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  1. #1
    USfighterFC's Avatar
    USfighterFC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well here's the AR crew and Hoss's mom in the chat......BIG MISTAKE

    Hoss's mom proceeds to come in the room to chat with us and gets a dose of medicine a little to strong for her

    USFighterFC1 : big man
    Irish™ : HE'S BACK!
    VvFROSTvV : the musle man
    USFighterFC1 : **** hoss i better run
    Irish™ : THE MAN MOUNTAIN.
    Danielle9401 : nah boyfriends there right now
    Hoss827 : sorry this is the mother
    whiteykauai : haha
    USFighterFC1 : oh
    IMTonyStarks : you have to put BACK in caps when referrin to hoss
    Danielle9401 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : hey mrs.hoss
    Hoss827 : he'll be back later
    Irish™ : Woo Hoo... Hotlips
    Hitman : hi mom
    VvFROSTvV : i'm getin my keys, with calves that big, he can out run a car
    USFighterFC1 : yeah the MOM!!!!1
    Danielle9401 : omg
    whiteykauai : dare i say milf
    Hitman : what are you wearing mom?
    USFighterFC1 : mrs. hoss you think i'm hot??
    Irish™ : HOSSzilla
    qbhunter : lol at irish
    VvFROSTvV : its true
    Hoss827 : yes youre all hot lol
    Irish™ : Especially me
    IMTonyStarks : im a stallion!
    USFighterFC1 : i'm hotter
    Irish™ : See my hammer is yellow!
    VvFROSTvV : nope, no onve hotter than me
    USFighterFC1 : hey leave your b/f and come to NY
    whiteykauai : hoss is saying all of us guys are hott
    qbhunter : i'm hung 8====================D like a horse like me?
    Hoss827 : i dunno anyone in here tho lol
    USFighterFC1 : you saw my pic
    USFighterFC1 : i was in uniform
    Danielle9401 : i didnt see ur pic
    Danielle9401 : send it to me
    IMTonyStarks : well lets get to know eachother
    Irish™ : Is Hoss really gay. He said so here when he was smoking crack in his room last night?
    Hoss827 : i saw it
    USFighterFC1 : it was on my como from NY
    USFighterFC1 : comp
    Hoss827 : its nice
    Danielle9401 : o ok
    USFighterFC1 : thank you
    USFighterFC1 : hot right?
    USFighterFC1 : j/k
    Hoss827 : welcs
    VvFROSTvV : brb in 5 peoples
    Hoss827 : sure lol
    USFighterFC1 : i'm a younging though
    Hitman : hoss had a rather vivid dream last night he was sharing with us , i dont think its my place to give details but it had you in it (mom Hoss) and he woke up wet i think he needs help
    Irish™ : Hoss said you told him its ok to smoke crack after his homework is done?
    USFighterFC1 : but i'm willing to learn if your the teacher
    8VvFROSTvV is away.
    Hoss827 : omg hitman lol
    USFighterFC1 : lmao hitman
    USFighterFC1 : LMFAO
    Hitman : plastic blnakey for little HOSS
    Hoss827 : my son does no drugs. if i caught him doing those his ass would be grass
    USFighterFC1 : hitman that was the funniest thing i've heard in a while
    IMTonyStarks : he likes to smoke grass
    qbhunter : he said it was ok animals do it in nature all the time
    USFighterFC1 : yeah hoss has a marijuana problem
    USFighterFC1 : talk to him about it
    Hoss827 : logans doing pot?
    Irish™ : Is sniffing glue considered "doing drugs" because he said he loves 'Evo-stick" !!!
    USFighterFC1 : big time
    IMTonyStarks : im surprised you havent smelled it on his clothes
    whiteykauai : yea
    Hitman : LOGAN lmfao .....AHEM YES HE IS MAM
    whiteykauai : he is a big time
    whiteykauai : stoner
    USFighterFC1 : he was asking me for crystal meth too
    Hoss827 : r u serious?
    IMTonyStarks : not about the meth
    USFighterFC1 : he's building a lab out in the woods
    IMTonyStarks : the rest yeah
    Hoss827 : my family used to do pot. so i think id smell it on him but i better check..
    Irish™ : And he sniff's ladies knickers too.
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    Hoss827 : wow
    Hitman : check his boxer drawers thats where he keeps the drug money
    Danielle9401 : lol oh godddd
    Hoss827 : lol!
    USFighterFC1 : yeah nobidy ever wants to go there
    IMTonyStarks : hoss isnt dieting hes spending his lunch money on pot
    whiteykauai : yea
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : its true
    whiteykauai : thats why he isnt getting any thinner
    USFighterFC1 : thats why he's been eating so much
    Hitman : dont be suprised i you find some of your panties in that drawer though
    qbhunter : lol
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    Hitman : hes a sick sick puppy
    USFighterFC1 : hoss also did tell us he likes to try on your clothes when your not home
    Hoss827 : im in his room
    Hitman : and all sick puppies need to be put down
    qbhunter : lol
    USFighterFC1 : we had a few serious discusions about this
    Hoss827 : oh god
    Hoss827 : lol
    IMTonyStarks : did you find his gay porn?
    USFighterFC1 : in fact i think he said he's wearing one of your bras right now
    Hoss827 : yes hes eating me out of house and home but at least hes benefiting from it i think
    Hitman : he also said he likes to sneak your dildo out when you go shopping and clean it with his tongue
    USFighterFC1 : its the pot
    USFighterFC1 : and meth
    Irish™ : checkout the tampons in his bin, he has a vampire fixations. Calls them his "Dracula's tea-bags"
    qbhunter : AHHH
    Hoss827 : excuse me? i dont own one of those
    IMTonyStarks : the meth will get ya every time
    Hitman : thats not what he said
    Hitman : or was it really his? hmmmmmm the plot thickens
    USFighterFC1 : lamo
    IMTonyStarks : he said you use one in the personal ad he posted
    Hoss827 : lol
    8VvFROSTvV has returned.
    qbhunter : you got one of the two-headed ones?? if not, you should pick one up
    IMTonyStarks : yeah qb like s in the ass
    Hoss827 : well im gonna go now
    VvFROSTvV : ^ just nasty
    Hoss827 : bye
    USFighterFC1 : no dont go mrs hoss
    Hitman : yeah pm MASS JUNKIE he'll hook ya up
    qbhunter : lol
    8Hoss827 has left the conversation.
    USFighterFC1 : talk to him about the pot!!!!!!!!!!1
    whiteykauai : hahah
    USFighterFC1 : ****
    whiteykauai : oh man
    VvFROSTvV : hahaha
    IMTonyStarks : too late
    IMTonyStarks : lol
    Hitman : something we said?

