One thing I want to get straightened out before I cycle again is my acne. I get massive painful cyst pimples all over my back, shoulders, and neck. My shirts often end up with blood stains from them, and I can never wear a light colored shirt to the gym on chest days.
I really feel like the only thing that can help me is accutane. I have tried austinites acne protocol in the past and it worked fairly well, especially when used in conjunction with tanning. But for whatever reason neither one of those works anymore. I have been on those large antibiotic pills along with some smelly cream that I had to always have someone put on my back and that helped a little. but it’s not cool when you shower it off and still stink from it...
And always having to get my girlfriend to put it on my back isn’t practical.
I was thinking of making an appointment with my dermatologist and trying to get on accutane. But I have heard it’s very harsh and can mess with you mentally as well. Anyone have any experience with this?