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  1. #41
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fouronthefloor
    Just curious as to how everyone handles this topic; it comes up quite a lot and I've always just turned the other way, but now that I'm full of gear, I seem to be letting my temper get away from me... but when another bro WILL NOT stop staring and smiling at you, how do you handle this situation without a 45 lb bar bell being involved; you get me???
    you should stop holding back your true feelings and embrace the fella

    Why do you even let it bother you if you're straight??? I didnt even realize that was a situation??

  2. #42
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fouronthefloor
    Okay... right, then... just got back from working out and sure enough the queen mother was there, on time, like a O' Town alarm clock, asking me to spot her on the flat bench... WTF (I'm saying this in my head) Well anyway, I say... sure bro, be glad to help you out! As we're walking over, I say to him... you know, bro, I'm not gay... not in a mean tempered spirit either... that bitch looks at me, turns blood ass red, and calls me a bitch!!!!!!!! and walks out of the gym proper drama prissy style. He comes back in after about five minutes and proceeds to tell me this was all a horrible joke that had been played on him by one of his mates and he apologized and left.

    Now, my I'm wondering am I in the center of some freaky gay strategy twist shocker??? I think I'm switching gyms bros'
    Well, here is my take on this as a gay guy....

    First of all, you handled it the right way. 99.9% of gay guys won't give you a hard time if you let them know you are straight. I noticed someone earlier posted that maybe you were making eye contact yourself, which made him think that you might be interested. That's one of the hardest parts of being a gay man, is that I think some guys are hot, but I have NO idea if they are gay or not. I am not going to just walk up to them or start staring. I consider it rude and innapropriate. HOWEVER, once you let him know what the deal is, it's pretty much an unwritten rule that he should leave you the fuck alone.

    Anyway, the fact he reacted like that is strange. I live in San Diego where there is a large gay community, and their are gyms that cater to the more feminine crowd that run on the treadmill for hours on end and lift 5 lb dumbbells, but most gyms don't have these types. If he ran out causing drama, is smells like BS to me. Does he actually lift, or is he "cruising" the gym? Sounds more like you got someone with some underlying issues.

    This is why I go to the gym at like 12:30 in the morning, no people around, and I don't have to deal with bullshit. Never mind I am stuck out in BFE Central Texas right now where I think I would get my ass beat leaving the gym if anyone found out I was gay.

    In the end, as far as getting looks goes, you really should take it as a compliment, don't let it get to you. If they leer, don't be afraid to tell them that their looks are getting to you. Most will take it with a gulp of ego and move on. You shouldn't get any shit for it.

  3. #43
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    I don't think I'm homophobic since I've got plenty of gay friends but if some guy was smiling at me while grabbing his crotch I'd be way irked. I don't think that's "gay" behavior, that's "low life" behavior. If a guy behaved like that to a woman in a gym, that's low life behavior too, not "straight".

    Just my opinion.

  4. #44
    Tayman is offline Junior Member
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    I don't see anything wrong with someone looking and admiring your body. I would take it as a compliment. If you don't make eye contact and or look like you in the least bit interested, they shouldn't approach you. Just give them that, "WTF are you looking at" *look* and you shouldn't have any problems.

    I think most straight men are insulted if they are approached by a gay man. I get looks from both sexes, but I have never been approached by a gay man...then again, I may have been without knowing it. (didn't come right out with it, but ask for spots and try to start up conversation...)

  5. #45
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    whatever the guy is doing - what do you care? as long as he isnt touching you, etc - I dont care for people talking to me in the gym much anyway, strait or otherwise.

    I think gay sex is wrong (both sexes) - but if a guy is giving me a wink I tell him Im not interested and thats that - he has his own issues, and certainly thats his or her choice - so why is it your problem? get over yourself.

    of course if he touches you, thats quite different

  6. #46
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fouronthefloor
    That's well offsides, chief; are you having a go at me??? I simply asked a question, to guage how all of my fellow bros' would handle the situation... no need for you to get sideways with me, mate; you get me???

    Hey bro, if my repsonse to his comment offended you, then I apologize. I think from my previous posts in this thread, one is able to realize my conviction on the matter is quite clear. I'm sure the origianl poster meant no implication, and I certainly wasn't affirming the assumption.

  7. #47
    nj juice's Avatar
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    There's this girl at my gym who has a really nice body, face is a little ehhh, you know what i mean. Anyways, weve both caught each other staring b4, but the other day i noticed a lump in her throat-adam's apple? i dont know but now i'm kinda hesitant to look.......