  2. #2
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Nov 2001
    You forgot to include the 'Your huge' 30 minutes!..

    People this chat was the funniest thing I've ever experienced on the internet. Hitman was pure gold here, comedy at its best.

  3. #3
    bornbad71's Avatar
    bornbad71 is offline Anabolic Member
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  4. #4
    Devourer's Avatar
    Devourer is offline Senior Member
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    Irish™ : Hoss thinks he's huge now. When he comes in we all tell him how big he's looking, ok?
    IMTonyStarks : football!
    USFighterFC1 : i have no idea how that game is played
    whiteykauai : NLS
    8Hoss827 has joined the conversation.
    whiteykauai : NLS
    Hoss827 : haha
    Irish™ : 13-19 Hit
    USFighterFC1 : what up hoss
    Hoss827 : **** lots of em in here
    Hoss827 : Not much bro, how are you?
    Irish™ : Hoss!
    Hitman : i wonder what the papers say lol must be funny
    Irish™ : Hoss what you weight now mate?
    USFighterFC1 : hoss you look ****in huge in those pics
    VvFROSTvV : yeah he does
    Hoss827 : Was 177, now im about 175-174
    Hoss827 : nahh
    Irish™ : ****, Huge man
    Hoss827 : im a piece of ****
    USFighterFC1 : dude the cutting is working
    IMTonyStarks : yeah really startin to lean out
    Hoss827 : i guess
    Hoss827 : lol
    IMTonyStarks : can see alot more muscle now
    Irish™ : Cutting sometimes makes people look bigger.
    USFighterFC1 : it looks like it gave you so much more size
    VvFROSTvV : specially in the back
    Hoss827 : I jus think my back is growing
    Hoss827 : LOL
    Hoss827 : I wore the beater because I HAD NO BACK!!!! lol
    USFighterFC1 : yeah asshole that back shot puts mine to shame
    Irish™ : Is your cock bigger without the tummy hanging out?
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    Hoss827 : oh it does not
    Hoss827 : its bigger with it hanging out
    Hoss827 : LOL
    Hoss827 : still bigger hahaha
    qbhunter : lol
    USFighterFC1 : i dont get it
    Hoss827 : doh!
    Hitman : so your piss doesnt trickle outta the folds now?
    USFighterFC1 : there is some cake here
    Hoss827 : of course
    USFighterFC1 : should i go eat it?
    IMTonyStarks : so did you start juicin or somethin hoss?
    Irish™ : When I seen the back shot I thought 'Brock Lessner'
    whiteykauai : yea
    Hoss827 : brock lessner, lol
    USFighterFC1 : lmao bouncer
    Hoss827 : **** i wish hhahaa
    whiteykauai : i just cook 2 lbs of ground beef
    IMTonyStarks : JUICER!
    whiteykauai : 80% lean
    Hoss827 : I have 25 cans tuna
    Hoss827 :
    VvFROSTvV : u juiceing?
    Hoss827 : Last me for 5 days
    Irish™ : Are you using MescleTech Hoss?
    USFighterFC1 : hoss i thought you weren't juicing till you were older
    USFighterFC1 : nobody can get that big that fast
    IMTonyStarks : lol@martin
    VvFROSTvV : must be A bombs
    Hoss827 : I'm using celltech
    Hoss827 : lolllllll
    IMTonyStarks : celltech and abombs
    USFighterFC1 : dude thats nuts
    Hoss827 : The pics are 2 months apart, thats alotta time
    IMTonyStarks : that wont put on any water weight at least
    Hoss827 : celltech is the ****, lmfao
    USFighterFC1 : i dont wanna meet you in my fights
    Hoss827 : =-O
    Irish™ : Die-BIG... die-YOUNG... die-ANABOL
    Hoss827 : i remember that saying
    Irish™ :
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    Hoss827 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : hoss man i mean you really look good]
    VvFROSTvV : deisle
    Irish™ : Hoss you must have monster quads now?
    USFighterFC1 : yeah bro
    Hoss827 : ****, my girls gonna me in atlanta til ppostponed :-/
    IMTonyStarks : yeah startin to take after the ma!
    Hoss827 : she saw the back shots
    Hoss827 : and was like is that you in the other pic?
    Hoss827 : lol
    Hoss827 : im like well yeah, its 2 months apart goofus
    Irish™ : We seen her back door shots!
    Hoss827 :
    Hoss827 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : dude i thought it was someone else to
