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Thread: Defund the police

  1. #161
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
    Beetlegeuse is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Badges? BADGES? We don' need no stinkin' badges!

    Or police. We're getting along just fine without any.

    Philadelphia Shooting Homicides Up 40% From 2020 After 7 Killed In Violent Mother’s Day Weekend

    ...Homicide rates are soaring in Philadelphia — 186 as Monday evening (sic). Homicide by shooting cases have increased 40% from 2020, according to records reviewed by CBS3...

    ...As percentages year over year go, Philadelphia is double digits ahead of homicides, even in Chicago. That city is experiencing a 20% climb versus Philadelphia’s 36% spike....

  2. #162
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    I usually object to the use of "murder" as a stand-alone statistic because in the modern era, all else being equal, over time the murder rate will appear to go down -- even if the exact same numbers of people are being shot -- because ER trauma care and first responder infrastructure tends to improve and become more effective over time. So as time passes, more people who get shot are having their lives saved by improved emergency services and medical care.

    So when you're comparing today to the 1960s, ... even the 1990s, ... it's almost unavoidable that the increase in murders is being under-reported.

    Murder rate jumps back to 1990s levels, data show

    ... Every city that reported data saw at least a 20%-25% jump in murders. Twenty-two percent of cities with a population of over 250,000 that reported data saw the most murders ever recorded since the federal government began keeping logs in 1960.

    “We’ve never seen an increase like that. Previously the biggest one-year increase in murder was a 12.5% increase in the 1960s," statistician and crime analyst Jeff Asher told the Washington Examiner. "We’re really talking about unprecedented increases in murder."..

    ... "These spikes in murder are unsurprisingly associated with hostility towards the police and a retreat of police from public life," Lehman said. "When that happens, unsurprisingly, crime goes up." ...

  3. #163
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    How do our protectors protect us when they are forced to dedicate all their attentions to protecting themselves?

    Four Police Officers Shot, Killed, in Less than 24 Hours

    by AWR Hawkins || 12 May 2021

    ... KSBY reports detective Luca Benedetti was gunned down in San Luis Obispo, California, Monday around 5 p.m. Pacific Time, while serving a search warrant.

    Thirty-seven-year-old Benedetti was met with gunfire and fatally wounded as he entered the suspect’s apartment.

    Shortly thereafter, at 8:40 p.m. Central Time, two sheriff’s deputies in Concho County, Texas, were shot and killed while responding to a dog complaint.

    NBCDFW 5 noted Texas Department of Public Safety’s Sgt. Dustin Baker said the two deputies made contact with an individual at the scene then “an altercation occurred and quickly escalated to gunfire.” The deputies were killed and a city worker injured...

    ... FOX 10 pointed out a Stockton, California, officer was shot and killed Tuesday morning after responding to a domestic violence call.

    The officer, Jimmy Inn, arrived on scene shortly after 10 a.m. Pacific Time and “was shot almost immediately.”

    Stockton Police chief Eric Jones said, “It was a violent, blatant and very sudden assault on our police officer.”...

  4. #164
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    *I accidentally posted this in another thread. I meant to post it here.

    The war against the police, is what I believe is a movement to do away with localized police forces.

    Basically a local police department would, or could be a rallying point and source of leadership and resistance at a time of crisis.

    Federalizing a police force instead of letting local communities police themselves can greatly reduce the chances of insubordination and localized resistance to any sort of large scale policies that may otherwise lead to localized insurrection.

    We've already seen many local sheriff's and police chiefs refuse to enforce policies of the democrat party in regard to second amendment rights. So the democrat party has basically decided to "defund the police".

    Soon a federalized "solution" will be offered. It always works the same way. The "solution" will be to put them in control of policing. Basically enabling them to enforce thier policies directly.

    Observe it with grim mirth gentleman. And watch the sheep bleat.
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  5. #165
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    Sometimes the headlines write themselves.

    Minneapolis to bring in outside Police help to deal with surge in murders

    Instead of charging police with crimes for nothing more than executing their ordained duties, they should be charging the dickheads whose moronic kowtowing to "cancel culture" IS KILLING CITIZENS.
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  6. #166
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  7. #167
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    I usually object to the use of "murder" as a stand-alone statistic because in the modern era, all else being equal, over time the murder rate will appear to go down -- even if the exact same numbers of people are being shot -- because ER trauma care and first responder infrastructure tends to improve and become more effective over time. So as time passes, more people who get shot are having their lives saved by improved emergency services and medical care.

    So when you're comparing today to the 1960s, ... even the 1990s, ... it's almost unavoidable that the increase in murders is being under-reported.

    Murder rate jumps back to 1990s levels, data show

    ... Every city that reported data saw at least a 20%-25% jump in murders. Twenty-two percent of cities with a population of over 250,000 that reported data saw the most murders ever recorded since the federal government began keeping logs in 1960.

    “We’ve never seen an increase like that. Previously the biggest one-year increase in murder was a 12.5% increase in the 1960s," statistician and crime analyst Jeff Asher told the Washington Examiner. "We’re really talking about unprecedented increases in murder."..