  8. #48
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    It happened to me today,no big deal I just looked away.He wants to look,let 'em.Made me feel good that a young person would even look at an old fart like me,a handsome old fart I might add

  9. #49
    Bigboy123's Avatar
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    Money Boss Hustla "3. When using the can...if you see 4 shoes facing the same way in a stall...RUN!! "


  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy123
    Money Boss Hustla "3. When using the can...if you see 4 shoes facing the same way in a stall...RUN!! "


  11. #51
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fouronthefloor
    Just curious as to how everyone handles this topic; it comes up quite a lot and I've always just turned the other way, but now that I'm full of gear, I seem to be letting my temper get away from me... but when another bro WILL NOT stop staring and smiling at you, how do you handle this situation without a 45 lb bar bell being involved; you get me???
    take it as a complement. He thinks your hot. most gay men have good taste.

  12. #52
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    Worst part of it guys...there's a true story behind the 4 shoes facing forward in a stall.

  13. #53
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Worst part of it guys...there's a true story behind the 4 shoes facing forward in a stall.
    Please share

  14. #54
    Nixter's Avatar
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    I think it's just in the minds of a lot of phobes. I live in Vancouver Canada which has a huge gay population. My gym in particular is probably close to half gay. I am the HUGEST gay magnet yet in the gym, dudes mostly stick to themselves (no pun intended). I chat to a lot of the gay regulars in the gym and they tell me that they sometimes do shit to fuck with the guys who are obviously homophobic. Personally i take it as a compliment anyways, afterall gym fags are usually in pretty good shape so if they're check'n you out then you must be doing something right. Don't sweat it.


  15. #55
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    You May Be Gay If...

    when you hear a knock on the bathroom stall door, you answer, "who's there?oh, come in!!"

  16. #56
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Please share
    Knew a few guy's who were in a pub one night being jackasses to see who could eat the most hot wings. I think they both called a truce after 60 wings when one guy instantly got a wicked nose bleed from being so full. Not only was his nose bleeding he also had to release his indulgances. So here's this guy sitting on a toilet...pants around his ankles taking a monsterous runny shit...his nose is still pouring blood and he has a big wad of toilet paper trying to stop it. He just happened to look at the shoes in the stall next to him. There were 4 shoes standing in the stall. Not only were there 4 shoes...they were all pointing in the same direction. Immediatley he wanted to get out of there...but he had the runs...his nose was pouring blood...basically he wasn't going anywhere. He came out of the bathroom a while later..."Let's get the fuck out of here guys!" Haha!

  17. #57
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Knew a few guy's who were in a pub one night being jackasses to see who could eat the most hot wings. I think they both called a truce after 60 wings when one guy instantly got a wicked nose bleed from being so full. Not only was his nose bleeding he also had to release his indulgances. So here's this guy sitting on a toilet...pants around his ankles taking a monsterous runny shit...his nose is still pouring blood and he has a big wad of toilet paper trying to stop it. He just happened to look at the shoes in the stall next to him. There were 4 shoes standing in the stall. Not only were there 4 shoes...they were all pointing in the same direction. Immediatley he wanted to get out of there...but he had the runs...his nose was pouring blood...basically he wasn't going anywhere. He came out of the bathroom a while later..."Let's get the fuck out of here guys!" Haha!
    LMAO.............Thanks for sharing bro........funny stuff

  18. #58
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
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    I just avoid them all together...It is easy to spot 'em...sock with sandals...and dudes that wear sun-visors. If I see 'em..I just wait in the lounge until they are cleared out. I just do not allow the opportunity for such advances.
    However, if approached, I do not think I would take it seriously! It would seem more like a joke than anything.

  19. #59
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
    It is easy to spot 'em...sock with sandals...and dudes that wear sun-visors.
    I never knew that was a clue that someone is gay.

