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Thread: Gender and sexual identity and expression

  1. #1
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    Angry Gender and sexual identity and expression

    I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body

  2. #2
    HORSE's Avatar
    HORSE is offline I am HELLO KITTY damnit!!!
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    Cut your dick off , your good to go.
    i_SLAM_cougars and Quester like this.

  3. #3
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Cut your dick off , your good to go.

  4. #4
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Cut your dick off , your good to go.

    I'm a lesbian but I just so happen to have a male body.

    I like my male body. . . I wouldn't want to alter it.

    Ok I admit if I could swap bodies with Heidi Klum and then go lez out with other girls, then I would, but I've no interest in becoming a half-baked female.

    Most importantly though I've discovered my true gender and sexual identity.

    I'm considering going back on Tren soon.... but I really think I should flatten my belly right down with Clen and T3 first, maybe a little var too. Then wait 8 weeks and jump headfirst into 150mg Tren A eod.

  5. #5
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    Whenever a "movement" comes along that out of the gate bases their "dogma" on redefining existing terms, that's a pretty good indication that it's bullshit. Like "organic" agriculture.

    Any of you guys take "organic chemistry" in college? The definition of "organic" has been established since 1806 when a Swede by name of Jöns Jacob Berzelius coined it to refer to all compounds that contain carbon. Which is a significant distinction because -- if you'll remember your 1960s Star Trek TV series -- we (humans) are a carbon-based life form. In fact all forms of life yet discovered also are carbon-based. And (minerals aside), the only things we can eat and receive nutrition from all are organic. ALL FOOD IS ORGANIC or we couldn't gain any nutrition from it (which also -- in short -- is why this modern aversion to all things carbon is idiotic, but that's grist for another day).

    This new bunny-hugger definition of "organic" is pure, unmitigated bullshit.

    Same deal with conflating "gender" with sex. Gender has exactly sweet fuck-all to do with sex. Gender is a grammatical distinction and sex is biological. The distinction is largely lost on Americans and Brits because 1) most of us only speak English (English-only monoglots) and 2) English is the only major language that uses natural gender exclusively. In English, the gender of a thing depends ENTIRELY on whether it has is has a penis, a vagina, both, or neither. And ALL forms of ALL our verbs are gender-neutral.

    But this arrangement is the exception rather than the rule. Other major languages -- Mandarin, Arabic, German, French, Italian, Spanish -- all use grammatical gender. In those languages everything has gender, regardless whether it has a sex organ, and the sex of a thing doesn't have a goddam thing to do with it's gender. In Spanish, for instance, the word for "shirt" (primarily a man's garment) is feminine. And the Spanish word for "dress" (primarily a woman's garment) is masculine. The Spanish word for "hand" is feminine, regardless whether they are a man's hands or a woman's. The German word for "fire hydrant" is masculine, despite the fact that fire hydrants (as a rule) have no penis.

    In fact in most languages the words for the sex organs "penis" and "vagina" themselves can be either masculine or feminine depending on which word is used. Yiddish probably is the champ in that particular regard because there are dozens -- like maybe 50 -- Yiddish words for the one-eyed trouser trout, and that's just the family-friendly words, not the locker room euphemisms. And they are a mixture of masculine and feminine.

    Male and female are sexes. Masculine and feminine are genders. Male and female ARE NOT genders, and I don't give a rats ass how many metrosexuals claim otherwise. How many SJWs would have to call a cat a fish before that cat could learn to breathe water? Changes nothing.

    So why go to all the trouble? Because a great many people find the thought of homosexual intercourse repulsive. They're disgusted to think of two (or more) men engaged in fudge packing or two (or more) women on a carpet-munching spree. Which presents something of a public relations problem for those elements devoted to securing special rights for sexual deviants.

    But it's a problem with a simple solution. Get people to change their language to take the "sex" out of homosexuality. Because when someone hears tell of "gay marriage," it's less likely to bring to mind two sweaty, hairy male bodies writhing in passion and searching for an open orifice to stick their heat-seeking moisture missile into. Or better still, don't even use words, just letters. LGBT. Or maybe even LGBTWTF?.

    All allegedly in the interest of not "offending" anyone in the tiny minority of the population who are dykes and fairies, yet utterly without regard for whether the majority are offended at being referred to as "Cis-Gen" (whatever the fuck that means). When that really isn't the point anyway. The point is that most "straights" or "breeders" (as we sometimes are pejoratively referred to) won't have a clue what it means to be "neutrois" or "intersex" or "gender nonconforming." Which means those euphemisms aren't likely to have a negative connotation because we are bumfuzzled by simply trying to understand the difference between androgynous and androgyne. And those terms, by the way, are among the 58 (fifty-eight) no-shit "gender" choices one can make now on their Fakebook account.