    USFighterFC1 : i was like no way thats hoss
    IMTonyStarks : i think i have to take my back pic down now im embarrassed
    Hoss827 : yeah right
    Hoss827 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : starks bro get rid of that ****
    Irish™ : rightly so AD
    qbhunter : i thougt it was...RICK JAMS BITCH!!!
    Hoss827 : you guys are just trying to encourage me, lol
    USFighterFC1 : there's a new back in town
    qbhunter : James
    Hoss827 : Rick JAMES! lol
    Hoss827 : i still cant do the standing lat spread
    Irish™ : Hoss I think the guys are serious.
    VvFROSTvV : really though, huge
    IMTonyStarks : **** that was cold blooded!
    USFighterFC1 : its ok hoss your lats are so wide
    Hoss827 : i hope they get wider
    VvFROSTvV : that they are
    USFighterFC1 : they;re wide enough
    USFighterFC1 : you look like you got wings they're so big
    Hoss827 : lmao, like franco columbu LOL
    IMTonyStarks : he doesnt want to be able to put his arms down at all now
    Irish™ : Hoss, looks like you could fly with those lats.
    Hoss827 : the bat hahaha
    USFighterFC1 : yeah whoever that is
    whiteykauai : haha
    8VvFROSTvV has left the conversation.
    8VvFROSTvV has joined the conversation.
    IMTonyStarks : hoss=aaron baker
    USFighterFC1 : hoss that back shot man i thought it was someone from wwe
    Hoss827 : lmaooooooooo
    Hoss827 : too much guys lol
    Hoss827 : I just do pullups, seated cable rows, and t-bar rows and thats about it right now
    IMTonyStarks : no way
    Hoss827 : 4 sets of each
    Hoss827 : maybe 3
    USFighterFC1 : what 1,000 pounds worth?
    IMTonyStarks : i really must be overtrainin
    Hoss827 : no lol
    VvFROSTvV : ''i just do'' so thats good, you admit your ****in huge
    IMTonyStarks : i havent made progress like that in years!
    Hoss827 : i think its just because i cut back on the fat from bulking
    VvFROSTvV : you sure your not spikeing your protine?
    USFighterFC1 : hoss i been working out for years and you just put me to shame
    IMTonyStarks : so cutttin back the fats made you huge?
    USFighterFC1 : i'll never work out again
    Hoss827 : lol
    Hoss827 : i think cutting makes some people look bigger
    IMTonyStarks : keep your head up fighter
    Hoss827 : my friend Slavic,
    IMTonyStarks : we all cant be hoss
    qbhunter : jeez..thanks a lot i can never post my pics!!!
    Hoss827 : he has 14 inch arms
    USFighterFC1 : i know
    Hoss827 : they look about 17
    Hoss827 : because theyre so cut
    Hoss827 : mine are bigger, but his still look bigger
    USFighterFC1 : hoss i'm gonna make a poster out of that pic and hang it on my wall as inspiration
    Hoss827 : lolllllllllll
    IMTonyStarks : you have 17's or 18's hoss?
    Hoss827 : 15's lol
    IMTonyStarks : no way
    VvFROSTvV : they look like 18's
    Hoss827 : tony when are you gonna post pics?
    IMTonyStarks : i think you need to remeasure
    IMTonyStarks : i have posted pics
    Hoss827 : theyre 15
    Hoss827 : oh the ones of your back?
    IMTonyStarks : i have lots on there
    Irish™ : Buy a new tape measure hoss, those measurements have to be wrong.
    Hoss827 : ive seen ones of your back, but thats about it
    IMTonyStarks : yeah some tape m,easures dont start for the first inch
    USFighterFC1 : hoss i wouldnt want to meet you in a back alley
    Hoss827 : Chest: 43 inches. Arms 15 inches, calves 16 inches, quads 24 inches
    USFighterFC1 : i'd give you my wallet and run
    Hoss827 : 33 inch waist :-/
    Hoss827 : no you would push me down and id be like oh **** here ill give you my money instead
    Hoss827 : lol
    Irish™ : Hoss, you'll have to get a 'WIDE LOAD' sign soon.
    USFighterFC1 : 22 inches or meters
    USFighterFC1 : 33
    Hoss827 : inches :-/
    Hoss827 : maybe 32 now i havent checked
    USFighterFC1 : hoss your intimidating as all hell
    Hoss827 : my pants are getting loose
    USFighterFC1 : i'll never say a bad word about you
    USFighterFC1 : probably cuz you stretched the waist line with your huge waist

