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  1. #1
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    Do you ever wish?

    Every once in a good while i walk down the street and i get a strange feeling brewing inside me that doesn't involve wild monkey sex fantasies. And when that occurs its usually me thinking about what life would be like if we actually had real lives. And by real lives I mean we don't sit at desks, or drive cars, what if we didn't have any cell phones, or whatever technological crap we have today. What if we were lucky enough to live in an agrarian society where our life revolved around the days crops, crushing wheat, sweating outdoors, hunting, pulling in a huge catch of fish, what if... IF you remember in Fight Club Chuck Pahlanuik (writer) was talking about a world where vines hung from the empire state building and that if you looked down there would be rows of men working, planting, where cars once commuted. How beautiful would our life be if we did not have to worry about 99% percent of the shit we worry about now? Where our main concern is to provide for our family and sit around a bonfire after having worked our hands dry. Theres something so satisfactory in being able to do that, the simplicity just breaks me sometimes. What have we become? We are a society of men who are worried more about the ridiculous intricacies of "life" that we have forgotten its roots. I would give up everything we've got now for that kind of life. I think i'm rambling again. I have a headache now... hopefully someone feels the same way out there...

  2. #2
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    amen. there's really nothing more satisfying than working with your hands for a change.

  3. #3
    someday's Avatar
    someday is offline Member
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    Yah its a nice dream....but have you ever worked a farm or ranch??? Man its satisfyingwork but dont think its less work or less to worry fact theres allot more. I bet it feels great when you get done workin for the day and you can say....."I'm done" well you can NEVER do that when you farm or ranch there is no end to work and there certainly isn't that much free time. I'm not yelling or anything but pretty much all of my family is made up of farmers and i myself still own some farm land "though i dont get to work it myself now", I just get tired when i hear pepole say things like this because it seems like there putting down the workthat farmers do and saying its so easy..

  4. #4
    caturpilar's Avatar
    caturpilar is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by someday
    Yah its a nice dream....but have you ever worked a farm or ranch??? Man its satisfyingwork but dont think its less work or less to worry fact theres allot more. I bet it feels great when you get done workin for the day and you can say....."I'm done" well you can NEVER do that when you farm or ranch there is no end to work and there certainly isn't that much free time. I'm not yelling or anything but pretty much all of my family is made up of farmers and i myself still own some farm land "though i dont get to work it myself now", I just get tired when i hear pepole say things like this because it seems like there putting down the workthat farmers do and saying its so easy..
    No doubt its hard work! And long. I remember countless times, me and my oldman would be out from 7am-9pm discing, cutting swags, laying tile. I should mention my dads farm is like 200acres of bottom land. The funny thing, is that me and my dad have a good time, jump on the 4030 with a 12 pack and go all night! Damn now I'm home sick

  5. #5
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    No, I used to farm for my family and i was never happier. Things just seemed to be more in perspective. After being up for 12 hours you knew u had to do it again the next morning. But that never seemed to bother me. I don't know, i guess i just want what i can't have anymore. I know what you are talking about someday... but it came down to the fact that everyone was out of business. We had to sell out everything.
    Last edited by rambo; 09-14-2003 at 08:48 PM.

  6. #6
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    negative, its human nature to progress. i firmly believe all of our technology is "natural"...or at least the natural progress of life and humanity. its what seperates us from animals. intellegence and the offspring of intellegence: technology. without it, we wouldn't be human...

    -- cb

  7. #7
    Farmer's Avatar
    Farmer is offline Member
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    In the field, hunting for poonany
    I read your post bro and I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes I will be hit with the same type of usually reminds me of the little things in life that make it great, and that happiness is most often found from the simplest things.



  8. #8
    realityarts's Avatar
    realityarts is offline Member
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    It would have its own stresses and labor, but it sures seems like it would be much better. I think we got all the stuff we have though, because people keep wanting things to non-primative and manual, but want everything done automatically...

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