    The late US demoncrat Senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, coined the term, "defining deviancy down." He was referring to the redefining of all social deviancy, such as the behavior of organizations using intimidation and violence to affect social change, like "Black Lies Matter" and "Occupy Wall street," which is how their anti-social (and lawless) behaviors come to be lionized in the press. Thereby normalizing their departure from the social norms. Defining deviancy down.

    This sexuality obfuscation bullshit is the tip of that spear because the matter of sex touches all of us. How ironic that it was a demoncrat warning us against its rise when now it's those same demoncrats who are driving the "the more abnormal, the better" sex train.

    Sex isn't gender. Gender isn't sex. And you may quote me.
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 10-20-2019 at 11:58 AM.
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  6. #6
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Same deal with conflating "gender" with sex. Gender has exactly sweet fuck-all to do with sex. Gender is a grammatical distinction and sex is biological.
    Sex isn't gender. Gender isn't sex. And you may quote me.

    This is why I created the new word 'gexder'.

  7. #7
    alphaman is offline Member
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    Weird thread. But I’ll bite.

    I see it all as nature. As a young man, I had a insatiable desire to impregnate as many times and as often as possible.

    I was horny, but I really believe I was driven by nature to procreate. To multiply. And I have... bigtime.

    Therefore I believe gays/queers/anyone who isn’t heterosexual, is naturally defective.... much like the sperm that bounces off the wall of the fallopian tube over and over until it dies.
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  8. #8
    i_SLAM_cougars is offline Banned- for my own actions
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Cut your dick off , your good to go.
    HORSE for the best comment in this thread
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body
    No this just makes you a guy that likes to eat pussy.
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  10. #10
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Who cares, you’re crazy af
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  11. #11
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    The TV show Shameless is about a family of deadbeats, con artists, drunks and druggies in south Chicago. It's actually a lot like 'Seinfeld' except they're all family and nobody makes any pretense of being socially redeemable.

    Anyway, a couple of seasons ago one of the story lines involved the homosexual son of this family having a relationship with a woman who was living as a man. Her dream was some day to have the addadicktome surgery so she would have male genitalia, which would enable her to have homo sex with real men.

    Got that? She was a woman who dreamed of life as a gay man. She was unwilling to behave like a woman and fuck straight men, she only wanted to be a homosexual man and fuck other homosexual men. And they tried to pass this off as somehow normal.

    The most bizarre episode was when she and the gay guy decided their relationship should get physical and they were negotiating how to do "it." Not just who was on top but which of her holes to use. Turns out her vagina was off limits because that would be wrong for her pronoun, so gay guy had to buttfuck her.

    So gay guy ends up fucking a staight-up woman (except she was on Test and had a scraggly mustache) who wanted to be a man in her pooper, even though there was a perfectly serviceable vagina only three inches away, because she was weird like that.

    You have to wonder what manner of psychotropics the guys are on who wrote this shit.
    i_SLAM_cougars and Obs like this.

  12. #12
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Just to get back on track here. . .

    Has anyone seen the movie 'The Miseducation of Cameron Post' ? It's about a teenage lesbian girl that gets sent away to a conversion camp. Easily the best film I've seen this year.

    It's up on Netflix, you should watch it

  13. #13
    alphaman is offline Member
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  14. #14
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman View Post
    Go on, I'm listening

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Whenever a "movement" comes along that out of the gate bases their "dogma" on redefining existing terms, that's a pretty good indication that it's bullshit. Like "organic" agriculture.

    Any of you guys take "organic chemistry" in college? The definition of "organic" has been established since 1806 when a Swede by name of Jöns Jacob Berzelius coined it to refer to all compounds that contain carbon. Which is a significant distinction because -- if you'll remember your 1960s Star Trek TV series -- we (humans) are a carbon-based life form. In fact all forms of life yet discovered also are carbon-based. And (minerals aside), the only things we can eat and receive nutrition from all are organic. ALL FOOD IS ORGANIC or we couldn't gain any nutrition from it (which also -- in short -- is why this modern aversion to all things carbon is idiotic, but that's grist for another day).

    This new bunny-hugger definition of "organic" is pure, unmitigated bullshit.

