Hey guys, I'm about to start a ten week cycle of sustanon250 (500mg a wk), but I also have 30 5mg Abol pills from british dispensary. I was told to take 2 anabol pills a day for 2 wks at the start of my cycle, but I was thinking about taking 1 a day for 4 wks.

I read that to be effective however you need to take 15-40mg a day for the abol, so is there any recommendation as to how I can most effectively use these 30 pills? Should I just take 2 a day for 2 wks at the start?

I also bought some 6oxo to take during my cycle, but I read that 6oxo is a good PCT. Is it comparable to clomid and hcg ? Here is what my cycle will basicaly look like.

10 x sustanon250 (500mg wk)
2 x anabol (70mg a wk for 2 wks)
NO2 (1st 8 wks)
6OXO, ZMA & Creatine (2nd 8 wks)

And from start to finish of this madness, glutamine, a multi-vitamin and large quantites of protien.