thanks guys, i ran the tren last cycle in acetate and loved it, but after 4 weeks my nips got a little puffy so i stopped using it and ran B6. everything was good, and i have bromo just in case but i was thinking ill just run this cycle like it is, and then in the spring run a cutter with tren at the end. almost the same thing, but no Dbol and tren Acetate the last 4 weeks. last winter i ran just tren and EQ and gained about 20 lbs and kept about 15 of it. my body just hates test but this time im gonna try running it again and see what happens. also i dont want the doses to get to crazy high, im just a little guy. so i dont see a need for a G of test a week yet lol.

as for diet it will be somewhere in 3500 - 4000 cals and about 300 grams of protein a day. mostly chicken and steak. im italian so i eat good but i dont get fat so im very lucky