    Same deal with conflating "gender" with sex. Gender has exactly sweet fuck-all to do with sex. Gender is a grammatical distinction and sex is biological. The distinction is largely lost on Americans and Brits because 1) most of us only speak English (English-only monoglots) and 2) English is the only major language that uses natural gender exclusively. In English, the gender of a thing depends ENTIRELY on whether it has is has a penis, a vagina, both, or neither. And ALL forms of ALL our verbs are gender-neutral.

    But this arrangement is the exception rather than the rule. Other major languages -- Mandarin, Arabic, German, French, Italian, Spanish -- all use grammatical gender. In those languages everything has gender, regardless whether it has a sex organ, and the sex of a thing doesn't have a goddam thing to do with it's gender. In Spanish, for instance, the word for "shirt" (primarily a man's garment) is feminine. And the Spanish word for "dress" (primarily a woman's garment) is masculine. The Spanish word for "hand" is feminine, regardless whether they are a man's hands or a woman's. The German word for "fire hydrant" is masculine, despite the fact that fire hydrants (as a rule) have no penis.

    In fact in most languages the words for the sex organs "penis" and "vagina" themselves can be either masculine or feminine depending on which word is used. Yiddish probably is the champ in that particular regard because there are dozens -- like maybe 50 -- Yiddish words for the one-eyed trouser trout, and that's just the family-friendly words, not the locker room euphemisms. And they are a mixture of masculine and feminine.

    Male and female are sexes. Masculine and feminine are genders. Male and female ARE NOT genders, and I don't give a rats ass how many metrosexuals claim otherwise. How many SJWs would have to call a cat a fish before that cat could learn to breathe water? Changes nothing.

    So why go to all the trouble? Because a great many people find the thought of homosexual intercourse repulsive. They're disgusted to think of two (or more) men engaged in fudge packing or two (or more) women on a carpet-munching spree. Which presents something of a public relations problem for those elements devoted to securing special rights for sexual deviants.

    But it's a problem with a simple solution. Get people to change their language to take the "sex" out of homosexuality. Because when someone hears tell of "gay marriage," it's less likely to bring to mind two sweaty, hairy male bodies writhing in passion and searching for an open orifice to stick their heat-seeking moisture missile into. Or better still, don't even use words, just letters. LGBT. Or maybe even LGBTWTF?.

    All allegedly in the interest of not "offending" anyone in the tiny minority of the population who are dykes and fairies, yet utterly without regard for whether the majority are offended at being referred to as "Cis-Gen" (whatever the fuck that means). When that really isn't the point anyway. The point is that most "straights" or "breeders" (as we sometimes are pejoratively referred to) won't have a clue what it means to be "neutrois" or "intersex" or "gender nonconforming." Which means those euphemisms aren't likely to have a negative connotation because we are bumfuzzled by simply trying to understand the difference between androgynous and androgyne. And those terms, by the way, are among the 58 (fifty-eight) no-shit "gender" choices one can make now on their Fakebook account.

    The late US demoncrat Senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, coined the term, "defining deviancy down." He was referring to the redefining of all social deviancy, such as the behavior of organizations using intimidation and violence to affect social change, like "Black Lies Matter" and "Occupy Wall street," which is how their anti-social (and lawless) behaviors come to be lionized in the press. Thereby normalizing their departure from the social norms. Defining deviancy down.

    This sexuality obfuscation bullshit is the tip of that spear because the matter of sex touches all of us. How ironic that it was a demoncrat warning us against its rise when now it's those same demoncrats who are driving the "the more abnormal, the better" sex train.

    Sex isn't gender. Gender isn't sex. And you may quote me.

    What difference does it make what someone wants to call themselves?
    When I'm with my people, I'll still refer to the same words we always use, just as those other groups can use whatever words they want.
    Why should it matter what others think or say, especially when they are saying it about themselves? In fact, I don't mind using their words when I talk to or even about them. Isn't that what we do when we ask someone their name?
    If you're talking some PC shit or anti-PC shit, that is a separate argument for other people. I don't give a shit about either of those groups. I'm interested from an anthropological and philosophical but not cultural nor political perspective.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    The TV show Shameless is about a family of deadbeats, con artists, drunks and druggies in south Chicago. It's actually a lot like 'Seinfeld' except they're all family and nobody makes any pretense of being socially redeemable.

    Anyway, a couple of seasons ago one of the story lines involved the homosexual son of this family having a relationship with a woman who was living as a man. Her dream was some day to have the addadicktome surgery so she would have male genitalia, which would enable her to have homo sex with real men.

