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Thread: Auto accidents

  1. #1
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Auto accidents

    We were all packed up in my gfs SUV, had our bagel sandwiches out so we can eat, along with the coffee. Going for a long weekend mini getaway. As we pull on the ramp to get on the highway, the people in front of us slam their breaks, we slam ours, and the guy behind driving an Edge slams in the back of us. I saw him at the last second in the rear view and he came in fast because he was accelerating trying to go around us but a lady in the left lane didn’t give him the room. I’m fine but my girl has some back and shoulder pains and a slight headache. We’re at a Medexpress now and I’m waiting for her in the car.

    This isn’t mine or her first accident, but I was just curious what you guys have experienced out on the road. I know there will be some crazy stories.

  2. #2
    almostgone's Avatar
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    I hope y'all are G2G. Expect some next day soreness even if there are no serious injuries.

    Too many close calls to talk about. I don't care if you're in a bike, car, or truck, you have to drive defensively, hope for the best, and try to leave yourself an out whenever possible.

    Distracted driving really burns me up. People going down the road on a cell phone, driving with a knee, and looking at everything except traffic flow really piss me off.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #3
    wango's Avatar
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    Very sorry about the accident. Yesterday we were on a major freeway to Pasadena & we see a traffic alert of an accident ahead. Well it turned out all lanes were blocked because ahead a driver got shot and killed and then crashed.

    The insanity of watching drivers try to get to an exit was nothing like I’ve seen. Racing down the shoulders , cutting people off, backing off of entrance ramps. Total pain in the ass & one of the worse few hours in a car I can recall.

    Glad to hear you are ok, sorry about your gf.
    DinAZ, Chark and Test Monsterone like this.

  4. #4
    DinAZ's Avatar
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    Auto accidents

    Keep an eye on how your body feels in the coming days and weeks, auto injuries can sometimes show themselves after the fact. Hopefully the offender was insured.

    I had a 3X rollover as my worst accident. My lower back and left hip are still effected but physical therapy and lifting has helped tons. I was a passenger, and after rolling once me and the driver locked eyes for a second. Afterwards we talked about what we were thinking and both of our immediate thought was to see if the other was alive. Shows something about human nature. We might fight with others under pressure but in a dire situation we will think of others before ourself.
    Last edited by DinAZ; 09-05-2021 at 05:22 PM.

  5. #5
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    When I was 18 a woman drove into the back of my car while I was stopped at a red light. The officer estimated she hit me doing about 50 mph. I blacked out for few minutes. I remember my first thought was, "am I dead?" It felt like I was struck in the head by a bat. Not a soft swing either. The woman was drunk and didn't have insurance. Shitty situation but I walked away fine other than the damage to my car.

    I used to ride motorcycles, hence the name f4iguy. I actually low sided my Honda CBR 600 F4i. On weekends I used to ride with a group in a mountain area with lots of winding roads. A couple of the guys had track experience and we would move pretty fast. We always started with a lap around before getting up to to speed... thankfully. I went around a turn doing about 40mph and when I started to lean the back tire kicked out. My body was underneath the bike as I slid to the edge of the road. There was a 6 foot wide patch of gravel across the entire road. I had never seen anything like it.

    I had a helmet, jeans, gloves but no jacket that day. A nice chunk was shaved off the helmet but it saved my head. My leg somehow didn't get trapped in the chain or wheel. I still don't know how I got lucky with that. The right side of my body was rashed pretty bad. My reaction to pain is pretty unusual. I get pissed off. REALLY pissed off when I'm hurt. My friends wanted to call an ambulance but I said no. I was pumped with adrenaline and picked the bike up then rode 15 miles home bleeding the whole way. I drove my car to the hospital later that day so they could scrub the gravel out of my body to prevent infection. That was the worst part. Searing pain. I quit riding that day and I'll never ride again. I know too many people who have died or are permanently crippled from motorcycle accidents. Most of them were not preventable and due to other drivers or unavoidable circumstances. I'm not fucking about any longer lol.

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    When I bought my Fat Boy in 2006 my Dad said to me “there’s two kinds of riders, those that have gone down and those that are going down”.

