both ways shows me you assumed only whites can be racist. Which in its self is rasicm.
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  20. #20
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    I am an old fart, and have lived in many countries around the world. I am a blonde haired blue eyed man and have experience racism on many levels. I have been spit on my Japanese men that hated Americans and treated extremely poorly in France. It is not just a US thing, it is a global thing. I never would care if someone hates me for something I said or something I did, but nothing pissed me off more than being hated because of what I was. It certainly taught me that racism sucks and I cant imagine being abused by people in the country I was born in. I chose to go to other countries and was able to deal with racist people. But I truly learned how much it sucks and now only judge people by their actions and certainly not because of what they look like.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Urban american?? ill stick with the four seasons and bruce Springsteen. They were from a urban centre in new jersey.

    The fact you said it goes both ways shows me you assumed only whites can be racist. Which in its self is rasicm.
    You assumed that by my acknowledging that racism goes "both ways" that I think it only applies to whites? How did you come to that conclusion based on my agreement that white people can also be victims of racism? LOL. Not sure what your method of reasoning is on that one.

    There is a common narrative (and misunderstanding) that racism can only be practiced by the dominant class/race/religion/ect and only goes one way (toward the minority). I acknowledged that common belief by agreeing with you, that majority groups can experience judgement also. Is it possible that you jumped to an inaccurate conclusion?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    I am an old fart, and have lived in many countries around the world. I am a blonde haired blue eyed man and have experience racism on many levels. I have been spit on my Japanese men that hated Americans and treated extremely poorly in France. It is not just a US thing, it is a global thing. I never would care if someone hates me for something I said or something I did, but nothing pissed me off more than being hated because of what I was. It certainly taught me that racism sucks and I cant imagine being abused by people in the country I was born in. I chose to go to other countries and was able to deal with racist people. But I truly learned how much it sucks and now only judge people by their actions and certainly not because of what they look like.

    Hey, I'm actually very, very grateful for your contribution. This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm half Japanese, and I know first hand how racist the Japanese can be (especially the older generations). They have a mentality of racial purity that I compare to white supremacist. The older generation especially used racist words for people who weren't pure Japanese (haafu) in much the same way that early Americans used "mulatto" and "half-breed" to refer to people who were half black or native respectively.

    I think you're one of few Caucasians that I've talked to that can earnestly relate through shared experience what it's like to be treated differently (at times horribly) due to being different than the majority. I honestly think that much fewer people would be mad at the notion that racism happens if they'd been through the experience that you've been through.

    Thank you so much for your post, Oki.

  23. #23
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by j3374 View Post
    You assumed that by my acknowledging that racism goes "both ways" that I think it only applies to whites? How did you come to that conclusion based on my agreement that white people can also be victims of racism? LOL. Not sure what your method of reasoning is on that one.

    There is a common narrative (and misunderstanding) that racism can only be practiced by the dominant class/race/religion/ect and only goes one way (toward the minority). I acknowledged that common belief by agreeing with you, that majority groups can experience judgement also. Is it possible that you jumped to an inaccurate conclusion?
    I assumed because this thread is about racism in the usa i shared my experience of racism in the usa and you respond with "it goes both ways" that to me assumes that you are assuming more racism towards black people. And that video is all one sided to make the black man look oppressed

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    I assumed because this thread is about racism in the usa i shared my experience of racism in the usa and you respond with "it goes both ways" that to me assumes that you are assuming more racism towards black people. And that video is all one sided to make the black man look oppressed
    Ok. Yes, the video is about racism towards blacks specifically. I'm glad that you actually watched it. I'm not under the impression right now that all posters have, which is okay.

    I didn't mean for all racism to be directed toward any single race only. I have a friend who's a retired Marine. He's got stories of being taken into the black areas of town by his black Marine friends. He makes a joke about it, but has some pretty serious stories. He's white, blue eyes, and has actually experienced the racism that many people deny exists, much like Oki, who also, I'm guessing, posted from a military perspective.

    If someone hasn't ever experienced racism (or any other form of prejudice), there's no way to be able to empathize with what others are going through, unless someone chooses to listen and understand.

  25. #25
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    I'm just understanding that there has been some heated discussion about the Ferguson stuff, and that's what prompted the sarcasm at the beginning of the thread.

