A 5 week cycle? He should done some bulking way before this if he has a comp "nov. 2 week". Is that the 2nd week of Nov. or the week of Nov. 2nd? Like partyboy said the deca is gonna take 3-4 weeks for him to see results. I'd say throw in some d-bol but, with the comp so close maybe he should use some test prop. Since he can't get any of this I'd order some tren (everybody can get tren) and stack it with some test. This will help him gain lean muscle. That's just my opinion. But if he doesn't know what doses or what precautions to take, I'd say skip on the Juice.

He need's to put some time into research. Maybe he should just go natural for the comp and look into some gear after. Your friend needs to be safe with his body.