  20. #60
    pumpseeker's Avatar
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    OK, there's this one dude that walks around the gym, doing laps and does nothing but light sets on the pin loaded machines in between walking up to random strangers and striking up a conversation. He always wears these tight little soccer shorts and sometimes, a see-through mesh jersey. I started getting annoyed with him when he hit on my wife. Then he hit on me! Came up and complimented me on my body and said "you must eat a lot of protein to look that good". I just blew him off and look the other way when he's around but he's always saying hi regardless. Did I mention he's always running around the locker room buck naked? I went in to take a piss one time and come around the corner and the first thing I see is him face front next to the shower, drying his back with the towel while he's sunning everyone else. I'm like oh my god. One time I saw him in there wearing some bikini underwear. And just last week, I go in to get my stuff and leave and guess who's blocking my locker in the buff? Yeah, I had to walk around him to get my things and he starts talking to me, asking about my sneakers. When he realized I was avoiding eye contact with him he holds up one of his sneakers next to his dick and asks if I've ever seen any like his. I tried my best to quickly glance at the shoe and look away but goddamnit if I didn't catch a glimpse! That bastard tricked me into looking. Now I'm scarred for life.
    Last edited by pumpseeker; 10-20-2003 at 08:34 AM.

  21. #61
    New GearGuy's Avatar
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    This thread is too funny!!!!! What's it been now a week or more???

  22. #62
    pumpseeker's Avatar
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    Let's just match "fouronthefloor" up with "BumDart420" and call it a day

  23. #63
    bumdart420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    Let's just match "fouronthefloor" up with "BumDart420" and call it a day
    Anybody who shots juice in their glutes is playing bumdarts, bro! Now get your minds outta mens asses for a minute, will ya?!
    Last edited by bumdart420; 10-20-2003 at 01:33 PM.

  24. #64
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    couldn't i'm not a homophobe...just a sense of humor
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails advances (Gay type) at the gym-gay8.jpg  
    Last edited by tryingtogetbig; 10-20-2003 at 03:48 PM.

  25. #65
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    couldn't i'm not a homophobe...just a sense of humor

    Yeah, very funny.

    Except very few gays are flamboyant like Richard Simmons. But thanks for perpetuating the stereotype anyway. Ha ha ha.


  26. #66
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock

    Yeah, very funny.

    Except very few gays are flamboyant like Richard Simmons. But thanks for perpetuating the stereotype anyway. Ha ha ha.

    You mean not all gay people are just like Richard Simmons??

    Obviously you missed the harm intended...take a chill pill...



  27. #67
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
    I just avoid them all together...It is easy to spot 'em...sock with sandals...and dudes that wear sun-visors. If I see 'em..I just wait in the lounge until they are cleared out. I just do not allow the opportunity for such advances.
    However, if approached, I do not think I would take it seriously! It would seem more like a joke than anything.
    Wow... I must have missed that gay-gram... I don't even own a visor. But socks in sandals is pretty retarded. If someone in San Diego did that they would get laughed at for being dumb, not gay!

    Oh well, just another example how the sterotype representing 2% of gay men lives on...

  28. #68
    bigol'legs's Avatar
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    Richard Simmons IS GAY?!?!?!?

  29. #69
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigol'legs
    Richard Simmons IS GAY?!?!?!?

  30. #70
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    I thought he was just very "upbeat" hehe

  31. #71
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by navydevildoc
    Wow... I must have missed that gay-gram... I don't even own a visor. But socks in sandals is pretty retarded. If someone in San Diego did that they would get laughed at for being dumb, not gay!

    Oh well, just another example how the sterotype representing 2% of gay men lives on...
    what's wrong with wearing socks with sandals...around the house anyway?

    It keeps my feet from sweating...makes my wife real proud to see me like that too!

    We all get stereotyped in some fashion or form. Just because you are gay doesn't mean that I will treat you any different than anyone else. I give lots of people a hard time...why is it any different? If I truly had a problem with someone being gay, I wouldn't be joking abou it.


    Last edited by tryingtogetbig; 10-20-2003 at 09:28 PM.

  32. #72
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    He's gay? I thought he was just a flamer.. you know, like a metrosexual. That totally caught me by surprise. Does anyone have proof of this?

  33. #73
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Why are gay people so sensitive about being gay? If you're gay, fine, shut up about it. I dont go around with shirts that say straight pride and have marches to the fact that i bang bitches and im proud. No one would hate gays if it wasn't thrown in our faces 100 times a day. I call people i dont like fags, not on here but i do it in real life. I'm not PC, im not tolerent to ANYONE just because they're different, but ill tell you this. My old neighborhood was DESTROYED by the gay influx here, and i do mean destroyed. Any sense of morality has gone out the window, there are gay sex shops everywhere, gay bars everywhere, i cant even find a place to grab a drink. This was once a good family neighborhood, now i wouldn't bring a kid there for all the money in the world. Like i said, do what you want in the privacy of your own bedroom, no one else flaunts there beliefs like that. Stop wearing your beliefs on your sleeve and maybe people will stop caring so much about it. But ill tell you this, next time i get held up on mass ave stuck behind 100 marching guys dressed in drag with rainbow flags while i have to get home to take a shit, im plowing throuh with my truck. Bah, call me a homophobe all you want but im not scared of anything. Im just sick of all the whining from all minorities, in fact whining from everyone. Do what you want, live your life but please everyone regardless of your sexual preference, color of your skin or handicap, stop whining cus its not my problem!