    I get that. And I can see how racism has been a frustrating topic for a lot of people.

    I didn't specifically have those issues in mind with this post- honestly, a friend posted this on her facebook account, and I thought it might be an interesting conversation subject. I didn't even think of the recent media incidents when I posted this.

    I'm a part time evening student- my major is Sociology, and I'm used to discussing world events and somewhat controversial issues from an academic standpoint. Most of my friends, regardless of their political stance, are able to (in varying degrees) discuss topics objectively and trade ideas and studies without feeling offended or taken aback.

    To those who were offended by the subject matter- do you honestly feel like you're being objective and open minded if you're reacting with so much emotional energy? I understand that some media personalities make a circus out of this issue. On the left, you have Sharpton who cries "foul" to create a frenzy. On the right, you have white guys like O'Reilly and Hannity, who, even though they're wealthy white men, will tell us how much B.S. the racism issue is.

    I've heard it. I assumed that most people can listen to both and decide for themselves. It's basic behaviorism and instinct- we differentiate between those who are like us, and those who aren't. Why are we still arguing about IF we discriminate? I'd think the logical, objective concern would be to figure out HOW it affects our culture, laws, perspectives and we (as a society) can improve and strengthen as a result of dialogue.

    That really was my only objective. I'm really glad for the people who actually took part in the discussion without acting put off.

  26. #26
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    Thank you for your kind words. I wanted to mention another story in Japan that taught me a valuable lesson. I was walking past a bus stop where a bus had just stopped and an ederly Japanese woman was getting off the bus. When our eyes connected she had this horrible scowel on her face and I was quick to assume she hated me because I was an American. Instead of reacting crudely I smiled at her with the biggest smile my face could make. I was surprised to see her wrinkled face contort into a smile back at me, then her face went back to what happened to be a natural frown. I was the one that was too quick to assume she was racist, when in fact it was my own ignorace and being too quick to judge that gave me a bad feeling. She was not racist, but simply an elderly woman who smiled back at me when I smiled at her. I realized that I should never judge a situation by my first thoughts and people can misconstrue situations that were completely incorrect. Life can teach us a lot if we are willing to be open and test ourselves in a variety of situations and sometimes we learn first hand that we are not always right.
    j3374 and zaggahamma like this.

  27. #27
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    Thanks guys for keeping the discussion on the correct coarse.
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    Great place to start researching !

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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Thanks guys for keeping the discussion on the correct coarse.
    Thanks for the nod, BG.

    I'll use more prudence when starting threads in the future.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    Thank you for your kind words. I wanted to mention another story in Japan that taught me a valuable lesson. I was walking past a bus stop where a bus had just stopped and an ederly Japanese woman was getting off the bus. When our eyes connected she had this horrible scowel on her face and I was quick to assume she hated me because I was an American. Instead of reacting crudely I smiled at her with the biggest smile my face could make. I was surprised to see her wrinkled face contort into a smile back at me, then her face went back to what happened to be a natural frown. I was the one that was too quick to assume she was racist, when in fact it was my own ignorace and being too quick to judge that gave me a bad feeling. She was not racist, but simply an elderly woman who smiled back at me when I smiled at her. I realized that I should never judge a situation by my first thoughts and people can misconstrue situations that were completely incorrect. Life can teach us a lot if we are willing to be open and test ourselves in a variety of situations and sometimes we learn first hand that we are not always right.

    Cool story, Oki- hey... I just understood the meaning of your screen name! LOL. Ookii Desu! "am big", translated into English. I had to ask my girlfriend (born and raised in Japan) how the spelling would be exactly in English. I only speak broken Japanese, and my reading/writing is poor. One of the mods could change the spelling if you wanted it spelled perfectly (so I've read). I was thinking about changing mine to a Japanese screen name too.

    Oh, I was originally going to say that you seem really introspective and observant of people. I can relate to that tendency.
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  30. #30
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    Most people don't want to discuss issues of race because they don't know how or they're afraid to. People are petrified of saying the wrong thing - if you point out anything, something that is unavoidably true, someone somehow may call you a racist, and that term simply sits poorly with most even if it holds no factual basis. And others don't know how to discus it because they simply see racism in everything. In my opinion, those people are as ignorant as the racist themselves.