    Fast forward to 2008 and I was smoked by a charter bus…saw the whole thing unfolding too and couldn’t do a damn thing. No helmet and it hit me so hard it blew me out of my shoes. Miracle I’m here as I distinctly remember my head thumping off of the asphalt. Fucking bus driver opened the door and had no clue I’d be there. He never even saw me, he stated he thought he hit a parked car.

    Dislocated shoulder (labrum tear) broken ribs and a lacerated liver. I was three blocks from home. I refused an ambulance ride, walked home and burst into tears. Called my wife to come get me and was admitted to the ER and underwent shoulder surgery the next day.

    The good news is I found this place during my rehab and the rest is history

    Have been on a street bike twice since the accident and got the jeebs both times. I only miss it every now and again but that was before every asshole was on a cell phone…couldn’t even imagine riding now. Would make me feel like a bad father, lol.

    (Most importantly, glad YOU ARE OK TMO!’ Best to your gal too bro!)

    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    When I was 18 a woman drove into the back of my car while I was stopped at a red light. The officer estimated she hit me doing about 50 mph. I blacked out for few minutes. I remember my first thought was, "am I dead?" It felt like I was struck in the head by a bat. Not a soft swing either. The woman was drunk and didn't have insurance. Shitty situation but I walked away fine other than the damage to my car.

    I used to ride motorcycles, hence the name f4iguy. I actually low sided my Honda CBR 600 F4i. On weekends I used to ride with a group in a mountain area with lots of winding roads. A couple of the guys had track experience and we would move pretty fast. We always started with a lap around before getting up to to speed... thankfully. I went around a turn doing about 40mph and when I started to lean the back tire kicked out. My body was underneath the bike as I slid to the edge of the road. There was a 6 foot wide patch of gravel across the entire road. I had never seen anything like it.

    I had a helmet, jeans, gloves but no jacket that day. A nice chunk was shaved off the helmet but it saved my head. My leg somehow didn't get trapped in the chain or wheel. I still don't know how I got lucky with that. The right side of my body was rashed pretty bad. My reaction to pain is pretty unusual. I get pissed off. REALLY pissed off when I'm hurt. My friends wanted to call an ambulance but I said no. I was pumped with adrenaline and picked the bike up then rode 15 miles home bleeding the whole way. I drove my car to the hospital later that day so they could scrub the gravel out of my body to prevent infection. That was the worst part. Searing pain. I quit riding that day and I'll never ride again. I know too many people who have died or are permanently crippled from motorcycle accidents. Most of them were not preventable and due to other drivers or unavoidable circumstances. I'm not fucking about any longer lol.
    Chark, Test Monsterone and DinAZ like this.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Yup you are going to hurt worse tomorrow and probably the next day. Ice ice ice is your friend. Never say you are OK or fine. Say you dont know yet. Let the insurance and if needed attorneys handle things. They will make a settlement offer, dont accept the first one. Do yourself a favor and schedule some PT or massage therapy ASAP to help with the recovery.
    DinAZ and Test Monsterone like this.

  8. #8
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I’ll tell her the forum wishes her the best. I think the fact that we train helps us in these types of situations - maybe more support for the spine. I can see how not having a strong core could make a bad situation a lot worse.

    Man, some of the experiences you guys have had… holy shit. Rolling over 3x, getting rear ended and blacking out, getting hit by a BUS on a BIKE!! Thank God you are all here. That’s one of the things that kept me from riding: you figure we spend all this time trying to eat right, lifting, being diligent… one wreck can leave you crippled or worse. I actually said to my girlfriend, “can you imagine if we were on motorcycles?”
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  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    In November of 2001, I was going to ride with my friend and this girl he liked to this late night BBQ in Malibu. We were in this Chevy Cavalier that he was renting (he crashed his car and got this one while he was looking for a new one). So I'm in the backseat on the right side and I'm not wearing a seatbelt. My friend is trying to impress this girl, so naturally we're going way over 100mph.

