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Thread: Veryyyyy Long life rant blah blah blah..

  1. #1
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Veryyyyy Long life rant blah blah blah..

    Man I don't even know where to start but I need to vent and talk about shit. For starters I have lost all gym gains. I was in a car accident almost 3 years ago and screwed up 2 disc in my lower back. At the time of the accident I was solid. I'm 6ft was roughly 195/200 under 10% bf etc...Fast forward a year and I ended up moving and starting a different career path.

    I also developed an addiction to my pain killers. I would work (grind) non stop on them and get so much shit done I loved them. I got involved in the cannabis industry and started to wholesale product to dispensaries all over the state. I soon started my own dispensary and had my own warehouse blown up. I had my state license, I was paying out the ass on taxes, I did everything by the book to be " legal ". As we know state and federal laws are not on the same page. Cannabis is still a scheduled 1 drug in the same class as heroin on the federal level.

    I promised myself to focus on my business and not to date period! I get bored one night download tinder bam before I knew it she was at my house every night. This chick ends up being extremely psycho. Another level of psycho. She's been raped, tried killing her self multiple times, 5150, rehabs for anorexia, beat by her Dad.. so a lot of trauma ok I get it.. the way her moods would switch tho was scary. She could be the most loving and awesome chick to hangout with . Then something is said or reminds her of something and she turns into Satan. She becomes angry, violent, evil, does anything to try to hurt me in the moment then regrets it once she snaps out of the mood . One night i got her into the car because she started to cut herself and say how she doesn't want to live anymore. We aren't even out of my complex yet and she's opens the door and jumps out of my car and slides on her ass for a few feet. She then threatens to call the cops and say that I pushed her out of the car.. crazy shit like this would happen and I would stop seeing her and avoid her but she would always come back by my place apologize and say she's been changing and doing things different talking to a therapist blah blah and my dumbass let's her back in because she gives the best blowjobs lol .

    Honestly my dick will be the death of me. I've never had a chick literally worship my dick and suck it how she does. It's my weakness and I have gone back to her multiple times just cuz of how much she loves to suck my dick. Anywhere anytime doesnt matter how long I take to cum ( sometimes hours on pain pills lol ) she is down. Her depression would come and go. Some days were amazing and others were hell. When you start to care for someone you tend to block out there bad and only see the good . We were on 2 months and off 2 months. This repeated for around almost 2 years.

    I've skipped a lot there's been to much shit to say but I'll forward to the most recent incident. I just got my new house and I did not want her to know where I lived. 3 months into having the house I message her to come over to hook up one night and the cycle starts over. I also had a small grow in my house and kept some product there from time to time. One night she comes over unannounced and starts going off about some chick that kept sending me messages and commenting on my pics on ig. This lead to the first physical altercation we ever had. I had to bear hug this girl and hold her down to get her to stop throwing shit and breaking anything she could get her hands on. Regretfully I called 911 because she would not leave and kept ringing my doorbell after I carried her outside... 2 female cops show up. They take her side of the story and say " we have to arrest someone since you guys have a relationship " and we think you were the aggressor. I was shocked I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out to say I'm being punked or this is just a nightmare go back to bed lol. It was real and I was arrested. Bailed out wasted another 5k and the charge was obviously dropped.

    After this I get a tro against her to move on from this girl finally. She responds by getting one agasint me and also trying to take my dog and say it's hers. I had just bought a baby French bulldog and I loved that dog like it was my damn kid and she knew that. She wanted to hurt me anyway she could. She got granted a temporary order to come and take my dog without proof of ownership!! All orders are handed out like this in California until the court hearing then evidence is presented . Now I'm going around town watching my back making sure she's not following me to call the cops to try and get my dog. We finally get to the court hearing 8 weeks later and I win and the judge grants a mutual tro for the both of us to stay away from each other for 6 months.

