I went to the gym at about 4am, after going to water fountain I peak into the basketball court and see this dude sleeping in there with a few small bags. I go back to working out and when I'm done I still see his stink ass in there. There were more people in the gym at this point and some older guy was in the basketball court too doing crunches. I'm a little pissed so I walk up to the guy sleeping and say something about him sleeping in the gym. He lifts his head up and says sorry sir and puts his head back down. He had a certain accent and looked Somalian. After he put his head back down and I get a little louder and say what do you think this is a damn hotel room get the hell up. He lifts his head up and may have said something and he gives me that exaggerated facial expression like who do you think you are. I went on saying this ain't your damn home get the fu** up right now, this isn't a damn hotel get the fu** up, get out of here. He started getting up and as I walked away he had something smart to say, not sure what. I said yeah I just talked to you like that. He had no man card in him, Just a bitch. I go to the counter and tell them and then we both saw this guy walking out of the basketball court.

A few days before this I was in the gym and these stupid younger guys who yes also looked Somalian along with the same accent came into the gym. They rotated through every station and bench that could be used for chest, lifted their super light weight and struggled too. They left the whole free weight area full of dumbbells all over the floor. left plates on the barbells too, couldn't even tell if they were done. I took the bench anyways. They had no idea how to treat a gym. One of them left their hat, one of those stupid hats where you leave the brim flat. I dirtied it with my foot and crushed it on the rack with a plate.

People from other places who don't respect where they just relocated to piss me off. It was the guy sleeping who really ticked me off. I live in a pretty clean city for it's size and will not let my gym turn into a third world lounge. He was taking advantage of the early hours limited staff.