    We're driving on this freeway with a dirt divider between the lanes going northbound and southbound. My friend drifted a little out of his lane and his left wheels were in the dirt. I yelled his name and he overcorrected the wheel. We spun around a few times. During this I'm like "oh shit" so I get the seatbelt on just before we crash.

    We hit this tree head on while still going very fast. My head hit the seat in front of me and my forehead and nose were bleeding pretty bad. I knew my left arm was broken, because I couldn't move it, but I wasn't "in pain." I get out of the car and my lower back starts hurting really bad (and I'm like "I need to lay down" (the pain slowly creeped in as the shock went away).

    So I go back in to the car and laydown on the back seat. The ambulance came and carried me out to the hospital. At this point, I'm in the worst pain I've ever been in and I felt every single pebble in the road the ambulance drove over en route.

    We get to the hospital and I remember them cutting off my clothes and putting a gown on me. I was in so much pain I was having problems breathing. Before they could give me any morphine, I started puking black shit up. I knew I was in deep shit. A nurse grabs my cock and forces a catheter in it (this didn't hurt as much as it did when they finally pulled it out). The ER doctor was like "I've seen worse."

    I said to him jokingly "yeah, but did they live?"

    They knew I was bleeding internally, and by morning my parents were there and then a priest or deacon comes in asking if he could say some prayers with me. I'm like "as long as it's not the last rites."

    He pulls out the oil and the ash and puts it on my forehead. Any delusions that I was going to be ok were gone at this point.

    They don't know where I'm bleeding internally from, but they need to open me up and find it. I remember as they were giving me putting me under, I told my mom to tell my girlfriend that I loved her. I woke up some time later in even more pain with my gut stapled from my breast bone down to my crotch. They had to remove my right kidney and my organs were all over the place and had to be place back. It came to my attention later on that I went in to cardiac arrest during this surgery and had to be "brought back." I don't have memories of that. I do remember looking up and seeing this IV bag that was full of blood and the bag of urine that was dark red.

    It wasn't for another 6 months later before I was able to take a first step.

    That friend of mine was my best friend since I was 11 years old. 10 years of friendship and not a call or a visit. In fact, I haven't spoken to him again since this incident.

  10. #10
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    Im not even going to start with my list of accidents and injuries, it would take to long. lol

    Yeah its amazing what some of us have lived through. Makes you believe you must be here for a reason.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    In November of 2001, I was going to ride with my friend and this girl he liked to this late night BBQ in Malibu. We were in this Chevy Cavalier that he was renting (he crashed his car and got this one while he was looking for a new one). So I'm in the backseat on the right side and I'm not wearing a seatbelt. My friend is trying to impress this girl, so naturally we're going way over 100mph.

    We're driving on this freeway with a dirt divider between the lanes going northbound and southbound. My friend drifted a little out of his lane and his left wheels were in the dirt. I yelled his name and he overcorrected the wheel. We spun around a few times. During this I'm like "oh shit" so I get the seatbelt on just before we crash.

    We hit this tree head on while still going very fast. My head hit the seat in front of me and my forehead and nose were bleeding pretty bad. I knew my left arm was broken, because I couldn't move it, but I wasn't "in pain." I get out of the car and my lower back starts hurting really bad (and I'm like "I need to lay down" (the pain slowly creeped in as the shock went away).

    So I go back in to the car and laydown on the back seat. The ambulance came and carried me out to the hospital. At this point, I'm in the worst pain I've ever been in and I felt every single pebble in the road the ambulance drove over en route.

    We get to the hospital and I remember them cutting off my clothes and putting a gown on me. I was in so much pain I was having problems breathing. Before they could give me any morphine, I started puking black shit up. I knew I was in deep shit. A nurse grabs my cock and forces a catheter in it (this didn't hurt as much as it did when they finally pulled it out). The ER doctor was like "I've seen worse."

    I said to him jokingly "yeah, but did they live?"

    They knew I was bleeding internally, and by morning my parents were there and then a priest or deacon comes in asking if he could say some prayers with me. I'm like "as long as it's not the last rites."

    He pulls out the oil and the ash and puts it on my forehead. Any delusions that I was going to be ok were gone at this point.