    From all this tho word got up to the Feds of what type of business I was in. She also lied the night I got arrested and said I sell all sorts of drugs/guns and work with "scary people". 3 months later doj raids my house with a bs warrant. There reason for coming in my house was since there was a tro against me I was suppose to turn in all my guns. They saw that I didn't and used that as there way to come in. The hit my house like they were coming in for bin laden.. flashbangs and doors/glass breaking from every side of the house. I got to watch them search every inch of the house . The disappointment on there face said it all. I could hear them chatting upstairs about " heroin/cocaine and guns " the were pounding on my walls and flipping/ripping apart my furniture my bed. They were surprised to just find weed. I had nothing illegal in that house. I had a safe in my room and they were expecting to see a lot of money I'm sure. The safe was full of tren , npp, test, anavar , and some masteron . They tested the vials for heroin and once they saw the first few were negative they threw the vials back in my safe and left it all at my house.

    After all this they ended up taking around 180k in product and all my guns. I just had my last court date for the charges that were pending and got them all dismissed. My lawyer just proved I was operating legally and in compliance of state law. I'm legally allowed to have that much product on me due to the amount of patients I have. My court date to get my property back is at the end of this month. I don't see why I wouldn't get it back but I don't want to count my eggs before they are hatched. My lawyer is awesome and has got property back for everyone that was in compliance like me. I'm just hoping my luck is changing and I can get my stuff back and move on. It's a huge loss and hurt me a lot financially. By the time I get all my product back I'm just hoping I can still liquidate it and get a decent amount back. Hoping it's not old and worthless.

    I have seen stuff come back after being in evidence for about 6 months and still looked the same just lost some of the smell. I'm praying it goes my way and I can walk out of the police station with bags full of weed. Literally . The law is so broken. I got legally robbed. Proved I was in compliance. Now I'm going to get my property handed back to me and I'm suppose to just carry on like nothing happened?! The system is broken there is no justice. Sorry for like long ass rant no paragraphs (fixed) I'm tired and have had a few beers. Some of you may not understand this at all but those that do we need to stand up and make a change. How can they have such power and be able to enforce such bad laws and put so many good people in jail/prison for a plant. This is the same type of prohibition that our families had to go thru with alcohol. I see everything getting worse not better. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a civil war in the next 20 years.

    I will come back and edit this and add details I'm missing forgetting right now. For the last month I've finally been back in the gym trying to get my head straight and back in the flow of things. This caused me to go into a bad depression losing so much and feeling so low. Working and saving for so long to lose It so quickly to this crooked government. Not to mention my anxiety levels have been sky high. If you have read this god bless you. It's a long typo filled rant . I appreciate you all taking the time but I haven't talked to anyone about what has happened. I feel the need to let a lot out and talk about how I feel. I need motivation guys to get my body back and my diet on track. I can atleast say I have been clean off pills for the last few months. I know that has taken a toll on my body/mind. Being on opiates for years can take the brain awhile to recover. Im getting at 6am to eat then gym at 7. I'm trying. Getting and staying motivated right now with where my head is is very hard. Any support/ kind words are more than welcome .
    Last edited by GymHero; 09-04-2017 at 03:00 AM.

  2. #2
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I e been through a lot of similiar things in my life..crazy women,legal weed,trouble with the law,opiate gotta use something to motivate you..You have to get your training and life back in check to help push through the urges to push through the anxiety,the anger..bodybuilding is a selfish sport your using all that time to feed your confidence your appearance and to better your health and sense of well being..use this time to be selfish..focus on getting back these things..for me when my training is good when my diet is good my life is good and vice'll get through this and look back and laugh someday..just remember it's your choice how you get through this..miserable and full of self pity or proud and confident..happy that your making foward progress instead of slipping back into self destruction..
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 09-02-2017 at 02:40 AM.

