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Thread: Medical doctors

  1. #81
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Sorry for my windyness. Just nothing else to do.
    I have met smart people and I ain't one.
    I used to be intelligent and it got replaced with specifics of making my life go around, mechanical function, business in general.
    I feel facing fears and experience creates wisdom
    And personally I'd take wisdom over smarts anyday man.

    I know dudes that can resight the constitution with their eyes closed but can't talk to a girl.

    You are someone that isn't Africa's to get your hands dirty and it makes you a person with an eye of logic and common sense.

    Now , to some that may seem like much , but to me it's everything

    ESP now because barely anyone I encounter has fucking common sense or any logic what so ever.

    People spending half the life chasing phd's when you got the mother fucker from Amazon being the richest man in the world probably not knowing sequencial math 2.

    Rant over lol .

    Obs , give yourself credit brother

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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    I feel facing fears and experience creates wisdom
    And personally I'd take wisdom over smarts anyday man.

    I know dudes that can resight the constitution with their eyes closed but can't talk to a girl.

    You are someone that isn't Africa's to get your hands dirty and it makes you a person with an eye of logic and common sense.

    Now , to some that may seem like much , but to me it's everything

    ESP now because barely anyone I encounter has fucking common sense or any logic what so ever.

    People spending half the life chasing phd's when you got the mother fucker from Amazon being the richest man in the world probably not knowing sequencial math 2.

    Rant over lol .

    Obs , give yourself credit brother

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
    Damn autocorrect sent obs to Africa. We know what you meant though
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  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    It just affects people differently. I feel almost the same way you do when I smoke(which is never anymore) unless I have been drinking. For some reason if I've been drinking and smoke it has a much better effect.
    Alcohol kills more people in a year than probably cancer.

    It's amazing how there are 3 liquor stores on every block but you can get arrested for having some weed in your pocket.

    Our government is fucking retarded.

    We have Congress bashing gays meanwhile they travel to other country's with our tax dollars to sexually abuse young boys.

    "God bless America"

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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Damn autocorrect sent obs to Africa. We know what you meant though
    Wow I just saw that , fuck my tits with dish soap!

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  5. #85
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    This is every medical study given time.
    The human body is the most complicated system on the planet. To try and understand one mechanism without full understanding of the others is laughable.
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  6. #86
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post

    This is every medical study given time.
    The human body is the most complicated system on the planet. To try and understand one mechanism without full understanding of the others is laughable.
    Don’t let it fool you. It’s rationalization of money grabbing chicken & beef manufacturers, and the blind, lazy followers that can’t buck the habit.
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  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Don’t let it fool you. It’s rationalization of money grabbing chicken & beef manufacturers, and the blind, lazy followers that can’t buck the habit.
    I f enough money gets funneled back to the right people anything could possibly be good for you
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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post

    This is every medical study given time.
    The human body is the most complicated system on the planet. To try and understand one mechanism without full understanding of the others is laughable.
    What makes it even more fucked up, is that theres likely still basic level shit that we still dont understand. We didnt even know that vitamin D was a thing until the 1920s, and it doesnt get much more basic than something produced by the body when exposed to sunlight, and we still keep finding new interactions for the hormone in the body.

    We still have barely begun to wrap our heads around the bacterial colonies in our poop chutes. Theres only a basic level of understanding of the role of phytonutrients.

    I could do this for a while.
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  9. #89
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    What makes it even more fucked up, is that theres likely still basic level shit that we still dont understand. We didnt even know that vitamin D was a thing until the 1920s, and it doesnt get much more basic than something produced by the body when exposed to sunlight, and we still keep finding new interactions for the hormone in the body.

    We still have barely begun to wrap our heads around the bacterial colonies in our poop chutes. Theres only a basic level of understanding of the role of phytonutrients.

    I could do this for a while.
    I often imagine, not too long in the future after genetic modifications are cracked:
    " Those idiots ate what and spent how long in the gym to get that big? "

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  10. #90
    SocioMachiavelli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post

    We dont understand all the mechanisms of cannabinoids. Fact.