    IMTonyStarks : lol
    Hoss827 : lol
    Irish™ : Both full of **** you mean USF, lol
    Hoss827 : He got hit with a brick this time =-O
    IMTonyStarks : hoss you get that DC stuff?
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : yeah i brick
    8Irish™ has made VvFROSTvV a Host.
    USFighterFC1 : how funny is that
    Hoss827 : Yeah i did bro, thanks a ton Tony
    Hoss827 : im gonna start using it monday
    Irish™ : Sorry Hoss, we can't make you a host.
    Irish™ : Your too young
    Hoss827 : Underage :-/
    qbhunter : yes
    USFighterFC1 : yeah
    Hoss827 : Frost is underage
    Hoss827 : lol
    qbhunter : i have told him many times
    8RockyX85 has joined the conversation.
    USFighterFC1 : frost is older than you
    Hoss827 : so?
    Irish™ : But Frost isn't gay, you are.
    USFighterFC1 : he gets to have one
    Hoss827 : hes still underage
    IMTonyStarks : frost just turned 18
    8qbhunter has made RockyX85 a Host.
    USFighterFC1 : LMAO
    Hoss827 : I'm not gay lol
    Irish™ : You said on IBB you were.
    VvFROSTvV : yup, 18 now
    Hitman : yes you are
    RockyX85 : sup guys
    IMTonyStarks : hoss=
    USFighterFC1 : bouncer i just burst out laughing and the whole place looked at me
    Hoss827 : **** guys, i gotta eat, bbl
    USFighterFC1 : su rocky
    8Hoss827 is away.
    Hitman : wheres the pics of that skank you were tapping the other week
    Irish™ : Who's ****ing Rocky ?
    USFighterFC1 : another horse hoss?
    8qbhunter has made RockyX85 a Participant.
    Hitman : your ****ing rocky
    USFighterFC1 : thats your third one today
    RockyX85 : who's ****ing me?
    RockyX85 : lol
    qbhunter : lol
    RockyX85 : I'm lost
    USFighterFC1 : hitman
    USFighterFC1 : he'll **** anything
    RockyX85 : ****
    Hitman : then its fighter