  3. #3
    Max562's Avatar
    Max562 is offline Associate Member
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    Well first thing forget the girl for ever...your only true the dog He knows how you feel and he's gonna love you till the matter what..its only you steps..fuck the rest of the world around and the dog..keep it my story it's ex was mad at me knew I loved my dogs more than ANYTHING...they knew me I knew them..dogs are smart..they know us better then we think they do...was offshore she brought them to the pound. I never found them..bad day for her...she had 5 mins to pack her and her kids shit..threw her out on her head..took the car keys her money left her with nothing like I found her..her kid had to live with relatives she had to survive her life went down the drain she's sitting in the penitentiary in me...fuck her..what happened out of all single..bitches dont live with me..i love em and leave them...they all got gonna get straight brother..only you.
    You driving the ship setting the time everything will fall in place...try and drop the painkillers to a minimum cuz that will lead you to failure..youll get caught up in some shit when u least expect vice is enough...stick with the gear drop the rest...youll be on top in no time

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  4. #4
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    Can someone summarize this por favor?

  5. #5
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Can someone summarize this por favor?
    He met a girl through tinder who turnee out to be crazy. Had problems, been raped, self harm etc.

    He eventually moves to get away from her then he invites her round so she knows where he lives.

    Cops are called because she turned physical against him later. Cops take girls side even though he called them and he is arrested.

    Later girl claims he is a drug lord and his house is tore apart with a bs warrent.

    Currently fightinf to get his property returned.

    Trying his best to be the best he can be

  6. #6
    Max562's Avatar
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    You should write cliff notes🤣🤣🤣

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  7. #7
    AKD_FitChick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    He met a girl through tinder who turnee out to be crazy. Had problems, been raped, self harm etc.

    He eventually moves to get away from her then he invites her round so she knows where he lives.

    Cops are called because she turned physical against him later. Cops take girls side even though he called them and he is arrested.

    Later girl claims he is a drug lord and his house is tore apart with a bs warrent.

    Currently fightinf to get his property returned.

    Trying his best to be the best he can be
    This is awesome Zeus!

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  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    GH edit and break that monster up into some paragraphs please. Way to hard to read like that.
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  9. #9
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hard to read all that but I am a magnet for those kind of women too. They use sex to seduce you and she knew damn well what she was doing when she did anything you wished. You let your guard down and made yourself vulnerable despite her behavior. With time all wounds heal bro you will get over this. Just remember the lesson for next time.
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  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
    PT1982's Avatar
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    What a Mr Smartypants! Lol.
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  12. #12
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Hahaha, knew this would get to you .

  13. #13
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    I e been through a lot of similiar things in my life..crazy women,legal weed,trouble with the law,opiate gotta use something to motivate you..You have to get your training and life back in check to help push through the urges to push through the anxiety,the anger..bodybuilding is a selfish sport your using all that time to feed your confidence your appearance and to better your health and sense of well being..use this time to be selfish..focus on getting back these things..for me when my training is good when my diet is good my life is good and vice'll get through this and look back and laugh someday..just remember it's your choice how you get through this..miserable and full of self pity or proud and confident..happy that your making foward progress instead of slipping back into self destruction..
    Appreciate the response bro! It's felt amazing to release my aggression in the gym and to see small changes in my body. It's been so long since I've been in the gym and had a proper diet . For a few months i was inconsistent with my trt shots and that fucked with my depression that much more . I've been back on track with my normal 100mg a week split in 2 shots. Just this past week is when I noticed a slight change in myself. I notice that I'm somewhat happier and feel motivation coming back. My appetite is increasing . Small changes but nice to see. I was in a constant state of depression for months and couldn't feel happy and had 0 motivation. 100% agree with you about when diet/training is good so is life.
    cousinmuscles and KINGKONG like this.

