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  1. #81
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy123
    U like that amateur drunk night... THere are a bunch of those...
    There are a lot of those nights...however, these two nights are the nights that the inexperienced drink and get out of hand...this is probably the reason Big Texan always got into fights... so that is why I classify it as Amateur Drunk night...

  2. #82
    Bigboy123's Avatar
    Bigboy123 is offline Senior Member
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    Far East Coast...
    I like that amatuer drunk night... Def remember that one... I hate dumb drunks who cant hold there booze and the guys that try to prove somthing to the world.... I have no sympothy for these kind of people... I should just stay home but I wont...

  3. #83
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboy123
    Ive done both... I just ignore people when they make stupid coments... BUt im not the biggest asshole in the world.....
    I think its just funny how people go on power trips because of who they r... Like Jersey cops at the shore for example...
    I am also not an a-hole, just polite and quick to the point. No beating around the bush. The power trip thing is a psychological phenomemnon and there's a name for it, maybe there's psych major on board who can elaborate more on it but I have heard prof's say that people who take jobs like District Attorny are likely to have been a pee-on much of their adolescent life. Some interenting stuff, no doubt.

    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Money talks thats for ugly as hell and I get into all the good clubs on southbeach
    Mass, you wear that hat out and you an your crew get in anywhere I work for free, any night of the week.

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