Hey guys. For the first 3 or 4 weeks of my Deca /Test Prop cycle, I was injecting only into the quads and glutes. The prop hurt when I injected it alone, but then I started doing it with the deca all the time and the pain went away. I do EOD injections, in case you were wondering.

Recently (weeks 4, 5, and part of 6), I have been injecting into my pecs and biceps. The pecs feel wonderful- painless like with the quads and glutes. But the biceps kill! I can't move my arm without pain for like two days, so I am trying to limit those injections to 1x per week. I love how tight they look when they are sore though...

Annnnnyway, here's my question: does working the biceps while they hurt really bad have any negative effects? I think its just mental, but I seem to lift more when I lift on "pain days", like an additional 10-15 lbs on whatever I was doing before.

On a side note, god I love aas! I'm on a low dose cycle, and the gains are wonderful. I know my next cycle sure won't be a low doser!