    Got that? She was a woman who dreamed of life as a gay man. She was unwilling to behave like a woman and fuck straight men, she only wanted to be a homosexual man and fuck other homosexual men. And they tried to pass this off as somehow normal.

    The most bizarre episode was when she and the gay guy decided their relationship should get physical and they were negotiating how to do "it." Not just who was on top but which of her holes to use. Turns out her vagina was off limits because that would be wrong for her pronoun, so gay guy had to buttfuck her.

    So gay guy ends up fucking a staight-up woman (except she was on Test and had a scraggly mustache) who wanted to be a man in her pooper, even though there was a perfectly serviceable vagina only three inches away, because she was weird like that.

    You have to wonder what manner of psychotropics the guys are on who wrote this shit.
    No, no you really don't. Perhaps you should keep all of that shit out of your head.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    Just to get back on track here. . .

    Has anyone seen the movie 'The Miseducation of Cameron Post' ? It's about a teenage lesbian girl that gets sent away to a conversion camp. Easily the best film I've seen this year.

    It's up on Netflix, you should watch it
    So, is it a coincidence that your avatar is named the same as the character in the show you are talking bout?
    Are you sure you have the right forum? I know that hormonal issues are important to trans people and hopefully this forum is providing you with some valuable info.
    Would it not be good common sense to moderate this type of subject mattter in order to maintain a greater user-experience for yourself, as it relates to your involvement with this forum? There is a potential that not everyone who reads this responds with positivity and happy thoughts, or have you already already aware of that? With that in mind, did you decide to seek validation through rejection and going back to the comfort of your bias against people like us by re-affirmation of the idea that we are the ones judging and rejecting you? Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, no?
    Anyhow, if I get netflix, I may watch your show. I find the cultural and psychological issues involved with the trans experience to be fascinating. As long as its not some media-driven, in my face, Kileen Jenner Southern California bulllshit. But, that has more to do with the PC-anti-PC crowd and the fucking Kardashians/reality tv crap than anything else.
    What tipped me off? You didn't engage Beatlejuice even though he was the primary antagonist. Also, that shows the possibility thatt you aren't seeking to cause turbulence.
    I hope you enjoy and get what you want out of this forum. We do try to practice a culture of inclusion but also tempered by freedom of thought and speech.
    All my best, Quester
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    With that in mind, did you decide to seek validation through rejection and going back to the comfort of your bias against people like us by re-affirmation of the idea that we are the ones judging and rejecting you? Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, no?

    I do like the way you worded that, and I might have behaved like that in rehab, but on this occasion I'm just telling you that I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

    And more to the point, ich liebe mein Leben.

  19. #19
    alphaman is offline Member
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    Do you pretend your dinger is a clitoris?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    And more to the point, ich liebe mein Leben.
    Excellent! I'm very happy for you.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman View Post
    Do you pretend your dinger is a clitoris?

    No but you're giving me ideas

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    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    I do like the way you worded that, and I might have behaved like that in rehab, but on this occasion I'm just telling you that I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

    And more to the point, ich liebe mein Leben.
    Dudes a troll
    Please stop feeding the trolls

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Dudes a troll
    Please stop feeding the trolls

    4 sure

    It’s “almost” sad to see people with lives this pointless. . . But, they’re all around us, I suppose
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    4 sure

    It’s “almost” sad to see people with lives this pointless. . . But, they’re all around us, I suppose

    Anyone that's been hanging around here the past ten years knows that I'm a sincere and genuine contributor to the forum community.

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    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    Anyone that's been hanging around here the past ten years knows that I'm a sincere and genuine contributor to the forum community.
    Posted on a 5 day old account
    Give it up dude. Make a new account and try again
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Posted on a 5 day old account
    Give it up dude. Make a new account and try again
    In his defense I've been on here for 7 years and all I've contributed is a large amount of sarcasm.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Posted on a 5 day old account
    Give it up dude. Make a new account and try again
    Old banned member just a new name.
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  28. #28
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    It would be cool if, in the stickies, we had a list of banned members and an example of their greatest works. Be nice to compare new to old but, it would also give some of these dip shits ideas.

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    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    It would be cool if, in the stickies, we had a list of banned members and an example of their greatest works. Be nice to compare new to old but, it would also give some of these dip shits ideas.
    I agree Q
    I said something similar, a thread to post the post that they got banned for. I thought it would be funny
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    I’d officially know it is the “end” for me, if I got benned here then took the time to create new accounts to troll this place
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I’d officially know it is the “end” for me, if I got benned here then took the time to create new accounts to troll this place

    I live my life by a moral code, and this moral code of mine is beyond your comprehension.