    USFighterFC1 : he;s got his sheep
    qbhunter : yes he will
    Hitman : then irish
    IMTonyStarks : only if its in a barn
    VvFROSTvV : he might be
    USFighterFC1 : yeah gotta get that animal feeling
    Hitman : keep ya ****in hands off my sheep
    USFighterFC1 : hoss is also gay
    Irish™ : Hoss should take up WWE or MMA. With that size he'll beat down anyone soon.

    USFighterFC1 : bro i wouldnt want to fight him
    RockyX85 : hold up where are these pics at?
    VvFROSTvV : they are seriously lookin alike
    USFighterFC1 : he'd make me look like a novice
    IMTonyStarks : hoss is jacked
    qbhunter : some1 link me to bdtr's pic i never seen it
    Irish™ : Hoss must be up to his bollox in juice.
    IMTonyStarks : i think hes lyin about only havin 15';s
    USFighterFC1 : i'm a pro fighter and he'd make me cry
    IMTonyStarks : probably 20's
    USFighterFC1 : yeah man
    Irish™ : easy
    USFighterFC1 : at least
    RockyX85 : where are his pics?
    qbhunter : lol
    VvFROSTvV : i boxed for years, Had an almost perfect wrestleing season, had my share of fighting, and i'd just run from him
    USFighterFC1 : on a pro bodybuilsing website
    Irish™ : )====[//////////////}------------------
    USFighterFC1 : same here frost
    IMTonyStarks : hes a manimal
    Irish™ : [][][]==========[][][]
    RockyX85 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : lol
    IMTonyStarks : its scary
    USFighterFC1 : clever bouncer
    qbhunter : 8========D
    qbhunter : hehe
    VvFROSTvV : lol
    RockyX85 : ah ****
    USFighterFC1 : hunter you sick ****
    Irish™ : ( o )
    whiteykauai : 8=========================)
    qbhunter : ****
    qbhunter : lol
    Irish™ : ( o ) << Hoss's ass after Mass gets him
    USFighterFC1 : thats bigger than mine
    VvFROSTvV :
    8Danielle9401 has joined the conversation.
    qbhunter : more like this
    VvFROSTvV : well thats just wrong
    IMTonyStarks : (_)O(_)
    qbhunter : ****
    VvFROSTvV : lol
    USFighterFC1 : i have no idea whats going on
    Danielle9401 : full house
    Danielle9401 : hey guys
    IMTonyStarks : howdy
    Irish™ : Full mouth!
    VvFROSTvV : Hey
    8RockyX85 has left the conversation.
    8Irish™ has made Danielle9401 a Host.
    USFighterFC1 : bouncer the perv
    Danielle9401 : lol thanks
    qbhunter : whoa hey lady in the house put the penises and ass holes away lol
    Danielle9401 : i felt left out without a hammer
    USFighterFC1 : oh jee
    USFighterFC1 : z
    8Hoss827 has left the conversation.
    USFighterFC1 : good hes gone
    Danielle9401 : lol hoss left
    IMTonyStarks : doh
    USFighterFC1 : we can stop with the bull****
    Danielle9401 : and he wasnt kicked out?
    Irish™ : lol, bwahahahaha. That was hilarious
    Danielle9401 : lol
    USFighterFC1 : lmao it was
    Hitman : you almost had me believing
    VvFROSTvV : that was seriously one of the most funnyest thingd i ever seen
    Danielle9401 : whatd i miss?
    USFighterFC1 : aww man he was so happy
    IMTonyStarks : you mean you werent serious?
    USFighterFC1 : we were all saying how huge hoss got
    IMTonyStarks : he had to pick up on it
    VvFROSTvV : ''yeah but your gay'' lmao
    USFighterFC1 : and made a big deal about it for 20 minutes
    Danielle9401 : lol and he believed u all?
    Irish™ : He's gone to the mirror for a pose down with himself!
    USFighterFC1 : and he got so happy
    USFighterFC1 : yeah
    qbhunter : no, he bught it
    Danielle9401 : lol
    whiteykauai : im so happy
    USFighterFC1 : it was funny
    Last edited by anadrol devourer; 03-07-2004 at 09:19 AM.

