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  1. #1
    R-A-M-P-A-G-E is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005

    Sust250, Anabol, and PCT questions

    Hey guys, I'm about to start a ten week cycle of sustanon250 (500mg a wk), but I also have 30 5mg Abol pills from british dispensary. I was told to take 2 anabol pills a day for 2 wks at the start of my cycle, but I was thinking about taking 1 a day for 4 wks.

    I read that to be effective however you need to take 15-40mg a day for the abol, so is there any recommendation as to how I can most effectively use these 30 pills? Should I just take 2 a day for 2 wks at the start?

    I also bought some 6oxo to take during my cycle, but I read that 6oxo is a good PCT. Is it comparable to clomid and hcg ? Here is what my cycle will basicaly look like.

    10 x sustanon250 (500mg wk)
    2 x anabol (70mg a wk for 2 wks)
    NO2 (1st 8 wks)
    6OXO, ZMA & Creatine (2nd 8 wks)

    And from start to finish of this madness, glutamine, a multi-vitamin and large quantites of protien.

  2. #2
    diesel85's Avatar
    diesel85 is offline Junior Member
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    if this isn't your first Ro-dayo, and youve got some extra fundage, i'd hold on to the anabol, get some anaDROL , and some deca , and run that instead (drol at the beginning, first 4 weeks)...but that's just from my exp. Drol with Sust and Deca was my best gainer ever...IMO (taking the dbol like that would just be wastin' em)

  3. #3
    R-A-M-P-A-G-E is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    R-A-M-P-A-G-E is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005
    bump for some more advice/opinions

  5. #5
    j martini is offline Member
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    Feb 2005
    You only have enough sus for 5 weeks, You need to run sus for a minimum of 10 to get the best results.
    You need more gear

  6. #6
    devil1's Avatar
    devil1 is offline Jacked Jarhead
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    bumb, i'd like to hear some more comments on this cycle

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