    We dont even closely understand a single mechanism of the human brain. Fact.

    This is where studies and I part ways.

    I have never seen someone smoke weed and lose their mind. I have seen thousands smoke weed countless times for years. I have seen people lose their minds a few times who never touched drugs of any kind.

    Yet I work in mental health hospitals and have seen it contribute to psychosis in many, many people. This is the thing here, couch thinks I am against cannabis completely.... I'm not. Some people benefit from it's calming effects absolutely, but for some people like yourself who it makes want to curl up and die.... What do you imagine happens to people who are vulnerable to it's effects and continue to smoke it? what would happen to you if you continued to smoke it.... As for studies being bullshit.... absolutely some of them are.... some of them really aren't.

    I believe in experience and odds.
    Steroids have not been proven to kill anyone only suspected. That said I will die of a heart attack at 50-60 most likely. Steroids and the way I abuse them will be a contrubuting factor.

    My point is... If the smoke fits, wear it.

    Studies based on inconclusive evidence to find a suspected possible correlation to something not understood.

    I think I will choose what I have witnessed.

    Since we are going purely on what we have witnessed.....Have you witnessed more people with mental illness than me? Highly doubt it. This is why going only on what we witness is ignorant.... because we disregard what others have witnessed or what others have experienced.

    Have you seen what cannabis can do to people in their formative years? Anti depressants are another drug..... They help save peoples lives..... they nearly killed me. What you need to understand is that some drugs are cures to people, to others they are poison. For those who benefit from smoking cannabis and the calming effects, I am not against it at all. What I am against is people who smoke it who are ignorant to it's potential consequences to people who have a susceptibility to it.

    Hell even Atenolol, a beta blocker, who's primary function is to block adrenaline can cause people to actually have severe tachycardia in some people. That same drug.... one of the side effects listed by it's creator (who would probably not prefer to list it's side effects) is depression.... a mental illness. Yet you are saying that a psychoactive substance like cannabis.... which makes you want to curl up and die.....cannot engender mental illness in anyone? I mean mushrooms etc can make you hallucinate.... have a psychotic experience.... have a susceptibility to mental illness and do it enough.... what do you thinks going to happen? the mental illness will happen. Have a susceptibility to heart problems and do steroids enough.... whats likely going to happen? I've lost brothers on these forums to this exact thing..... people know that there are potential risks with steroids... but make informed decisions and personal choices to continue using them. Yet this magic, cherished psychoactive plant that grows in the ground does no harm?

    As GH recently pointed out in people fears of the mercury content in tuna... Sillenium is the antidote.
    The highest concentrations of sillenium are found in....

    Once we seperate chemicals to form a study we botch the entire study.
    My Dr. Pepper has many poisons if concentrated and drank in pure form. I wont be doing that though. I like all 23 flavors up in this biotch!
    What the fuck.... we only get one flavour of Dr pepper over here?
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  11. #91
    SocioMachiavelli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post

    This is every medical study given time.
    The human body is the most complicated system on the planet. To try and understand one mechanism without full understanding of the others is laughable.
    I think maybe we have misunderstood each other. I never once said one causal factor on it's own...... for one I mentioned a psychoactive substance and a susceptibility to mental illness (genetic susceptibility).
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  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by SocioMachiavelli View Post
    What the fuck.... we only get one flavour of Dr pepper over here?
    This is the thing tough... You cannot prove the cannibis contributed. You can only assume. The mechanisms by which it can or cannot contribute to schizophenia are unknown.

    If I worked in a mental institution and everyone was insane and 8% of the poulation cane in with a joint, admitted to use, or failed a drug test... I might try to draw a link. Fact is 52% of Americans over 18 have smoked weed.

    Statistics dont mean much.
    Lets reverse that theory.
    Lets say 52% of schizophenics are attracted to weed.
    Shit.... I might even label them as "normal" off this very premise.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by SocioMachiavelli View Post
    What the fuck.... we only get one flavour of Dr pepper over here?
    Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper might be the best sugar-free soda ever devised by mankind.

    And we get to carry knives.