    But on the topic of the thread, of course racism still exist in the U.S. It exist in every country and corner of the world, always has and it always will. Why has it and why will it always, a few reasons:

    *People are not naturally good people. We are naturally evil. Jealousy, hate, envy and judgmental are all natural human traits. We have to make a conscious effort to be good people and some never will.

    *People tend to hold pride in their ethnicity. On one hand you can argue there's nothing wrong with this, but on the other hand it is something that's meaningless to hold pride in. Does the color of your skin actually produce a quality of the heart and soul that another color does not? Of course not, but this pride in ethnicity leads many to think it does. This exist in every single race on earth.

    *People hold never ending grudges. The prime modern example is the anger many black Americans hold against white Americans for the poor treatment of blacks in the past. No sane or reasonable person can argue that this treatment was good or justified. However, if the past treatment of our ancestors by another group of people is reason enough to hold a grudge against certain people today, we should all hate each other, you could even say we should hate ourselves. Every race, every group of people that has ever existed has been held down by another group at some point in history. This has occurred due to race, nationality, religion political thinking and probably many other things. In fact, if you're alive today, there's a great chance someone of your own race held your ancestors back at some point in time.

    *Because people hope in the wrong things - there's a tendency and desire to believe that in time we will evolve beyond racism. What is the logical basis behind this thought? Sure, it's a nice thought, it's a happy thought, but so is everyone holding hands and singing songs in a marshmallow field. I've said this before in other threads, the nature of man is the same today as it was yesterday and it will always be the same. Technology changes, borders and laws change and events shape the activities of the day. But the nature of man is never changing - man has the same desires he's always had, the same basic needs, the same flaws and positive traits that the human soul can possess. No amount of technology or debate can change this. That doesn't mean we do not strive for it - striving for betterment, that is one of the key qualities and most important things in life. We strive, we right wrongs when they occur, we move on and we repeat, and that is a good thing.

  31. #31
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Most people don't want to discuss issues of race because they don't know how or they're afraid to. People are petrified of saying the wrong thing - if you point out anything, something that is unavoidably true, someone somehow may call you a racist, and that term simply sits poorly with most even if it holds no factual basis. And others don't know how to discus it because they simply see racism in everything. In my opinion, those people are as ignorant as the racist themselves.

    But on the topic of the thread, of course racism still exist in the U.S. It exist in every country and corner of the world, always has and it always will. Why has it and why will it always, a few reasons:

    *People are not naturally good people. We are naturally evil. Jealousy, hate, envy and judgmental are all natural human traits. We have to make a conscious effort to be good people and some never will.

    *People tend to hold pride in their ethnicity. On one hand you can argue there's nothing wrong with this, but on the other hand it is something that's meaningless to hold pride in. Does the color of your skin actually produce a quality of the heart and soul that another color does not? Of course not, but this pride in ethnicity leads many to think it does. This exist in every single race on earth.

    *People hold never ending grudges. The prime modern example is the anger many black Americans hold against white Americans for the poor treatment of blacks in the past. No sane or reasonable person can argue that this treatment was good or justified. However, if the past treatment of our ancestors by another group of people is reason enough to hold a grudge against certain people today, we should all hate each other, you could even say we should hate ourselves. Every race, every group of people that has ever existed has been held down by another group at some point in history. This has occurred due to race, nationality, religion political thinking and probably many other things. In fact, if you're alive today, there's a great chance someone of your own race held your ancestors back at some point in time.

