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  1. #1
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Why isn't More Hell Raised Over This

    You'd think this would scare and/or concern enough people to warrant just a tad more news coverage, don't ya think?

  2. #2
    bermich's Avatar
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    This country is turning into shlt. In 20 years, everything will be for public viewing. Nothing in life will be private. That one post where the FBI entered a guys house and tapped into his computer to get his password is going too far. We can stall it for awhile but the wiretapping and surveillance laws eventually get worked into play. A small piece here, another at a later time.
    It was cameras at intersections: Hey, thats a great idea. Lets install them everywhere.
    So much for the land of the free when our homes can be violated without search warrants.

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I feel for you guys

  4. #4
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Not to turn this into a discussion of American culture and it's apparent apathetic deterioration into a police-state, but the fact that this story isn't generating more press and/or making more ripples says a GREAT deal about how complacent and ignorant the American populace has become in this regard. Almost makes me pine for the images of the late 60's when people seemed to at the very least *want* to give a ****.

  5. #5
    Tock's Avatar
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    Y'know, you mention something like this to most Republicans, and they get angry. Nevertheless, when it comes time to vote, they opt to re-elect the folks who take away their civil rights. God help 'em if they should ever vote for a goddam "Liberal!"

    Most voters are average . . . and average, these days, ain't much to crow about.

  6. #6
    bitta's Avatar
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    My wife recently asked me,"what is the BIG difference between republicans and democrats?" I didnt know how to answer I said, just know this,republicans will CHANGE our constitution to keep those in power and money in place as long as possible ,democrats seem to just care more about the average person,the majority. This is absolutly amazing that we have given up countless rights over the past decade and for what? To combat terrorism? I think our freedom being taken and our money squandered on weapons and deployments is proof enough that the terrorists have already won. I saw a great sticker the other day...Orwell Cheney 04' thoughts exactly,and btw why even campaign goerge? You will cheat anyway,stole the last one.
    Last edited by bitta; 03-17-2004 at 08:46 AM.

  7. #7
    Tock's Avatar
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    Check out the thread I started in the Lounge about the
    Constitution Restoration Act of 2004 . . . if that doesn't loosen a pound of phlegm, nothing will . . .

  8. #8
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
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    Sorry I don't buy it... I don't believe the republicans want to take our rights. The democrats care more about the people? pffft please! The democrats are the ones that are all about taking our rights. Who do you think wants to take our right of owning fire arms away? The democrats! All the liberal judges that are in power, which were appointed during the Clinton admistration are the ones passing laws that are slowing eroding the peoples rights. I think what some of the democrats have in mind for our country is just **** scary. I love hearing the democrats say oh we shouldn’t have attacked Iraq. Ok, gee, let’s leave Iraq and other terrorists harboring countries alone, because if we leave them alone they will leave us alone. Where is the logic in that? And that is the message the democrats want us to believe. The democrats want us to believe that we were wrong for attacking Sadam, because after all, we didn’t find any weapons of mass destruction. Can you really trust someone that has no regard for human life? Will those groups never attack us if we stay out of their country? NO! Fact is, the terrorists have no morals and can’t ever be trusted. You can’t take a passive stance and allow the terrorists and terrorists harboring countries to believe they have accploished exactly what they set out to do, which is terrorize others. To think that just leaving them alone will make the problem go away is very delusional. And that seems to be the main argument the democrats are using against Bush. Regardless if you agree with that I have said, or not, I have the freedom to say what I want, which is what our country was based upon. And personally, I am going to vote for the party, and President I believe will keep my freedoms intact. And will work to protect my freedom against terrorists and countries that harbor terrorists groups.

  9. #9
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CarbonCopy
    Sorry I don't buy it... I don't believe the republicans want to take our rights. .

    Then you haven't read up on the implications of that happy little piece of legislation sponsored by a bunch of Republicans. You really owe it to yourself to check this out.

  10. #10
    bitta's Avatar
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    I dont even want to get started on the Iraq mess the current republican administration started. Agreed Saddam was an @$$hole but the world isnt ours to be "policed" the fact about that and terrorism is that there was no weapons of mass destruction,the whole reason we went inthe first place, then bush had to parlay that into ":the world is better off w/o him in power" well who would argue that? The fact is he said we are going to find something that he had evidence off and after many of our own soldiers died we found out plain and simple that bush lied,though he tried to recover and change his reason for being over there he still lied,and people died because of it. I also must say that since we went there the country has seen terrorist acts at a rate 500% higher than ever in Iraq . Hate to break it to you but if you think that this administration is slowing or stopping terrorism you are totally wrong It has gotten worse because of this administration.

