I am on week 12 of a prop/ fina cycle which looked like this

Weeks 1-8; 150mg prop ED & 75mg of fina ED
Weeks 9-10; 100mg prop ED
Weeks 11 till present; Tapering down prop to now at 75mg ED

Originally i was going to come off due to football testing but for circumstances i wont go into i am now off the roster until spring so i dont want to come off until Jan1 and then i want to stay off for a while. (i learned my lesson on why not to stay on during the season we will just say that!)

so i want to change up my compounds and try some stuff i have not tried before, since i have run prop and tren in my last two cycles. I want to incorporate some more anabolics and some test blends, maybe also give some winny a go as well. I will be running slin 5IU Post workout two weeks on/ two weeks off throughout. I need to end Jan 1 and be clean by May 1; so my compounds all need to have no more than a 3month detection time leaving me with these as options;

Test anything

How should i do this, i was thinking running my 50mg of prop ED for the next 2 weeks until i have enough flow to get this going...

Weeks 1-10; Omnadren or Sust @ 750mg a week
Weeks 1-8; Equipose @ 400mg a week
Weeks 1-2 & weeks 10-12; Prop @ 50MG ED
Weeks 6-12; Winny @ 50mg ED
Weeks 3,4,7,8,PCT; 5-10IU Post Workout
Clen ; 100mcg 2on2off during PCT
HCG ; weeks 1-12 @ 250IU every Sat/Sun and then HCG with PCT
Trib; 2g throughout
Nolvadex ; 10mg ED all the way through

Any suggestions