  5. #5
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    If that was really her and not hoss that's just wrong.

  6. #6
    Devourer's Avatar
    Devourer is offline Senior Member
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    hoss's response

    USFighterFC1 : talk to him about the pot!!!!!!!!!!1
    whiteykauai : hahah
    USFighterFC1 : ****
    whiteykauai : oh man
    VvFROSTvV : hahaha
    IMTonyStarks : too late
    IMTonyStarks : lol
    Hitman : something we said?
    USFighterFC1 : oh man i was laughing so hard
    IMTonyStarks : she had to go lecture him on drugs
    VvFROSTvV : bastart deserves every last word
    Irish™ : The dildo cleaning was ****ing classic.
    USFighterFC1 : lmao hitman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    USFighterFC1 : hitman bro you are ****ing hilarious
    Hitman : i try
    USFighterFC1 : dude i'm crying over here
    Danielle9401 : why is he stupid enought to tell his mother to come in here
    IMTonyStarks : and hoss NO dildo licking anymore
    Hitman : cause its him
    Irish™ : I woke my wife up laughing, think I'll shag her now.
    qbhunter : that was him
    USFighterFC1 : i have no idea
    USFighterFC1 : but that was so ****in funny
    Hitman : bouncder take pics
    qbhunter : lol
    USFighterFC1 : oh man
    Irish™ : The was 'dildo licking good'.
    USFighterFC1 : hitman you killed me
    Hitman : lol
    USFighterFC1 : "something we said"
    USFighterFC1 : lmao
    USFighterFC1 : the plot thickens
    USFighterFC1 : god**** man
    IMTonyStarks : hoss is gonna get grounded
    Irish™ : Hoss says: shes going ****ing nuts
    8Hoss827 has joined the conversation.
    whiteykauai : hahah
    USFighterFC1 : hey hoss
    USFighterFC1 : hows it hanging
    Hoss827 : The hell did you guys sa y to my mom?
    IMTonyStarks : whats up
    Irish™ : Hoss or Mom ?
    whiteykauai : hahah
    USFighterFC1 : nothin
    Hoss827 : shes going ape****
    IMTonyStarks : about what
    USFighterFC1 : we were being nice
    Danielle9401 : why do u tell ur mother to come in here hoss?
    Irish™ : Your Mom is hilarious.
    Danielle9401 : you deserve it now
    USFighterFC1 : your mom is great
    IMTonyStarks : she was just getting hit on
    USFighterFC1 : we almost got all of her clothes off
    Hoss827 : ok well i come back here and outa nowhere she asks "have you been smoking pot?"
    Irish™ : She said she caught you licking her dildo.
    Hoss827 : im like no wtf?
    USFighterFC1 : hoss have you
    qbhunter : she told us bout the time you ate dog-**** thinkong it was a chocolate bar
    Hoss827 : hell no
    USFighterFC1 : she may have smlled it on you
    Hoss827 : i dont do pot though
    IMTonyStarks : hoss do you need to talk to us about something?
    Hitman : hoss you left a tide mark on her **** stick
    USFighterFC1 : hoss why would she think that
    IMTonyStarks : have you been smoking pot?
    USFighterFC1 : hoss go get her
    USFighterFC1 : let us talk to her
    Hoss827 : Maybe because some ****tard in here told her i was on drugs?
    USFighterFC1 : we'll clear this all up
    Hoss827 : no way
    Hoss827 : im outta hear, **** this ****
    USFighterFC1 : i promise
    8Hoss827 has left the conversation.
    USFighterFC1 : stop smoking pot
    USFighterFC1 : ****
    Hitman : hoss give me home phone number ill clear this up for you
    IMTonyStarks : LOL
    USFighterFC1 : twice
    IMTonyStarks : OMG
    Hitman : dont trust this other lot
    Hitman : im your friend
    IMTonyStarks : that is ****in hilarious
    Hitman :
    IMTonyStarks : you missed him hit!
    Hitman : little ****
    Irish™ : Guys, this has been the funniest 30 minutes I've spent on the internet

  7. #7
    USfighterFC's Avatar
    USfighterFC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah the hoss licking his moms dildo thing out her over the edge
    Last edited by USfighterFC; 03-06-2004 at 09:38 PM.