    *Because people hope in the wrong things - there's a tendency and desire to believe that in time we will evolve beyond racism. What is the logical basis behind this thought? Sure, it's a nice thought, it's a happy thought, but so is everyone holding hands and singing songs in a marshmallow field. I've said this before in other threads, the nature of man is the same today as it was yesterday and it will always be the same. Technology changes, borders and laws change and events shape the activities of the day. But the nature of man is never changing - man has the same desires he's always had, the same basic needs, the same flaws and positive traits that the human soul can possess. No amount of technology or debate can change this. That doesn't mean we do not strive for it - striving for betterment, that is one of the key qualities and most important things in life. We strive, we right wrongs when they occur, we move on and we repeat, and that is a good thing.
    I cant see why the blacks are still angry. If you never took them out of africa they would currently be living in 3rd world poor countries and not in the usa which has the worlds biggest economy. People should look at the positive opportunities and not laws of the old days. you cant get angry about the laws of old. Owning slaves was legal at a time you cant really look back and judge them from modern eyes because at the time it was all good and legal and was the norm of the time. Peoples views change over time but we shouldn't judge how people use to do things.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    I cant see why the blacks are still angry. If you never took them out of africa they would currently be living in 3rd world poor countries and not in the usa which has the worlds biggest economy. People should look at the positive opportunities and not laws of the old days. you cant get angry about the laws of old. Owning slaves was legal at a time you cant really look back and judge them from modern eyes because at the time it was all good and legal and was the norm of the time. Peoples views change over time but we shouldn't judge how people use to do things.
    White people weren't the only ones who owned slaves. In fact, freed black populations disproportionately owned more slaves than white populations too.

    Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms

  33. #33
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    Metal- Several valid points listed in bullet form. Thanks for the post. Will take a little bit to digest it and put it into perspective.

    Euro- Very true and accurate post, in a literal perspective. Although true, there is also a psychological and social effect that isn't as obvious (or consistent). You, and maybe a majority of Caucasians may not have any racial intention whatsoever. This is probably why so many don't recognize the controversy. Even a small percentage of people with bias can affect personal perception, as Oki demonstrated in his last post about misreading facial expression in the old lady. Once someone has been burnt a few times by the few closed minded people, even when there is no racism intended, one can be very defensive. It's not a simple issue for sure.

    Honkey- thanks for the link. This is something I didn't even know about. Will definitely read when I get a few minutes!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    I am an old fart, and have lived in many countries around the world. I am a blonde haired blue eyed man and have experience racism on many levels. I have been spit on my Japanese men that hated Americans and treated extremely poorly in France. It is not just a US thing, it is a global thing. I never would care if someone hates me for something I said or something I did, but nothing pissed me off more than being hated because of what I was. It certainly taught me that racism sucks and I cant imagine being abused by people in the country I was born in. I chose to go to other countries and was able to deal with racist people. But I truly learned how much it sucks and now only judge people by their actions and certainly not because of what they look like.
    Lol so true, try being anything but a fair skinned Anglo looking person living in a Slavic country, then you will know racism, when people openly say the N-word on the street, although admittedly it is the 'best' word they have to describe them.
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    try being anything but a fair skinned Anglo looking person living in a Slavic country, then you will know racism, when people openly say the N-word on the street, although admittedly it is the 'best' word they have to describe them.

    LMFAO - Oh Jesus

    It reminds me of Russia oh so much

  36. #36
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    Have you not read a single thread in the lounge here?

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    Bonaparte, is that post directed at me?

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    Quote Originally Posted by j3374 View Post
    Bonaparte, is that post directed at me?
    Yes, it was directed at your thread title. lol

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    I've had this account for several years, but just recently came back and started participating. So, no, I don't have a super long history of keeping track of recent discussion on this particular board.

    Although the general subject matter had been discussed from varying angles and around specific media covered events, this is the first time that I've seen this specific video posted with all of the sources cited. I thought it was worth discussing. Enough people responded with personal accounts (both agreeing and disagreeing with the subject) that it was worth the exchange for me, anyway.

  40. #40
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    IDK, I'm personally pretty tired of this topic which, by the way ironically, seems more prevalent since Obama's been in the White House. Figure that one out.

    Anyway, I look at it this way. I live in a gated community where a good percentage of my neighbors are Black & Latino families. They are all respected professionals, they have Land Rovers & Porsches in the their driveways, their kids are all well-mannered & polite and these families have absolutely no contact with police and/or the justice system on a daily basis.

    Sorry, but the American Dream seems to be working just fine for these families. Why is that exactly? Because they live correctly and tend to do the right things in life which leads to happiness & prosperity.

    Special circumstances aside, I’d say a majority of the people crying racism today need to take more responsibility for where they actually are in life.
    Last edited by APIs; 01-15-2015 at 10:58 AM.

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