    Check and mate.
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by SocioMachiavelli View Post
    I think maybe we have misunderstood each other. I never once said one causal factor on it's own...... for one I mentioned a psychoactive substance and a susceptibility to mental illness (genetic susceptibility).
    Is that substance THC or CBD?

    I provided a pub med link stating more evidence for CBD treating schizophenia than the statistics provided for proving thc can attribute to schizophrenia. Both are psychoactive and both are administered with smoking cannibis.

    The culprit is the cure.
    That statement was in reference to studies in general in the medical field. Not really anything you said in particular.

    Literally though no statistic of info gathered from self admiting psychotics can really carry weight.

    "Hey jim did you smoke weed before you went nuts?"

    "You're fkin A right I did Tommy! The unicorn gave it to me"
    Last edited by Obs; 12-22-2018 at 07:11 AM.

  15. #95
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    I won't deny that someone with an underlying issue can't be made worse by mj.

    I also can say that a cup of sweet tea wont bring it to the surface either.

    You know what, I think I did miss the part where you mentioned predispositioned susceptibility.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-22-2018 at 07:15 AM.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    This is the thing tough... You cannot prove the cannibis contributed. You can only assume. The mechanisms by which it can or cannot contribute to schizophenia are unknown.

    If I worked in a mental institution and everyone was insane and 8% of the poulation cane in with a joint, admitted to use, or failed a drug test... I might try to draw a link. Fact is 52% of Americans over 18 have smoked weed.

    Statistics dont mean much.
    Lets reverse that theory.
    Lets say 52% of schizophenics are attracted to weed.
    Shit.... I might even label them as "normal" off this very premise.
    So why do drug companies have to list side effects on their medication.... since they cannot prove it contributed? A lot of drugs can cause reactions which are listed by drug companies but the exact mechanism on how it causes it is unknown... it is only suspected. Yet they still have to acknowledge what they are seeing and report it.....just because we don't understand how something happens, it doesn't mean we cannot see it it happening? That's a fallacious argument at best.

    Lets say alcohol......we've just discovered it... before we understood or began to understand the mechanism by which alcohol makes us intoxicated, affected our behaviour or our health. We give @Ernst..... his favourite wine.... some JD and whatever else he like...... He becomes intoxicated.... but because we are still in a period of time where we don't understand how the alcohol does something.... do we ignore what we are seeing it do? Do I say I can't prove it caused the intoxication and disregard what I saw?

    Nobody is saying that it causes all mental illness, it really doesn't. A lot of things contribute... Does the cannabis on it's own cause mental illness? probably not... but is it sometimes a causal factor and catalyst? absolutely. One thing we can say for certain is that it exacerbates mental illness.... is it that much of a leap to say that it contributes to the onset of mental illness in those susceptible to it?

    Mental illness is not just schizophrenia, it is anxiety.... psychosis..... depression..... Bipolar and all the others. Look for studies or evidence of peoples experiences who have experienced acute cannabis induced psychosis.... peoples first hand accounts since you don't like studies.... you will find it. You will also find people that say once they stopped smoking it.... the mental health symptoms stop..... but we can't prove that the abstinence from cannabis stopped the symptoms and chalk it up to coincidence don't we? that would be asinine wouldn't it.

    Do we ignore peoples first hand accounts, qualitative data where they say I became paranoid whilst smoking it? What you are essentially saying OBS is that these people are lying because we can't prove a concrete, singular link between it. So when you say it makes you want to curl up and die.... that must be a lie too?

    Unfortunately there are people who continue to experience mental health issues for life after it. Sometimes they just experience a cannabis induced psychosis which passes, but sometimes it stays and develops
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  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Is that substance THC or CBD?

    I provided a pub med link stating more evidence for CBD treating schizophenia than the statistics provided for proving thc can attribute to schizophrenia. Both are psychoactive and both are administered with smoking cannibis.

    The culprit is the cure.
    That statement was in reference to studies in general in the medical field. Not really anything you said in particular.