  34. #74
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    OK, there's this one dude that walks around the gym, doing laps and does nothing but light sets on the pin loaded machines in between walking up to random strangers and striking up a conversation. He always wears these tight little soccer shorts and sometimes, a see-through mesh jersey. I started getting annoyed with him when he hit on my wife. Then he hit on me! Came up and complimented me on my body and said "you must eat a lot of protein to look that good". I just blew him off and look the other way when he's around but he's always saying hi regardless. Did I mention he's always running around the locker room buck naked? I went in to take a piss one time and come around the corner and the first thing I see is him face front next to the shower, drying his back with the towel while he's sunning everyone else. I'm like oh my god. One time I saw him in there wearing some bikini underwear. And just last week, I go in to get my stuff and leave and guess who's blocking my locker in the buff? Yeah, I had to walk around him to get my things and he starts talking to me, asking about my sneakers. When he realized I was avoiding eye contact with him he holds up one of his sneakers next to his dick and asks if I've ever seen any like his. I tried my best to quickly glance at the shoe and look away but goddamnit if I didn't catch a glimpse! That bastard tricked me into looking. Now I'm scarred for life.
    Hey bro....I think he's on to the fact that your avoiding him on purpose....and now he's just fucking with you

  35. #75
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    Why are gay people so sensitive about being gay? If you're gay, fine, shut up about it. ...... Do what you want, live your life but please everyone regardless of your sexual preference, color of your skin or handicap, stop whining cus its not my problem!
    I don't go around flaunting it at all... it only comes up with me when other people talk about it. It's not that I am sensitive, to be honest, it's usually because I get sick of fighting the incorrect stereotypes people have with gays. 99% of people that know me would never think I was gay... why? I don't fit the stereotype. I don't run around in bikini underwear or act like a drama queen. I am "one of the guys" with all my friends, who don't treat me any different, which is what I want in the first place. I don't consider my sexuality any different than the fact that I have blonde hair and blue eyes. It's part of who i am and nothing more. It would be like someone coming up to you and saying "People who take steroids are assholes who don't care about their bodies and can't control their temper". You probably don't fit the stereotype, but yet they already think that about you. Now have 75% of the people you meet think that, and you start to get the idea.

    I (and many others) are getting sick of the whole gay pride parade deal. It has turned into a sick excuse to see people running around in floss-thick G-strings (or less) and show the news media how weird gay people can be. So instead of showing everyone that I (as a gay guy) am a normal person, they see some guy running around in drag with assless leather chaps on. Great. If I was behind a pride parade in a truck, my foot would be on the pedal too bro.

    It's strange to hear about your neighborhood... here in San Diego, Hillcrest, the gay district, is one of the cleanest, most well kept parts of the city. It has all the places to eat, lots of shops, and great houses.

  36. #76
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    I'm glad you feel the same way... and you're right, you dont fit the stereotype. All i know is in my old apartment my upstairs neighbor had a rainbow flag hanging from his deck almost overlapping mine so i'd wake up to it every morning and wonder where i was.

  37. #77
    bigol'legs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    I'm glad you feel the same way... and you're right, you dont fit the stereotype. All i know is in my old apartment my upstairs neighbor had a rainbow flag hanging from his deck almost overlapping mine so i'd wake up to it every morning and wonder where i was.
    didnt that flag match your sheets and couch covering (I better put that wink in there for ya )

  38. #78
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by navydevildoc
    It's strange to hear about your neighborhood... here in San Diego, Hillcrest, the gay district, is one of the cleanest, most well kept parts of the city. It has all the places to eat, lots of shops, and great houses.
    It's the same in NYC. The gay neighborhoods are some of the nicest most expensive areas to live in. Chelsea, The Village and so on.

  39. #79
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    The village is disgusting. I hate NYC.

  40. #80
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    The village is disgusting. I hate NYC.
    I don't like the village either. But it's gay, and "everyone" wants to live there.

    It sounds like you pretty much hate everything.

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