    They don't know where I'm bleeding internally from, but they need to open me up and find it. I remember as they were giving me putting me under, I told my mom to tell my girlfriend that I loved her. I woke up some time later in even more pain with my gut stapled from my breast bone down to my crotch. They had to remove my right kidney and my organs were all over the place and had to be place back. It came to my attention later on that I went in to cardiac arrest during this surgery and had to be "brought back." I don't have memories of that. I do remember looking up and seeing this IV bag that was full of blood and the bag of urine that was dark red.

    It wasn't for another 6 months later before I was able to take a first step.

    That friend of mine was my best friend since I was 11 years old. 10 years of friendship and not a call or a visit. In fact, I haven't spoken to him again since this incident.
    Not sure what to even say. Your friend SUCKS on many levels and yeah you are damn lucky to be alive. I bet you got a nice scar out of it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Not sure what to even say. Your friend SUCKS on many levels and yeah you are damn lucky to be alive. I bet you got a nice scar out of it.
    Yeah, but I'm really self-conscious about the shape of my abs. TBH weight lifting (in particular deadlifting) is the only lasting thing I've that makes my back pain tolerable.

    I tell you what though, I did enjoy the pretty nurses that gave me sponge baths. But I remember hoping I don't pop a boner, because I had that fvuking catheter in me hahahaha.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Im not even going to start with my list of accidents and injuries, it would take to long. lol

    Yeah its amazing what some of us have lived through. Makes you believe you must be here for a reason.
    Absolutely. I was an atheist before my incident and for a long time afterwards. But the fact that I know I shouldn't be alive right now tells me, I was spared for a reason. I didn't know what and I went on a long spiritual journey to find Christ inside.
    almostgone, DinAZ and lovbyts like this.

  14. #14
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    @HK. Sorry bout you & your friend. I recall a great movie called “Murderball”, a documentary about partial quadriplegics competing in an aggressive/contact form of wheelchair rugby. A major subplot was how one of the main characters repaired his relationship with the friend who by an auto accident put him into the wheelchair. That aside, watching all the guys describe the accidents that got them into the chair and how they coped & then fell in love with the sport was damn cool and inspirational.

  15. #15
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    That friend of mine was my best friend since I was 11 years old. 10 years of friendship and not a call or a visit. In fact, I haven't spoken to him again since this incident.
    There's a few different ways of looking at this.

    We can all remember a time in our life when we did something wrong, felt terrible about, and wanted to run to apologise and try make up for it. Even 8 year olds do this when they accidentally ruin their mother's knitting.

    But I'm sure everyone here can also remember a time in their life when they fucked up so badly that they just thought there wasn't any currency in their apology. You know those times when you don't even bother saying sorry, you don't even bother approaching the person. Instead of being remorseful and apologetic, you just have to adjust your view of yourself and your view of the world while you try to come to terms with what you did. You feel like atonement isn't even on the table.

    I wouldn't be so sure that your friend of 11 years is a piece of shit. Maybe he can't even begin to formulate in his mind how he could possibly ever broach this topic with you.

    If I was the person driving that car, I don't know what I'd do. For all you know this might be weighing on his conscience for the past 20 years. Or then again though, maybe he's just a piece of shit. You'd probably never get to the bottom of it unless you met up with him.
    DinAZ and F4iGuy like this.

  16. #16
    DinAZ's Avatar
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    Auto accidents

    FK You make valid points but how do you communicate with someone that doesn’t even visit you in the hospital or at least call?

    I’m not into AA but I can respect their process of making amends. They say you have to do it for yourself as much as the people you apologize/amend with. I think you’re right talking is only way to know but it’s kind of on the dude who messed up to stop hiding and reach out or else the relationship is over.

    A boy tries to never make mistakes. A young man realizes everyone makes mistakes. A grown man realizes the importance of taking responsibility for ones mistakes just the same as the successes.
    Last edited by DinAZ; 09-06-2021 at 12:35 PM. Reason: Your/ you’re
    F4iGuy and SampsonandDelilah like this.