    ... "These spikes in murder are unsurprisingly associated with hostility towards the police and a retreat of police from public life," Lehman said. "When that happens, unsurprisingly, crime goes up." ...
    Almost all of these murders are gang members killing rival gang members. I really don't care if they do that.

  8. #168
    Ernst's Avatar
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    There is no doubt that some police forces have gone to rot. I've seen this firsthand. Certainly many times that can even be traced to elected leadership rather than something that began in the department itself. However, I sincerely doubt that this is the norm, and defunding departments is so obviously NOT the solution to the problems we face today.

    Cops and those who support their role in the community should be well vetted, well trained, well paid, and well respected. Where departments lack in even one of these key points, they likely lack in others.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Almost all of these murders are gang members killing rival gang members. I really don't care if they do that.
    100% agreed. Seriously, if you want to cut the police activity there, fine. Then place the $ and manpower elsewhere.

    The wife and I needed the police once and man were they there for us. Love those guys. A shame there’s a few knuckle heads that reflects poorly on the entire force.
    Last edited by wango; 05-28-2021 at 04:12 PM.

  10. #170
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    100% agreed. Seriously, if you want to cut the police activity there, fine. Then place the $ and manpower elsewhere.

    The wife and I needed the police once and man were they there for us. Love those guys. A shame there’s a few knuckle heads that reflects poorly on the entire force.
    The only times I called the police were after burglaries. The first time, it took them over 6 hours to get somebody there to make a report so that I could call my insurance company. About a week later they sent somebody in there to dust for prints (which if there were any, by the time he got there, I had touched about everything in the course of living). Then a few weeks later after I got the cheque from the insurance and started buying back the things that were stolen. They struck again. Same thing again, cops did not come for hours.

    Mind you, there was a cop camping out just in front of my apartment after the 2nd time looking to catch people for traffic violations. But I guess that's more important that taking a report from me and looking for actual criminals.

    I say fvuk the police. They're just thugs working for the state.

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post

    I say fvuk the police. They're just thugs working for the state.
    Lol, I’ve had teens say similar things about me when I had to maintain discipline in school.

  12. #172
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    Funny how the narrative so often changes when it's your ox that got gored.

    Minneapolis Activist Whose Granddaughter Was Shot and Killed: ‘We Need Police’

    A Minneapolis man whose six-year-old granddaughter was killed by a stray bullet inside her mom’s car is reportedly rejecting calls to defund the police.

    “K.G. Wilson’s granddaughter, Aniya Allen, was shot in the head as she and her mother were believed to have been caught in the crossfire between rival gangs,” Fox News reported Friday.

    The 53-year-old anti-violence activist who has worked to get children off the streets and help families affected by violence for about two decades, said Thursday defunding the police “is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.”

    “I can tell you this, if I was a criminal, I would support it,” he noted, adding, “I would love it.”...

  13. #173
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  14. #174
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I will make this quick.

    Defund the police is the stupidest fucking thing I have heard of in a long long time.

    I will be the first to admit that there are bad policemen.
    There are also bad soldiers.
    There are also bad teachers.
    There might even be a bad politician or two out there...
    But the vast majority of policeman and soldiers and teachers are good. (Not so sure of the politicians...)

    Downsizing or worse yet, disbanding the police is not the answer.

    Abolishing hate of a fellow human being because of skin color, or sex, or gender, or religion is the answer.
    I think you miss the point of defunding the police. It does not matter if there are good or bad cops. What matters is politicians only enforce the laws they choose. This is why we have the issues we have...people are not given the same shake. Cops are a goon squad for the politicians and I guarentee a good cop will break the constitution if it means him keeping his job. It happens daily.

    You also miss the point of how police are supposed to work. Police are an after the fact item. The right to carry a gun is a before the fact item. This is how it is supposed to work. You have cops doing safety checkpoints and kerry stops just to make quotas. That is exactly how it is NOT supposed to work and good, bad, all cops do it because they are told to.

    I am geared up and armed to the teeth. I am more at danger being harmed by a cop than by a criminal. I am a target because I have cash and the state wants to mine my nugget.

  15. #175
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Funny how the narrative so often changes when it's your ox that got gored.

    Minneapolis Activist Whose Granddaughter Was Shot and Killed: ‘We Need Police’

    A Minneapolis man whose six-year-old granddaughter was killed by a stray bullet inside her mom’s car is reportedly rejecting calls to defund the police.

    “K.G. Wilson’s granddaughter, Aniya Allen, was shot in the head as she and her mother were believed to have been caught in the crossfire between rival gangs,” Fox News reported Friday.

    The 53-year-old anti-violence activist who has worked to get children off the streets and help families affected by violence for about two decades, said Thursday defunding the police “is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.”

    “I can tell you this, if I was a criminal, I would support it,” he noted, adding, “I would love it.”...
    Notice this is not in Texas. If you could arm yourself with 0 effort criminals would go elsewhere.

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