    This is the one thing I want you to really think about from this whole thing OBS. One mans poison is anothers cure.... not one drug will do the exact same thing to everybody that takes it due to different numbers of receptors, neurotransmitters and biodiversity. Which is why smoking may have that calming...great effect on people. Give the exact same strain to somebody else and it may cause them to have a psychotic experience. If drugs did the same thing to everybody there wouldn't be the need for so many. So literally sometimes... it may be the culprit in some and the cure in others. It is your partners cure, it makes you want to curl up and it's your poison. My whole point is that those who are genuinely susceptible to mental illness, smoking weed is a very bad idea and will end badly.

    Literally though no statistic of info gathered from self admiting psychotics can really carry weight.

    "Hey jim did you smoke weed before you went nuts?"

    "You're fkin A right I did Tommy! The unicorn gave it to me"

    ^^That statement depends on whether or not they are actively psychotic and the degree of the psychosis. If people can still function and are not delusional... it's irrelevant if they are hallucinating or not. Some people experience voices everyday of their life yet they have completely sound minds.... it's not necessarily the hallucination that's the problem it is the reaction to it... e.g. if it's not distressing it's less likely to impact your capacity.

    I would really hope that now your sister is no longer psychotic and a very intelligent person that information from her would be taken into consideration and not dismissed because at one time she presented as psychotic.
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  18. #98
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thzfsdhdty View Post
    Nhà cấp 4 đẹp mới xây vào ở ngay, gồm 1 phòng ngủ, 1 phòng khách, 1 nhà bếp, 1 WC
    Diện tích 4.6m x 22m
    Diện tích công nhận là 72.2m
    Có vị trí tại đường TL41, phường Thạnh Lc, Quận 12, TpHCM. Với khu hiện hữu dân cư
    Giá ra đi nhanh 3 tỷ 250 triệu ( Hoa hồng cho anh em môi giới 30 triệu )
    Liên hệ chính chủ cô Hồng 0848 685 584
    Good job wanting my time you fucking jackass
    For the rest of you, to save you so curiosity doesn't get the best of you and this person doesn't waste your time too, Its in Vietnamese (Google translate):

    A 4-digit, 4-star restaurant with a modern, modern, "one-storey" type, 1 bedroom, 1 apartment, 1 WC

    Features 4.6m x 22m

    The location is very good at 72.2m

    Patch to be able to use TL41, the method Green Location City of the city

    Quick start 3 dozen 250 years (United States for the price of you 30 years

    Please contact us 0848 685 584

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatal
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 12-23-2018 at 07:14 AM.

  19. #99
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	thJTP98TFB.jpg 
Views:	67 
Size:	6.1 KB 
ID:	175252
    How I feel reading this thread

  20. #100
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	thJTP98TFB.jpg 
Views:	67 
Size:	6.1 KB 
ID:	175252
    How I feel reading this thread
    Dude. I’m pretty “book-smart” & knowledgeable in my profession. But outside of that readily admit that I am not that intelligent. These posts on this thread, particularly Obs & SM, literally make me feel like an idiot.
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  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Good job wanting my time you fucking jackass
    For the rest of you, to save you so curiosity doesn't get the best of you and this person doesn't waste your time too, Its in Vietnamese (Google translate):

    A 4-digit, 4-star restaurant with a modern, modern, "one-storey" type, 1 bedroom, 1 apartment, 1 WC

    Features 4.6m x 22m

    The location is very good at 72.2m

    Patch to be able to use TL41, the method Green Location City of the city

    Quick start 3 dozen 250 years (United States for the price of you ›30 years

    Please contact us 0848 685 584

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatal
    WTH, where did you see that post from whoever that is?
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  22. #102
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    It was spam that got deleted.
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  23. #103
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    It was spam that got deleted.
    Dude, confused me as well. Didn't say anything, thought I missed something from last night.
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  24. #104
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    WTH, where did you see that post from whoever that is?
    Yeah, spam. Dude posted it in a few other threads too
    I should have handled it differently, but it wasn't even an attempt at humor. It was just someone being a dick for the sake of being a dick, and it really bugs me when people do that

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