  17. #17
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    @HK. Sorry bout you & your friend. I recall a great movie called “Murderball”, a documentary about partial quadriplegics competing in an aggressive/contact form of wheelchair rugby. A major subplot was how one of the main characters repaired his relationship with the friend who by an auto accident put him into the wheelchair. That aside, watching all the guys describe the accidents that got them into the chair and how they coped & then fell in love with the sport was damn cool and inspirational.
    I'm not so sorry about it. Everything happens for a reason. It took over a year, but I ended up making a "full" recovery. The hardest part to learning to walk was due to laying down for as long as I had. Sitting up (and eventually standing up) made me so dizzy that I wanted to throw up. For a long time, I was scared to death to get in to cars if I wasn't driving. But yeah, maybe sometime I'll check out that movie.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I'm not so sorry about it. Everything happens for a reason. It took over a year, but I ended up making a "full" recovery. The hardest part to learning to walk was due to laying down for as long as I had. Sitting up (and eventually standing up) made me so dizzy that I wanted to throw up. For a long time, I was scared to death to get in to cars if I wasn't driving. But yeah, maybe sometime I'll check out that movie.
    Having to re learn to walk is a bit challenging isnt it? After my ruptured L5/S1 where I could not walk, stand or sit even to take a sh*t for several weeks, after my surgery I had to relearn to walk. I still dont walk a straight line like I use to or navigate walking over large stones or logs because the feet still have nerve damage. it took weeks before I could do more than shuffle my feet to walk and properly lift each one without having to mentally think about what I was doing, one foot in front of the other.

    I mostly notice I dont walk perfectly straight when I'm walking next to someone, holding the wife's hand or whatever and I have to consciously try not to sway into her or whoever is next to me.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Having to re learn to walk is a bit challenging isnt it? After my ruptured L5/S1 where I could not walk, stand or sit even to take a sh*t for several weeks, after my surgery I had to relearn to walk. I still dont walk a straight line like I use to or navigate walking over large stones or logs because the feet still have nerve damage. it took weeks before I could do more than shuffle my feet to walk and properly lift each one without having to mentally think about what I was doing, one foot in front of the other.

    I mostly notice I dont walk perfectly straight when I'm walking next to someone, holding the wife's hand or whatever and I have to consciously try not to sway into her or whoever is next to me.
    I don't think I had to step over logs or large stones. I remember when I was using the walker that I'd be dragging my feet. Even worse than that was when I finally got home. Having to ask for help every time I wanted to get up to go use the bathroom or take a shower.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    FK You make valid points but how do you communicate with someone that doesn’t even visit you in the hospital or at least call?

    I’m not into AA but I can respect their process of making amends. They say you have to do it for yourself as much as the people you apologize/amend with. I think you’re right talking is only way to know but it’s kind of on the dude who messed up to stop hiding and reach out or else the relationship is over.

    A boy tries to never make mistakes. A young man realizes everyone makes mistakes. A grown man realizes the importance of taking responsibility for ones mistakes just the same as the successes.

    I've been trying to put my head and heart right for a few years now, and I think a few others on this forum have been too.

    If you put a lot of work into yourself and reach a point in your life where you very seldom offend anyone, then you're about 50% of the way there. The other 50% is how you react when other people offend you. The human condition is a constant onslaught of slights, remarks, gestures, hidden meanings and difficulties. The extra mile you go is in reducing the turbulence as greatly as possible when other people make mistakes. It's about being less pissed off about stuff, being less resolute in giving up on situations and giving up on people. It's about not being so assertive about how perfect your human condition should be. Psychological resilience is required for forbearance.

    Some things in life are morally praise-worthy, but not morally mandatory. A good example is an old friend fucking you up in a car crash and then never coming to visit you in hospital. To reconcile with a person after they've done that is not morally mandatory -- nobody will call you a bad person for not trying to talk things out.

    There were people in my life who were very close to me and who offended me, and who are no longer in my life. If I were to consider reconciling with them, I would also have to consider the potential harm caused by allowing them back into my life. Would I really have the life I want to have, if these people were in it?

    I don't have all the answers, but people not visiting people in hospital can often be a complex scenario -- and it's rarely a case of them simply not caring, nor of them wanting to abandon the situation (and thus the person) entirely.

