oh so so sleepy.. heck you even have a wife. didn't think someone as disrespectful as you would have a wife to sleep next to..

wait.. do I see a child as well in this little home that cost way way more then its worth. wait.. let the seer see , let me see. I'm not sure things are clear. maybe I'm totally off base.. am I seeing double vision ? are there two children in this home..
ok , I admit, I'm not seeing clear. maybe its just double vision.

maybe I will show mercy.. mercy is a beautiful thing. maybe you will show respect... I can see.
maybe I should just give you one little squeeze just so you know that the "sprits" are real and you can never escape from them.. maybe that gasp for air that you feel, you wake up, at exactly 3:02 am . and you realize you still have time to repent..
thats mercy brother... the demons could crush you fool. I will show mercy.

pick up and READ.. pick up and read. you have a second chance, don't waste it

I'm not as crazy as you think I am.. at the end of the day I'd probably take a bullet for you and your family