  11. #11
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    I dont even want to get started on the Iraq mess the current republican administration started. Agreed Saddam was an @$$hole but the world isnt ours to be "policed" the fact about that and terrorism is that there was no weapons of mass destruction,the whole reason we went inthe first place, then bush had to parlay that into ":the world is better off w/o him in power" well who would argue that? The fact is he said we are going to find something that he had evidence off and after many of our own soldiers died we found out plain and simple that bush lied,though he tried to recover and change his reason for being over there he still lied,and people died because of it. I also must say that since we went there the country has seen terrorist acts at a rate 500% higher than ever in Iraq . Hate to break it to you but if you think that this administration is slowing or stopping terrorism you are totally wrong It has gotten worse because of this administration.

    Well I'd like to address a few points you made. The US knew Saddam had the intent to arm his regime with weapons of mass destruction because he hid the activities until the last day of his regime. Also, Saddam had a record of using weapons of mass destruction against his enemies and against innocent Iraqi citizens. Before we got Saddam out of power he was working on a missile weapon program in which missiles would have a range of 1000 kilometers.

    Iraq was also in negotiations with North Korea to obtain more advanced missile technology. Saddam was doing everything in his power to develope a more powerful army and to obtain WMD in any way he could. He was trying to buy spent radio active fuel rods from Iran. And was working on the technology to reuse the fuel rods. Now put these facts together what do they point to?

    Saddam wanted to make more powerful WMD, or worse yet nuclear weapons. On top of all that, Iraq was a haven and training ground for terrorist groups. I think Bush was looking at the intelligence information that he was presented with and made the decision to take Saddam out of power based upon that information. I believe Bush was acting on the best interest of the United States.

    Now that I have read your response and tried to be objective and putting our obvious political differences aside, I'd like to ask you, did we make the right choice by removing Saddam from power? And if not what would you have done differently?


    Last edited by CarbonCopy; 03-21-2004 at 02:07 PM.

  12. #12
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    You'd think this would scare and/or concern enough people to warrant just a tad more news coverage, don't ya think?
    Yeah, but as a guy who works on computer networks for a living (CCIE), wiretapping computer connections is really not all that hard. Now, if you use some kind of encryption, that certainly puts up the roadblocks for the cops to get thru. It is widely believed that NSA can crack 128 bit DES encryption fairly quickly using brute computing power. It's rumored to be the reason why AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is now the algorythm of choice for government work.

    Anyway, if someone really wants to see what you are doing, it's not technically that hard. It's the fact that the feds can do it easier and easier (not requiring a judge to sign off... Thanks PATRIOT Act!) that scares me.

  13. #13
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    On one side you see the good of them wanting to watch suspected terroists. But then on the other side you see the ****ed DEA backing it, too. I'm sure they're just tickled by the idea that they would have the ability to watch even us talking about AS. What the hell does the DEA have to do with terrorists?


  14. #14
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    thats dumb

  15. #15
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    It's all under the guise of "Terrorism".

    Can you not ****ing see that they are taking away rights and privacy little at a time.

    A smart person knows not to take to much at a time, even dumbass Americans would complain, but if you do it little by little then little is noticed, its the American way.

    Thank you Patriot Act, god**** bunch of bull**** if you ask me.

    Next scapegoat will be "Its for our childrens safety".

    Right now it is "To protect against terrorism".

    Bush is a ****tard that has stirred up a hornets nest, terrorism has increased 100% since that SOB took office.

  16. #16
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    I don't know that the people are dumb (which we all know they large groups for sure) but that it's not being printed or reported in the news as much. Even if it was I doubt many people would be upset about it....goes to show that freedom is nothing more than a word in the good ole U S of A.

    Big Brother is watching.........Orson will be proved right.

  17. #17
    co2boi's Avatar
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    **** it, I'm moving to Amsterdam...

  18. #18
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    The funny thing is that you want to Blame it on the President. I don't care who's the President they can't singlehandedly push through laws and amendments. It takes the House and the Senate and BOTH parties to accomplish this task. Let's just quit saying "my dad can kick your dads ass" type stuff. Comparing one to the other is like comparing two oranges for lack of a better comparison. They may be the different on the outside but the same on the inside. They are different breed of the same animal, selfish, self serving, greedy and narcissostic. NO one and I mean NO ONE can survive in politics for more than 1 term without being corrupted. Our system is a puss filled sac of ****. In time it will collapse on itself but it will be long after we are gone.

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