  32. #32
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    Anyone trying to rewrite the language almost invariably has something to hide, and intends using "doublespeak" to hide it.


    Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms ... in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth. Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language.

    Political language is meant to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

    -- George Orwell

    Orwell’s Doublespeak: The Language of the Left

    by Linda Goudsmit - July 9, 2017

    George Orwell introduced the language of doublespeak in his dystopian novel published in 1949. Doublespeak is the language of opposites. Up is down and down is up.

    The word doublespeak derives from two Orwellian words “doublethink” and “newspeak.” Doublethink is when a person accepts two mutually contradictory thoughts as correct without being aware or troubled by the glaring contradiction between them.

    Doublethink statements like “war is peace” “freedom is slavery” “ignorance is strength” are made without discomfort. Newspeak is a method of controlling thought through language – it is the language of fake news. Doublespeak combines doublethink and newspeak in language that deliberately obscures, distorts, disguises, or reverses the meaning of words to manipulate public opinion in a mass social engineering effort.

    Orwellian doublespeak is the language of the hard Left leading a coup against Western democracies and their national sovereignty. Barack Obama spoke doublespeak when he promised hope and change. Obama deliberately obscured and disguised his hope for changing American democracy into socialism.

    Most Americans understood hope and change to mean a better life and the realization of the American dream – a hope to improve our democracy not to destroy it.

    The left-wing liberal agenda seeks to destroy the socio-political infrastructure of American democracy and transform it into a dependent socialist state with cradle to grave control by the government.

    Their strategy of destruction is to target the traditional American institutions of family, religion, and education that promote independence, adulthood, individualism, and ego strength – the qualities that made America great and support American democracy and sovereignty.

    The 21st century Leftist progressives speak doublespeak – their “progressive” narrative is entirely regressive.

    The regressive infantile impulses and temper tantrums exhibited by left-wing liberals today cannot seriously be called “progressive” except by double-speaking Leftists who believe that going backwards is going forward.

    REGRESSIVE is the accurate word for the infantile behavior and impulses that inform the “progressive” Left. Safe spaces, Play-Doh and counseling for disappointment, segregated black-only lounges are all regressive demands of an increasingly regressed population.

    To understand why the progressives speak doublespeak, their goals, who benefits, and the purpose of relabeling up as down and down as up it is necessary to translate doublespeak into colloquial English.

    In an effort to translate the language of doublespeak a glossary with explanations is helpful. The glossary will decode the disingenuous Doublespeak of the radical left-wing liberals broadcast incessantly by the colluding mainstream media, taught in the infiltrated educational curricula, and dramatized by the Hollywood gliteratti and television programming in the entertainment industry.

    There is no informed consent in a society of lies and propaganda. If American democracy is to be preserved it is essential that an informed citizenry understand how they are being indoctrinated toward socialism by a deliberate program of propaganda and doublespeak.


    Diversity = Differences in appearance

    Diversity is a word that refers to variety. It has an inclusive connotation and in a social context means the inclusion of multiple races and ethnicities – black, white, Asian, Hispanic etc. For Leftists, what the word does not include is any variation in thought. Leftist diversity only extends as far as appearances – it does not tolerate any variety of opinions. Leftism is tyrannical in its demands for conformity to its politically correct left-wing narrative of moral relativism and historical revisionism it does not include any conservative opinions or ideas.

    In Doublespeak diversity means differences in appearance.

    1. Diversity = Differences in appearance

    Diversity is a word that refers to variety. It has an inclusive connotation and in a social context means the inclusion of multiple races and ethnicities – black, white, Asian, Hispanic etc. For Leftists, what the word does not include is any variation in thought. Leftist diversity only extends as far as appearances – it does not tolerate any variety of opinions. Leftism is tyrannical in its demands for conformity to its politically correct left-wing narrative of moral relativism and historical revisionism it does not include any conservative opinions or ideas.

    In Doublespeak diversity means differences in appearance.

    2. Education = Indoctrination

    Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at a school or university. In a democracy public education is “inclusive, both in its treatment of students and in that enfranchisement for the government of public education is as broad as for government generally. It is often organized and operated to be a deliberate model of the civil community in which it functions.” – Wikipedia

    Education in America has been commandeered by left-wing liberals and is now a vehicle for indoctrinating American youth from K-12 and throughout college. Conservative voices are no longer welcome in education. What was once a traditional American education of core subjects and pride in American democratic ideals has been transformed into an echo chamber of Leftist propaganda promoting globalism, socialism, American self-loathing, political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism.