    I have 3 siblings, all of whom are still alive (last I checked). None of them visited me in hospital when I was a psych patient, and none of them came to visit me when I was in for a month with my liver. I actually take it as a blessing that they made it so much easier for me to let go.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    There's a few different ways of looking at this.

    We can all remember a time in our life when we did something wrong, felt terrible about, and wanted to run to apologise and try make up for it. Even 8 year olds do this when they accidentally ruin their mother's knitting.

    But I'm sure everyone here can also remember a time in their life when they fucked up so badly that they just thought there wasn't any currency in their apology. You know those times when you don't even bother saying sorry, you don't even bother approaching the person. Instead of being remorseful and apologetic, you just have to adjust your view of yourself and your view of the world while you try to come to terms with what you did. You feel like atonement isn't even on the table.

    I wouldn't be so sure that your friend of 11 years is a piece of shit. Maybe he can't even begin to formulate in his mind how he could possibly ever broach this topic with you.

    If I was the person driving that car, I don't know what I'd do. For all you know this might be weighing on his conscience for the past 20 years. Or then again though, maybe he's just a piece of shit. You'd probably never get to the bottom of it unless you met up with him.

    dude is a complete piece of shit, complete dog shit.
    should of hired attorney and took his ass to the cleaners.
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  22. #22
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    dude is a complete piece of shit, complete dog shit.
    should of hired attorney and took his ass to the cleaners.
    I did sue him. I got a million dollar judgement on him which he in turn filed for bankruptcy and never paid a cent. Mind you, I had medical bills that were around half a million. Thank God, I had health insurance, but it was a battle in itself to get them to pay it.

    It took me years to "let go" and move on. If I saw him again, I'd let him know that I forgive him. Holding on to the hate just eats you inside.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 09-08-2021 at 04:01 PM.

  23. #23
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Man, what a story HK... If I ever have kids, I'll tell them this story before they think of letting their friends drive them. It's why I always prefer being the driver. Sorry you had to go through all that suffering. Amazing you pulled through, though.

  24. #24
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I did sue him. I got a million dollar judgement on him which he in turn filed for bankruptcy and never paid a cent. Mind you, I had medical bills that were around half a million. Thank God, I had health insurance, but it was a battle in itself to get them to pay it.
    Here in the UK, every driver must have car insurance. Mine is about US$620 per year and that's 'fully comprehensive' (so they'll fix my car too if I cause the crash).

    If you're in a vehicle collision in the UK, and if the person at fault is an uninsured driver, then you can apply to the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) to be compensated. Every insurance company pays into the MIB fund, and I think about US$30 of my annual US$620 goes into that fund. So if a uninsured driver crashes into me and breaks both my legs and ruptures my spleen, I can put in a claim to the MIB. (I suppose I can also sue the individual myself but nobody does that over here -- unless you know that the guy who crashed into you is a millionaire).

    Medical bills aren't a thing over here. We don't get bills from doctors, pharmacies or hospitals.

    HK, when that guy filed for bankcruptcy, does that mean that the million dollars won't come from anywhere else? So really you didn't get any money out of it? And on top of that you had to wrestle and grapple with your own insurance company to pay the US$500,000 bill? America's harsh.

    In the UK, we even give out compensation to people who were a victim of a crime when the perpetrator was never caught. Here's an excerpt from "":
    Criminal injuries compensation

    If you’ve been injured by a violent crime, you can apply for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).You will be eligible if the crime has been committed in the past two years, and if it was reported to the police as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter whether the offender has been caught, but there are other rules which affect your chances of getting any money. The process can be complicated and take a long time, but we can direct you to information that explains the system, send you links to CICA’s online application form or put you in contact with their telephone contact centre. If you want to make a claim, remember that you will have to go over the details if the crime again. You might find this upsetting, but we can talk with you about the impact of the crime. You can claim for both physical and mental injury but will need to provide medical evidence to support your claim. You can get more information and application forms directly from compensation for victims or by calling their helpline on 0300 003 3601.

