Ok this is not just from growth.
My hips have always had little rotational ability.
I never could sit cross legged even as a child. My hips simply hurt like hell if I try to sit that way.

Shoulders are very similar now.
If I try ro do an rc warmup, with a cable, with my elbow at my side, rotating my arm from across my stomach to outward max extension; it literally will not go any further than ponting straight forward. It stops cold.

Watch vid at :40 sec notice how this girly guys hand goes way the F out to his side. Hell no.
That would dislocate my shoulder before that happened.

I cannot throw overhanded.
I cannot put my ankle on my opposite knee.
I cannot reach my face or neck with a full arm pump.
I struggle putting socks on and wiping my ass at times. Even without a pump I cannot reach my traps.

I cant hardly take a damn shirt off or put one on without a battle. I cant turn my head for shit. It makes me dizzy trying. I cant look up for shit.
My ball joints have become hinge joints.
I cant sleep the way I need to on my side without shoulder pain. My elbows at full extension with my arms at my side, when laying on my back, do not straighten enough that my hands touch the bed. This also puts pressure on my shoulders that causes discomfort.

Its not because I dont stretch.
Fuck i never have seen a male at the gym stretch unless he was a little queer fella there to bounce around with weights.

I have arthritis but its not a cause of the ROM issue I am certain. Its not pain that stops the movement its just all the fkin joint will allow.

What the hell is causing my rapid rigor mortis?
Its not too much mass. There are 300 lb monsters with much better ROM than me.

This is in the lounge because of habit/laziness.