    In Doublespeak education means Leftist indoctrination.

    3. Freedom of speech = Approved speech

    Freedom of speech is the foundation for democracy. Without freedom of speech there is no other freedom which is why tyrants always eliminate freedom of speech first. Leftists in America are determined to eliminate freedom of speech by enforcing their own code of political correctness which labels any opposing speech as hate speech. Speakers with conservative points of view are disinvited or intimidated through organized boycotts and violent protests. It is unAmerican to disallow the expression of opposing views but Leftists are tyrannical in their demand for conformity to their approved rhetoric.

    In Doublespeak freedom of speech means freedom of approved speech.

    4. Globalism = One-world government

    Globalism is defined as the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis. Globalism commonly refers to international trade among nations. Leftists seek to internationalize the world and are not using the word globalism to mean global trade. When Leftists say globalism they mean one-world government – their intention is to eliminate national boundaries, national sovereignty, and impose one-world government. The irony is that Leftists do not realize they are participating in their own destruction because the globalist elite who will rule the new world order consider the Leftists to be useful idiots.

    In Doublespeak globalism means one-world government.

    5. Global warming/climate change = Redistribution of wealth

    In 1992 UN scientists on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated: “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.” Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on June 24, 2014 that:

    “Extremely likely” is not a scientific term but rather a judgment, as in a court of law. The IPCC defines “extremely likely” as a ‘95-100% probability.’ But upon further examination it is clear that these numbers are not the result of any mathematical calculation or statistical analysis. They have been ‘invented’ as a construct within the IPCC report to express ‘expert judgment,’ as determined by the IPCC contributors.”

    Climate change is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on industrialized countries to transfer their wealth to non-industrialized countries. The United Nations is committed to globalization and one-world government and is supported worldwide by Leftists with the same objective.

    In Doublespeak global warming/climate change means the redistribution of wealth.

    6. Income equality = Redistribution of wealth

    Income equality in a democracy is achieved through equal opportunity – there is no guarantee of equal outcome. When Leftist’s speak of income equality they mean compulsory income redistribution that guarantees equal outcome.

    In Doublespeak income equality means redistribution of wealth.

    7. Progressive = regressive

    The word progressive has a positive connotation and is commonly understood to mean something that happens or develops gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step. Synonyms for progressive include continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing, accelerating, escalating, gradual, step-by-step, and cumulative.

    In Doublespeak progressive is synonymous with regressive – the opposite of actual progress (see above).

    8. Resistance = Anarchy

    Resistance is the refusal to accept or comply with something. In a democracy there are laws and elections designed for citizens to legally and peacefully express their discontent at the voting booth. When Leftists speak of resistance they are fomenting the overthrow of the government.

    In Doublespeak resistance means anarchy.

    9. Social justice = Reverse discrimination

    Social justice in a democracy is achieved through laws and Constitutional protections that guarantee equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal protection under the law. When Leftists speak of social justice they mean reverse discrimination where a two-tier system of justice is acceptable, where sanctuary cities that protect illegal alien felons are endorsed, and where anarchy and violence are fomented to effect social change.

    In Doublespeak social justice means reverse discrimination.

    10. Tolerance = Intolerance

    The word tolerance has an inclusive connotation and is commonly understood to mean the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Synonyms for tolerance include acceptance, open-mindedness, forbearance.

    In Doublespeak tolerance is synonymous with intolerance – the opposite of tolerance. It is exclusively awarded to those who LOOK differently and withheld from those who THINK differently. Leftists tolerate differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic status but are extremely intolerant of differences of opinion.


    Don't piss on my leg and try to convince me it's raining.
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-13-2019 at 04:17 PM.
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  33. #33
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    I think weasel wording is a similar idea

  34. #34
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    There are 33 genders:

    Males, females, and 31 kinds of queers.

  35. #35
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    There are 33 genders:

    Males, females, and 31 kinds of queers.

    If you like I can show you my friendship application form with its exhaustive list of gexders and genders

  36. #36
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Holy shit guys this is what I come home to?
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  37. #37
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Not here.
    I believe I know a woman who could help you FC.
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I believe I know a woman who could help you FC.

    Inside joke...
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  39. #39
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL View Post
    Holy shit guys this is what I come home to?
    Hes just a cunt troll.

  40. #40
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Hes just a cunt troll.

    Say those two words quicky together and you get 'control'

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