  25. #25
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Man, what a story HK... If I ever have kids, I'll tell them this story before they think of letting their friends drive them. It's why I always prefer being the driver. Sorry you had to go through all that suffering. Amazing you pulled through, though.
    I was pretty lucky, it could've ended a lot worse. If somebody lectured me back then about who I chose for friends and trusting them with my life, it would've just gone in one ear and out the other. You know how kids are. They think they're invincible and it can't actually happen to them.

  26. #26
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    glad u are better now buddy.

    but still, fuck that guy.

  27. #27
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    I was driving home lastnight on a narrow country road when I had to slam my breaks on. There was a car overturned on the road in front of me, it was up on its side resting on two wheels. Of course the first thing I noticed was the position of the car and the damage done to it, but a second later I thought of the possibility of people being very seriously injured or dead.

    There's nothing noble about this, but my first concern was for myself. I thought, "If the police arrive here now, I don't want to have to try convince them that I wasn't involved in this". I contemplated reversing back and finding another way home, but in a second or two I thought to myself if they later find that my car was at the scene (whether it's camera footage or tyre threads or whatever) then I'll be in hotter water.

    So I got my phone out and dialled 991, and I tried to make it clear to them: "I've just happened upon a car crash. My car is fine, and I'm okay, but up ahead of me in the road there's a car on its side and it's wrecked, I don't know if anyone is inside". I had the 991 guys on the phone as I approached the car and I saw a shoe, and there was red so I thought it might be blood. I really wasn't looking forward to looking in the car, and as I approached it, I was thinking to myself that I might spend the next few years of my life trying to forget what I saw.

    Just then, another car pulled up behind mine. I walked away from the crashed car toward the car that just pulled up, and she let her window down and I was like, "I've just happened upon this car crash, I wasn't in the crash. There' s a car on its side up there". So she got out of her car and the two of us approached the crashed car, and there wasn't anyone in the front seats of the car. I was still trying to see though if there was anyone in the back of the car (it was one of those hatchbacks with a small back seat so there could have been someone hidden from view).

    But anyway there men appeared on the scene then... it turns out that two young men (they'd looked about 18-22) were driving around and somehow flipped their car. They both seemed fine. The third guy was an older man they called for help, and so the 3 of them pushed the car over onto its four wheels and got it off the road into a field. They asked if I called the police and I was like, "Yeah man, I thought there was someone mangled inside the car". Then the police called me back twice to confirm the location (it was hard to find out in the countryside). Even if the police arrived and found the car though, I doubt anything would come of it... I mean a single car collision on a country road with nobody injured.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I don't think I had to step over logs or large stones. I remember when I was using the walker that I'd be dragging my feet. Even worse than that was when I finally got home. Having to ask for help every time I wanted to get up to go use the bathroom or take a shower.
    I was Very happy after my back surgery when I was able to actually sit on a commode and take care of business so to speak. I was lucky and could do most everything after surgery. Not very good or fast but I managed. I really didnt have a choice either since I was single at the time and living alone.
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  29. #29
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Sorry, I don't have the time to read all the posts

    Car accidents:

    1 - Rear ended a Firebird with my Firebird doing 40mph
    2 - Ran into a Nissan Pathfinder with a Chevy Cavalier doing maybe 15mph
    3 - Ran a Honda CRX into a palm tree for fun(srs) doing about 15-20mph
    4 - Ran a Ford Escort in between two palm trees over a sidewalk trying to avoid an accident doing about 50mph, flew into the windshield with my face, bounced off & landed on the shifter with my back
    5 - Rolled a brand new back then Toyota Corolla doing 70mph - it rolled so fast that no one can actually tell how many times it actually rolled(walked away without a scratch)
    6 - A lady ran into my backhoe trailer, she hit so hard that the car smashed all the way to her firewall. Can't say what happened to her, she never regained consciousness at the scene, her hair & skin were hanging off the inside of the windshield where she hit her forehead(her kids had no restrains on & flew into the windshield, but both were 100%) - she had all of her gym gear on, she was going to the gym a block from where she hit the trailer
    7 - I spun a car sideway and flew over the middle sidewalk thing doing about 50mph, the front tore & buckled off the car - yet it still drove home

    That about covers it
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