  14. #14
    GymHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    Well first thing forget the girl for ever...your only true the dog He knows how you feel and he's gonna love you till the matter what..its only you steps..fuck the rest of the world around and the dog..keep it my story it's ex was mad at me knew I loved my dogs more than ANYTHING...they knew me I knew them..dogs are smart..they know us better then we think they do...was offshore she brought them to the pound. I never found them..bad day for her...she had 5 mins to pack her and her kids shit..threw her out on her head..took the car keys her money left her with nothing like I found her..her kid had to live with relatives she had to survive her life went down the drain she's sitting in the penitentiary in me...fuck her..what happened out of all single..bitches dont live with me..i love em and leave them...they all got gonna get straight brother..only you.
    You driving the ship setting the time everything will fall in place...try and drop the painkillers to a minimum cuz that will lead you to failure..youll get caught up in some shit when u least expect vice is enough...stick with the gear drop the rest...youll be on top in no time

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
    I've had a few close friends have similar situations and took a loss/did time because of the woman. I promised myself that would never happen to me and that when I made the move down south I wouldn't date. Grind mode, only business. I fucked up. I never should have wasted my time on any chick. Hard thinking if I only swiped left... where would I be today

  15. #15
    GymHero's Avatar
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    I was thinking about starting a journal/log of my progress in the gym. Its so embarrassing how much muscle I have lost. I weighed myself for the first time tonight in probably 2 years. Every time I would go to the doctor and get weighed I would never look at the number. I was ashamed of how skinny I got and didn't want to see how bad it was. Seeing that number tonight was hard but somewhat gave me a mental boost to really get my shit together and stay consistent. I know you guys would be great support and seeing the positive comments would help keep me on track. Tempting to reach for that npp in my closet and and run a good 4-500mg a week for 8 weeks ( I know how stupid that would be I'm just saying tho fuuuuuuck lol )
    hollowedzeus likes this.

  16. #16
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    All it take is one step forward and to never look can get on track in no time

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  17. #17
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro we have women on this board so please try to talk like a gentleman most women don't want the details on wat you girl does to you.

  18. #18
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Crazy women are my only weakness, the best advice is tofind a
    Level of crazy where she is crazy about cleaning the house, or you leaving the house or crazy about saving money. Any other kind of crazy that doesn't involve drugs, sex with randos or crazy daddy issues.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  19. #19
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Just read this entire thread. Holy crap dude i feel like i just watched a crazy movie. I cant beleive the feds didnt take your gear. I hope you get your property back. California is so backwards. Theres some crazy people out there men AND women. Goes both ways, im super cautious with the chicks i get involved with. Its too easy for a woman to make a domestic violence call and really ruin a good man's life.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Paragraphs are wonderful!

    Just read it. Horrible, just horrible story. Focus on the future and put all this shit in your past.

    Bigger and better things.
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  21. #21
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    You aint seen shit. Sounds like a weekend without the kids with my ex. Once she shoots at you with a 70lb draw compound bow after ripping off your bugsheild on your truck... Dont shoot out her back glass with a 12 ga btw....
    Drugs... Legal drugs... Fuuuuck I have had more stress taking a piss. Try two felony assault charges during a divorce with 5 kids and two jobs one of which is your small business.

    If you two don't have kids you are a sucker. Plenty of strange out there.

    Don't go where you have been. Kick them to the curb first sign of drama. Crazy bitches get what they deserve and they don't deserve you. They aren't crazy either just controlling.

  22. #22
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Well guns, while under disability, a operation were yiubare considered to be manufacturing a controlled substance, and evidence of trafficking.

    You could of been / be charged federally, and if they do pursue them, your going to do some time.

    Every grow book I've ever read, and I've read 32 (all of them) say the number 1 way you get popped is by haters or scorned lovers

    I hope it goes in your favor man, I do.

    When I broke up with my chick of 10 years first thing I did after she called police for a property escort (thank god they didn't walk through the wrong room, and thank god she kept quiet) was pull out the wood chipper and procede to throw 25 7 weeks inflowering plants root ball and all.

    Nothing is worth my freedom, nothing. Especially some thing that can be grown again.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 09-05-2017 at 05:51 PM.
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