  8. #8
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be

  9. #9
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    I would almost offer up some commments afetr reading the text but looks like Hoss has done it again and I can only imagine this thread will be I'll save my post for a few days, if this thread is still around....which I seriously doubt lol.

  10. #10
    Hitman's Avatar
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    Was it something i said?.............Hitman

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    SV-1's Avatar
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    I know he was a pain but this is just sooooooo f*cked up!

  13. #13
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    i might have to go to the chat room... that was great...

  14. #14
    Testify's Avatar
    Testify is offline Senior Member
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    Dear Lord . . . I am speechless.

  15. #15
    PurePower is offline Senior Member
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  16. #16
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Seriously, I woke up this morning laughing about the chatroom last night. It was seriously the funniest thing I've ever experienced on the internet. I can't put it into words, I'll never forget Hitman from last night, oh man. chico I doubt this will be locked man.

  17. #17
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Haha morons

  18. #18
    USfighterFC's Avatar
    USfighterFC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah man hitman killed me....i couldnt have laughed any harder.....everything that came out of his mouth was pure genious

  19. #19
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Nov 2001
    Tell you what. I was sitting down stairs awhile back and suddenly coughed into my tea laughing, everyone was wondering "Whats up with Martin"!! They thought I'd gone mad, suddenly breaking out in spontanious laughter!.

  20. #20
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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  21. #21
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    you guys are horrible. If that was my kid I'd toss his computer out the window after that and never let him back in that room.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Man I got yo check out that chat room more often


  23. #23
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    hahah that is to much lol

  24. #24
    daman1's Avatar
    daman1 is offline Diet Specialist
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    beatin it up...
    Lmfaoooooooo!!!!! I Laughed So Hard I Farted Right Next To My G/f's Head As Shes Sitting Next To The Chair...

  25. #25
    ttuPrincess Guest

    To those who tortured Hoss's mom

    All of you little devils in the chat last night with "Hot Mama"

    anyone who talks to hoss on AIM or MSN notice the little tiker has not been on all day???

    My bet is his mom got pissed and took his computer away.... GOOD JOB

    Maybe he'll get some homework done now.

    And IMO that was hillarious!!!!She's propbably still got her mouth hanging open in shock from what you boys said to her....BAD BAD get in line for spankings!!!!!

  26. #26
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    Saw him on msn for about 5 min. Poor Hoss.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  27. #27
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Irish™ : checkout the tampons in his bin, he has a vampire fixations. Calls them his "Dracula's tea-bags"

    bad boy........
    The answer to your every question


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  28. #28
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Bumping an classic. Still the funniest time I've had on the internet!.

  29. #29
    BUBBA74 is offline Senior Member
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    "Dracula's tea-bags"

    That was like the funniest thing ive seen in awhile.

  30. #30
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada eh
    lmfao hahahahha

  31. #31
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Btw for the idiots. I'm 'Irish™' in the chat. I must set up that chatroom again, anyone interested?.

  32. #32
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Btw for the idiots. I'm 'Irish™' in the chat. I must set up that chatroom again, anyone interested?.
    Hell yes lol.. then I can get in fights with LOZ

  33. #33
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Hell yes lol.. then I can get in fights with LOZ

    I'll work on it later.

  34. #34
    Prime's Avatar
    Prime is offline Naturally perfect
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    I'll work on it later.
    sounds good man

  35. #35
    BUBBA74 is offline Senior Member
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    Your Mom's House
    Bump For Entertainment Purposes!!!

  36. #36
    Slick Arrado is offline Member
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    A classic thread. :spudniklu

  37. #37
    Psychotron's Avatar
    Psychotron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hmm, nvm old thread. That is some funny ****.

  38. #38
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bumping this for the new members..

    Hey Hoss.. you remember this?

  39. #39
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    BEST bump ever goes to NARK baby... this brings back great LOLsss....hahaha

  40. #40
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    made my day....freaking amazing lol

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